# # Defines the part type that this project uses. # PART=__MSP432P401R__ # # The base directory for MSPWare. # ROOT=MSP432_DriverLib_3_10_00_09 # # Include the common make definitions. # include Makefile.defs # # Where to find header files that do not live in the source directory. # #IPATH=../../../.. IPATH+=${ROOT}/inc/ IPATH+=${ROOT}/inc/CMSIS/ IPATH+=${ROOT}/driverlib/MSP432P4xx # BTstack BTSTACK_ROOT=../.. VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/decoder/srce VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/encoder/srce VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/hxcmod-player VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/hxcmod-player/mods VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/micro-ecc VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/segger-rtt VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/example VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/src VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/src/ble VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/src/ble/gatt-service VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/src/classic VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/platform/embedded VPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/chipset/cc256x IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/segger-rtt IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/src IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/platform/embedded IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/chipset/cc256x IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/hxcmod-player IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/hxcmod-player/mods IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/decoder/include IPATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/encoder/include IPATH += . IPATH += ${COMPILER} BTSTACK_SOURCES = \ a2dp_sink.c \ a2dp_source.c \ ad_parser.c \ ancs_client.c \ att_db.c \ att_dispatch.c \ att_server.c \ avdtp.c \ avdtp_acceptor.c \ avdtp_initiator.c \ avdtp_sink.c \ avdtp_source.c \ avdtp_util.c \ avrcp.c \ avrcp_browsing_controller.c \ avrcp_controller.c \ avrcp_media_item_iterator.c \ avrcp_target.c \ battery_service_server.c \ btstack_crypto.c \ btstack_hid_parser.c \ btstack_link_key_db_tlv.c \ btstack_linked_list.c \ btstack_memory.c \ btstack_memory_pool.c \ btstack_ring_buffer.c \ btstack_run_loop.c \ btstack_run_loop_embedded.c \ btstack_sbc_decoder_bluedroid.c \ btstack_sbc_encoder_bluedroid.c \ btstack_sbc_plc.c \ btstack_tlv.c \ btstack_tlv_flash_bank.c \ btstack_uart_block_embedded.c \ btstack_util.c \ device_id_server.c \ device_information_service_server.c \ goep_client.c \ gatt_client.c \ hci.c \ hci_cmd.c \ hci_dump.c \ hci_transport_h4.c \ hfp.c \ hfp_ag.c \ hfp_gsm_model.c \ hfp_hf.c \ hfp_msbc.c \ hid_device.c \ hids_device.c \ hsp_ag.c \ hsp_hs.c \ hxcmod.c \ l2cap.c \ l2cap_signaling.c \ le_device_db_memory.c \ le_device_db_tlv.c \ nao-deceased_by_disease.c \ obex_iterator.c \ pbap_client.c \ rfcomm.c \ sco_demo_util.c \ sdp_client.c \ sdp_client_rfcomm.c \ sdp_server.c \ sdp_util.c \ sm.c \ spp_server.c \ uECC.c \ PORT_SOURCES = \ btstack_chipset_cc256x.o \ bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1.6_BT_Spec_4.1.o \ hal_flash_bank_msp432.o \ main.o \ startup_msp432p401r_${COMPILER}.o \ system_msp432p401r.o \ SEGGER_RTT.o \ SEGGER_RTT_Syscalls_GCC.o \ SEGGER_RTT_printf.o \ include ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/decoder/Makefile.inc include ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/3rd-party/bluedroid/encoder/Makefile.inc BTSTACK_SOURCES += ${SBC_ENCODER} BTSTACK_SOURCES += ${SBC_DECODER} EXAMPLES = \ a2dp_sink_demo \ a2dp_source_demo \ ancs_client_demo \ dut_mode_classic \ gap_dedicated_bonding \ gap_inquiry \ gap_le_advertisements \ gatt_battery_query \ gatt_browser \ hfp_ag_demo \ hfp_hf_demo \ hid_host_demo \ hid_keyboard_demo \ hid_mouse_demo \ hog_keyboard_demo \ hog_mouse_demo \ hsp_ag_demo \ hsp_hs_demo \ le_counter \ le_streamer \ le_streamer_client \ pbap_client_demo \ sdp_bnep_query \ sdp_general_query \ sdp_rfcomm_query \ sm_pairing_central \ sm_pairing_peripheral \ spp_and_le_counter \ spp_and_le_streamer \ spp_counter \ spp_streamer \ spp_streamer_client \ GATT_FILES = \ ancs_client_demo.gatt \ le_counter.gatt \ le_streamer.gatt \ gatt_browser.gatt \ gatt_battery_query.gatt \ hog_keyboard_demo.gatt \ hog_mouse_demo.gatt \ sm_pairing_peripheral.gatt \ sm_pairing_central.gatt \ spp_and_le_counter.gatt \ spp_and_le_streamer.gatt \ # # The default rule, which causes the le_counter example to be built. # all: ${COMPILER} all: \ linker_script_gcc.ld \ $(addprefix $(COMPILER)/,$(GATT_FILES:.gatt=.h)) \ $(addprefix $(COMPILER)/,$(EXAMPLES:=.elf)) \ include $(BTSTACK_ROOT)/chipset/cc256x/Makefile.inc # # The rule to clean out all the build products. # clean: @rm -rf ${COMPILER} ${wildcard *~} # # The rule to create the target directory. # ${COMPILER}: @mkdir -p ${COMPILER} # compile .gatt descriptions ${COMPILER}/%.h: %.gatt python ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/tool/compile_gatt.py $< $@ ## # pick up sources OBJECTS = $(BTSTACK_SOURCES:%.c=$(COMPILER)/%.o) $(PORT_SOURCES:%.o=$(COMPILER)/%.o) CFLAGSgcc=-DTARGET_IS_MSP432P4XX LDFLAGS2 = ${CPU} ${FPU} -specs=nano.specs -lc -lm -lnosys -Wl,--gc-sections # # # # The rule for linking the application. # # ${COMPILER}${SUFFIX}/%.elf: ${OBJECTS} ${COMPILER}/%.o ${ROOT}/driverlib/MSP432P4xx/${COMPILER}/msp432p4xx_driverlib.a @ \ ldname="linker_script_gcc.ld"; \ if [ 'x${VERBOSE}' = x ]; \ then \ echo " LD ${@} ${LNK_SCP}"; \ else \ echo ${CC} -T linker_script_gcc.ld ${LDFLAGS2} -o ${@} $(filter %.o %.a, ${^}); \ fi; \ ${CC} -T linker_script_gcc.ld ${LDFLAGS2} -o ${@} $(filter %.o %.a, ${^}) @${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${@} ${@:.elf=.bin} # # Include the automatically generated dependency files. # ifneq (${MAKECMDGOALS},clean) -include ${wildcard ${COMPILER}/*.d} __dummy__ endif