/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define __BTSTACK_FILE__ "a2dp_sink_demo.c" /* * a2dp_sink_demo.c */ // ***************************************************************************** /* EXAMPLE_START(a2dp_sink_demo): Receive audio stream and control its playback. * * @text This A2DP Sink example demonstrates how to use the A2DP Sink service to * receive an audio data stream from a remote A2DP Source device. In addition, * the AVRCP Controller is used to get information on currently played media, * such are title, artist and album, as well as to control the playback, * i.e. to play, stop, repeat, etc. * * @test To test with a remote device, e.g. a mobile phone, * pair from the remote device with the demo, then start playing music on the remote device. * Alternatively, set the device_addr_string to the Bluetooth address of your * remote device in the code, and call connect from the UI. * * @test To controll the playback, tap SPACE on the console to show the available * AVRCP commands. */ // ***************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include "btstack.h" #define AVRCP_BROWSING_ENABLED 0 #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN #include "btstack_stdin.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA #include "btstack_ring_buffer.h" #include "hal_audio_dma.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO #include "btstack_ring_buffer.h" #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FILE_IO #include "wav_util.h" #define STORE_SBC_TO_SBC_FILE #define STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined(STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE) || defined(HAVE_AUDIO_DMA) #define DECODE_SBC #endif #define NUM_CHANNELS 2 #define BYTES_PER_FRAME (2*NUM_CHANNELS) #define MAX_SBC_FRAME_SIZE 120 // SBC Decoder for WAV file or PortAudio #ifdef DECODE_SBC static btstack_sbc_decoder_state_t state; static btstack_sbc_mode_t mode = SBC_MODE_STANDARD; #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined (HAVE_AUDIO_DMA) #define PREBUFFER_MS 200 static int audio_stream_started = 0; static int audio_stream_paused = 0; static btstack_ring_buffer_t ring_buffer; #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA // below 30: add samples, 30-40: fine, above 40: drop samples #define OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MIN 30 #define OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MAX 40 #define ADDITIONAL_FRAMES 10 #define DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES 128 #define DMA_MAX_FILL_FRAMES 1 #define NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS 2 static uint16_t audio_samples[(DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES + DMA_MAX_FILL_FRAMES)*2*NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS]; static uint16_t audio_samples_len[NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS]; static uint8_t ring_buffer_storage[(OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MAX + ADDITIONAL_FRAMES) * MAX_SBC_FRAME_SIZE]; static const uint16_t silent_buffer[DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES*2]; static volatile int playback_buffer; static int write_buffer; static uint8_t sbc_frame_size; static int sbc_samples_fix; #endif // PortAudio - live playback #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO #define PA_SAMPLE_TYPE paInt16 #define SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #define FRAMES_PER_BUFFER 128 #define PREBUFFER_BYTES (PREBUFFER_MS*SAMPLE_RATE/1000*BYTES_PER_FRAME) static PaStream * stream; static uint8_t ring_buffer_storage[2*PREBUFFER_BYTES]; #endif // WAV File #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE static int frame_count = 0; static char * wav_filename = "avdtp_sink.wav"; #endif #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_SBC_FILE static FILE * sbc_file; static char * sbc_filename = "avdtp_sink.sbc"; #endif typedef struct { // bitmaps uint8_t sampling_frequency_bitmap; uint8_t channel_mode_bitmap; uint8_t block_length_bitmap; uint8_t subbands_bitmap; uint8_t allocation_method_bitmap; uint8_t min_bitpool_value; uint8_t max_bitpool_value; } adtvp_media_codec_information_sbc_t; typedef struct { int reconfigure; int num_channels; int sampling_frequency; int channel_mode; int block_length; int subbands; int allocation_method; int min_bitpool_value; int max_bitpool_value; int frames_per_buffer; } avdtp_media_codec_configuration_sbc_t; #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN // mac 2011: static bd_addr_t remote = {0x04, 0x0C, 0xCE, 0xE4, 0x85, 0xD3}; // pts: static bd_addr_t remote = {0x00, 0x1B, 0xDC, 0x08, 0x0A, 0xA5}; // mac 2013: // mac 2013: static const char * device_addr_string = "84:38:35:65:d1:15"; // iPhone 5S: static const char * device_addr_string = "54:E4:3A:26:A2:39"; // BT dongle: static const char * device_addr_string = "00:02:72:DC:31:C1"; #endif // bt dongle: -u 02-02 static bd_addr_t remote = {0x00, 0x02, 0x72, 0xDC, 0x31, 0xC1}; static uint8_t sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer[150]; static avdtp_media_codec_configuration_sbc_t sbc_configuration; static uint16_t a2dp_cid = 0; static uint8_t