/* * Copyright (C) 2009 by Matthias Ringwald * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MATTHIAS RINGWALD AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ // // WiiMoteOpenGLDemoAppDelegate.m // // Created by Matthias Ringwald on 8/2/09. // #import "WiiMoteOpenGLDemoAppDelegate.h" #import "BTstack/BTDevice.h" #import "EAGLView.h" #import "EAGLViewController.h" #import "btstack.h" #import "btstack_run_loop.h" #import @interface UIDevice (privateAPI) -(BOOL) isWildcat; @end // quaternion rotation library float norm(float *vector, int dim); void normalizeVector(float *vector, int dim); void getRotationMatrixFromVectors(float vin[3], float vout[3], float matrix[4][4]); float getRotationAngle(float matrix[4][4]); BTDevice *device; uint16_t wiiMoteConHandle = 0; uint16_t hidControl = 0; uint16_t hidInterrupt = 0; #define SIZE 5 int counter; // define the rest position float restPosition[3] = {0,0,1}; // static float restPosition2[3] = {0,0,-1}; #define histSize 5 int histX[histSize]; int histY[histSize]; int histZ[histSize]; static float addToHistory(int history[histSize], int value){ int i; float sum = 0; for (i=0; i= 90){ getRotationMatrixFromVectors(restPosition, accData, rotationMatrix); [glView setRotationX:0 Y:180 Z:0]; } else { [glView setRotationX:0 Y:0 Z:0]; } #endif #if 0 // float frontV[3] ={ 1, 0, 0}; float projectectFrontV[3]; projectectFrontV[0] = rotationMatrix[0][0]; projectectFrontV[1] = rotationMatrix[1][0]; projectectFrontV[2] = rotationMatrix[2][0]; float correctionZ = atan2(projectectFrontV[1], projectectFrontV[0]) * 180/M_PI; NSLog(@"%f, %f, %f - angle %f - dir %f, %f=> %f\n", accData[0], accData[1], accData[2], rotationAngle, projectectFrontV[0], projectectFrontV[1], correctionZ); // if (rotationAngle >= 90){ // [[theMainApp glView] setRotationX:0 Y:0 Z:-correctionZ]; // } #endif #endif [glView setRotationMatrix:rotationMatrix]; } // direct access -(void) btstackManager:(BTstackManager*) manager handlePacketWithType:(uint8_t) packet_type forChannel:(uint16_t) channel andData:(uint8_t *)packet withLen:(uint16_t) size { bd_addr_t event_addr; switch (packet_type) { case L2CAP_DATA_PACKET: if (packet[0] == 0xa1 && packet[1] == 0x31){ [self handleBtDataWithX:packet[4] andY:packet[5] andZ:packet[6]]; } break; case HCI_EVENT_PACKET: switch (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet)){ case HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE: if ( COMMAND_COMPLETE_EVENT(packet, hci_write_authentication_enable) ) { // connect to device bt_send_cmd(&l2cap_create_channel, [device address], PSM_HID_CONTROL); } break; case HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST: bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]); if (bd_addr_cmp([device address], event_addr)) break; // inform about pin code request NSLog(@"HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST\n"); bt_send_cmd(&hci_pin_code_request_reply, event_addr, 6, &packet[2]); // use inverse bd_addr as PIN break; case L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED: if (packet[2] == 0) { // inform about new l2cap connection bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[3]); uint16_t psm = little_endian_read_16(packet, 11); uint16_t source_cid = little_endian_read_16(packet, 13); uint16_t dest_cid = little_endian_read_16(packet, 15); wiiMoteConHandle = little_endian_read_16(packet, 9); NSLog(@"Channel successfully opened: handle 0x%02x, psm 0x%02x, source cid 0x%02x, dest cid 0x%02x", wiiMoteConHandle, psm, source_cid, dest_cid); if (psm == PSM_HID_CONTROL) { // control channel openedn succesfully, now open interrupt channel, too. hidControl = source_cid; bt_send_cmd(&l2cap_create_channel, event_addr, PSM_HID_INTERRUPT); } else { // request acceleration data.. hidInterrupt = source_cid; uint8_t setMode31[] = { 0xa2, 0x12, 0x00, 0x31 }; bt_send_l2cap( hidInterrupt, setMode31, sizeof(setMode31)); uint8_t setLEDs[] = { 0xa2, 0x11, 0x10 }; bt_send_l2cap( hidInterrupt, setLEDs, sizeof(setLEDs)); // start demo [self startDemo]; } } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } - (void)startDemo { NSLog(@"startDemo"); // stop connection icon [device setConnectionState:kBluetoothConnectionConnected]; // prepare glView glView = (EAGLView *) [glViewControl view]; glView.animationInterval = 1.0 / 60.0; // push glViewControl on stack [navControl pushViewController:glViewControl animated:YES]; // let's go [glView startAnimation]; } - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application { // create discovery controller discoveryView = [[BTDiscoveryViewController alloc] init]; [discoveryView setDelegate:self]; // footer text CGRect newFrame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, discoveryView.tableView.bounds.size.width, 100); UIView *footerView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:newFrame]; UIDevice * uiDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice]; float margin = ([uiDevice respondsToSelector:@selector(isWildcat)] && [uiDevice isWildcat]) ? 50 : 20; UITextView *footer = [[UITextView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(margin,10,discoveryView.tableView.bounds.size.width - 2 * margin ,85)]; footer.text = @"Please make your WiiMote discoverable by pressing the little RED SYNC button."; footer.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Arial" size:18]; footer.backgroundColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor]; footer.editable = false; [footerView addSubview:footer]; [[discoveryView tableView] setTableFooterView:footerView]; // TODO fix // [discoveryView setAllowSelection:NO]; // create view controller glViewControl = [[EAGLViewController alloc] init]; navControl = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:discoveryView]; window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]; [window addSubview:navControl.view]; [window makeKeyAndVisible]; // BTstack BTstackManager * bt = [BTstackManager sharedInstance]; [bt setDelegate:self]; [bt addListener:self]; [bt addListener:discoveryView]; BTstackError err = [bt activate]; if (err) NSLog(@"activate err 0x%02x!", err); } // new -(void) activatedBTstackManager:(BTstackManager*) manager { NSLog(@"activated!"); [[BTstackManager sharedInstance] startDiscovery]; } -(void) btstackManager:(BTstackManager*)manager deviceInfo:(BTDevice*)newDevice { NSLog(@"Device Info: addr %@ name %@ COD 0x%06x", [newDevice addressString], [newDevice name], [newDevice classOfDevice] ); if ([newDevice name] && [[newDevice name] hasPrefix:@"Nintendo RVL-CNT-01"]){ NSLog(@"WiiMote found with address %@", [newDevice addressString]); device = newDevice; [[BTstackManager sharedInstance] stopDiscovery]; } } -(void) discoveryStoppedBTstackManager:(BTstackManager*) manager { NSLog(@"discoveryStopped!"); bt_send_cmd(&hci_write_authentication_enable, 0); } - (void)dealloc { [window release]; [glView release]; [super dealloc]; } @end