#!/usr/bin/env python # BlueKitchen GmbH (c) 2012-2014 # documentation for TI Vendor Specific commands: # http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_VS_HCI_Commands import glob import re import sys import os usage = ''' CC256x init script conversion tool for use with BTstack, v0.2 Copyright 2012-2017 BlueKitchen GmbH Usage: $ ./convert_bts_init_scripts.py main.bts [ble-add-on.bts] output.c Please specify the main .bts script and optionally the BLE Add-on to generate the init script .c file. The Makefile include chipset/cc256x/Makefile.inc automates the process of downloading and converting .bts files. If this is not an option, you can download the Service Packs for your module from http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_Downloads Then, unzip it and copy the *.bts file into this folder before start the script again. ''' fartext = ''' #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__MSP430X__) && (__MSP430X__ > 0) __attribute__((section (".fartext"))) #endif #ifdef __AVR__ __attribute__((__progmem__)) #endif ''' get_lmp_subversion = ''' const uint16_t {prefix}_init_script_lmp_subversion = {lmp_subversion}; uint16_t btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion(void){{ return {prefix}_init_script_lmp_subversion; }} ''' data_indent = ' ' def read_little_endian_16(f): low = f.read(1) if len(low) == 0: return -1 high = f.read(1) return ord(high) << 8 | ord(low) def append_power_vector_gfsk(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(GFSK) template") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('// BTstack: added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(GFSK) 0xFD82 template\n'); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x82, 0xfd, 0x14, 0x00, 0x9c, 0x18, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xdc,\n"); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0xe6, 0xf0, 0xfa, 0x04, 0x0e, 0x18, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,\n\n"); return 24 def append_power_vector_edr2(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(EDR2) template") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('// BTstack: added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(EDR2) 0xFD82 template\n'); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x82, 0xfd, 0x14, 0x01, 0x9c, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xd8, \n"); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0xe2, 0xec, 0xf6, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x14, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,\n\n"); return 24 def append_power_vector_edr3(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(EDR3) template") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('// BTstack: added HCI_VS_SET_POWER_VECTOR(EDR3) 0xFD82 for EDR3 template\n'); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x82, 0xfd, 0x14, 0x02, 0x9c, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xce, 0xd8,\n"); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0xe2, 0xec, 0xf6, 0x00, 0x0a, 0x14, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00,\n\n"); return 24 def append_class2_single_power(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added HCI_VS_SET_CLASS2_SINGLE_POWER template") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('// BTstack: added HCI_VS_SET_CLASS2_SINGLE_POWER 0xFD87 template\n'); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x87, 0xfd, 0x03, 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x0d,\n\n"); return 7 def append_ehcill(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added eHCILL template") str_list.append('\n') str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('// BTstack: added HCI_VS_Sleep_Mode_Configurations 0xFD0C template for eHCILL\n'); str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append('0x01, 0x0c, 0xfd, 9 , 1, 0, 0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 100, 0,\n\n'); return 13 def append_calibration_sequence(additions, str_list, data_indent): additions.append("- added calibration sequence") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("// BTstack: added calibration sequence\n") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x80, 0xfd, 0x06, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,\n") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("0x01, 0x80, 0xfd, 0x06, 0x3c, 0xf0, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,\n\n") return 20 def convert_bts(output_file, main_bts_file, bts_add_on, aka, lmp_subversion): array_name = 'cc256x' input_files = [ main_bts_file ] if bts_add_on != "": input_files.append(bts_add_on) with open(output_file, 'w') as fout: # assert script contains templates for configuration by BTstack have_eHCILL = False have_power_vector_gfsk = False; have_power_vector_edr2 = False; have_power_vector_edr3 = False; have_class2_single_power = False; print("Creating {0}".format(output_file)) part_size = 0 parts = 0 str_list = [] part_strings = [] part_sizes = [] additions = [] for bts_file in input_files: with open (bts_file, 'rb') as fin: print("- parsing {0:32}".format(bts_file)) header = fin.read(32) if header[0:4].decode('ascii') != 'BTSB': print('Error', bts_file, 'is not a valid .BTS file') sys.exit(1) while True: action_type = read_little_endian_16(fin) action_size = read_little_endian_16(fin) action_data = bytearray(fin.read(action_size)) if (action_type == 1): # hci command opcode = (action_data[2] << 8) | action_data[1] if opcode == 0xFF36: continue # skip baud rate command if opcode == 0xFD0C: have_eHCILL = True if opcode == 0xFD82: modulation_type = action_data[4] if modulation_type == 0: have_power_vector_gfsk = True elif modulation_type == 1: have_power_vector_edr2 + True elif modulation_type == 2: have_power_vector_edr3 = True if opcode == 0xFD80: # add missing power command templates if not have_power_vector_gfsk: part_size += append_power_vector_gfsk(additions, str_list, data_indent) have_power_vector_gfsk = True; if not have_power_vector_edr2: part_size += append_power_vector_edr2(additions, str_list, data_indent) have_power_vector_edr2 = True; if not have_power_vector_edr3: part_size += append_power_vector_edr2(additions, str_list, data_indent) have_power_vector_edr3 = True; if not have_class2_single_power: part_size += append_class2_single_power(additions, str_list, data_indent) have_class2_single_power = True; counter = 0 str_list.append(data_indent) for byte in action_data: str_list.append("0x{0:02x}, ".format(byte)) counter = counter + 1 if (counter != 15): continue counter = 0 str_list.append("\n") str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("\n\n") part_size = part_size + action_size # 30 kB chunks if part_size < 30 * 1024: continue part_strings.append(''.join(str_list)) part_sizes.append(part_size) parts += 1 str_list = [] part_size = 0 if (action_type == 6): # comment action_data = action_data.decode('ascii').rstrip('\0') str_list.append(data_indent) str_list.append("// " + action_data + "\n") if (action_type < 0): # EOF break; if not have_eHCILL: part_size += append_ehcill(additions, str_list, data_indent) # append calibration step, if missing so far all_power_commands_provided = have_power_vector_gfsk and have_power_vector_edr2 and have_power_vector_edr3 and have_class2_single_power if not all_power_commands_provided: str_list.append("\n" + data_indent + "// BTstack: no calibration sequence found, adding power commands and calibration\n\n") part_size += append_power_vector_gfsk(additions, str_list, data_indent) part_size += append_power_vector_edr2(additions, str_list, data_indent) part_size += append_power_vector_edr2(additions, str_list, data_indent) part_size += append_class2_single_power(additions, str_list, data_indent) part_size += append_calibration_sequence(additions, str_list, data_indent) part_strings.append(''.join(str_list)) part_sizes.append(part_size) parts += 1 fout.write( '// init script created from\n') fout.write( '// - {0}\n'.format(main_bts_file)) if aka != "": fout.write( '// - AKA TIInit_{0}.bts\n'.format(aka)) if bts_add_on != "": fout.write( '// - {0}\n'.format(bts_add_on)) fout.write( '#include \n') fout.write( '#include "btstack_chipset_cc256x.h"\n') fout.write( '\n') # if aka != "": # fout.write( 'const char * {0}_init_script_aka = "{1}";\n'.format(array_name, aka)) if lmp_subversion != 0: fout.write( get_lmp_subversion.format(prefix = array_name, lmp_subversion = "0x%04x" % lmp_subversion)) part = 0 size = 0 for part_size in part_sizes: part += 1 size += part_size print("- part %u, size %u" % (part,part_size)) print('- total size %u' % size) print("\n".join(additions)) part = 0 for part_text in part_strings: part += 1 suffix = '' if part == 1: fout.write( fartext ) if (part > 1): suffix = '_{0}'.format(part) fout.write('#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__GNUC__) && (__MSP430X__ > 0)\n') fout.write('};\n') fout.write('__attribute__((section (".fartext")))\n') fout.write('const uint8_t {0}_init_script{1}[] = {2}\n\n'.format(array_name, suffix, '{')) if (part > 1): fout.write('#endif\n') fout.write(part_text) fout.write('};\n\n') fout.write('const uint32_t {0}_init_script_size = {1};\n\n'.format(array_name,size)); # fout.write('void main() {0} printf("size {1}\\n", {2}_init_script_size); {3}'.format('{', '%u', array_name,'}')); # check usage: 2-3 param if len(sys.argv) < 3 or len(sys.argv) > 4: print(usage) sys.exit(1) main_bts = sys.argv[1] add_on = "" if len(sys.argv) == 4: add_on = sys.argv[2] output_file = sys.argv[-1] # get AKA from file names that include model name aka = "" lmp_subversion = 0 name_lower = main_bts.lower() if 'cc2560_' in name_lower: aka = "6.2.31" if 'cc2560a_' in name_lower or 'cc2564_' in name_lower: aka = "6.6.15" if 'cc2560b_' in name_lower or 'cc2564b_' in name_lower: aka = "6.7.16" if 'cc2564c_' in name_lower: aka = "6.12.26" # use AKA from .bts file that it name_parts = re.match('.*TIInit_(\d*\.\d*\.\d*).*.bts', main_bts) if name_parts: aka = name_parts.group(1) # calculate subversion from AKA "CHIP.MAJ.MIN" # lmp scheme: ABBB BBCC CDDD DDDD # - chip = BBB # - maj = ACCC # - min = DDDD DDD if len(aka) > 0: nums = aka.split('.') chip = int(nums[0]) maj_ver = int(nums[1]) min_ver = int(nums[2]) lmp_subversion = ((maj_ver & 0x08) << 12) | (chip << 10) | ((maj_ver & 0x07) << 7) | min_ver # print summary print ("Main file: %s"% main_bts) if add_on != "": print ("Add-on file: %s" % add_on) if aka != "": print ("- AKA TIInit_%s.bts" % aka) if lmp_subversion: print ("- LMP Subversion: 0x%04x" % lmp_subversion) else: print ("- LMP Subversion: Unknown") convert_bts(output_file, main_bts, add_on, aka, lmp_subversion) print