/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "btstack_ring_buffer.h" #include "btstack_sbc.h" #include "wav_util.h" #include "avdtp.h" #include "avdtp_source.h" #include "btstack_stdin.h" #define NUM_CHANNELS 2 #define SAMPLE_RATE 44100 #define BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE (2*NUM_CHANNELS) #define LATENCY 300 // ms #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265 #endif #define TABLE_SIZE_441HZ 100 typedef struct { int16_t source[TABLE_SIZE_441HZ]; int left_phase; int right_phase; } paTestData; static uint32_t fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout = 50; //ms static paTestData sin_data; // static int total_num_samples = 0; static char * output_wav_filename = "test_output_ring_sine.wav"; // static char * input_wav_filename = "test_input_sine.wav"; static btstack_sbc_decoder_state_t state; static btstack_sbc_mode_t mode = SBC_MODE_STANDARD; static avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * local_stream_endpoint; static void handle_pcm_data(int16_t * data, int num_samples, int num_channels, int sample_rate, void * context){ UNUSED(sample_rate); UNUSED(context); wav_writer_write_int16(num_samples*num_channels, data); } static void fill_audio_ring_buffer(void *userData, int num_samples_to_write, avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint){ paTestData *data = (paTestData*)userData; int count = 0; while (btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_free(&stream_endpoint->audio_ring_buffer) >= BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE && count < num_samples_to_write){ uint8_t write_data[BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE]; *(int16_t*)&write_data[0] = data->source[data->left_phase]; *(int16_t*)&write_data[2] = data->source[data->right_phase]; btstack_ring_buffer_write(&stream_endpoint->audio_ring_buffer, write_data, BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE); count++; data->left_phase += 1; if (data->left_phase >= TABLE_SIZE_441HZ){ data->left_phase -= TABLE_SIZE_441HZ; } data->right_phase += 1; if (data->right_phase >= TABLE_SIZE_441HZ){ data->right_phase -= TABLE_SIZE_441HZ; } } } static void store_sbc_frame_for_transmission(uint8_t * sbc_frame, int sbc_frame_size, avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint){ if (btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_free(&stream_endpoint->sbc_ring_buffer) >= (sbc_frame_size + 1)){ // printf(" store_sbc_frame_for_transmission\n"); uint8_t size_buffer = sbc_frame_size; btstack_ring_buffer_write(&stream_endpoint->sbc_ring_buffer, &size_buffer, 1); btstack_ring_buffer_write(&stream_endpoint->sbc_ring_buffer, sbc_frame, sbc_frame_size); } else { printf("No space in sbc buffer\n"); } } static void avdtp_source_stream_endpoint_run(avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint){ // performe sbc encoding int total_num_bytes_read = 0; int num_audio_samples_to_read = btstack_sbc_encoder_num_audio_frames(); int audio_bytes_to_read = num_audio_samples_to_read * BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE; printf("run: audio samples %u, audio_bytes_to_read: %d\n", num_audio_samples_to_read, audio_bytes_to_read); printf(" audio buf, bytes available: %d\n", btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&stream_endpoint->audio_ring_buffer)); printf(" sbc buf, bytes free: %d\n", btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_free(&stream_endpoint->sbc_ring_buffer)); while (btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&stream_endpoint->audio_ring_buffer) >= audio_bytes_to_read && btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_free(&stream_endpoint->sbc_ring_buffer) >= 120){ // TODO use real value uint32_t number_of_bytes_read = 0; uint8_t pcm_frame[256*BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE]; btstack_ring_buffer_read(&stream_endpoint->audio_ring_buffer, pcm_frame, audio_bytes_to_read, &number_of_bytes_read); // printf(" num audio bytes read %d\n", number_of_bytes_read); btstack_sbc_encoder_process_data((int16_t *) pcm_frame); uint16_t sbc_frame_bytes = btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer_length(); printf("decode %d bytes\n", sbc_frame_bytes); total_num_bytes_read += number_of_bytes_read; store_sbc_frame_for_transmission(btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer(), sbc_frame_bytes, stream_endpoint); btstack_sbc_decoder_process_data(&state, 0, btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer(), sbc_frame_bytes); } } static void test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout_handler(btstack_timer_source_t * timer){ avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint = btstack_run_loop_get_timer_context(timer); btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer, fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout); // 2 seconds timeout btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer); uint32_t now = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(); uint32_t update_period_ms = fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout; if (stream_endpoint->time_audio_data_sent > 0){ update_period_ms = now - stream_endpoint->time_audio_data_sent; } uint32_t num_samples = (update_period_ms * 44100) / 1000; stream_endpoint->acc_num_missed_samples += (update_period_ms * 44100) % 1000; if (stream_endpoint->acc_num_missed_samples >= 1000){ num_samples++; stream_endpoint->acc_num_missed_samples -= 1000; } fill_audio_ring_buffer(&sin_data, num_samples, stream_endpoint); stream_endpoint->time_audio_data_sent = now; avdtp_source_stream_endpoint_run(stream_endpoint); } static void test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer_start(avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint){ btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer, test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout_handler); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_context(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer, stream_endpoint); btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer, fill_audio_ring_buffer_timeout); // 50 ms timeout btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer); } static void test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer_stop(avdtp_stream_endpoint_t * stream_endpoint){ btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&stream_endpoint->fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer); } static void stream_data_start(void){ test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer_start(local_stream_endpoint); } static void stream_data_stop(void){ test_fill_audio_ring_buffer_timer_stop(local_stream_endpoint); wav_writer_close(); } static void show_usage(void){ printf("\n--- Streaming with ring buffer Test Console ---\n"); printf("x - start data stream\n"); printf("X - stop data stream\n"); printf("Ctrl-c - exit\n"); printf("---\n"); } static void stdin_process(char cmd){ switch (cmd){ case 'x': printf("start streaming sine\n"); stream_data_start(); break; case 'X': printf("stop streaming sine\n"); stream_data_stop(); break; case '\n': case '\r': break; default: show_usage(); break; } } int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ (void) argc; (void) argv; local_stream_endpoint = avdtp_source_create_stream_endpoint(AVDTP_SOURCE, AVDTP_AUDIO); btstack_sbc_encoder_init(&(local_stream_endpoint->sbc_encoder_state), SBC_MODE_STANDARD, 16, 8, SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 44100, 53, SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO); /* initialise sinusoidal wavetable */ int i; for (i=0; i