local_seid = 0; static uint8_t value[100]; static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration; static int media_initialized = 0; #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static bd_addr_t device_addr; #endif static uint16_t a2dp_sink_connected = 0; static uint16_t avrcp_cid = 0; static uint8_t avrcp_connected = 0; static uint8_t sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer[200]; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_capabilities[] = { 0xFF,//(AVDTP_SBC_44100 << 4) | AVDTP_SBC_STEREO, 0xFF,//(AVDTP_SBC_BLOCK_LENGTH_16 << 4) | (AVDTP_SBC_SUBBANDS_8 << 2) | AVDTP_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 2, 53 }; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_configuration[] = { (AVDTP_SBC_44100 << 4) | AVDTP_SBC_STEREO, (AVDTP_SBC_BLOCK_LENGTH_16 << 4) | (AVDTP_SBC_SUBBANDS_8 << 2) | AVDTP_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 2, 53 }; /* @section Main Application Setup * * @text The Listing MainConfiguration shows how to setup AD2P Sink and AVRCP controller services. * To announce A2DP Sink and AVRCP Controller services, you need to create corresponding * SDP records and register them with the SDP service. * You'll also need to register several packet handlers: * - a2dp_sink_packet_handler - handles events on stream connection status (established, released), the media codec configuration, and, the status of the stream itself (opened, paused, stopped). * - handle_l2cap_media_data_packet - used to receive streaming data. If HAVE_PORTAUDIO or STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE directives (check btstack_config.h) are used, the SBC decoder will be used to decode the SBC data into PCM frames. The resulting PCM frames are then processed in the SBC Decoder callback. * - stdin_process callback - used to trigger AVRCP commands to the A2DP Source device, such are get now playing info, start, stop, volume control. Requires HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN. * - avrcp_controller_packet_handler - used to receive answers for AVRCP commands, * * @text Note, currently only the SBC codec is supported. * If you want to store the audio data in a file, you'll need to define STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE. The HAVE_PORTAUDIO directive indicates if the audio is played back via PortAudio. * If HAVE_PORTAUDIO or STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE directives is defined, the SBC decoder needs to get initialized when a2dp_sink_packet_handler receives event A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_STARTED. * The initialization of the SBC decoder requires a callback that handles PCM data: * - handle_pcm_data - handles PCM audio frames. Here, they are stored a in wav file if STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE is defined, and/or played using the PortAudio library if HAVE_PORTAUDIO is defined. */ /* LISTING_START(MainConfiguration): Setup Audio Sink and AVRCP Controller services */ static void a2dp_sink_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t * event, uint16_t event_size); static void avrcp_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void handle_l2cap_media_data_packet(uint8_t seid, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void stdin_process(char cmd); #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined(STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE) static void handle_pcm_data(int16_t * data, int num_samples, int num_channels, int sample_rate, void * context); #endif static int a2dp_sink_and_avrcp_services_init(void){ // Register for HCI events. hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &a2dp_sink_packet_handler; hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); // Initialize L2CAP. l2cap_init(); // Initialize A2DP Sink. a2dp_sink_init(); // Register A2DP Sink for HCI events. a2dp_sink_register_packet_handler(&a2dp_sink_packet_handler); // Register A2DP Sink for receiving media data. a2dp_sink_register_media_handler(&handle_l2cap_media_data_packet); // Create a stream endpoint to which the streaming channel will be opened. uint8_t status = a2dp_sink_create_stream_endpoint(AVDTP_AUDIO, AVDTP_CODEC_SBC, media_sbc_codec_capabilities, sizeof(media_sbc_codec_capabilities), media_sbc_codec_configuration, sizeof(media_sbc_codec_configuration), &local_seid); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("A2DP Sink: not enough memory to create local stream endpoint\n"); return 1; } // Initialize AVRCP Controller. avrcp_controller_init(); // Register AVRCP for HCI events. avrcp_controller_register_packet_handler(&avrcp_controller_packet_handler); // Initialize SDP. sdp_init(); // Create A2DP sink service record and register it with SDP. memset(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer)); a2dp_sink_create_sdp_record(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer, 0x10001, 1, NULL, NULL); sdp_register_service(sdp_avdtp_sink_service_buffer); // Create AVRCP service record and register it with SDP. memset(sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer)); avrcp_controller_create_sdp_record(sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer, 