#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import sys, getopt # Defines the names of example groups. Preserves the order in which the example groups will be parsed. list_of_groups = ["Hello World", "GAP", "SDP Queries", "SPP Server", "BNEP/PAN", "Low Energy", "Dual Mode"] # Defines which examples belong to a group. Example is defined as [example file, example title]. list_of_examples = { "Hello World" : [["led_counter"]], "GAP" : [["gap_inquiry"]], "SDP Queries" :[["sdp_general_query"], ["sdp_bnep_query"] ], "SPP Server" : [["spp_counter"], ["spp_flowcontrol"]], "BNEP/PAN" : [["panu_demo"]], "Low Energy" : [["gatt_browser"], ["le_counter"]], "Dual Mode" : [["spp_and_le_counter"]], } lst_header = """ \\begin{lstlisting} """ lst_ending = """ \end{lstlisting} """ document_begin = """ \documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{letterpaper} %\geometry{landscape} %\usepackage[parfill]{parskip} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{hyperref} \\begin{document} """ document_end = """ \end{document} """ examples_header = """ % !TEX root = btstack_gettingstarted.tex """ example_item = """ \item \emph{EXAMPLE_TITLE}: EXAMPLE_DESC, in Section \\ref{example:EXAMPLE_LABLE}. """ example_section = """ \subsection{EXAMPLE_TITLE: EXAMPLE_DESC} \label{example:EXAMPLE_LABLE} """ example_subsection = """ \subsubsection{SECTION_TITLE} """ listing_start = """ $ $ \\begin{lstlisting}[caption= LISTING_CAPTION., label=listing:FILE_NAME:LISTING_LABLE] """ listing_ending = """\end{lstlisting} """ def replacePlaceholder(template, title, lable): snippet = template.replace("API_TITLE", title).replace("API_LABLE", lable) return snippet def latexText(text, ref_prefix): if not text: return "" brief = text.replace(" in the BTstack manual","") paths_orig = re.findall(r'(\\path{.*})', brief) brief = brief.replace("_","\_") paths_new = re.findall(r'(\\path{.*})', brief) for i in range(len(paths_orig)): brief = brief.replace(paths_new[i], paths_orig[i]) refs = re.match('.*Listing\s+(\w+).*',brief) if refs: brief = brief.replace(refs.group(1), "\\ref{listing:"+ref_prefix+":" + refs.group(1)+"}") refs = re.match('.*(Section\s)(\w+).*',brief) if refs: brief = brief.replace(refs.group(2), "\\ref{section:"+refs.group(2)+"}") return brief def isEmptyCommentLine(line): return re.match('(\s*\*\s*)\n',line) def isCommentLine(line): return re.match('(\s*\*\s*).*',line) def isEndOfComment(line): return re.match('\s*\*/.*', line) def isNewItem(line): return re.match('(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)',line) def isTextTag(line): return re.match('.*(@text).*', line) def isItemizeTag(line): return re.match("(\s+\*\s+)(-\s)(.*)", line) def processTextLine(line, ref_prefix): if isTextTag(line): text_line_parts = re.match(".*(@text)(.*)", line) return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix) if isItemizeTag(line): text_line_parts = re.match("(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)", line) return "\n \item " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix) text_line_parts = re.match("(\s+\*\s+)(.*)", line) if text_line_parts: return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix) return "" def getExampleTitle(example_path): example_title = '' with open(example_path, 'rb') as fin: for line in fin: parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line) if parts: example_title = parts.group(3).replace("_","\_") continue return example_title class State: SearchExampleStart = 0 SearchListingStart = 1 SearchListingPause = 2 SearchListingResume = 3 SearchListingEnd = 4 SearchItemizeEnd = 5 ReachedExampleEnd = 6 text_block = '' itemize_block = '' def writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted): global text_block if text_block and not lstStarted: aout.write(text_block) text_block = '' def writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted): global itemize_block if itemize_block and not lstStarted: aout.write(itemize_block + "\n\end{itemize}\n") itemize_block = '' def writeListings(aout, infile_name, ref_prefix): global text_block, itemize_block itemText = None state = State.SearchExampleStart code_in_listing = "" skip_code = 0 with open(infile_name, 'rb') as fin: for line in fin: if state == State.SearchExampleStart: parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line) if parts: lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","") title = latexText(parts.group(2), ref_prefix) desc = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix) aout.write(example_section.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABLE", lable)) state = State.SearchListingStart continue # detect @section section_parts = re.match('.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line) if section_parts: aout.write("\n" + example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2))) continue # detect @subsection subsection_parts = re.match('.