#!/usr/bin/env python import os, sys, getopt, re, pickle class State: SearchStartAPI = 0 SearchEndAPI = 1 DoneAPI = 2 # [file_name, api_title, api_label] apis = [ ["src/ble/ancs_client.h", "BLE ANCS Client", "ancsClient"], ["src/ble/att_db_util.h", "BLE ATT Database", "attDb"], ["src/ble/att_server.h", "BLE ATT Server", "attServer"], ["src/ble/gatt_client.h", "BLE GATT Client", "gattClient"], ["src/ble/le_device_db.h", "BLE Device Database", "leDeviceDb"], ["src/ble/sm.h", "BLE Security Manager", "sm"], ["src/classic/bnep.h", "BNEP", "bnep"], ["src/classic/btstack_link_key_db.h","Link Key DB","lkDb"], ["src/classic/hsp_hs.h","HSP Headset","hspHS"], ["src/classic/hsp_ag.h","HSP Audio Gateway","hspAG"], ["src/classic/hfp_hf.h","HFP Hands-Free","hfpHF"], ["src/classic/hfp_ag.h","HFP Audio Gateway","hfpAG"], ["src/classic/pan.h", "PAN", "pan"], ["src/classic/rfcomm.h", "RFCOMM", "rfcomm"], ["src/classic/sdp_client.h", "SDP Client", "sdpClient"], ["src/classic/sdp_client_rfcomm.h", "SDP RFCOMM Query", "sdpQueries"], ["src/classic/sdp_server.h", "SDP Server", "sdpSrv"], ["src/classic/sdp_util.h","SDP Utils", "sdpUtil"], ["src/ad_parser.h", "BLE Advertisements Parser", "advParser"], ["src/btstack_chipset.h","BTstack Chipset","btMemory"], ["src/btstack_control.h","BTstack Hardware Control","btControl"], ["src/btstack_event.h","HCI Event Getter","btEvent"], ["src/btstack_memory.h","BTstack Memory Management","btMemory"], ["src/btstack_linked_list.h","BTstack Linked List","btList"], ["src/btstack_run_loop.h", "Run Loop", "runLoop"], ["src/btstack_util.h", "Common Utils", "btUtil"], ["src/gap.h", "GAP", "gap"], ["src/hci.h", "HCI", "hci"], ["src/hci_dump.h","HCI Logging","hciTrace"], ["src/hci_transport.h","HCI Transport","hciTransport"], ["src/l2cap.h", "L2CAP", "l2cap"], ] functions = {} typedefs = {} api_header = """ ## API_TITLE API {#sec:API_LABLEAPIAppendix} """ api_ending = """ """ code_ref = """GITHUBFPATH#LLINENR""" def codeReference(fname, githubfolder, filepath, linenr): global code_ref ref = code_ref.replace("GITHUB", githubfolder) ref = ref.replace("FPATH", filepath) ref = ref.replace("LINENR", str(linenr)) return ref def writeAPI(apifile, btstackfolder, apis, mk_codeidentation): with open(apifile, 'w') as fout: for api_tuple in apis: api_filename = btstackfolder + api_tuple[0] api_title = api_tuple[1] api_lable = api_tuple[2] title = api_header.replace("API_TITLE", api_title).replace("API_LABLE", api_lable) fout.write(title) state = State.SearchStartAPI with open(api_filename, 'rb') as fin: for line in fin: if state == State.SearchStartAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_START.*',line) if parts: state = State.SearchEndAPI continue if state == State.SearchEndAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_END.*',line) if parts: state = State.DoneAPI continue fout.write(mk_codeidentation + line) continue def createIndex(btstackfolder, apis, githubfolder): global typedefs, functions for api_tuple in apis: api_filename = btstackfolder + api_tuple[0] api_title = api_tuple[1] api_lable = api_tuple[2] linenr = 0 with open(api_filename, 'rb') as fin: typedefFound = 0 multiline_function_def = 0 state = State.SearchStartAPI for line in fin: if state == State.DoneAPI: continue linenr = linenr + 1 if state == State.SearchStartAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_START.*',line) if parts: state = State.SearchEndAPI continue if state == State.SearchEndAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_END.*',line) if parts: state = State.DoneAPI continue if multiline_function_def: function_end = re.match('.*;\n', line) if function_end: multiline_function_def = 0 continue param = re.match(".*@brief.*", line) if param: continue param = re.match(".*@param.*", line) if param: continue param = re.match(".*@return.*", line) if param: continue # search typedef struct begin typedef = re.match('.*typedef\s+struct.*', line) if typedef: typedefFound = 1 # search typedef struct end if typedefFound: typedef = re.match('}\s*(.*);\n', line) if typedef: typedefFound = 0 typedefs[typedef.group(1)] = codeReference(typedef.group(1), githubfolder, api_tuple[0], linenr) continue ref_function = re.match('.*typedef\s+void\s+\(\s*\*\s*(.*?)\)\(.*', line) if ref_function: functions[ref_function.group(1)] = codeReference(ref_function.group(1), githubfolder, api_tuple[0], linenr) continue function = re.match('(.*?)\s*\(.*\(*.*;\n', line) if function: parts = function.group(1).split(" "); name = parts[len(parts)-1] if len(name) == 0: print(parts); sys.exit(10) functions[name] = codeReference( name, githubfolder, api_tuple[0], linenr) continue function = re.match('.(.*?)\s*\(.*\(*.*', line) if function: if len(name) == 0: print(parts); sys.exit(10) parts = function.group(1).split(" "); name = parts[len(parts)-1] multiline_function_def = 1 functions[name] = codeReference(name, githubfolder, api_tuple[0], linenr) def main(argv): mk_codeidentation = " " btstackfolder = "../../" githubfolder = "https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/blob/master/" docsfolder = "docs/" apifile = docsfolder + "appendix/apis.md" indexfile = docsfolder + "appendix/index.md" cmd = 'update_apis.py [-b <btstackfolder>] [-a <apifile>] [-g <githubfolder>] [-i <indexfile>]' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hiso:",["bfolder=","afile=","gfolder=","ifile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print cmd sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print cmd sys.exit() elif opt in ("-b", "--bfolder"): btstackfolder = arg elif opt in ("-a", "--afile"): apifile = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--gfolder"): btstackfolder = arg elif opt in ("-i", "--ifile"): indexfile = arg print 'BTstack folder is :', btstackfolder print 'API file is :', apifile print 'Github path is :', githubfolder print 'Index file is :', indexfile writeAPI(apifile, btstackfolder, apis, mk_codeidentation) createIndex(btstackfolder, apis, githubfolder) for function in functions: parts = function.split(' ') if (len(parts) > 1): print (parts) references = functions.copy() references.update(typedefs) with open(indexfile, 'w') as fout: for function, reference in references.items(): fout.write("[" + function + "](" + reference + ")\n") pickle.dump(references, open( "tmp/references.p", "wb" ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])