/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "avrcp_browsing_client.c" /* * avrcp_browsing_client.c */ // ***************************************************************************** /* EXAMPLE_START(avrcp_browsing_client): Browse media players and media information on a remote device. * * @text This example demonstrates how to use the AVRCP Controller Browsing service to * browse madia players and media information on a remote AVRCP Source device. * * @text To test with a remote device, e.g. a mobile phone, * pair from the remote device with the demo, then use the UI for browsing. If HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN is set, * press SPACE on the console to show the available AVDTP and AVRCP commands. * */ // ***************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include "btstack.h" #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN #include "btstack_stdin.h" #endif #define AVRCP_BROWSING_ENABLED #define AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_PLAYERS 10 #define AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_FOLDERS 10 #define AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN 30 #define AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_MEDIA_ITEMS 10 #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN // mac 2011: static bd_addr_t remote = {0x04, 0x0C, 0xCE, 0xE4, 0x85, 0xD3}; // pts: static bd_addr_t remote = {0x00, 0x1B, 0xDC, 0x08, 0x0A, 0xA5}; // mac 2013: // static const char * device_addr_string = "84:38:35:65:d1:15"; // iPhone 5S: static const char * device_addr_string = "54:E4:3A:26:A2:39"; // phone 2013: // static const char * device_addr_string = "B0:34:95:CB:97:C4"; // iPod // static const char * device_addr_string = "B0:34:95:CB:97:C4"; // iPhone static const char * device_addr_string = "6C:72:E7:10:22:EE"; static bd_addr_t device_addr; #endif typedef enum { AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_IDLE, AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_GET_PLAYERS, AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_SET_PLAYER, AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_READY } avrcp_browsing_state_t; typedef struct { uint16_t charset; uint8_t depth; uint16_t name_len; char name[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; } avrcp_browsing_root_folder_t; typedef struct { uint8_t uid[8]; uint16_t name_len; char name[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; } avrcp_browsable_item_t; typedef struct { uint16_t player_id; uint8_t major_player_type; uint32_t player_sub_type; uint8_t play_status; uint8_t feature_bitmask[16]; uint16_t charset; uint16_t name_len; char name[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; } avrcp_browsable_media_player_item_t; typedef struct { uint32_t id; uint16_t charset; uint16_t value_len; char value[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; } avrcp_browsable_media_element_item_attribute_t; typedef struct { uint8_t uid[8]; uint8_t media_type; uint16_t charset; uint16_t name_len; char name[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; uint8_t num_attributes; } avrcp_browsable_media_element_item_t; static avrcp_browsing_state_t browsing_state = AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_IDLE; static uint16_t avrcp_cid = 0; static bool avrcp_connected = false; static uint16_t browsing_cid = 0; static bool browsing_connected = false; static uint8_t sdp_avrcp_browsing_controller_service_buffer[200]; static uint8_t sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer[150]; static uint16_t a2dp_cid = 0; static uint8_t a2dp_local_seid = 0; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_capabilities[] = { 0xFF,//(AVDTP_SBC_44100 << 4) | AVDTP_SBC_STEREO, 0xFF,//(AVDTP_SBC_BLOCK_LENGTH_16 << 4) | (AVDTP_SBC_SUBBANDS_8 << 2) | AVDTP_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 2, 53 }; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_configuration[] = { (AVDTP_SBC_44100 << 4) | AVDTP_SBC_STEREO, (AVDTP_SBC_BLOCK_LENGTH_16 << 4) | (AVDTP_SBC_SUBBANDS_8 << 2) | AVDTP_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 2, 53 }; static bool browsing_query_active = false; // static avrcp_media_item_context_t media_item_context; static int playable_folder_index = 0; static uint16_t browsing_uid_counter = 0; static uint8_t parent_folder_set = 0; static uint8_t parent_folder_uid[8]; static char parent_folder_name[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; static avrcp_browsable_item_t folders[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_FOLDERS]; static int folder_index = -1; static avrcp_browsable_media_element_item_t media_element_items[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_MEDIA_ITEMS]; static int media_element_item_index = -1; static avrcp_browsable_media_player_item_t media_player_items[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_MEDIA_ITEMS]; static int media_player_item_index = -1; static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration; static uint8_t ertm_buffer[10000]; static l2cap_ertm_config_t ertm_config = { 1, // ertm mandatory 2, // max transmit, some tests require > 1 2000, 12000, 144, // l2cap ertm mtu 4, 4, 0, // No FCS }; static inline int next_index(int * index, int max_value){ if ((*index) < max_value){ (*index)++; } else { (*index) = 0; } return (*index); } static int next_folder_index(){ return next_index(&folder_index, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_FOLDERS); } static int next_media_element_item_index(){ return next_index(&media_element_item_index, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_MEDIA_ITEMS); } static int next_media_player_item_index(){ return next_index(&media_player_item_index, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_MEDIA_ITEMS); } /* @section Main Application Setup * * @text The Listing MainConfiguration shows how to setup AVRCP Controller Browsing service. * To announce AVRCP Controller Browsing service, you need to create corresponding * SDP record and register it with the SDP service. * You'll also need to register several packet handlers: * - stdin_process callback - used to trigger AVRCP commands, such are get media players, playlists, albums, etc. Requires HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN. * - avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler - used to receive answers for AVRCP commands. * */ /* LISTING_START(MainConfiguration): Setup Audio Sink and AVRCP Controller services */ static void avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void avrcp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void a2dp_sink_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void stdin_process(char cmd); #endif int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ (void)argc; (void)argv; // Initialize L2CAP. l2cap_init(); a2dp_sink_init(); a2dp_sink_register_packet_handler(&a2dp_sink_packet_handler); avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * local_stream_endpoint = a2dp_sink_create_stream_endpoint(AVDTP_AUDIO, AVDTP_CODEC_SBC, media_sbc_codec_capabilities, sizeof(media_sbc_codec_capabilities), media_sbc_codec_configuration, sizeof(media_sbc_codec_configuration)); if (!local_stream_endpoint){ printf("A2DP Sink: not enough memory to create local stream endpoint\n"); return 1; } a2dp_local_seid = avdtp_local_seid(local_stream_endpoint); // Initialize AVRCP service. avrcp_init(); // Initialize AVRCP Controller & Target Service. avrcp_controller_init(); avrcp_target_init(); avrcp_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_packet_handler); avrcp_controller_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_packet_handler); avrcp_target_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_packet_handler); // Initialize AVRCP Browsing Service. avrcp_browsing_init(); avrcp_browsing_controller_init(); avrcp_browsing_target_init(); // Register for HCI events. avrcp_browsing_controller_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler); avrcp_browsing_target_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler); avrcp_browsing_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler); // Initialize SDP. sdp_init(); // setup AVDTP sink memset(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer)); a2dp_sink_create_sdp_record(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer, 0x10001, AVDTP_SINK_FEATURE_MASK_HEADPHONE, NULL, NULL); sdp_register_service(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer); // Create AVRCP service record and register it with SDP. memset(sdp_avrcp_browsing_controller_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(sdp_avrcp_browsing_controller_service_buffer)); uint16_t supported_features = AVRCP_FEATURE_MASK_CATEGORY_PLAYER_OR_RECORDER; #ifdef AVRCP_BROWSING_ENABLED supported_features |= AVRCP_FEATURE_MASK_BROWSING; #endif avrcp_controller_create_sdp_record(sdp_avrcp_browsing_controller_service_buffer, 0x10002, supported_features, NULL, NULL); sdp_register_service(sdp_avrcp_browsing_controller_service_buffer); // Set local name with a template Bluetooth address, that will be automatically // replaced with a actual address once it is available, i.e. when BTstack boots // up and starts talking to a Bluetooth module. gap_set_local_name("AVRCP Browsing Client 00:00:00:00:00:00"); gap_discoverable_control(1); gap_set_class_of_device(0x200408); // Register for HCI events. hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler; hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN // Parse human readable Bluetooth address. sscanf_bd_addr(device_addr_string, device_addr); btstack_stdin_setup(stdin_process); #endif printf("Starting BTstack ...