#!/usr/bin/env python # # BLE GATT configuration generator for use with BTstack, v0.1 # Copyright 2011 Matthias Ringwald # # Format of input file: # PRIMARY_SERVICE, SERVICE_UUID # CHARACTERISTIC, ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UUID, [READ | WRITE | DYNAMIC], VALUE import re header = ''' // {0} generated from {1} for BTstack // binary representation // attribute size in bytes (16), flags(16), handle (16), uuid (16/128), value(...) #include const uint8_t profile_data[] = ''' usage = ''' Usage: ./compile-gatt.py profile.gatt profile.h ''' import re import sys print ''' BLE configuration generator for use with BTstack, v0.1 Copyright 2011 Matthias Ringwald ''' assigned_uuids = { 'GAP_SERVICE' : 0x1800, 'GATT_SERVICE' : 0x1801, 'GAP_DEVICE_NAME' : 0x2a00, 'GAP_APPEARANCE' : 0x2a01, 'GATT_SERVICE_CHANGED' : 0x2a05 } property_flags = { 'BROADCAST' : 0x01, 'READ' : 0x02, 'WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE' : 0x04, 'WRITE' : 0x08, 'NOTIFY': 0x10, 'INDICATE' : 0x20, 'AUTHENTICATED_SIGNED_WRITE' : 0x40, 'EXTENDED_PROPERTIES' : 0x80, # custom BTstack extension 'DYNAMIC': 0x100, 'LONG_UUID': 0x200, } services = dict() current_service_uuid = list() current_service_start_handle = 0 handle = 1 total_size = 0 def keyForUUID(uuid): keyUUID = "" for i in uuid: keyUUID += "%02x" % i return keyUUID def twoByteLEFor(value): return [ (value & 0xff), (value >> 8)] def is_128bit_uuid(text): if re.match("[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}", text): return True return False def parseUUID128(uuid): parts = re.match("([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})-([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})([0-9A-Fa-f]{4})", uuid) uuid_bytes = [] for i in range(8, 0, -1): uuid_bytes = uuid_bytes + twoByteLEFor(int(parts.group(i),16)) return uuid_bytes def parseUUID(uuid): if uuid in assigned_uuids: return twoByteLEFor(assigned_uuids[uuid]) if is_128bit_uuid(uuid): return parseUUID128(uuid) uuidInt = int(uuid, 16) return twoByteLEFor(uuidInt) def parseProperties(properties): value = 0 parts = properties.split("|") for property in parts: property = property.strip() if property in property_flags: value |= property_flags[property] else: print "WARNING: property %s undefined" % (property) return value def write_8(fout, value): fout.write( "0x%02x, " % (value & 0xff)) def write_16(fout, value): fout.write('0x%02x, 0x%02x, ' % (value & 0xff, value >> 8)) def write_uuid(uuid): for byte in uuid: fout.write( "0x%02x, " % byte) def write_string(fout, text): for l in text.lstrip('"').rstrip('"'): write_8(fout, ord(l)) def write_sequence(fout, text): parts = text.split() for part in parts: fout.write("0x%s, " % (part.strip())) def write_indent(fout): fout.write(" ") def is_string(text): if not text.startswith('"'): return False if not text.endswith('"'): return False return True def parseService(fout, parts, service_type): global handle global total_size global current_service_uuid global current_service_start_handle global services keyUUID = keyForUUID(current_service_uuid) if keyUUID: fout.write("\n") # print "append service %s = [%d, %d]\n" % (keyUUID, current_service_start_handle, handle-1) services[keyUUID] = [current_service_start_handle, handle-1] property = property_flags['READ']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts))) uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + uuid_size + 2 if service_type == 0x2802: size += 4 if uuid_size == 16: property = property | property_flags['LONG_UUID']; write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, property) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, service_type) write_uuid(uuid) fout.write("\n") current_service_uuid = uuid current_service_start_handle = handle handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size def parsePrimaryService(fout, parts): parseService(fout, parts, 0x2800) def parseSecondaryService(fout, parts): parseService(fout, parts, 0x2801) def parseIncludeService(fout, parts): global handle global total_size property = property_flags['READ']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts))) uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) # print "Include Service ", keyForUUID(uuid) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + uuid_size + 2 + 4 if uuid_size == 16: property = property | property_flags['LONG_UUID']; keyUUID = keyForUUID(uuid) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, property) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2802) write_16(fout, services[keyUUID][0]) write_16(fout, services[keyUUID][1]) write_uuid(uuid) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size def parseCharacteristic(fout, parts): global handle global total_size property_read = property_flags['READ']; uuid = parseUUID(parts[1]) uuid_size = len(uuid) properties = parseProperties(parts[2]) value = parts[3] write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x %s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[0:len(parts)-1]))) size = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + (1+2+uuid_size) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, property_read) write_16(fout, handle) write_16(fout, 0x2803) write_8(fout, properties) write_16(fout, handle+1) write_uuid(uuid) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 total_size = total_size + size size = 2 + 2 + 2 + uuid_size if is_string(value): size = size + len(value) - 2 else: size = size + len(value.split()) if uuid_size == 16: properties = properties | property_flags['LONG_UUID']; write_indent(fout) fout.write('// 0x%04x VALUE-%s\n' % (handle, '-'.join(parts[1:len(parts)]))) write_indent(fout) write_16(fout, size) write_16(fout, properties) write_16(fout, handle) write_uuid(uuid) if is_string(value): write_string(fout, value) else: write_sequence(fout,value) fout.write("\n") handle = handle + 1 def parse(fname_in, fin, fname_out, fout): global handle global total_size fout.write(header.format(fname_out, fname_in)) fout.write('{\n') for line in fin: line = line.strip("\n\r ") if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("//"): fout.write("//" + line.lstrip('/#') + '\n') continue if len(line) == 0: continue parts = line.split(',') for index, object in enumerate(parts): parts[index] = object.strip() if parts[0] == 'PRIMARY_SERVICE': parsePrimaryService(fout, parts) continue if parts[0] == 'SECONDARY_SERVICE': parseSecondaryService(fout, parts) continue if parts[0] == 'INCLUDE_SERVICE': parseIncludeService(fout, parts) continue if parts[0] == 'CHARACTERISTIC': parseCharacteristic(fout, parts) continue print "WARNING: unknown token: %s\n" % (parts[0]) write_indent(fout) fout.write("// END\n"); write_indent(fout) write_16(fout,0) fout.write("\n") total_size = total_size + 2 fout.write("}; // total size %u bytes \n" % total_size); fout.close() print 'Created', fname_out if (len(sys.argv) < 3): print usage sys.exit(1) try: fin = open (sys.argv[1], 'r') fout = open (sys.argv[2], 'w') parse(sys.argv[1], fin, sys.argv[2], fout) except IOError as e: print usage sys.exit(1) print 'Compilation successful!\n'