# BTstack Port with Cinnamon for Semtech SX1280 Controller on STM32L476 Nucleo *Cinnamon* is BlueKitchen's minimal, yet robust Controller/Link Layer implementation for use with BTstack. In contrast to common Link Layer implementations, our focus is on a robust and compact implementation for production use, where code size matters (e.g. current code size about 8 kB). ## Overview This port targets the Semtech SX1280 radio controller. The Host Stack and the Controller (incl. Link Layer) run on a STM32 MCU, with the SX1280 connected via SPI. It uses the SX1280 C-Driver from Semtech to communicate with the SX1280. The main modification was to the SPI driver that uses DMA for full packets. ## Status Tested with the[Miromico FMLR-80-P-STL4E module](https://miromico.ch/portfolio/fmlr-8x-x-stlx/) (see port/stm32-l451-miromico-sx1280) and the [STM32 L476 Nucleo dev kit](https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/nucleo-l476rg.html) with our [SX1280 Shield](https://github.com/bluekitchen/sx1280-shield). SEGGER RTT is used for debug output, so a Segger J-Link programmer is required, but the on-board [ST-Link programmer and debugger](https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/st-link-v2.html) can be replaced by an [SEGGER J-Link OB](https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/other-j-links/st-link-on-board/). Uses 32.768 kHz crytstal as LSE for timing Support for Broadcast and Peripheral roles. The Makefile project compiles gatt_counter, gatt_streamer_server, hog_mouse and hog_keyboard examples. ## Limitation ### Advertising State: - Only Connectable Advertising supported - Only fixed public BD_ADDR of 33:33:33:33:33:33 is used ### Connection State: - Encryption not implemented - Some LL PDUs not supported ### Central Role: - Not implemented ### Observer Role: - Not implemented ### Low power mode - basically not implemented: - MCU does not sleep - SPI could be disabled during sleep - 1 ms SysTick is used for host stack although 16-bit tick time is provided by LPTIM1 based on 32768 Hz LSE. ## Getting Started Just run make. You can upload the EXAMPLE.elf file created in build folder, e.g. with Ozone using the provided EXAMPLE.jdebug, and run it. ## TODO ### General - indicate random address in advertising pdus - allow to set random BD_ADDR via HCI command and use in Advertisements - support other regular adv types - handle Encryption ## Low Power - enter STANDY_RC mode when idle - implement MCU sleep (if next wakeup isn't immediate) - sleep after connection request until first packet from Central - replace SysTick with tick counter based on LPTIM1 - disable SPI on MCU sleep ![STM32 L476RG Nucleo with SX1280 Shield](nucleo-with-sx1280-shield.jpg)