#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # BLE GATT configuration generator for use with BTstack # Copyright 2019 BlueKitchen GmbH # # Format of input file: # PRIMARY_SERVICE, SERVICE_UUID # CHARACTERISTIC, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UUID, [READ | WRITE | DYNAMIC], VALUE # dependencies: # - pip3 install pycryptodomex # alternatively, the pycryptodome package can be used instead # - pip3 install pycryptodome import codecs import csv import io import os import re import string import sys import argparse import tempfile have_crypto = True # try to import PyCryptodome independent from PyCrypto try: from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES from Cryptodome.Hash import CMAC except ImportError: # fallback: try to import PyCryptodome as (an almost drop-in) replacement for the PyCrypto library try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto.Hash import CMAC except ImportError: have_crypto = False print("\n[!] PyCryptodome required to calculate GATT Database Hash but not installed (using random value instead)") print("[!] Please install PyCryptodome, e.g. 'pip install pycryptodomex' or 'pip install pycryptodome'\n") header = ''' // {0} generated from {1} for BTstack // it needs to be regenerated when the .gatt file is updated. // To generate {0}: // {2} {1} {0} // att db format version 1 // binary attribute representation: // - size in bytes (16), flags(16), handle (16), uuid (16/128), value(...) #include const uint8_t profile_data[] = ''' print(''' BLE configuration generator for use with BTstack Copyright 2018 BlueKitchen GmbH ''') assigned_uuids = { 'GAP_SERVICE' : 0x1800, 'GATT_SERVICE' : 0x1801, 'GAP_DEVICE_NAME' : 0x2a00, 'GAP_APPEARANCE' : 0x2a01, 'GAP_PERIPHERAL_PRIVACY_FLAG' : 0x2A02, 'GAP_RECONNECTION_ADDRESS' : 0x2A03, 'GAP_PERIPHERAL_PREFERRED_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS' : 0x2A04, 'GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED' : 0x2a05, 'GATT_DATABASE_HASH' : 0x2b2a } security_permsission = ['ANYBODY','ENCRYPTED', 'AUTHENTICATED', 'AUTHORIZED', 'AUTHENTICATED_SC'] property_flags = { # GATT Characteristic Properties 'BROADCAST' : 0x01, 'READ' : 0x02, 'WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE' : 0x04, 'WRITE' : 0x08, 'NOTIFY': 0x10, 'INDICATE' : 0x20, 'AUTHENTICATED_SIGNED_WRITE' : 0x40, 'EXTENDED_PROPERTIES' : 0x80, # custom BTstack extension 'DYNAMIC': 0x100, 'LONG_UUID': 0x200, # read permissions 'READ_PERMISSION_BIT_0': 0x400, 'READ_PERMISSION_BIT_1': 0x800, # 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_7': 0x6000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_8': 0x7000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_9': 0x8000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_10': 0x9000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_11': 0xa000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_12': 0xb000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_13': 0xc000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_14': 0xd000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_15': 0xe000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_16': 0xf000, 'ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_MASK': 0xf000, # only used by gatt compiler >= 0xffff # Extended Properties 'RELIABLE_WRITE': 0x00010000, 'AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED': 0x00020000, 'AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED': 0x00040000, 'READ_ANYBODY': 0x00080000, 'READ_ENCRYPTED': 0x00100000, 'READ_AUTHENTICATED': 0x00200000, 'READ_AUTHENTICATED_SC': 0x00400000, 'READ_AUTHORIZED': 0x00800000, 'WRITE_ANYBODY': 0x01000000, 'WRITE_ENCRYPTED': 0x02000000, 'WRITE_AUTHENTICATED': 0x04000000, 'WRITE_AUTHENTICATED_SC': 0x08000000, 'WRITE_AUTHORIZED': 0x10000000, # Broadcast, Notify, Indicate, Extended Properties are only used to describe a GATT Characteristic, but are free to use with att_db # - write permissions 'WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_0': 0x01, 'WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_1': 0x10, # - SC required 'READ_PERMISSION_SC': 0x20, 'WRITE_PERMISSION_SC': 0x80, } services = dict() characteristic_indices = dict() presentation_formats = dict() current_service_uuid_string = "" current_service_start_handle = 0 current_characteristic_uuid_string = "" defines_for_characteristics = [] defines_for_services = [] include_paths = [] database_hash_message = bytearray() handle = 1 total_size = 0 def aes_cmac(key, n): if have_crypto: cobj = CMAC.new(key, ciphermod=AES) cobj.update(n) return cobj.digest() else: # return random value return os.urandom(16) def read_defines(infile): defines = dict() with open (infile, 'rt') as fin: for line in fin: parts = re.match('#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)',line) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 2: (key, value) = parts.groups() defines[key] = int(value, 16) return defines def keyForUUID(uuid): keyUUID = "" for