/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ /* * avrcp.h * * Audio/Video Remote Control Profile * */ #ifndef __AVRCP_H #define __AVRCP_H #include #if defined __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define BT_SIG_COMPANY_ID 0x001958 /* API_START */ typedef enum { AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_TITLE = 1, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_ARTIST, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_ALBUM, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_TOTAL_TRACKS, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_GENRE, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_SONG_LENGTH } avrcp_media_attribute_id_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_PDU_ID_GET_CAPABILITIES = 0x10, AVRCP_PDU_ID_GET_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTES = 0x20, AVRCP_PDU_ID_GET_PLAY_STATUS = 0x30, AVRCP_PDU_ID_REGISTER_NOTIFICATION = 0x31 } avrcp_pdu_id_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED = 0x01, // Change in playback status of the current track. AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TRACK_CHANGED = 0x02, // Change of current track AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TRACK_REACHED_END = 0x03, // Reached end of a track AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TRACK_REACHED_START = 0x04, // Reached start of a track AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_PLAYBACK_POS_CHANGED = 0x05, // Change in playback position. Returned after the specified playback notification change notification interval AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_BATT_STATUS_CHANGED = 0x06, // Change in battery status AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_SYSTEM_STATUS_CHANGED = 0x07, // Change in system status AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_PLAYER_APPLICATION_SETTING_CHANGED = 0x08, // Change in player application setting AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_NOW_PLAYING_CONTENT_CHANGED = 0x09, // The content of the Now Playing list has changed, see 6.9.5. AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_AVAILABLE_PLAYERS_CHANGED = 0x0a, // The available players have changed, see 6.9.4. AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_ADDRESSED_PLAYER_CHANGED = 0x0b, // The Addressed Player has been changed, see 6.9.2. AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_UIDS_CHANGED = 0x0c, // The UIDs have changed, see AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED = 0x0d // The volume has been changed locally on the TG, see 6.13.3. } avrcp_notification_event_id_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_CTYPE_CONTROL = 0, AVRCP_CTYPE_STATUS, AVRCP_CTYPE_SPECIFIC_INQUIRY, AVRCP_CTYPE_NOTIFY, AVRCP_CTYPE_GENERAL_INQUIRY, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESERVED5, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESERVED6, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESERVED7, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 8, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_ACCEPTED, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_REJECTED, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_IN_TRANSITION, // target state is in transition. A subsequent STATUS command, may result in the return of a STABLE status AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_IMPLEMENTED_STABLE, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_CHANGED_STABLE, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_RESERVED, AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_INTERIM // target is unable to respond with either ACCEPTED or REJECTED within 100 millisecond } avrcp_command_type_t; // control command response: accepted, rejected, interim // status command response: not implemented, rejected, in transiiton, stable // notify command response: not implemented, rejected, changed typedef enum { AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_MONITOR = 0, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_AUDIO = 1, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_PRINTER, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_DISC, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_TAPE_RECORDER_PLAYER, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_TUNER, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_CA, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_CAMERA, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_RESERVED, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_PANEL = 9, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_BULLETIN_BOARD, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_CAMERA_STORAGE, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_VENDOR_UNIQUE = 0x1C, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_RESERVED_FOR_ALL_SUBUNIT_TYPES, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_EXTENDED_TO_NEXT_BYTE, // The unit_type field may take value 1E16, which means that the field is extended to the following byte. In that case, an additional byte for extended_unit_type will be added immediately following operand[1]. // Further extension is possible when the value of extended_unit_type is FF16, in which case another byte will be added. AVRCP_SUBUNIT_TYPE_UNIT = 0x1F } avrcp_subunit_type_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_SUBUNIT_ID = 