\n"); hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); return 0; } /* LISTING_END */ static void avrcp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); uint16_t local_cid; uint8_t status = 0xFF; bd_addr_t adress; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META) return; switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED: { local_cid = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_avrcp_cid(packet); status = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_status(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP: Connection failed: status 0x%02x\n", status); avrcp_cid = 0; return; } avrcp_cid = local_cid; avrcp_connected = true; avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_bd_addr(packet, adress); printf("AVRCP: Connected to %s, cid 0x%02x\n", bd_addr_to_str(adress), avrcp_cid); return; } case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_RELEASED: printf("AVRCP: Channel released: cid 0x%02x\n", avrcp_subevent_connection_released_get_avrcp_cid(packet)); avrcp_cid = 0; avrcp_connected = false; return; default: break; } } static void a2dp_sink_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); bd_addr_t address; uint8_t status; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_A2DP_META) return; switch (packet[2]){ case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_ESTABLISHED: a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_bd_addr(packet, address); status = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_status(packet); if (status){ printf("A2DP Sink : Streaming connection failed, status 0x%02x\n", status); break; } a2dp_cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_a2dp_cid(packet); memcpy(device_addr, address, 6); printf("A2DP Sink: Connection established, address %s, a2dp_cid 0x%02x\n", bd_addr_to_str(address), a2dp_cid); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_CONNECTION_RELEASED: printf("A2DP Sink: Connection released\n"); break; default: break; } } static void avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); bd_addr_t address; uint8_t status; uint16_t pos = 0; uint16_t local_cid; // printf("avrcp_browsing_controller_packet_handler packet type 0x%02X, subevent 0x%02X\n", packet_type, packet[2]); switch (packet_type) { case HCI_EVENT_PACKET: switch (packet[0]){ case HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META: switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_BROWSING_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED: { local_cid = avrcp_subevent_browsing_connection_established_get_browsing_cid(packet); status = avrcp_subevent_browsing_connection_established_get_status(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP: Connection failed: status 0x%02x\n", status); browsing_cid = 0; return; } avrcp_subevent_browsing_connection_established_get_bd_addr(packet, address); browsing_cid = local_cid; browsing_connected = true; printf("AVRCP Browsing: Connection established, address %s, browsing_cid 0x%02x\n", bd_addr_to_str(address), browsing_cid); return; } case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_BROWSING_CONNECTION_RELEASED: printf("AVRCP: Connection released, cid 0x%02x\n", avrcp_subevent_browsing_connection_released_get_browsing_cid(packet)); browsing_cid = 0; browsing_connected = false; return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_BROWSING_DONE: browsing_query_active = 0; browsing_uid_counter = 0; if (avrcp_subevent_browsing_done_get_browsing_status(packet) != AVRCP_BROWSING_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP Browsing query done with browsing status 0x%02x, bluetooth status 0x%02x.\n", avrcp_subevent_browsing_done_get_browsing_status(packet), avrcp_subevent_browsing_done_get_bluetooth_status(packet)); return; } browsing_uid_counter = avrcp_subevent_browsing_done_get_uid_counter(packet); printf("DONE, browsing_uid_counter %d.\n", browsing_uid_counter); switch (browsing_state){ case AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_GET_PLAYERS: if (media_player_item_index < 0) { printf("Get media players first\n"); break; } printf("Set browsed player\n"); browsing_state = AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_SET_PLAYER; status = avrcp_browsing_controller_set_browsed_player(browsing_cid, media_player_items[0].player_id); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("Could not set player, status 0x%02X\n", status); status = AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_GET_PLAYERS; break; } break; case AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_W4_SET_PLAYER: browsing_state = AVRCP_BROWSING_STATE_READY; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } default: break; } break; case AVRCP_BROWSING_DATA_PACKET: browsing_query_active = 1; avrcp_browsing_item_type_t data_type = (avrcp_browsing_item_type_t)packet[pos++]; switch (data_type){ case AVRCP_BROWSING_MEDIA_ROOT_FOLDER:{ uint16_t folder_name_length = size - pos; char folder_name[AVRCP_MAX_FOLDER_NAME_SIZE]; memcpy(folder_name, &packet[pos], folder_name_length); folder_name[folder_name_length] = 0; printf("Found root folder: name %s \n", folder_name); break; } case