/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 by Matthias Ringwald * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MATTHIAS RINGWALD AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at btstack@ringwald.ch * */ /* * sdp_client.c */ #include "btstack-config.h" #include "sdp_client.h" #include #include "l2cap.h" #include "sdp_parser.h" #include "sdp.h" #include "debug.h" typedef enum { INIT, W4_CONNECT, W2_SEND, W4_RESPONSE, QUERY_COMPLETE } sdp_client_state_t; void sdp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static uint16_t setup_service_search_attribute_request(uint8_t * data); #ifdef HAVE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES static uint16_t setup_service_search_request(uint8_t * data); static uint16_t setup_service_attribute_request(uint8_t * data); static void parse_service_search_response(uint8_t* packet); static void parse_service_attribute_response(uint8_t* packet); static uint32_t serviceRecordHandle; #endif // SDP Client Query static uint16_t mtu; static uint16_t sdp_cid = 0x40; static uint8_t * serviceSearchPattern; static uint8_t * attributeIDList; static uint16_t transactionID = 0; static uint8_t continuationState[16]; static uint8_t continuationStateLen; static sdp_client_state_t sdp_client_state = INIT; static SDP_PDU_ID_t PDU_ID = SDP_Invalid; // TODO: inline if not needed (des(des)) void parse_attribute_lists(uint8_t* packet, uint16_t length){ sdp_parser_handle_chunk(packet, length); } /* Queries the SDP service of the remote device given a service search pattern and a list of attribute IDs. The remote data is handled by the SDP parser. The SDP parser delivers attribute values and done event via a registered callback. */ void sdp_client_query(bd_addr_t remote, uint8_t * des_serviceSearchPattern, uint8_t * des_attributeIDList){ serviceSearchPattern = des_serviceSearchPattern; attributeIDList = des_attributeIDList; continuationStateLen = 0; PDU_ID = SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse; sdp_client_state = W4_CONNECT; l2cap_create_channel_internal(NULL, sdp_packet_handler, remote, PSM_SDP, l2cap_max_mtu()); } static void try_to_send(uint16_t channel){ if (sdp_client_state != W2_SEND) return; if (!l2cap_can_send_packet_now(channel)) return; l2cap_reserve_packet_buffer(); uint8_t * data = l2cap_get_outgoing_buffer(); uint16_t request_len = 0; switch (PDU_ID){ #ifdef HAVE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES case SDP_ServiceSearchResponse: request_len = setup_service_search_request(data); break; case SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse: request_len = setup_service_attribute_request(data); break; #endif case SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: request_len = setup_service_search_attribute_request(data); break; default: log_error("SDP Client try_to_send :: PDU ID invalid. %u", PDU_ID); return; } // prevent re-entrance sdp_client_state = W4_RESPONSE; int err = l2cap_send_prepared(channel, request_len); // l2cap_send_prepared shouldn't have failed as l2ap_can_send_packet_now() was true switch (err){ case 0: log_debug("l2cap_send_internal() -> OK"); PDU_ID = SDP_Invalid; break; case BTSTACK_ACL_BUFFERS_FULL: sdp_client_state = W2_SEND; log_info("l2cap_send_internal() ->BTSTACK_ACL_BUFFERS_FULL"); break; default: sdp_client_state = W2_SEND; log_error("l2cap_send_internal() -> err %d", err); break; } } static void parse_service_search_attribute_response(uint8_t* packet){ uint16_t offset = 3; uint16_t parameterLength = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; // AttributeListByteCount <= mtu uint16_t attributeListByteCount = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; if (attributeListByteCount > mtu){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: Number of bytes in found attribute list is larger then the MaximumAttributeByteCount."); return; } // AttributeLists parse_attribute_lists(packet+offset, attributeListByteCount); offset+=attributeListByteCount; continuationStateLen = packet[offset]; offset++; if (continuationStateLen > 16){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: Number of bytes in continuation state exceedes 16."); return; } memcpy(continuationState, packet+offset, continuationStateLen); offset+=continuationStateLen; if (parameterLength != offset - 5){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: wrong size of parameters, number of expected bytes%u, actual number %u.", parameterLength, offset); } } void sdp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ // uint16_t handle; if (packet_type == L2CAP_DATA_PACKET){ uint16_t responseTransactionID = READ_NET_16(packet,1); if ( responseTransactionID != transactionID){ log_error("Missmatching transaction ID, expected %u, found %u.", transactionID, responseTransactionID); return; } if (packet[0] != SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse && packet[0] != SDP_ServiceSearchResponse && packet[0] != SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse){ log_error("Not a valid PDU ID, expected %u, %u or %u, found %u.", SDP_ServiceSearchResponse, SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse, SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse, packet[0]); return; } PDU_ID = packet[0]; log_info("SDP Client :: PDU ID. %u ,%u", PDU_ID, packet[0]); switch (PDU_ID){ #ifdef HAVE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES case SDP_ServiceSearchResponse: parse_service_search_response(packet); break; case SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse: parse_service_attribute_response(packet); break; #endif case SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: parse_service_search_attribute_response(packet); break; default: log_error("SDP Client :: PDU ID invalid. %u ,%u", PDU_ID, packet[0]); return; } // continuation set or DONE? if (continuationStateLen == 0){ log_info("SDP Client Query DONE! "); sdp_client_state = QUERY_COMPLETE; l2cap_disconnect_internal(sdp_cid, 0); // sdp_parser_handle_done(0); return; } // prepare next request and send sdp_client_state = W2_SEND; try_to_send(sdp_cid); return; } if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; switch(packet[0]){ case L2CAP_EVENT_TIMEOUT_CHECK: log_info("sdp client: L2CAP_EVENT_TIMEOUT_CHECK"); break; case L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED: if (sdp_client_state != W4_CONNECT) break; // data: event (8), len(8), status (8), address(48), handle (16), psm (16), local_cid(16), remote_cid (16), local_mtu(16), remote_mtu(16) if (packet[2]) { log_error("SDP Client Connection failed."); sdp_parser_handle_done(packet[2]); break; } sdp_cid = channel; mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 17); // handle = READ_BT_16(packet, 9); log_info("SDP Client Connected, cid %x, mtu %u.", sdp_cid, mtu); sdp_client_state = W2_SEND; try_to_send(sdp_cid); break; case L2CAP_EVENT_CREDITS: case DAEMON_EVENT_HCI_PACKET_SENT: try_to_send(sdp_cid); break; case L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED: { if (sdp_cid != READ_BT_16(packet, 2)) { // log_info("Received L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED for cid %x, current cid %x\n", READ_BT_16(packet, 2),sdp_cid); break; } log_info("SDP Client disconnected."); uint8_t status = sdp_client_state == QUERY_COMPLETE ? 0 : SDP_QUERY_INCOMPLETE; sdp_client_state = INIT; sdp_parser_handle_done(status); break; } default: break; } } static uint16_t setup_service_search_attribute_request(uint8_t * data){ uint16_t offset = 0; transactionID++; // uint8_t SDP_PDU_ID_t.SDP_ServiceSearchRequest; data[offset++] = SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeRequest; // uint16_t transactionID net_store_16(data, offset, transactionID); offset += 2; // param legnth offset += 2; // parameters: // ServiceSearchPattern - DES (min 1 UUID, max 12) uint16_t serviceSearchPatternLen = de_get_len(serviceSearchPattern); memcpy(data + offset, serviceSearchPattern, serviceSearchPatternLen); offset += serviceSearchPatternLen; // MaximumAttributeByteCount - uint16_t 0x0007 - 0xffff -> mtu net_store_16(data, offset, mtu); offset += 2; // AttibuteIDList uint16_t attributeIDListLen = de_get_len(attributeIDList); memcpy(data + offset, attributeIDList, attributeIDListLen); offset += attributeIDListLen; // ContinuationState - uint8_t number of cont. bytes N<=16 data[offset++] = continuationStateLen; // - N-bytes previous response from server memcpy(data + offset, continuationState, continuationStateLen); offset += continuationStateLen; // uint16_t paramLength net_store_16(data, 3, offset - 5); return offset; } #ifdef HAVE_SDP_EXTRA_QUERIES void parse_service_record_handle_list(uint8_t* packet, uint16_t total_count, uint16_t current_count){ sdp_parser_handle_service_search(packet, total_count, current_count); } static uint16_t setup_service_search_request(uint8_t * data){ uint16_t offset = 0; transactionID++; // uint8_t SDP_PDU_ID_t.SDP_ServiceSearchRequest; data[offset++] = SDP_ServiceSearchRequest; // uint16_t transactionID net_store_16(data, offset, transactionID); offset += 2; // param legnth offset += 2; // parameters: // ServiceSearchPattern - DES (min 1 UUID, max 