0x10001, AVRCP_BROWSING_ENABLED, 1, NULL, NULL); sdp_register_service(sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer); // Set local name with a template Bluetooth address, that will be automatically // replaced with a actual address once it is available, i.e. when BTstack boots // up and starts talking to a Bluetooth module. gap_set_local_name("A2DP Sink Demo 00:00:00:00:00:00"); gap_discoverable_control(1); gap_set_class_of_device(0x200408); #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA static btstack_data_source_t hal_audio_dma_data_source; // Set up polling data source. btstack_run_loop_set_data_source_handler(&hal_audio_dma_data_source, &hal_audio_dma_process); btstack_run_loop_enable_data_source_callbacks(&hal_audio_dma_data_source, DATA_SOURCE_CALLBACK_POLL); btstack_run_loop_add_data_source(&hal_audio_dma_data_source); #endif #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN // Parse human readable Bluetooth address. sscanf_bd_addr(device_addr_string, device_addr); btstack_stdin_setup(stdin_process); #endif return 0; } /* LISTING_END */ #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO static int portaudio_callback( const void *inputBuffer, void *outputBuffer, unsigned long framesPerBuffer, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void *userData ) { /** portaudio_callback is called from different thread, don't use hci_dump / log_info here without additional checks */ // Prevent unused variable warnings. (void) timeInfo; (void) statusFlags; (void) inputBuffer; (void) userData; int bytes_to_copy = framesPerBuffer * BYTES_PER_FRAME; // fill ring buffer with silence while stream is paused if (audio_stream_paused){ if (btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&ring_buffer) < PREBUFFER_BYTES){ memset(outputBuffer, 0, bytes_to_copy); return 0; } else { // resume playback audio_stream_paused = 0; } } // get data from ring buffer uint32_t bytes_read = 0; btstack_ring_buffer_read(&ring_buffer, outputBuffer, bytes_to_copy, &bytes_read); bytes_to_copy -= bytes_read; // fill ring buffer with silence if there are not enough bytes to copy if (bytes_to_copy){ memset(outputBuffer + bytes_read, 0, bytes_to_copy); audio_stream_paused = 1; } return 0; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA static int next_buffer(int current){ if (current == NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS-1) return 0; return current + 1; } static uint8_t * start_of_buffer(int num){ return (uint8_t *) &audio_samples[num * DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES * 2]; } void hal_audio_dma_done(void){ if (audio_stream_paused){ hal_audio_dma_play((const uint8_t *) silent_buffer, DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES*4); return; } // next buffer int next_playback_buffer = next_buffer(playback_buffer); uint8_t * playback_data; if (next_playback_buffer == write_buffer){ // TODO: stop codec while playing silence when getting 'stream paused' // start playing silence audio_stream_paused = 1; hal_audio_dma_play((const uint8_t *) silent_buffer, DMA_AUDIO_FRAMES*4); printf("%6u - paused - bytes in buffer %u\n", (int) btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(), btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&ring_buffer)); return; } playback_buffer = next_playback_buffer; playback_data = start_of_buffer(playback_buffer); hal_audio_dma_play(playback_data, audio_samples_len[playback_buffer]); // btstack_run_loop_embedded_trigger(); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA static void hal_audio_dma_process(btstack_data_source_t * ds, btstack_data_source_callback_type_t callback_type){ UNUSED(ds); UNUSED(callback_type); if (!media_initialized) return; int trigger_resume = 0; if (audio_stream_paused) { if (sbc_frame_size && btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&ring_buffer) >= OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MIN * sbc_frame_size){ trigger_resume = 1; // reset buffers playback_buffer = NUM_AUDIO_BUFFERS - 1; write_buffer = 0; } else { return; } } while (playback_buffer != write_buffer && btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&ring_buffer) >= sbc_frame_size ){ uint8_t frame[MAX_SBC_FRAME_SIZE]; uint32_t bytes_read = 0; btstack_ring_buffer_read(&ring_buffer, frame, sbc_frame_size, &bytes_read); btstack_sbc_decoder_process_data(&state, 0, frame, sbc_frame_size); } if (trigger_resume){ printf("%6u - resume\n", (int) btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms()); audio_stream_paused = 0; } } #endif static int media_processing_init(avdtp_media_codec_configuration_sbc_t configuration){ if (media_initialized) return 0; #ifdef DECODE_SBC btstack_sbc_decoder_init(&state, mode, handle_pcm_data, NULL); #endif #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE wav_writer_open(wav_filename, configuration.num_channels, configuration.sampling_frequency); #endif #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_SBC_FILE sbc_file = fopen(sbc_filename, "wb"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO // int frames_per_buffer = configuration.frames_per_buffer; PaError