AVRCP_BROWSING_FOLDER_ITEM:{ int index = next_folder_index(); memcpy(folders[index].uid, packet+pos, 8); uint32_t folder_uid_high = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos += 4; uint32_t folder_uid_low = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos += 4; avrcp_browsing_folder_type_t folder_type = packet[pos++]; uint8_t is_playable = packet[pos++]; uint16_t charset = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos += 2; uint16_t displayable_name_length = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos += 2; char value[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; memset(value, 0, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN); uint16_t value_len = btstack_min(displayable_name_length, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 1); memcpy(value, packet+pos, value_len); printf("Folder UID 0x%08" PRIx32 "%08" PRIx32 ", type 0x%02x, is_playable %d, charset 0x%02x, name %s\n", folder_uid_high, folder_uid_low, folder_type, is_playable, charset, value); if (is_playable){ playable_folder_index = index; } memcpy(folders[index].name, value, value_len); folders[index].name_len = value_len; break; } case AVRCP_BROWSING_MEDIA_PLAYER_ITEM:{ printf("Received media player item: "); uint16_t player_id = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos += 2; avrcp_browsing_media_player_major_type_t major_type = packet[pos++]; avrcp_browsing_media_player_subtype_t subtype = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos += 4; status = packet[pos++]; uint8_t feature_bitmask[16]; memcpy(feature_bitmask, packet, 16); pos += 16; printf("player ID 0x%04x, major_type %d, subtype %d, status %d\n", player_id, major_type, subtype, status); media_player_items[next_media_player_item_index()].player_id = player_id; break; } case AVRCP_BROWSING_MEDIA_ELEMENT_ITEM:{ int index = next_media_element_item_index(); memcpy(media_element_items[index].uid, packet+pos, 8); printf("Received media element item UID (index %d): ", index); // uint32_t media_uid_high = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos += 4; // uint32_t media_uid_low = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos+4); pos += 4; avrcp_browsing_media_type_t media_type = packet[pos++]; uint16_t charset = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos += 2; uint16_t displayable_name_length = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos += 2; char value[AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN]; memset(value, 0, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN); uint16_t value_len = btstack_min(displayable_name_length, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 1); memcpy(value, packet+pos, value_len); memcpy(media_element_items[index].name, value, value_len); pos += displayable_name_length; // printf("Media UID: 0x%08" PRIx32 "%08" PRIx32 ", media_type 0x%02x, charset 0x%02x, actual len %d, name %s\n", media_uid_high, media_uid_low, media_type, charset, value_len, value); printf_hexdump(media_element_items[index].uid, 8); uint8_t num_attributes = packet[pos++]; printf(" Media type 0x%02x, charset 0x%02x, actual len %d, name %s, num attributes %d:\n", media_type, charset, value_len, value, num_attributes); avrcp_media_item_context_t media_item_context; for (avrcp_media_item_iterator_init(&media_item_context, size-pos, packet+pos); avrcp_media_item_iterator_has_more(&media_item_context); avrcp_media_item_iterator_next(&media_item_context)){ uint32_t attr_id = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_id(&media_item_context); uint16_t attr_charset = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_charset(&media_item_context); uint16_t attr_value_length = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_value_len(&media_item_context); const uint8_t * attr_value = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_value(&media_item_context); memset(value, 0, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN); value_len = btstack_min(attr_value_length, AVRCP_BROWSING_MAX_BROWSABLE_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 1); memcpy(value, attr_value, value_len); printf(" - attr ID 0x%08" PRIx32 ", charset 0x%02x, actual len %d, name %s\n", attr_id, attr_charset, value_len, value); } break; } case AVRCP_BROWSING_MEDIA_ELEMENT_ITEM_ATTRIBUTE:{ uint8_t num_attributes = packet[pos++]; printf("Num media attributes %d:\n", num_attributes); avrcp_media_item_context_t media_item_context; for (avrcp_media_item_iterator_init(&media_item_context, size-pos, packet+pos); avrcp_media_item_iterator_has_more(&media_item_context); avrcp_media_item_iterator_next(&media_item_context)){ uint32_t attr_id = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_id(&media_item_context); uint16_t attr_charset = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_charset(&media_item_context); uint16_t attr_value_length = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_value_len(&media_item_context); const