#!/usr/bin/env python # # Scrape SDP UUIDs from Bluetooth SIG page # Copyright 2017 BlueKitchen GmbH # from lxml import html import datetime import requests import sys import os import codecs import re program_info = ''' BTstack SDP UUID Scraper for BTstack Copyright 2017, BlueKitchen GmbH ''' header = ''' /** * bluetooth_sdp.h generated from Bluetooth SIG website for BTstack */ #ifndef __BLUETOOTH_SDP_H #define __BLUETOOTH_SDP_H ''' page_info = ''' /** * Assigned numbers from {page} */ ''' trailer = ''' #endif ''' # Convert CamelCase to snake_case from http://stackoverflow.com/a/1176023 def camel_to_underscore(name): s1 = re.sub('(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)', r'\1_\2', name) return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', s1).upper() def create_pretty_define(name): name = name.replace(' - ', '_') name = name.replace(' ', '_') name = name.replace('/','') name = name.replace('(','_') name = name.replace(')','') name = name.replace('-','_') name = name.replace('PnP', 'PNP') return camel_to_underscore(name).replace('__','_').replace('3_D','3D').replace('L2_CAP','L2CAP') def clean_remark(remark): return " ".join(remark.split()) def process_table(fout, table, pattern): rows = table.getchildren() for row in rows: columns = row.getchildren() name = columns[0].text_content().encode('ascii','ignore') value = columns[1].text_content().encode('ascii','ignore') remark = columns[2].text_content().encode('ascii','ignore') # skip table headers if name == "Protocol Name": continue if name == "Service Class Name": continue # skip table footers if value.startswith('(Max value '): continue name = create_pretty_define(name) remark = clean_remark(remark) fout.write(pattern % (name, value, remark)) # print("'%s' = '%s' -- %s" % (name, value, remark)) fout.write('\n') def scrape_page(fout, url): print("Parsing %s" % url) fout.write(page_info.format(page=url)) # get from web # r = requests.get(url) # content = r.text # test: fetch from local file 'service-discovery.html' f = codecs.open("service-discovery.html", "r", "utf-8") content = f.read(); tree = html.fromstring(content) # process tables tables = tree.xpath('//table/tbody') index = 0 for table in tables: # table_name = table_names[index] index = index + 1 # 2 - Protocol Identifiers if index == 2: fout.write('//\n') fout.write('// Protocol Identifiers\n') fout.write('//\n') process_table(fout, table, '#define BLUETOOTH_PROTOCOL_%-55s %s // %s\n') # 3 - Service Classes if index == 3: fout.write('//\n') fout.write('// Service Classes\n') fout.write('//\n') process_table(fout, table, '#define BLUEROOTH_SERVICE_CLASS_%-50s %s // %s\n') btstack_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/..') gen_path = btstack_root + '/src/bluetooth_sdp.h' print(program_info) with open(gen_path, 'wt') as fout: fout.write(header.format(datetime=str(datetime.datetime.now()))) scrape_page(fout, 'https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/service-discovery') fout.write(trailer) print('Scraping successful!\n')