12) uint16_t serviceSearchPatternLen = de_get_len(serviceSearchPattern); memcpy(data + offset, serviceSearchPattern, serviceSearchPatternLen); offset += serviceSearchPatternLen; // MaximumAttributeByteCount - uint16_t 0x0007 - 0xffff -> mtu net_store_16(data, offset, mtu); offset += 2; // ContinuationState - uint8_t number of cont. bytes N<=16 data[offset++] = continuationStateLen; // - N-bytes previous response from server memcpy(data + offset, continuationState, continuationStateLen); offset += continuationStateLen; // uint16_t paramLength net_store_16(data, 3, offset - 5); return offset; } static uint16_t setup_service_attribute_request(uint8_t * data){ uint16_t offset = 0; transactionID++; // uint8_t SDP_PDU_ID_t.SDP_ServiceSearchRequest; data[offset++] = SDP_ServiceAttributeRequest; // uint16_t transactionID net_store_16(data, offset, transactionID); offset += 2; // param legnth offset += 2; // parameters: // ServiceRecordHandle net_store_32(data, offset, serviceRecordHandle); offset += 4; // MaximumAttributeByteCount - uint16_t 0x0007 - 0xffff -> mtu net_store_16(data, offset, mtu); offset += 2; // AttibuteIDList uint16_t attributeIDListLen = de_get_len(attributeIDList); memcpy(data + offset, attributeIDList, attributeIDListLen); offset += attributeIDListLen; // ContinuationState - uint8_t number of cont. bytes N<=16 data[offset++] = continuationStateLen; // - N-bytes previous response from server memcpy(data + offset, continuationState, continuationStateLen); offset += continuationStateLen; // uint16_t paramLength net_store_16(data, 3, offset - 5); return offset; } static void parse_service_search_response(uint8_t* packet){ uint16_t offset = 3; uint16_t parameterLength = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; uint16_t totalServiceRecordCount = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; uint16_t currentServiceRecordCount = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; if (currentServiceRecordCount > totalServiceRecordCount){ log_error("CurrentServiceRecordCount is larger then TotalServiceRecordCount."); return; } parse_service_record_handle_list(packet+offset, totalServiceRecordCount, currentServiceRecordCount); offset+=(currentServiceRecordCount * 4); continuationStateLen = packet[offset]; offset++; if (continuationStateLen > 16){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchResponse: Number of bytes in continuation state exceedes 16."); return; } memcpy(continuationState, packet+offset, continuationStateLen); offset+=continuationStateLen; if (parameterLength != offset - 5){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchResponse: wrong size of parameters, number of expected bytes%u, actual number %u.", parameterLength, offset); } } static void parse_service_attribute_response(uint8_t* packet){ uint16_t offset = 3; uint16_t parameterLength = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; // AttributeListByteCount <= mtu uint16_t attributeListByteCount = READ_NET_16(packet,offset); offset+=2; if (attributeListByteCount > mtu){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceSearchAttributeResponse: Number of bytes in found attribute list is larger then the MaximumAttributeByteCount."); return; } // AttributeLists parse_attribute_lists(packet+offset, attributeListByteCount); offset+=attributeListByteCount; continuationStateLen = packet[offset]; offset++; if (continuationStateLen > 16){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceAttributeResponse: Number of bytes in continuation state exceedes 16."); return; } memcpy(continuationState, packet+offset, continuationStateLen); offset+=continuationStateLen; if (parameterLength != offset - 5){ log_error("Error parsing ServiceAttributeResponse: wrong size of parameters, number of expected bytes%u, actual number %u.", parameterLength, offset); } } void sdp_client_service_attribute_search(bd_addr_t remote, uint32_t search_serviceRecordHandle, uint8_t * des_attributeIDList){ serviceRecordHandle = search_serviceRecordHandle; attributeIDList = des_attributeIDList; continuationStateLen = 0; PDU_ID = SDP_ServiceAttributeResponse; sdp_client_state = W4_CONNECT; l2cap_create_channel_internal(NULL, sdp_packet_handler, remote, PSM_SDP, l2cap_max_mtu()); } void sdp_client_service_search(bd_addr_t remote, uint8_t * des_serviceSearchPattern){ serviceSearchPattern = des_serviceSearchPattern; continuationStateLen = 0; PDU_ID = SDP_ServiceSearchResponse; sdp_client_state = W4_CONNECT; l2cap_create_channel_internal(NULL, sdp_packet_handler, remote, PSM_SDP, l2cap_max_mtu()); } #endif