err; PaStreamParameters outputParameters; const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo; /* -- initialize PortAudio -- */ err = Pa_Initialize(); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error initializing portaudio: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return err; } /* -- setup input and output -- */ outputParameters.device = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); /* default output device */ outputParameters.channelCount = configuration.num_channels; outputParameters.sampleFormat = PA_SAMPLE_TYPE; outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device )->defaultHighOutputLatency; outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( outputParameters.device ); printf("PortAudio: Output device: %s\n", deviceInfo->name); log_info("PortAudio: Output device: %s", deviceInfo->name); /* -- setup stream -- */ err = Pa_OpenStream( &stream, NULL, /* &inputParameters */ &outputParameters, configuration.sampling_frequency, 0, paClipOff, /* we won't output out of range samples so don't bother clipping them */ portaudio_callback, /* use callback */ NULL ); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error initializing portaudio: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return err; } log_info("PortAudio: stream opened"); printf("PortAudio: stream opened\n"); #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA audio_stream_paused = 1; hal_audio_dma_init(configuration.sampling_frequency); hal_audio_dma_set_audio_played(&hal_audio_dma_done); // start playing silence hal_audio_dma_done(); #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined (HAVE_AUDIO_DMA) memset(ring_buffer_storage, 0, sizeof(ring_buffer_storage)); btstack_ring_buffer_init(&ring_buffer, ring_buffer_storage, sizeof(ring_buffer_storage)); audio_stream_started = 0; audio_stream_paused = 0; #endif media_initialized = 1; return 0; } static void media_processing_close(void){ if (!media_initialized) return; media_initialized = 0; #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE wav_writer_close(); int total_frames_nr = state.good_frames_nr + state.bad_frames_nr + state.zero_frames_nr; printf("WAV Writer: Decoding done. Processed totaly %d frames:\n - %d good\n - %d bad\n - %d zero frames\n", total_frames_nr, state.good_frames_nr, state.bad_frames_nr, state.zero_frames_nr); printf("WAV Writer: Written %d frames to wav file: %s\n", frame_count, wav_filename); #endif #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_SBC_FILE fclose(sbc_file); #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined (HAVE_AUDIO_DMA) audio_stream_started = 0; #endif #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO printf("PortAudio: Stream closed\n"); log_info("PortAudio: Stream closed"); PaError err = Pa_StopStream(stream); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error stopping the stream: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); log_error("Error stopping the stream: \"%s\"", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return; } err = Pa_CloseStream(stream); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error closing the stream: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); log_error("Error closing the stream: \"%s\"", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return; } err = Pa_Terminate(); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error terminating portaudio: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); log_error("Error terminating portaudio: \"%s\"", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA hal_audio_dma_close(); #endif } /* @section Handle Media Data Packet * * @text Media data packets, in this case the audio data, are received through the handle_l2cap_media_data_packet callback. * Currently, only the SBC media codec is supported. Hence, the media data consists of the media packet header and the SBC packet. * The SBC data will be decoded using an SBC decoder if either HAVE_PORTAUDIO or STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE directive is defined. * The resulting PCM frames can be then captured through a PCM data callback registered during SBC decoder setup, i.e. the * handle_pcm_data callback. */ static int read_media_data_header(uint8_t * packet, int size, int * offset, avdtp_media_packet_header_t * media_header); static int read_sbc_header(uint8_t * packet, int size, int * offset, avdtp_sbc_codec_header_t * sbc_header); static void handle_l2cap_media_data_packet(uint8_t seid, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(seid); int pos = 0; avdtp_media_packet_header_t media_header; if (!read_media_data_header(packet, size, &pos, &media_header)) return; avdtp_sbc_codec_header_t sbc_header; if (!read_sbc_header(packet, size, &pos, &sbc_header)) return; #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA // store sbc frame size for buffer management sbc_frame_size = (size-pos)/ sbc_header.num_frames; #endif #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined(STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE) btstack_sbc_decoder_process_data(&state, 0, packet+pos, size-pos); #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA btstack_ring_buffer_write(&ring_buffer, packet+pos, size-pos); // decide on audio sync drift based on number of sbc frames in queue int sbc_frames_in_buffer = btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&ring_buffer) / sbc_frame_size; if (sbc_frames_in_buffer < OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MIN){ sbc_samples_fix = 1; // duplicate last sample } else if (sbc_frames_in_buffer <= OPTIMAL_FRAMES_MAX){ sbc_samples_fix = 0; // nothing to do } else { sbc_samples_fix = -1; // drop last sample } // dump printf("%6u %03u %d\n", (int) btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(), sbc_frames_in_buffer, sbc_samples_fix); #endif #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_SBC_FILE fwrite(packet+pos, size-pos, 1, sbc_file); #endif } /* @section Handle PCM Data * * @text In this example, we use the [PortAudio library](http://www.portaudio.com) to play the audio stream. * The PCM data are bufferd in a ring buffer. * Aditionally, tha audio data can be stored in the avdtp_sink.wav file. */ #if defined(HAVE_PORTAUDIO) || defined(STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE) || defined(HAVE_AUDIO_DMA) static void handle_pcm_data(int16_t * data, int num_samples, int num_channels, int sample_rate, void * context){ UNUSED(sample_rate); UNUSED(context); #ifdef STORE_SBC_TO_WAV_FILE wav_writer_write_int16(num_samples*num_channels, data); frame_count++; #endif #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO // store pcm samples in ring buffer btstack_ring_buffer_write(&ring_buffer, (uint8_t *)data, num_samples*num_channels*2); if (!audio_stream_started){ audio_stream_paused = 1; /* -- start stream -- */ PaError err = Pa_StartStream(stream); if (err != paNoError){ printf("Error starting the stream: \"%s\"\n", Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return; } audio_stream_started = 1; } #endif #ifdef HAVE_AUDIO_DMA // store in ring buffer uint8_t * write_data = start_of_buffer(write_buffer); uint16_t len = num_samples*num_channels*2; memcpy(write_data, data, len); audio_samples_len[write_buffer] = len; // add/drop audio frame to fix drift if (sbc_samples_fix > 0){ memcpy(write_data + len, write_data + len - 4, 4); audio_samples_len[write_buffer] += 4; } if (sbc_samples_fix < 0){ audio_samples_len[write_buffer] -= 4; } write_buffer = next_buffer(write_buffer); #endif } #endif static int read_sbc_header(uint8_t * packet, int size, int * offset, avdtp_sbc_codec_header_t * sbc_header){ int sbc_header_len = 12; // without crc int pos = *offset; if (size - pos < sbc_header_len){ printf("Not enough data to read SBC header, expected %d, received %d\n", sbc_header_len, size-pos); return 0; } sbc_header->fragmentation = get_bit16(packet[pos], 7); sbc_header->starting_packet = get_bit16(packet[pos], 6); sbc_header->last_packet = get_bit16(packet[pos], 5); sbc_header->num_frames = packet[pos] & 0x0f; pos++; // printf("SBC HEADER: num_frames %u, fragmented %u, start %u, stop %u\n", sbc_header.num_frames, sbc_header.fragmentation, sbc_header.starting_packet, sbc_header.last_packet); *offset = pos; return 1; } static int read_media_data_header(uint8_t *packet, int size, int *offset, avdtp_media_packet_header_t *media_header){ int media_header_len = 12; // without crc int pos = *offset; if (size - pos < media_header_len){ printf("Not enough data to read media packet header, expected %d, received %d\n", media_header_len, size-pos); return 0; } media_header->version = packet[pos] & 0x03; media_header->padding = get_bit16(packet[pos],2); media_header->extension = get_bit16(packet[pos],3); media_header->csrc_count = (packet[pos] >> 4) & 0x0F; pos++; media_header->marker = get_bit16(packet[pos],0); media_header->payload_type = (packet[pos] >> 1) & 0x7F; pos++; media_header->sequence_number = big_endian_read_16(packet, pos); pos+=2; media_header->timestamp = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos+=4; media_header->synchronization_source = big_endian_read_32(packet, pos); pos+=4; *offset = pos; // TODO: read csrc list // printf_hexdump( packet, pos ); // printf("MEDIA HEADER: %u timestamp, version %u, padding %u, extension %u, csrc_count %u\n", // media_header->timestamp, media_header->version, media_header->padding, media_header->extension, media_header->csrc_count); // printf("MEDIA HEADER: marker %02x, payload_type %02x, sequence_number %u, synchronization_source %u\n", // media_header->marker, media_header->payload_type, media_header->sequence_number, media_header->synchronization_source); return 1; } static void dump_sbc_configuration(avdtp_media_codec_configuration_sbc_t configuration){ printf("Received SBC configuration:\n"); printf(" - num_channels: %d\n", configuration.num_channels); printf(" - sampling_frequency: %d\n", configuration.sampling_frequency); printf(" - channel_mode: %d\n", configuration.channel_mode); printf(" - block_length: %d\n", configuration.block_length); printf(" - subbands: %d\n", configuration.subbands); printf(" - allocation_method: %d\n", configuration.allocation_method); printf(" - bitpool_value [%d, %d] \n", configuration.min_bitpool_value, configuration.max_bitpool_value); printf("\n"); } static