// LE Peripheral Example - not working yet
#include <BTstack.h>
#include <SPI.h>

 * EXAMPLE_START(LEPeripheral): LE Peripheral
 * @text BTstack allows to setup a GATT Services and Characteristics directly
 * from the setup function without using other tools outside of the Arduino IDE.
 * @section Setup
 * @text First, a number of callbacks are set. Then, a Service with a Read-only 
 * Characteristic and a dynamic Characteristic is added to the GATT database.
 * In BTstack, a dynamic Characteristic is a Characteristic where reads and writes
 * are forwarded to the Sketch. In this example, the dynamic Characteristic is 
 * provided by the single byte variable characteristic_data.

/* LISTING_START(LEPeripheralSetup): Setup */
static char characteristic_data = 'H';

void setup(void){


    // set callbacks

    // setup GATT Database
    BTstack.addGATTService(new UUID("B8E06067-62AD-41BA-9231-206AE80AB551"));
    BTstack.addGATTCharacteristic(new UUID("f897177b-aee8-4767-8ecc-cc694fd5fcef"), ATT_PROPERTY_READ, "This is a String!");
    BTstack.addGATTCharacteristicDynamic(new UUID("f897177b-aee8-4767-8ecc-cc694fd5fce0"), ATT_PROPERTY_READ | ATT_PROPERTY_WRITE | ATT_PROPERTY_NOTIFY, 0);

    // startup Bluetooth and activate advertisements
/* LISTING_END(LEPeripheralSetup): Setup */

void loop(void){

 * @section Device Connected Callback
 * @text When a remove device connects, device connected callback is callec.
/* LISTING_START(LEPeripheralDeviceConnectedCallback): Device Connected Callback */
void deviceConnectedCallback(BLEStatus status, BLEDevice *device) {
    switch (status){
        case BLE_STATUS_OK:
            Serial.println("Device connected!");
/* LISTING_END(LEPeripheralDeviceConnectedCallback): Device Connected Callback */

 * @section Device Disconnected Callback
 * @text If the connection to a device breaks, the device disconnected callback
 * is called.
/* LISTING_START(LEPeripheralDeviceDisconnectedCallback): Device Disconnected Callback */
void deviceDisconnectedCallback(BLEDevice * device){
/* LISTING_END(LEPeripheralDeviceDisconnectedCallback): Device Disconnected Callback */

 * @section Read Callback
 * @text In BTstack, the Read Callback is first called to query the size of the
 * Charcteristic Value, before it is called to provide the data. 
 * Both times, the size has to be returned. The data is only stored in the provided
 * buffer, if the buffer argeument is not NULL.
 * If more than one dynamic Characteristics is used, the value handle is used
 * to distinguish them.
/* LISTING_START(LEPeripheralReadCallback): Read Callback */
uint16_t gattReadCallback(uint16_t value_handle, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){
    if (buffer){
        Serial.print("gattReadCallback, value: ");
        Serial.println(characteristic_data, HEX);
        buffer[0] = characteristic_data;
    return 1;
/* LISTING_END(LEPeripheralDeviceDisconnectedCallback): Read Callback */

 * @section Write Callback
 * @text When the remove device writes a Characteristic Value, the Write callback
 * is called. The buffer arguments points to the data of size size/
 * If more than one dynamic Characteristics is used, the value handle is used
 * to distinguish them.
/* LISTING_START(LEPeripheralWriteCallback): Write Callback */
int gattWriteCallback(uint16_t value_handle, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size){
    characteristic_data = buffer[0];
    Serial.print("gattWriteCallback , value ");
    Serial.println(characteristic_data, HEX);
    return 0;
/* LISTING_END(LEPeripheralWriteCallback): Write Callback */