uint8_t * attr_value = avrcp_media_item_iterator_get_attr_value(&media_item_context); printf(" - attr ID 0x%08" PRIx32 ", charset 0x%02x, actual len %d, name %s\n", attr_id, attr_charset, attr_value_length, attr_value); } } default: printf("AVRCP browsing: unknown browsable item type 0%02x\n", data_type); break; } break; default: break; } } #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void show_usage(void){ bd_addr_t iut_address; gap_local_bd_addr(iut_address); printf("\n--- Bluetooth AVRCP Browsing Service Test Console %s ---\n", bd_addr_to_str(iut_address)); printf("c - AVRCP Service create connection to addr %s\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); printf("C - AVRCP Service disconnect\n"); printf("e - AVRCP Browsing Service create connection to addr %s\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); printf("E - AVRCP Browsing Service disconnect\n"); printf("I - Set first found player as addressed player\n"); printf("O - Set first found player as browsed player\n"); printf("p - Get media players\n"); printf("Q - Browse folders\n"); printf("P - Go up one level\n"); printf("W - Go down one level\n"); printf("T - Browse media items\n"); printf("---\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void stdin_process(char cmd){ uint8_t status = ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS; if (cmd != 'a' && cmd != 'A' && cmd != 'c' && cmd != 'C'){ if (browsing_query_active){ printf("Query active, try later!\n"); return; } } switch (cmd){ case 'b': status = a2dp_sink_establish_stream(device_addr, a2dp_local_seid, &a2dp_cid); printf(" - Create AVDTP connection to addr %s, and local seid %d, expected cid 0x%02x.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr), a2dp_local_seid, a2dp_cid); break; case 'B': printf(" - AVDTP disconnect from addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); a2dp_sink_disconnect(a2dp_cid); break; case 'c': printf(" - Connect to AVRCP Service on addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_connect(device_addr, &avrcp_cid); break; case 'C': if (avrcp_connected){ printf(" - AVRCP Service disconnect from addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_disconnect(avrcp_cid); break; } printf("AVRCP Service already disconnected\n"); break; case 'e': if (!avrcp_connected) { printf(" You must first connect to AVRCP Service on addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); break; } printf(" - Connect to AVRCP Browsing Service at addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_browsing_connect(device_addr, ertm_buffer, sizeof(ertm_buffer), &ertm_config, &browsing_cid); break; case 'E': if (browsing_connected){ printf(" - AVRCP Browsing Service disconnect from addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_browsing_disconnect(browsing_cid); break; } printf("AVRCP Browsing Service already disconnected\n"); break; case '\n': case '\r': break; default: if (!browsing_connected){ show_usage(); break; } switch (cmd) { case 'I': if (media_player_item_index < 0) { printf("AVRCP Browsing:Get media players first\n"); break; } printf("AVRCP Browsing:Set addressed player\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_addressed_player(avrcp_cid, media_player_items[0].player_id); break; case 'O': if (media_player_item_index < 0) { printf("AVRCP Browsing:Get media players first\n"); break; } printf("Set browsed player\n"); status = avrcp_browsing_controller_set_browsed_player(browsing_cid, media_player_items[0].player_id); break; case 'p': printf("AVRCP Browsing: get media players\n"); media_player_item_index = -1; status = avrcp_browsing_controller_get_media_players(browsing_cid, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_ALL); break; case 'Q': printf("AVRCP Browsing: browse folders\n"); folder_index = -1; status = avrcp_browsing_controller_browse_file_system(browsing_cid, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_ALL); break; case 'P': printf("AVRCP Browsing: browse media items\n"); avrcp_browsing_controller_browse_media(browsing_cid, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, AVRCP_MEDIA_ATTR_ALL); break; case 'W': printf("AVRCP Browsing: go up one level\n"); status = avrcp_browsing_controller_go_up_one_level(browsing_cid); folder_index = -1; break; case 'T': if (folder_index < 0 && !parent_folder_set){ printf("AVRCP Browsing: no folders available\n"); break; } if (!parent_folder_set){ parent_folder_set = 1; memcpy(parent_folder_name, folders[0].name, folders[0].name_len); memcpy(parent_folder_uid, folders[0].uid, 8); } printf("AVRCP Browsing: go down one level of %s\n", (char *)parent_folder_name); status = avrcp_browsing_controller_go_down_one_level(browsing_cid, parent_folder_uid); folder_index = -1; break; default: show_usage(); break; } break; } if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP Browsing: Could not perform command, status 0x%2x\n", status); } } #endif /* EXAMPLE_END */