void avrcp_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); uint16_t local_cid; uint8_t status = 0xFF; bd_addr_t adress; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META) return; switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED: { local_cid = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_avrcp_cid(packet); if (avrcp_cid != 0 && avrcp_cid != local_cid) { printf("AVRCP demo: Connection failed, expected 0x%02X l2cap cid, received 0x%02X\n", avrcp_cid, local_cid); return; } status = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_status(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP demo: Connection failed: status 0x%02x\n", status); avrcp_cid = 0; return; } avrcp_cid = local_cid; avrcp_connected = 1; avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_bd_addr(packet, adress); printf("AVRCP demo: Channel successfully opened: %s, avrcp_cid 0x%02x\n", bd_addr_to_str(adress), avrcp_cid); // automatically enable notifications avrcp_controller_enable_notification(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED); avrcp_controller_enable_notification(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_NOW_PLAYING_CONTENT_CHANGED); avrcp_controller_enable_notification(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED); avrcp_controller_enable_notification(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_TRACK_CHANGED); return; } case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_RELEASED: printf("AVRCP demo: Channel released: avrcp_cid 0x%02x\n", avrcp_subevent_connection_released_get_avrcp_cid(packet)); avrcp_cid = 0; avrcp_connected = 0; return; default: break; } status = packet[5]; if (!avrcp_cid) return; // ignore INTERIM status if (status == AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_INTERIM) return; printf("AVRCP demo: command status: %s, ", avrcp_ctype2str(status)); switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_PLAYBACK_STATUS_CHANGED: printf("notification, playback status changed %s\n", avrcp_play_status2str(avrcp_subevent_notification_playback_status_changed_get_play_status(packet))); return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_NOW_PLAYING_CONTENT_CHANGED: printf("notification, playing content changed\n"); return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_TRACK_CHANGED: printf("notification track changed\n"); return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_VOLUME_CHANGED: printf("notification absolute volume changed %d\n", avrcp_subevent_notification_volume_changed_get_absolute_volume(packet)); return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_AVAILABLE_PLAYERS_CHANGED: printf("notification changed\n"); return; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_SHUFFLE_AND_REPEAT_MODE:{ uint8_t shuffle_mode = avrcp_subevent_shuffle_and_repeat_mode_get_shuffle_mode(packet); uint8_t repeat_mode = avrcp_subevent_shuffle_and_repeat_mode_get_repeat_mode(packet); printf("%s, %s\n", avrcp_shuffle2str(shuffle_mode), avrcp_repeat2str(repeat_mode)); break; } case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOW_PLAYING_TITLE_INFO: if (avrcp_subevent_now_playing_title_info_get_value_len(packet) > 0){ memcpy(value, avrcp_subevent_now_playing_title_info_get_value(packet), avrcp_subevent_now_playing_title_info_get_value_len(packet)); printf(" Title: %s\n", value); } break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOW_PLAYING_ARTIST_INFO: if (avrcp_subevent_now_playing_artist_info_get_value_len(packet) > 0){ memcpy(value, avrcp_subevent_now_playing_artist_info_get_value(packet), avrcp_subevent_now_playing_artist_info_get_value_len(packet)); printf(" Artist: %s\n", value); } break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOW_PLAYING_ALBUM_INFO: if (avrcp_subevent_now_playing_album_info_get_value_len(packet) > 0){ memcpy(value, avrcp_subevent_now_playing_album_info_get_value(packet), avrcp_subevent_now_playing_album_info_get_value_len(packet)); printf(" Album: %s\n", value); } break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOW_PLAYING_GENRE_INFO: if (avrcp_subevent_now_playing_genre_info_get_value_len(packet) > 0){ memcpy(value, avrcp_subevent_now_playing_genre_info_get_value(packet), avrcp_subevent_now_playing_genre_info_get_value_len(packet)); printf(" Genre: %s\n", value); } break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_PLAY_STATUS: printf("song length: %d ms, song position: %d ms, play status: %s\n", avrcp_subevent_play_status_get_song_length(packet), avrcp_subevent_play_status_get_song_position(packet), avrcp_play_status2str(avrcp_subevent_play_status_get_play_status(packet))); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_COMPLETE: printf("operation done %s\n", avrcp_operation2str(avrcp_subevent_operation_complete_get_operation_id(packet))); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION_START: printf("operation start %s\n", avrcp_operation2str(avrcp_subevent_operation_complete_get_operation_id(packet))); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_PLAYER_APPLICATION_VALUE_RESPONSE: // response to set shuffle and repeat mode printf("\n"); break; default: printf("AVRCP demo: event is not parsed\n"); break; } } static void a2dp_sink_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); uint16_t cid; bd_addr_t address; uint8_t status; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) == HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST) { printf("Pin code request - using '0000'\n"); hci_event_pin_code_request_get_bd_addr(packet, address); gap_pin_code_response(address, "0000"); return; } if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_A2DP_META) return; switch (packet[2]){ case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_MEDIA_CODEC_OTHER_CONFIGURATION: printf("A2DP Sink demo: received non SBC codec. not implemented.