BTstack Port for Zephyr RTOS


This port targets any platform supported by Zephyr that either contains a built-in Bluetooth Controller or is connected to an external Controller via one of the supported Zephyr HCI Transports drivers (see zephyr/drivers/bluetooth/hci)


Tested with nRF52 DK (PCA10040), nRF52840 DK (PC10056) and nRF5340 DK (PCA10095) boards only. It uses the fixed static random BD ADDR stored in NRF_FICR/NRF_FICR_S, which will not compile on non nRF SoCs.

Build Environment

The first step needs to done once. Step two is needed every time to setup the environment.

1. Build Environment Preconditions

Follow the getting started guide until you are able to build an example.

Then update the ZEPHYR_ROOT variable in to point to your zephyrproject. Defaults to ~/zephyrproject

2. Prepare the build environment

To setup your environment to build a BTstack example, run the provided setup in


Building and Running on nRF52840

1. Build Example

You can build an example using:

west build -b nrf52840dk/nrf52840

nrf52840dk/nrf52840 selected the Nordic nRF52840 DK. For the older nRF52 DK with nRF52832, you can specify nrf52dk/nrf52832. To get a list of all supported Zephyr targets, run west boards

To change zephyr platform settings use:

west build -b nrf52840dk/nrf52840 -t menuconfig

To build a different example, e.g. the gatt_streamer_server, set the EXAMPLE environment variable:

EXAMPLE=gatt_streamer_server west build -b nrf52840dk/nrf52840

2. Flash Example

To flash a connected board:

west flash

Buiding and Running on nRF5340

The nrf5340 is a dual core SoC, where one core is used for Bluetooth HCI functionality and the other for the high level application logic. So both cores need to be programmed separately. Using the nRF5340-DK for example allows debug output on both cores to separate UART ports. For the nRF5340 a network core firmware is required, which one depends on the use-case. With 2. an options is given.

1. Building the application

build using:

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp

with debug:

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpuapp -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=debug_overlay.conf

2. Using zephyr network core image

the hci_rgmsg application needs to be loaded first to the network core. Configure network core by selecting the appropriate config file, for example nrf5340_cpunet_iso-bt_ll_sw_split.conf. additionally it's required to increase the main stack size from




then the network core image can be compiled and flashed

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpunet -- -DCONF_FILE=nrf5340_cpunet_iso-bt_ll_sw_split.conf
west flash

or with debugging

west build -b nrf5340dk/nrf5340/cpunet -- -DCONF_FILE=nrf5340_cpunet_iso-bt_ll_sw_split.conf -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=debug_overlay.conf
west flash


  • Allow/document use of Zephyr HCI Drivers