#!/usr/bin/env python import sys, os, shutil import re, yaml def insert_anchor(mdout, reference): mdout.write("<a name=\"" + reference + "\"></a>\n\n") def insert_reference(mdout, text, link): mdout.write("") def process_sections(temp_file, dest_file): with open(dest_file, 'w') as mdout: with open(temp_file, 'r') as mdin: for line in mdin: section = re.match('(#+.*){#(sec:.*)}',line) if section: insert_anchor(mdout, section.group(2)) mdout.write(section.group(1)+"\n") else: mdout.write(line) shutil.copyfile(dest_file, temp_file) return def process_figures(temp_file, dest_file): with open(dest_file, 'w') as mdout: with open(temp_file, 'r') as mdin: for line in mdin: # detect figure figure = re.match('\s*(\!.*)({#(fig:.*)})',line) if figure: insert_anchor(mdout, figure.group(3)) mdout.write(figure.group(1)+"\n") else: figure_ref = re.match('.*({@(fig:.*)})',line) if figure_ref: md_reference = "[below](#"+figure_ref.group(2)+")" line = line.replace(figure_ref.group(1), md_reference) mdout.write(line) shutil.copyfile(dest_file, temp_file) return def process_tables(temp_file, dest_file): with open(dest_file, 'w') as mdout: with open(temp_file, 'r') as mdin: for line in mdin: # detect table table = re.match('\s*(Table:.*)({#(tbl:.*)})',line) if table: insert_anchor(mdout, table.group(3)) mdout.write(table.group(1)+"\n") else: table_ref = re.match('.*({@(tbl:.*)})',line) if table_ref: md_reference = "[below](#"+table_ref.group(2)+")" line = line.replace(table_ref.group(1), md_reference) mdout.write(line) shutil.copyfile(dest_file, temp_file) return def process_listings(temp_file, dest_file): with open(dest_file, 'w') as mdout: with open(temp_file, 'r') as mdin: for line in mdin: listing_start = re.match('.*{#(lst:.*)\s+.c\s+.*',line) listing_end = re.match('\s*~~~~\s*\n',line) if listing_start: insert_anchor(mdout, listing_start.group(1)) elif listing_end: mdout.write("\n") else: mdout.write(line) shutil.copyfile(dest_file, temp_file) return def main(argv): md_template = "docs" md_temp = "docs_tmp" md_final = "docs_final" yml_file = "mkdocs.yml" with open(yml_file, 'r') as yin: doc = yaml.load(yin) for page in doc["pages"]: source_file = md_template +"/"+ page[0] temp_file = md_temp +"/"+ page[0] dest_file = md_final +"/"+ page[0] process_sections(temp_file, dest_file) process_figures(temp_file, dest_file) process_tables(temp_file, dest_file) process_listings(temp_file, dest_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])