\n"); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_MEDIA_CODEC_SBC_CONFIGURATION:{ printf("A2DP Sink demo: received SBC codec configuration.\n"); sbc_configuration.reconfigure = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_reconfigure(packet); sbc_configuration.num_channels = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_num_channels(packet); sbc_configuration.sampling_frequency = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_sampling_frequency(packet); sbc_configuration.channel_mode = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_channel_mode(packet); sbc_configuration.block_length = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_block_length(packet); sbc_configuration.subbands = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_subbands(packet); sbc_configuration.allocation_method = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_allocation_method(packet); sbc_configuration.min_bitpool_value = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_min_bitpool_value(packet); sbc_configuration.max_bitpool_value = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_max_bitpool_value(packet); sbc_configuration.frames_per_buffer = sbc_configuration.subbands * sbc_configuration.block_length; dump_sbc_configuration(sbc_configuration); if (sbc_configuration.reconfigure){ media_processing_close(); } // prepare media processing media_processing_init(sbc_configuration); break; } case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_ESTABLISHED: a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_bd_addr(packet, address); status = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_status(packet); cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_a2dp_cid(packet); printf("A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_ESTABLISHED %d, %d \n", cid, a2dp_cid); if (!a2dp_cid){ // incoming connection a2dp_cid = cid; } else if (cid != a2dp_cid) { break; } if (status){ a2dp_sink_connected = 0; printf("A2DP Sink demo: streaming connection failed, status 0x%02x\n", status); break; } printf("A2DP Sink demo: streaming connection is established, address %s, a2dp cid 0x%02X, local_seid %d\n", bd_addr_to_str(address), a2dp_cid, local_seid); memcpy(device_addr, address, 6); local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_local_seid(packet); a2dp_sink_connected = 1; break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_STARTED: cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_started_get_a2dp_cid(packet); if (cid != a2dp_cid) break; local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_started_get_local_seid(packet); printf("A2DP Sink demo: stream started, a2dp cid 0x%02X, local_seid %d\n", a2dp_cid, local_seid); // started media_processing_init(sbc_configuration); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_SUSPENDED: cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_suspended_get_a2dp_cid(packet); if (cid != a2dp_cid) break; local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_suspended_get_local_seid(packet); printf("A2DP Sink demo: stream paused, a2dp cid 0x%02X, local_seid %d\n", a2dp_cid, local_seid); media_processing_close(); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_RELEASED: cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_released_get_a2dp_cid(packet); if (cid != a2dp_cid) { printf("A2DP Sink demo: unexpected cid 0x%02x instead of 0x%02x\n", cid, a2dp_cid); break; } local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_released_get_local_seid(packet); printf("A2DP Sink demo: stream released, a2dp cid 0x%02X, local_seid %d\n", a2dp_cid, local_seid); media_processing_close(); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_CONNECTION_RELEASED: cid = a2dp_subevent_signaling_connection_released_get_a2dp_cid(packet); if (cid != a2dp_cid) { printf("A2DP Sink demo: unexpected cid 0x%02x instead of 0x%02x\n", cid, a2dp_cid); break; } a2dp_sink_connected = 0; printf("A2DP Sink demo: signaling connection released\n"); break; default: printf("A2DP Sink demo: not parsed 0x%02x\n", packet[2]); break; } } #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void show_usage(void){ bd_addr_t iut_address; gap_local_bd_addr(iut_address); printf("\n--- Bluetooth AVDTP Sink/AVRCP Connection Test Console %s ---\n", bd_addr_to_str(iut_address)); printf("b - AVDTP Sink create connection to addr %s\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); printf("B - AVDTP Sink