0, AVRCP_SUBUNIT_ID_IGNORE = 7 } avrcp_subunit_id_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_VENDOR_DEPENDENT = 0x00, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_RESERVE = 0x01, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_UNIT_INFO = 0x30, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_SUBUNIT_INFO = 0x31, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_PASS_THROUGH = 0x7C, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_VERSION = 0xB0, AVRCP_CMD_OPCODE_POWER = 0xB2 } avrcp_command_opcode_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_PLAY = 0x44, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_STOP = 0x45, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_PAUSE = 0x46, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_REWIND = 0x48, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_FAST_FORWARD = 0x49, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_FORWARD = 0x4B, AVRCP_OPERATION_ID_BACKWARD = 0x4C } avrcp_operation_id_t; typedef enum { AVCTP_CONNECTION_IDLE, AVCTP_CONNECTION_W4_L2CAP_CONNECTED, AVCTP_CONNECTION_OPENED, AVCTP_W2_SEND_PRESS_COMMAND, AVCTP_W2_SEND_RELEASE_COMMAND, AVCTP_W4_STOP, AVCTP_W2_SEND_COMMAND, AVCTP_W2_RECEIVE_PRESS_RESPONSE, AVCTP_W2_RECEIVE_RESPONSE, AVCTP_CONNECTION_W4_L2CAP_DISCONNECTED } avctp_connection_state_t; typedef struct { btstack_linked_item_t item; bd_addr_t remote_addr; hci_con_handle_t con_handle; uint16_t l2cap_signaling_cid; avctp_connection_state_t state; uint8_t wait_to_send; // command uint8_t transaction_label; avrcp_command_opcode_t cmd_to_send; avrcp_command_type_t command_type; avrcp_subunit_type_t subunit_type; avrcp_subunit_id_t subunit_id; uint8_t cmd_operands[20]; uint8_t cmd_operands_lenght; btstack_timer_source_t press_and_hold_cmd_timer; } avrcp_connection_t; typedef enum { AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_STOPPED = 0x00, AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_PLAYING, AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_PAUSED, AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_FWD_SEEK, AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_REV_SEEK, AVRCP_PLAY_STATUS_ERROR = 0xFF } avrcp_play_status_t; /** * @brief AVDTP Sink service record. * @param service * @param service_record_handle * @param browsing 1 - supported, 0 - not supported * @param supported_features 16-bit bitmap, see AVDTP_SINK_SF_* values in avdtp.h * @param service_name * @param service_provider_name */ void avrcp_controller_create_sdp_record(uint8_t * service, uint32_t service_record_handle, uint8_t browsing, uint16_t supported_features, const char * service_name, const char * service_provider_name); /** * @brief AVDTP Sink service record. * @param service * @param service_record_handle * @param browsing 1 - supported, 0 - not supported * @param supported_features 16-bit bitmap, see AVDTP_SINK_SF_* values in avdtp.h * @param service_name * @param service_provider_name */ void avrcp_target_create_sdp_record(uint8_t * service, uint32_t service_record_handle, uint8_t browsing, uint16_t supported_features, const char * service_name, const char * service_provider_name); /** * @brief Set up AVDTP Sink device. */ void avrcp_init(void); /** * @brief Register callback for the AVDTP Sink client. * @param callback */ void avrcp_register_packet_handler(btstack_packet_handler_t callback); /** * @brief Connect to device with a bluetooth address. * @param bd_addr */ void avrcp_connect(bd_addr_t bd_addr); /** * @brief Unit info. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_unit_info(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Get capabilities. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_get_capabilities(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Play. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_play(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Stop. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_stop(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Pause. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_pause(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Fast forward. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_start_fast_forward(uint16_t con_handle); void avrcp_stop_fast_forward(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Rewind. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_start_rewind(uint16_t con_handle); void avrcp_stop_rewind(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Forward. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_forward(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Backward. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_backward(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Get play status. Returns event of type AVRCP_SUBEVENT_PLAY_STATUS (length, position, play_status). * If TG does not support SongLength And SongPosition on TG, then TG shall return 0xFFFFFFFF. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_get_play_status(uint16_t con_handle); /** * @brief Register notification. * @param con_handle * @param event_id */ void avrcp_register_notification(uint16_t con_handle, avrcp_notification_event_id_t event_id, uint32_t playback_interval_in_seconds); /** * @brief Get info on now playing media. * @param con_handle */ void avrcp_get_now_playing_info(uint16_t con_handle); /* API_END */ #if defined __cplusplus } #endif #endif // __AVRCP_H