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line) if section_parts: subsubsection = example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2)).replace('section', 'subsection') aout.write("\n" + subsubsection) continue if isTextTag(line): text_block = text_block + "\n\n" + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix) continue skip_code = 0 lstStarted = state != State.SearchListingStart if text_block or itemize_block: if isEndOfComment(line) or isEmptyCommentLine(line): skip_code = 1 if itemize_block: # finish itemize writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted) else: if isEmptyCommentLine(line): text_block = text_block + "\n\n" else: writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted) else: if isNewItem(line) and not itemize_block: skip_code = 1 # finish text, start itemize writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted) itemize_block = "\n \\begin{itemize}" + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix) continue if itemize_block: skip_code = 1 itemize_block = itemize_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix) elif isCommentLine(line): # append text skip_code = 1 text_block = text_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix) else: skip_code = 0 #continue if state == State.SearchListingStart: parts = re.match('.*(LISTING_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\s+\*/).*',line) if parts: lst_lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","") lst_caption = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix) listing = listing_start.replace("LISTING_CAPTION", lst_caption).replace("FILE_NAME", ref_prefix).replace("LISTING_LABLE", lst_lable) if listing: aout.write("\n" + listing) state = State.SearchListingEnd continue if state == State.SearchListingEnd: parts_end = re.match('.*(LISTING_END).*',line) parts_pause = re.match('.*(LISTING_PAUSE).*',line) end_comment_parts = re.match('.*(\*/)\s*\n', line); if parts_end: aout.write(code_in_listing) code_in_listing = "" aout.write(listing_ending) state = State.SearchListingStart writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0) writeTextBlock(aout, 0) elif parts_pause: code_in_listing = code_in_listing + "...\n" state = State.SearchListingResume elif not end_comment_parts: # aout.write(line) if not skip_code: code_in_listing = code_in_listing + line.replace(" ", " ") continue if state == State.SearchListingResume: parts = re.match('.*(LISTING_RESUME).*',line) if parts: state = State.SearchListingEnd continue parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_END).*',line) if parts: if state != State.SearchListingStart: print "Formating error detected" writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0) writeTextBlock(aout, 0) state = State.ReachedExampleEnd print "Reached end of the example" # write list of examples def processExamples(examples_folder, standalone, examples_ofile): with open(examples_ofile, 'w') as aout: for group_title in list_of_groups: if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue examples = list_of_examples[group_title] for example in examples: example_path = examples_folder + example[0] + ".c" example_title = getExampleTitle(example_path) example.append(example_title) if standalone: aout.write(document_begin) aout.write(examples_header) aout.write("\n \\begin{itemize}\n"); for group_title in list_of_groups: if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue examples = list_of_examples[group_title] group_title = group_title + " example" if len(examples) > 1: group_title = group_title + "s" group_title = group_title + ":" aout.write(" \item " + group_title + "\n"); aout.write(" \\begin{itemize}\n"); for example in examples: ref_prefix = example[0].replace("_", "") title = latexText(example[0], ref_prefix) desc = latexText(example[1], ref_prefix) aout.write(example_item.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABLE", ref_prefix)) aout.write(" \\end{itemize}\n") aout.write("\\end{itemize}\n") for group_title in list_of_groups: if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue examples = list_of_examples[group_title] for example in examples: file_name = examples_folder + example[0] + ".c" writeListings(aout, file_name, example[0].replace("_","")) if standalone: aout.write(document_end) def main(argv): inputfolder = "../../example/embedded/" outputfile = "examples.tex" standalone = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hiso:",["ifolder=","standalone","ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print 'update_listings.py [-i ] [-s] [-o ]' sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print 'update_listings.py [-i ] [-s] [-o ]' sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifolder"): inputfolder = arg elif opt in ("-s", "--standalone"): standalone = 1 elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"): outputfile = arg print 'Input folder is ', inputfolder print 'Standalone flag is ', standalone print 'Output file is ', outputfile processExamples(inputfolder, standalone, outputfile) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])