disconnect\n"); printf("c - AVRCP create connection to addr %s\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); printf("C - AVRCP disconnect\n"); printf("\n--- Bluetooth AVRCP Commands %s ---\n", bd_addr_to_str(iut_address)); printf("O - get play status\n"); printf("j - get now playing info\n"); printf("k - play\n"); printf("K - stop\n"); printf("L - pause\n"); printf("u - start fast forward\n"); printf("U - stop fast forward\n"); printf("n - start rewind\n"); printf("N - stop rewind\n"); printf("i - forward\n"); printf("I - backward\n"); printf("t - volume up\n"); printf("T - volume down\n"); printf("p - absolute volume of 50 percent\n"); printf("M - mute\n"); printf("r - skip\n"); printf("q - query repeat and shuffle mode\n"); printf("v - repeat single track\n"); printf("x - repeat all tracks\n"); printf("X - disable repeat mode\n"); printf("z - shuffle all tracks\n"); printf("Z - disable shuffle mode\n"); printf("---\n"); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void stdin_process(char cmd){ uint8_t status = ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS; printf("stdin_process \n"); if (!avrcp_connected){ switch (cmd){ case 'b': case 'B': case 'c': break; default: printf("Command '%c' cannot be performed - please use 'c' to establish an AVRCP connection with device (addr %s).\n", cmd, bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); return; } } switch (cmd){ case 'b': status = a2dp_sink_establish_stream(device_addr, local_seid, &a2dp_cid); printf(" - Create AVDTP connection to addr %s, and local seid %d, expected cid 0x%02x.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr), local_seid, a2dp_cid); break; case 'B': printf(" - AVDTP disconnect from addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avdtp_sink_disconnect(a2dp_cid); break; case 'c': printf(" - Create AVRCP connection to addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_controller_connect(device_addr, &avrcp_cid); break; case 'C': printf(" - AVRCP disconnect from addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); status = avrcp_controller_disconnect(avrcp_cid); break; case '\n': case '\r': break; case 'O': printf(" - get play status\n"); status = avrcp_controller_get_play_status(avrcp_cid); break; case 'j': printf(" - get now playing info\n"); status = avrcp_controller_get_now_playing_info(avrcp_cid); break; case 'k': printf(" - play\n"); status = avrcp_controller_play(avrcp_cid); break; case 'K': printf(" - stop\n"); status = avrcp_controller_stop(avrcp_cid); break; case 'L': printf(" - pause\n"); status = avrcp_controller_pause(avrcp_cid); break; case 'u': printf(" - start fast forward\n"); status = avrcp_controller_start_fast_forward(avrcp_cid); break; case 'U': printf(" - stop fast forward\n"); status = avrcp_controller_stop_fast_forward(avrcp_cid); break; case 'n': printf(" - start rewind\n"); status = avrcp_controller_start_rewind(avrcp_cid); break; case 'N': printf(" - stop rewind\n"); status = avrcp_controller_stop_rewind(avrcp_cid); break; case 'i': printf(" - forward\n"); status = avrcp_controller_forward(avrcp_cid); break; case 'I': printf(" - backward\n"); status = avrcp_controller_backward(avrcp_cid); break; case 't': printf(" - volume up\n"); status = avrcp_controller_volume_up(avrcp_cid); break; case 'T': printf(" - volume down\n"); status = avrcp_controller_volume_down(avrcp_cid); break; case 'p': printf(" - absolute volume of 50 percent\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_absolute_volume(avrcp_cid, 50); break; case 'M': printf(" - mute\n"); status = avrcp_controller_mute(avrcp_cid); break; case 'r': printf(" - skip\n"); status = avrcp_controller_skip(avrcp_cid); break; case 'q': printf(" - query repeat and shuffle mode\n"); status = avrcp_controller_query_shuffle_and_repeat_modes(avrcp_cid); break; case 'v': printf(" - repeat single track\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_repeat_mode(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_REPEAT_MODE_SINGLE_TRACK); break; case 'x': printf(" - repeat all tracks\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_repeat_mode(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_REPEAT_MODE_ALL_TRACKS); break; case 'X': printf(" - disable repeat mode\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_repeat_mode(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_REPEAT_MODE_OFF); break; case 'z': printf(" - shuffle all tracks\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_shuffle_mode(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL_TRACKS); break; case 'Z': printf(" - disable shuffle mode\n"); status = avrcp_controller_set_shuffle_mode(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_SHUFFLE_MODE_OFF); break; default: show_usage(); return; } if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("Could not perform command, status 0x%2x\n", status); } } #endif int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ (void)argc; (void)argv; int err = a2dp_sink_and_avrcp_services_init(); if (err) return err; // turn on! printf("Starting BTstack ...\n"); hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); return 0; } /* EXAMPLE_END */