i in uuid: keyUUID += "%02x" % i return keyUUID def c_string_for_uuid(uuid): return uuid.replace('-', '_') def twoByteLEFor(value): return [ (value & 0xff), (value >> 8)] def is_128bit_uuid(text): if re.match("[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}", text): return True return False def parseUUID128(uuid): parts = re.match("([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", uuid) uuid_bytes = [] for i in range(8, 0, -1): uuid_bytes = uuid_bytes + twoByteLEFor(int(parts.group(i),16)) return uuid_bytes def parseUUID(uuid): if uuid in assigned_uuids: return twoByteLEFor(assigned_uuids[uuid]) uuid_upper = uuid.upper().replace('.','_') if uuid_upper in bluetooth_gatt: return twoByteLEFor(bluetooth_gatt[uuid_upper]) if is_128bit_uuid(uuid): return parseUUID128(uuid) uuidInt = int(uuid, 16) return twoByteLEFor(uuidInt) def parseProperties(properties): value = 0 parts = properties.split("|") for property in parts: property = property.strip() if property in property_flags: value |= property_flags[property] else: print("WARNING: property %s undefined" % (property)) return value; def gatt_characteristic_properties(properties): return properties & 0xff def att_flags(properties): # drop Broadcast (0x01), Notify (0x10), Indicate (0x20), Extended Properties (0x80) - not used for flags properties &= 0xffffff4e # rw permissions distinct distinct_permissions_used = properties & ( property_flags['READ_AUTHORIZED'] | property_flags['READ_AUTHENTICATED_SC'] | property_flags['READ_AUTHENTICATED'] | property_flags['READ_ENCRYPTED'] | property_flags['READ_ANYBODY'] | property_flags['WRITE_AUTHORIZED'] | property_flags['WRITE_AUTHENTICATED'] | property_flags['WRITE_AUTHENTICATED_SC'] | property_flags['WRITE_ENCRYPTED'] | property_flags['WRITE_ANYBODY'] ) != 0 # post process properties encryption_key_size_specified = (properties & property_flags['ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_MASK']) != 0 # if distinct permissions not used and encyrption key size specified -> set READ/WRITE Encrypted if encryption_key_size_specified and not distinct_permissions_used: properties |= property_flags['READ_ENCRYPTED'] | property_flags['WRITE_ENCRYPTED'] # if distinct permissions not used and authentication is requires -> set READ/WRITE Authenticated if properties & property_flags['AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED'] and not distinct_permissions_used: properties |= property_flags['READ_AUTHENTICATED'] | property_flags['WRITE_AUTHENTICATED'] # if distinct permissions not used and authorized is requires -> set READ/WRITE Authorized if properties & property_flags['AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED'] and not distinct_permissions_used: properties |= property_flags['READ_AUTHORIZED'] | property_flags['WRITE_AUTHORIZED'] # determine read/write security requirements read_security_level = 0 write_security_level = 0 read_requires_sc = False write_requires_sc = False if properties & property_flags['READ_AUTHORIZED']: read_security_level = 3 elif properties & property_flags['READ_AUTHENTICATED']: read_security_level = 2 elif properties & property_flags['READ_AUTHENTICATED_SC']: read_security_level = 2 read_requires_sc = True elif properties & property_flags['READ_ENCRYPTED']: read_security_level = 1 if properties & property_flags['WRITE_AUTHORIZED']: write_security_level = 3 elif properties & property_flags['WRITE_AUTHENTICATED']: write_security_level = 2 elif properties & property_flags['WRITE_AUTHENTICATED_SC']: write_security_level = 2 write_requires_sc = True elif properties & property_flags['WRITE_ENCRYPTED']: write_security_level = 1 # map security requirements to flags if read_security_level & 2: properties |= property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_BIT_1'] if read_security_level & 1: properties |= property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_BIT_0'] if read_requires_sc: properties |= property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_SC'] if write_security_level & 2: properties |= property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_1'] if write_security_level & 1: properties |= property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_0'] if write_requires_sc: properties |= property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_SC'] return properties def write_permissions_and_key_size_flags_from_properties(properties): return att_flags(properties) & (property_flags['ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_MASK'] | property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_0'] | property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_1']) def write_8(fout, value): fout.write( "0x%02x, " % (value & 0xff)) def write_16(fout, value): fout.write('0x%02x, 0x%02x, ' % (value & 0xff, (value >> 8) & 0xff)) def write_uuid(fout, uuid): for byte in uuid: fout.write( "0x%02x, " % byte) def write_string(fout, text): for l in text.lstrip('"').rstrip('"'): write_8(fout, ord(l)) def