/** * @file hal_adc.c * * Copyright 2008 Texas Instruments, Inc. ***************************************************************************/ #include "hal_adc.h" #include #include "hal_compat.h" static int SavedADC12MEM0 = 0, SavedADC12MEM1 = 0, SavedADC12MEM2 = 0; static int Acc_x = 0, Acc_y = 0, Acc_z = 0; static int Acc_x_offset = 0, Acc_y_offset = 0, Acc_z_offset = 0; static long int Vcc = 0, Temperature = 0; static long int temperatureOffset = CELSIUS_OFFSET; static unsigned char conversionType = CELSIUS, adcMode = ADC_OFF_MODE; static unsigned char exit_active_from_ADC12 = 0; /************************************************************************ * @brief Turns on and initializes ADC12, accelerometer in order to * sample x, y, z-axis inputs. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerInit(void) { adcMode = ADC_ACC_MODE; ACC_PORT_SEL |= ACC_X_PIN + ACC_Y_PIN; //Enable A/D channel inputs ACC_PORT_DIR &= ~(ACC_X_PIN + ACC_Y_PIN + ACC_Z_PIN); ACC_PORT_DIR |= ACC_PWR_PIN; //Enable ACC_POWER ACC_PORT_OUT |= ACC_PWR_PIN; //Sequence of channels, once, ACLK ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON + ADC12SHT02 + ADC12MSC; ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP + ADC12CONSEQ_1 + ADC12SSEL_0; ADC12CTL2 = ADC12RES_2; ADC12MCTL0 = ACC_X_CHANNEL; ADC12MCTL1 = ACC_Y_CHANNEL; ADC12MCTL2 = ACC_Z_CHANNEL + ADC12EOS; // Allow the accelerometer to settle before sampling any data // 4.5.3-20110706-2 doesn't allow for 32-bit delay cycles int i; for (i=0;i<10;i++){ __delay_cycles(20000); } UCSCTL8 |= MODOSCREQEN; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Calibrates the offset values for x, y, and z axes. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerCalibrate(void) { unsigned char tempQuit; tempQuit = exit_active_from_ADC12; halAdcSetQuitFromISR( 1 ); halAdcStartRead(); __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); __no_operation(); halAccelerometerReadWithOffset(&Acc_x_offset, &Acc_y_offset, &Acc_z_offset); halAdcSetQuitFromISR( tempQuit ); } /************************************************************************ * @brief Set function for the calibrated offsets for the x, y, and z axes. * * @param x Calibrated offset for the x-axis * * @param y Calibrated offset for the y-axis * * @param z Calibrated offset for the z-axis * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerSetCalibratedOffset( int x, int y, int z ) { Acc_x_offset = x; Acc_y_offset = y; Acc_z_offset = z; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the x, y, and z axes calibrated offsets * * @param x Pointer to the calibrated offset for the x-axis * * @param y Pointer to the calibrated offset for the y-axis * * @param z Pointer to the calibrated offset for the z-axis * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerGetCalibratedOffset(int *x, int *y, int *z) { *x = Acc_x_offset; *y = Acc_y_offset; *z = Acc_y_offset; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the x, y, and z accelerometer samples, * including the calibrated offsets. * * @param x Pointer to the accelerometer reading (x-axis) * * @param y Pointer to the accelerometer reading (y-axis) * * @param z Pointer to the accelerometer reading (z-axis) * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerRead(int *x, int *y, int *z) { Acc_x = SavedADC12MEM0; Acc_y = SavedADC12MEM1; Acc_z = SavedADC12MEM2; *x = Acc_x - Acc_x_offset; *y = Acc_y - Acc_y_offset; *z = Acc_z - Acc_z_offset; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the x, y, and z accelerometer samples, * excluding the calibrated offsets. * * @param x Pointer to the accelerometer reading (x-axis) * * @param y Pointer to the accelerometer reading (y-axis) * * @param z Pointer to the accelerometer reading (z-axis) * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerReadWithOffset(int *x, int *y, int *z) { *x = SavedADC12MEM0; *y = SavedADC12MEM1; *z = SavedADC12MEM2; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Disables the ADC12, accelerometer that sampled x, y, z-axis inputs. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAccelerometerShutDown(void) { //Turn off ADC Module ADC12CTL0 &= ~( ADC12ON + ADC12ENC ); ACC_PORT_OUT &= ~ACC_PWR_PIN; //Disable ACC_POWER //Disable A/D channel inputs ACC_PORT_SEL &= ~(ACC_X_PIN + ACC_Y_PIN + ACC_Z_PIN); ACC_PORT_DIR |= (ACC_X_PIN + ACC_Y_PIN + ACC_Z_PIN + ACC_PWR_PIN); ACC_PORT_OUT &= ~(ACC_X_PIN + ACC_Y_PIN + ACC_Z_PIN + ACC_PWR_PIN); adcMode = ADC_OFF_MODE; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************ * @brief Intializes the ADC12 to sample Temperature and Vcc. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcInitTempVcc(void) { //Sequence of channels, once, adcMode = ADC_TEMP_MODE; UCSCTL8 |= MODOSCREQEN; ADC12CTL0 = ADC12ON + ADC12SHT0_15 + ADC12MSC + + ADC12REFON + ADC12REF2_5V; ADC12CTL1 = ADC12SHP + ADC12CONSEQ_1 + ADC12SSEL_0; ADC12CTL2 = ADC12RES_2; ADC12MCTL0 = ADC12SREF_1 + TEMP_CHANNEL; ADC12MCTL1 = ADC12SREF_1 + VCC_CHANNEL + ADC12EOS; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Turns off / disable the ADC12. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcShutDownTempVcc(void) { ADC12CTL0 &= ~ ( ADC12ON + ADC12ENC + ADC12REFON ); adcMode = ADC_OFF_MODE; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Sets the conversion type to either Farenheit (F) or Celsius (C). * * @param conversion The #define constant CELSIUS or FAHRENHEIT. * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcSetTempConversionType(unsigned char conversion) { conversionType = conversion; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Set function for the calibrated temperature offset. * * @param offset The temperature offset. * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcSetTempOffset(long offset) { temperatureOffset = offset; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the current temperature value. * * @param none * * @return The current temperature value. *************************************************************************/ int halAdcGetTemp(void) { return Temperature; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the current Vcc value. * * @param none * * @return The current Vcc value. *************************************************************************/ int halAdcGetVcc(void) { return Vcc; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Converts the Vcc and Temp readings from the ADC to BCD format. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcConvertTempVccFromADC(void) { long multiplier, offset; // Convert Vcc Vcc = SavedADC12MEM1; Vcc = Vcc * 50; Vcc = Vcc / 4096; // Convert Temperature if (conversionType == CELSIUS) { multiplier = CELSIUS_MUL; offset = temperatureOffset; } else { multiplier = (long) CELSIUS_MUL * 9 /5 ; offset = (long) temperatureOffset * 9 / 5 - 320; } Temperature = (long) SavedADC12MEM0 * multiplier/4096 - offset; } /************************************************************************ * @brief Get function for the temperature and Vcc samples in "xxx^C/F" and * "x.xV" format. * * @param TemperatureStr The string that holds the temperature reading * * @param Vcc The string that holds the Vcc reading * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcReadTempVcc(char *TemperatureStr, char *VccStr) { unsigned char i, leadingZero = 0; long int dummyTemperature, dummyVcc; halAdcConvertTempVccFromADC(); dummyTemperature = Temperature; dummyVcc = Vcc; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) TemperatureStr[i] = '\0'; i=0; //Check for negative if (Temperature < 0) { TemperatureStr[i++]='-'; Temperature = -Temperature; } TemperatureStr[i] ='0'; if (Temperature >= 1000) { TemperatureStr[i]='1'; Temperature -=1000; leadingZero = 1; } if (leadingZero == 1) i++; //100s digit TemperatureStr[i] = '0'; if (Temperature >= 100) { do { TemperatureStr[i]++; Temperature -=100; } while (Temperature >=100); leadingZero = 1; } if (leadingZero == 1) i++; //10s digit TemperatureStr[i] = '0'; if (Temperature >=10) { do { TemperatureStr[i]++; Temperature -=10; } while (Temperature >=10); } TemperatureStr[++i] = '^'; if (conversionType == CELSIUS) TemperatureStr[++i]='C'; else TemperatureStr[++i]='F'; VccStr[0] = '0'; VccStr[2] = '0'; while (Vcc >= 10) { VccStr[0]++; Vcc -= 10; } VccStr[2] += Vcc; Temperature = dummyTemperature; Vcc = dummyVcc; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /************************************************************************ * @brief Starts the ADC conversion. * * @param none * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcStartRead(void) { ADC12IFG &= ~(BIT1+BIT0); // Clear any pending flags if (adcMode == ADC_ACC_MODE) { ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC | ADC12SC ; ADC12IE |= BIT2; } else { ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12REFON; // Turn on ADC12 reference // Delay to stabilize ADC12 reference assuming the fastest MCLK of 18 MHz. // 35 us = 1 / 18 MHz * 630 __delay_cycles(630); ADC12IE |= BIT1; // Enable interrupt ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC | ADC12SC; } } /************************************************************************ * @brief Sets the flag that causes an exit into active CPU mode from * the ADC12 ISR. * * @param quit * * - 1 - Exit active from ADC12 ISR * - 0 - Remain in LPMx on exit from ADC12ISR * * @return none *************************************************************************/ void halAdcSetQuitFromISR(unsigned char quit) { exit_active_from_ADC12 = quit; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef __GNUC__ __attribute__((interrupt(ADC12_VECTOR))) #endif #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #pragma vector=ADC12_VECTOR __interrupt #endif void ADC12_ISR(void) { SavedADC12MEM0 = ADC12MEM0; // Store the sampled data SavedADC12MEM1 = ADC12MEM1; SavedADC12MEM2 = ADC12MEM2; ADC12IFG = 0; // Clear the interrupt flags ADC12CTL0 &= ~( ADC12ENC | ADC12SC | ADC12REFON); if (exit_active_from_ADC12) __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM3_bits); }