#!/usr/bin/env python import os import re import sys class State: SearchStartAPI = 0 RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart = 1 SearchEndAPI = 2 DoneAPI = 3 docs_folder = "docs/appendix/" appendix_file = docs_folder + "apis.md" btstack_folder = "../../../" code_identation = " " api_header = """ ## API_TITLE API """ api_ending = """ """ # [file_name, api_title, api_lable] list_of_apis = [ [btstack_folder+"include/btstack/run_loop.h", "Run Loop", "api_run_loop"], [btstack_folder+"src/hci.h", "HCI", "api_hci"], [btstack_folder+"src/l2cap.h", "L2CAP", "api_l2cap"], [btstack_folder+"src/rfcomm.h", "RFCOMM", "api_rfcomm"], [btstack_folder+"src/sdp.h", "SDP", "api_sdp"], [btstack_folder+"src/sdp_client.h", "SDP Client", "api_sdp_client"], [btstack_folder+"src/sdp_query_rfcomm.h", "SDP RFCOMM Query", "api_sdp_queries"], [btstack_folder+"ble/gatt_client.h", "GATT Client", "api_gatt_client"], [btstack_folder+"src/pan.h", "PAN", "api_pan"], [btstack_folder+"src/bnep.h", "BNEP", "api_bnep"], [btstack_folder+"src/gap.h", "GAP", "api_gap"], [btstack_folder+"ble/sm.h", "SM", "api_sm"] ] def replacePlaceholder(template, title, lable): api_title = title + " API" snippet = template.replace("API_TITLE", title).replace("API_LABLE", lable) return snippet def writeAPI(fout, infile_name): global code_identation state = State.SearchStartAPI with open(infile_name, 'rb') as fin: for line in fin: if state == State.SearchStartAPI: parts = re.match('\s*(/\*).*API_START.*(\*/)',line) if parts: state = State.RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart continue if state == State.RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart: if line == "" or line == "\n": continue state = State.SearchEndAPI if state == State.SearchEndAPI: parts = re.match('\s*(/\*).*API_END.*(\*/)',line) if parts: state = State.DoneAPI return fout.write(code_identation + line) def process_and_write_api(fout, api_tuple): infile_name = api_tuple[0] if not infile_name: return api_title = api_tuple[1] api_lable = api_tuple[2] fout.write(replacePlaceholder(api_header, api_title, api_lable)) writeAPI(fout, infile_name) with open(appendix_file, 'w') as aout: for api_tuple in list_of_apis: infile_name = api_tuple[0] if not infile_name: continue process_and_write_api(aout, api_tuple)