write_sequence(fout, text): parts = text.split() for part in parts: fout.write("0x%s, " % (part.strip())) def write_database_hash(fout): fout.write("THE-DATABASE-HASH") def write_indent(fout): fout.write(" ") def read_permissions_from_flags(flags): permissions = 0 if flags & property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_BIT_0']: permissions |= 1 if flags & property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_BIT_1']: permissions |= 2 if flags & property_flags['READ_PERMISSION_SC'] and permissions == 2: permissions = 4 return permissions def write_permissions_from_flags(flags): permissions = 0 if flags & property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_0']: permissions |= 1 if flags & property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_BIT_1']: permissions |= 2 if flags & property_flags['WRITE_PERMISSION_SC'] and permissions == 2: permissions = 4 return permissions def encryption_key_size_from_flags(flags): encryption_key_size = (flags & 0xf000) >> 12 if encryption_key_size > 0: encryption_key_size += 1 return encryption_key_size def is_string(text): for item in text.split(" "): if not all(c in string.hexdigits for c in item): return True return False def add_client_characteristic_configuration(properties): return properties & (property_flags['NOTIFY'] | property_flags['INDICATE']) def serviceDefinitionComplete(fout): global services if current_service_uuid_string: fout.write("\n") # print("append service %s = [%d, %d]" % (current_characteristic_uuid_string, current_service_start_handle, handle-1)) defines_for_services.append('#define ATT_SERVICE_%s_START_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_service_uuid_string, current_service_start_handle)) defines_for_services.append('#define ATT_SERVICE_%s_END_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_service_uuid_string, handle-1)) services[current_service_uuid_string] = [current_service_start_handle, handle-1] def dump_flags(fout, flags): global security_permsission encryption_key_size = encryption_key_size_from_flags(flags) read_permissions = security_permsission[read_permissions_from_flags(flags)] write_permissions = security_permsission[write_permissions_from_flags(flags)] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// ') first = 1 if flags & property_flags['READ']: fout.write('READ_%s' % read_permissions) first = 0 if flags & (property_flags['WRITE'] | property_flags['WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE']): if not first: fout.write(', ') first = 0 fout.write('WRITE_%s' % write_permissions) if encryption_key_size > 0: if not first: fout.write(', ') first = 0 fout.write('ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE=%u' % encryption_key_size) fout.write('\n') def database_hash_append_uint8(value): global database_hash_message database_hash_message.append(value) def database_hash_append_uint16(value): global database_hash_message database_hash_append_uint8(value & 0xff) database_hash_append_uint8((value >> 8) & 0xff) def database_hash_append_value(value): global database_hash_message for byte in value: database_hash_append_uint8(byte) def parseService(fout, parts, service_type): global handle global total_size global current_service_uuid_string global current_service_start_handle serviceDefinitionComplete(fout) read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts))) uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + uuid_size + 2 if service_type == 0x2802: size += 4 write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, service_type) write_uuid(fout, uuid) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(service_type) database_hash_append_value(uuid) current_service_uuid_string = c_string_for_uuid(parts[1]) current_service_start_handle = handle handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size def parsePrimaryService(fout, parts): parseService(fout, parts, 0x2800) def parseSecondaryService(fout, parts): parseService(fout, parts, 0x2801) def parseIncludeService(fout, parts): global handle global total_size read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts))) uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) if uuid_size > 2: uuid_size = 0 # print("Include Service ", c_string_for_uuid(uuid)) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 + uuid_size keyUUID = c_string_for_uuid(parts[1]) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2802) write_16(fout, services[keyUUID][0]) write_16(fout, services[keyUUID][1]) if uuid_size > 0: write_uuid(fout, uuid) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2802) database_hash_append_uint16(services[keyUUID][0]) database_hash_append_uint16(services[keyUUID][1]) if uuid_size > 0: database_hash_append_value(uuid) handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size def parseCharacteristic(fout, parts): global handle global total_size global current_characteristic_uuid_string global characteristic_indices read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; # enumerate