# Testing tools The provide Makefile and CMakeLists.txt create various tools used to test BTstack. The test tools run on Linux and Mac systems with a USB Bluetooth Controller. The Audio tests (`avdtp_source_test.c` and `avdtp_sink_test`) support the folowing audio codecs: SBC, AAC, aptX, and LDAC. Support for non-mandatory codecs is only included in the CMake build. These audio codecs are provided by the open-source projects below, but cannot be used for products without licensing/testing by the respective owners. ## Dependencies - [libusb](https://libusb.info) - AAC: A2DP Sind + Source - [Debian package: libfdk-aac-dev](libfdk-aac-dev) - [Mac Homebrew: fdk-aac] - aptX (HD): A2DP Sink + Source - [Github: libopenaptx](https://github.com/mringwal/libopenaptx) - CMake project - `mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make install` - LDAC Encoder: A2DP Source - [Github: ldacBT](https://github.com/EHfive/ldacBT) - CMake project - `mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make install` - LDAC Decoder: A2DP Sink - [Github: ldacdec](https://github.com/mringwal/libldacdec) - Automake project - `./bootstrap.sh; ./configure; make install`