characteristics with same UUID, using optional name tag if available current_characteristic_uuid_string = c_string_for_uuid(parts[1]); index = 1 if current_characteristic_uuid_string in characteristic_indices: index = characteristic_indices[current_characteristic_uuid_string] + 1 characteristic_indices[current_characteristic_uuid_string] = index if len(parts) > 4: current_characteristic_uuid_string += '_' + parts[4].upper().replace(' ','_') else: current_characteristic_uuid_string += ('_%02x' % index) uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) properties = parseProperties(parts[2]) value = ', '.join([str(x) for x in parts[3:]]) # reliable writes is defined in an extended properties if (properties & property_flags['RELIABLE_WRITE']): properties = properties | property_flags['EXTENDED_PROPERTIES'] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[0:3]))) characteristic_properties = gatt_characteristic_properties(properties) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (1+2+uuid_size) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2803) write_8(fout, characteristic_properties) write_16(fout, handle+1) write_uuid(fout, uuid) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2803) database_hash_append_uint8(characteristic_properties) database_hash_append_uint16(handle+1) database_hash_append_value(uuid) uuid_is_database_hash = len(uuid) == 2 and uuid[0] == 0x2a and uuid[1] == 0x2b size = 2 + 2 + 2 + uuid_size if uuid_is_database_hash: size += 16 else: if is_string(value): size = size + len(value) else: size = size + len(value.split()) value_flags = att_flags(properties) # add UUID128 flag for value handle if uuid_size == 16: value_flags = value_flags | property_flags['LONG_UUID']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x VALUE-%s-'"'%s'"'\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:3]),value)) dump_flags(fout, value_flags) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, value_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_uuid(fout, uuid) if uuid_is_database_hash: write_database_hash(fout) else: if is_string(value): write_string(fout, value) else: write_sequence(fout,value) fout.write("\n") defines_for_characteristics.append('#define ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_%s_VALUE_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_characteristic_uuid_string, handle)) handle = handle + 1 if add_client_characteristic_configuration(properties): # use write permissions and encryption key size from attribute value and set READ_ANYBODY | READ | WRITE | DYNAMIC flags = write_permissions_and_key_size_flags_from_properties(properties) flags |= property_flags['READ'] flags |= property_flags['WRITE'] flags |= property_flags['WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE'] flags |= property_flags['DYNAMIC'] size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION\n' % (handle)) dump_flags(fout, flags) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2902) write_16(fout, 0) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2902) defines_for_characteristics.append('#define ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_%s_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_characteristic_uuid_string, handle)) handle = handle + 1 if properties & property_flags['RELIABLE_WRITE']: size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x CHARACTERISTIC_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES\n' % (handle)) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2900) write_16(fout, 1) # Reliable Write fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2900) database_hash_append_uint16(1) handle = handle + 1 def parseCharacteristicUserDescription(fout, parts): global handle global total_size global current_characteristic_uuid_string properties = parseProperties(parts[1]) value = parts[2] size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 if is_string(value): size = size + len(value) else: size = size + len(value.split()) # use write, write permissions and encryption key size from attribute value and set READ_ANYBODY flags = write_permissions_and_key_size_flags_from_properties(properties) flags |= properties & property_flags['WRITE'] flags |= property_flags['READ'] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x CHARACTERISTIC_USER_DESCRIPTION-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) dump_flags(fout, flags) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2901) if is_string(value): write_string(fout, value) else: write_sequence(fout,value) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2901) defines_for_characteristics.append('#define ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_%s_USER_DESCRIPTION_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_characteristic_uuid_string, handle)) handle = handle + 1 def parseServerCharacteristicConfiguration(fout, parts): global handle global total_size global current_characteristic_uuid_string properties = parseProperties(parts[1]) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 # use write permissions and encryption key size from attribute value and set READ, WRITE, DYNAMIC, READ_ANYBODY flags = write_permissions_and_key_size_flags_from_properties(properties) flags |= property_flags['READ'] flags |= property_flags['WRITE'] flags |= property_flags['DYNAMIC'] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x SERVER_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) dump_flags(fout, flags) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2903) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2903) defines_for_characteristics.append('#define ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_%s_SERVER_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE 0x%04x' % (current_characteristic_uuid_string, handle)) handle = handle + 1 def parseCharacteristicFormat(fout, parts): global handle global total_size read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; identifier = parts[1] presentation_formats[identifier] = handle # print("format '%s' with handle %d\n" % (identifier, handle)) format = parts[2] exponent = parts[3] unit = parseUUID(parts[4]) name_space = parts[5] description = parseUUID(parts[6]) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 7 write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x CHARACTERISTIC_FORMAT-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2904) write_sequence(fout, format) write_sequence(fout, exponent) write_uuid(fout, unit) write_sequence(fout, name_space) write_uuid(fout, description) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2904) handle = handle + 1 def parseCharacteristicAggregateFormat(fout, parts): global handle global total_size read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (len(parts)-1) * 2 write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x CHARACTERISTIC_AGGREGATE_FORMAT-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2905) for identifier in parts[1:]: format_handle = presentation_formats[identifier] if format == 0: print("ERROR: identifier '%s' in CHARACTERISTIC_AGGREGATE_FORMAT undefined" % identifier) sys.exit(1) write_16(fout, format_handle) fout.write("\n") database_hash_append_uint16(handle) database_hash_append_uint16(0x2905) handle = handle + 1 def parseReportReference(fout, parts): global handle global total_size read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 report_id = parts[2] report_type = parts[3] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x REPORT_REFERENCE-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2908) write_sequence(fout, report_id) write_sequence(fout, report_type) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 def parseNumberOfDigitals(fout, parts): global handle global total_size read_only_anybody_flags = property_flags['READ']; size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 no_of_digitals = parts[1] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x NUMBER_OF_DIGITALS-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:]))) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, read_only_anybody_flags) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2909) write_sequence(fout, no_of_digitals) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 def parseLines(fname_in, fin, fout): global handle global total_size line_count = 0; for line in fin: line = line.strip("\n\r ") line_count += 1 if line.startswith("//"): fout.write(" //" + line.lstrip('/') + '\n') continue if line.startswith("#import"): imported_file = '' parts = re.match('#import\s+<(.*)>\w*',line) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1: imported_file = parts.groups()[0] parts = re.match('#import\s+"(.*)"\w*',line) if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1: imported_file = parts.groups()[0] if len(imported_file) == 0: print('ERROR: #import in file %s - line %u neither nor "name.gatt" form', (fname_in, line_count)) continue imported_file = getFile( imported_file ) print("Importing %s" % imported_file) try: imported_fin = codecs.open (imported_file, encoding='utf-8') fout.write(' // ' + line + ' -- BEGIN\n') parseLines(imported_file, imported_fin, fout) fout.write(' // ' + line + ' -- END\n') except IOError as e: print('ERROR: Import failed. Please check path.') continue if line.startswith("#TODO"): print ("WARNING: #TODO in file %s - line %u not handled, skipping declaration:" % (fname_in, line_count)) print ("'%s'" % line) fout.write("// " + line + '\n') continue if len(line) == 0: continue f = io.StringIO(line) parts_list = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"') for parts in parts_list: for index, object in enumerate(parts): parts[index] = object.strip().lstrip('"').rstrip('"') if parts[0] == 'PRIMARY_SERVICE': parsePrimaryService(fout, parts) continue if parts[0] == 'SECONDARY_SERVICE': parseSecondaryService(fout, parts) continue if parts[0] == 'INCLUDE_SERVICE': parseIncludeService(fout, parts) continue # 2803 if parts[0] == 'CHARACTERISTIC': parseCharacteristic(fout, parts) continue # 2900 Characteristic Extended Properties # 2901 if parts[0] == 'CHARACTERISTIC_USER_DESCRIPTION': parseCharacteristicUserDescription(fout, parts) continue # 2902 Client Characteristic Configuration - automatically included in Characteristic if # notification / indication is supported if parts[0] == 'CLIENT_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION': continue # 2903 if parts[0] == 'SERVER_CHARACTERISTIC_CONFIGURATION': parseServerCharacteristicConfiguration(fout, parts) continue # 2904 if parts[0] == 'CHARACTERISTIC_FORMAT': parseCharacteristicFormat(fout, parts) continue # 2905 if parts[0] == 'CHARACTERISTIC_AGGREGATE_FORMAT': parseCharacteristicAggregateFormat(fout, parts) continue # 2906 if parts[0] == 'VALID_RANGE': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 2907 if parts[0] == 'EXTERNAL_REPORT_REFERENCE': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 2908 if parts[0] == 'REPORT_REFERENCE': parseReportReference(fout, parts) continue # 2909 if parts[0] == 'NUMBER_OF_DIGITALS': parseNumberOfDigitals(fout, parts) continue # 290A if parts[0] == 'VALUE_TRIGGER_SETTING': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 290B if parts[0] == 'ENVIRONMENTAL_SENSING_CONFIGURATION': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 290C if parts[0] == 'ENVIRONMENTAL_SENSING_MEASUREMENT': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 290D if parts[0] == 'ENVIRONMENTAL_SENSING_TRIGGER_SETTING': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue # 2906 if parts[0] == 'VALID_RANGE': print("WARNING: %s not implemented yet\n" % (parts[0])) continue print("WARNING: unknown token: %s\n" % (parts[0])) def parse(fname_in, fin, fname_out, tool_path, fout): global handle global total_size fout.write(header.format(fname_out, fname_in, tool_path)) fout.write('{\n') write_indent(fout) fout.write('// ATT DB Version\n') write_indent(fout) fout.write('1,\n') fout.write("\n") parseLines(fname_in, fin, fout) serviceDefinitionComplete(fout) write_indent(fout) fout.write("// END\n"); write_indent(fout) write_16(fout,0) fout.write("\n") total_size = total_size + 2 fout.write("}; // total size %u bytes \n" % total_size); def listHandles(fout): fout.write('\n\n') fout.write('//\n') fout.write('// list service handle ranges\n') fout.write('//\n') for define in defines_for_services: fout.write(define) fout.write('\n') fout.write('\n') fout.write('//\n') fout.write('// list mapping between characteristics and handles\n') fout.write('//\n') for define in defines_for_characteristics: fout.write(define) fout.write('\n') def getFile( fileName ): for d in include_paths: fullFile = os.path.normpath(d + os.sep + fileName) # because Windows exists # print("test %s" % fullFile) if os.path.isfile( fullFile ) == True: return fullFile print ("'{0}' not found".format( fileName )) print ("Include paths: %s" % ", ".join(include_paths)) exit(-1) btstack_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/..') default_includes = [os.path.normpath(path) for path in [ btstack_root + '/src/', btstack_root + '/src/ble/gatt-service/']] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='BLE GATT configuration generator for use with BTstack') parser.add_argument('-I', action='append', nargs=1, metavar='includes', help='include search path for .gatt service files and bluetooth_gatt.h (default: %s)' % ", ".join(default_includes)) parser.add_argument('gattfile', metavar='gattfile', type=str, help='gatt file to be compiled') parser.add_argument('hfile', metavar='hfile', type=str, help='header file to be generated') args = parser.parse_args() # add include path arguments if args.I != None: for d in args.I: include_paths.append(os.path.normpath(d[0])) # append default include paths include_paths.extend(default_includes) try: # read defines from bluetooth_gatt.h gen_path = getFile( 'bluetooth_gatt.h' ) bluetooth_gatt = read_defines(gen_path) filename = args.hfile fin = codecs.open (args.gattfile, encoding='utf-8') # pass 1: create temp .h file ftemp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+t') parse(args.gattfile, fin, filename, sys.argv[0], ftemp) listHandles(ftemp) # calc GATT Database Hash db_hash = aes_cmac(bytearray(16), database_hash_message) if isinstance(db_hash, str): # python2 db_hash_sequence = [('0x%02x' % ord(i)) for i in db_hash] elif isinstance(db_hash, bytes): # python3 db_hash_sequence = [('0x%02x' % i) for i in db_hash] else: print("AES CMAC returns unexpected type %s, abort" % type(db_hash)) sys.exit(1) # reverse hash to get little endian db_hash_sequence.reverse() db_hash_string = ', '.join(db_hash_sequence) + ', ' # pass 2: insert GATT Database Hash fout = open (filename, 'w') ftemp.seek(0) for line in ftemp: fout.write(line.replace('THE-DATABASE-HASH', db_hash_string)) fout.close() ftemp.close() print('Created %s' % filename) except IOError as e: print(usage) sys.exit(1) print('Compilation successful!\n')