#define __BTSTACK_FILE__ "main.c" #include "asf.h" #include "stdio_serial.h" #include "conf_board.h" #include "conf_clock.h" // BTstack #include "btstack_chipset_atwilc3000.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_memory.h" #include "btstack_run_loop.h" #include "btstack_run_loop_embedded.h" #include "classic/btstack_link_key_db.h" #include "hal_uart_dma.h" #include "hal_cpu.h" #include "hal_tick.h" #include "hci.h" #include "hci_dump.h" #include "wilc3000_bt_firmware.h" // #define USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART #define XDMA_CH_UART_TX 0 #define XDMA_CH_UART_RX 1 /** All interrupt mask. */ #define ALL_INTERRUPT_MASK 0xffffffff #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); static void dummy_handler(void){} static void (*tick_handler)(void) = &dummy_handler; static btstack_uart_config_t uart_config; static hci_transport_config_uart_t transport_config = { HCI_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_UART, 2000000, // directly use high baud rate after config 0, // use 0 to skip baud rate change from 115200 to X for debugging purposes 1, // flow control NULL, }; /** * \brief Handler for System Tick interrupt. */ void SysTick_Handler(void) { tick_handler(); } // Debug console Output /** * Configure UART console. */ // [main_console_configure] static void configure_console(void) { const usart_serial_options_t uart_serial_options = { .baudrate = CONF_UART_BAUDRATE, #ifdef CONF_UART_CHAR_LENGTH .charlength = CONF_UART_CHAR_LENGTH, #endif .paritytype = CONF_UART_PARITY, #ifdef CONF_UART_STOP_BITS .stopbits = CONF_UART_STOP_BITS, #endif }; /* Configure console UART. */ sysclk_enable_peripheral_clock(CONSOLE_UART_ID); stdio_serial_init(CONF_UART, &uart_serial_options); } // Debug console Input #include "btstack_stdin.h" static void (*stdin_handler)(char c); static btstack_data_source_t stdin_data_source; static void btstack_stdin_process(struct btstack_data_source *ds, btstack_data_source_callback_type_t callback_type){ // try to read from console uint32_t stdin_character; uint32_t res = usart_read(CONF_UART, &stdin_character); if (res) return; if (stdin_handler){ (*stdin_handler)(stdin_character & 0xff); } } void btstack_stdin_setup(void (*handler)(char c)){ // set handler stdin_handler = handler; // set up polling data_source btstack_run_loop_set_data_source_handler(&stdin_data_source, &btstack_stdin_process); btstack_run_loop_enable_data_source_callbacks(&stdin_data_source, DATA_SOURCE_CALLBACK_POLL); btstack_run_loop_add_data_source(&stdin_data_source); } // [main_console_configure] /** * \brief Wait for the given number of milliseconds (ticks * generated by the SAM's microcontrollers's system tick). * * \param ul_dly_ticks Delay to wait for, in milliseconds. */ // [main_ms_delay] static void mdelay(uint32_t delay_in_ms) { // delay_ms(delay_in_ms); uint32_t time_to_wait = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms() + delay_in_ms; while (btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms() < time_to_wait); } // [main_ms_delay] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hal_cpu.h implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hal_led.h implementation #include "hal_led.h" void hal_led_off(void); void hal_led_on(void); void hal_led_off(void){ // gpio_set_pin_low(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } void hal_led_on(void){ // gpio_set_pin_high(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } void hal_led_toggle(void){ // gpio_toggle_pin(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } // hal_cpu.h implementation #include "hal_cpu.h" void hal_cpu_disable_irqs(void){ //__disable_irq(); } void hal_cpu_enable_irqs(void){ // __enable_irq(); } void hal_cpu_enable_irqs_and_sleep(void){ hal_led_off(); // __enable_irq(); // __asm__("wfe"); // go to sleep if event flag isn't set. if set, just clear it. IRQs set event flag // note: hal_uart_needed_during_sleep can be used to disable peripheral clock if it's not needed for a timer hal_led_on(); } #ifndef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART // RX state static volatile uint16_t bytes_to_read = 0; static volatile uint8_t * rx_buffer_ptr = 0; // TX state static volatile uint16_t bytes_to_write = 0; static volatile uint8_t * tx_buffer_ptr = 0; #endif static volatile int rx_notify; static volatile int tx_notify; static int simulate_flowcontrol; // handlers static void (*rx_done_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; static void (*tx_done_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; static void (*cts_irq_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; // @note While the Atmel SAM S7x data sheet states // "The hardware handshaking feature enables an out-of-band flow control by automatic management // of the pins RTS and CTS.", // I didn't see RTS going up automatically up, ever. So, at least for RTS, the automatic management // is just a glorified GPIO pin control feature, which provides no benefit, but irritates a lot // J505:6 #define DEBUG_PIN_1 PIO_PD16_IDX // J505:5 #define DEBUG_PIN_2 PIO_PD15_IDX static inline void hal_uart_rts_high(void){ if (!simulate_flowcontrol) return; ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH); BOARD_USART->US_CR = US_CR_RTSEN; } static inline void hal_uart_rts_low(void){ if (!simulate_flowcontrol) return; ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); BOARD_USART->US_CR = US_CR_RTSDIS; } /** */ static int hal_uart_dma_initialized = 0; void hal_uart_dma_init(void) { if (hal_uart_dma_initialized){ log_info("hal_uart_dma_init already initialized"); return; } hal_uart_dma_initialized = 1; // debug #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_1 ioport_set_pin_dir(DEBUG_PIN_1, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT); ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_1, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_2 ioport_set_pin_dir(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT); ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); #endif // power on ioport_set_pin_dir(BLUETOOTH_CHP_EN, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT); ioport_set_pin_level(BLUETOOTH_CHP_EN, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH); // reset ioport_set_pin_dir(BLUETOOTH_RESET, IOPORT_DIR_OUTPUT); ioport_set_pin_level(BLUETOOTH_RESET, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); mdelay(250); ioport_set_pin_level(BLUETOOTH_RESET, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH); mdelay(250); /* Enable the peripheral clock in the PMC. */ sysclk_enable_peripheral_clock(BOARD_ID_USART); // configure Bluetooth USART const sam_usart_opt_t bluetooth_settings = { 115200, US_MR_CHRL_8_BIT, US_MR_PAR_NO, US_MR_NBSTOP_1_BIT, US_MR_CHMODE_NORMAL, /* This field is only used in IrDA mode. */ 0 }; /* Configure USART mode. */ simulate_flowcontrol = 0; usart_init_rs232(BOARD_USART, &bluetooth_settings, sysclk_get_peripheral_hz()); // Set RTS = 0 (normal mode) BOARD_USART->US_CR = US_CR_RTSEN; /* Disable all the interrupts. */ usart_disable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, ALL_INTERRUPT_MASK); /* Enable TX & RX function. */ usart_enable_tx(BOARD_USART); usart_enable_rx(BOARD_USART); /* Configure and enable interrupt of USART. */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(USART_IRQn); #ifdef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART // setup XDMAC /* Initialize and enable DMA controller */ pmc_enable_periph_clk(ID_XDMAC); /* Enable XDMA interrupt */ NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(XDMAC_IRQn); NVIC_SetPriority( XDMAC_IRQn ,1); NVIC_EnableIRQ(XDMAC_IRQn); // Setup XDMA Channel for USART TX xdmac_channel_set_destination_addr(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, (uint32_t)&BOARD_USART->US_THR); xdmac_channel_set_config(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, XDMAC_CC_TYPE_PER_TRAN | XDMAC_CC_DSYNC_MEM2PER | XDMAC_CC_MEMSET_NORMAL_MODE | XDMAC_CC_MBSIZE_SINGLE | XDMAC_CC_DWIDTH_BYTE | XDMAC_CC_SIF_AHB_IF0 | XDMAC_CC_DIF_AHB_IF1 | XDMAC_CC_SAM_INCREMENTED_AM | XDMAC_CC_DAM_FIXED_AM | XDMAC_CC_CSIZE_CHK_1 | XDMAC_CC_PERID(XDAMC_CHANNEL_HWID_USART0_TX) ); xdmac_channel_set_descriptor_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_source_microblock_stride(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_destination_microblock_stride(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_datastride_mempattern(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_block_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, 0); xdmac_enable_interrupt(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX); xdmac_channel_enable_interrupt(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, XDMAC_CIE_BIE); // Setup XDMA Channel for USART RX xdmac_channel_set_source_addr(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, (uint32_t)&BOARD_USART->US_RHR); xdmac_channel_set_config(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, XDMAC_CC_TYPE_PER_TRAN | XDMAC_CC_DSYNC_PER2MEM | XDMAC_CC_MEMSET_NORMAL_MODE | XDMAC_CC_MBSIZE_SINGLE | XDMAC_CC_DWIDTH_BYTE | XDMAC_CC_SIF_AHB_IF1 | XDMAC_CC_DIF_AHB_IF0 | XDMAC_CC_SAM_FIXED_AM | XDMAC_CC_DAM_INCREMENTED_AM | XDMAC_CC_CSIZE_CHK_1 | XDMAC_CC_PERID(XDAMC_CHANNEL_HWID_USART0_RX) ); xdmac_channel_set_descriptor_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_source_microblock_stride(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_destination_microblock_stride(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_datastride_mempattern(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, 0); xdmac_channel_set_block_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, 0); xdmac_enable_interrupt(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX); xdmac_channel_enable_interrupt(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, XDMAC_CIE_BIE); #endif } void hal_uart_dma_set_sleep(uint8_t sleep){ } void hal_uart_dma_set_block_received( void (*the_block_handler)(void)){ rx_done_handler = the_block_handler; } void hal_uart_dma_set_block_sent( void (*the_block_handler)(void)){ tx_done_handler = the_block_handler; } void hal_uart_dma_set_csr_irq_handler( void (*the_irq_handler)(void)){ cts_irq_handler = the_irq_handler; } int hal_uart_dma_set_baud(uint32_t baud){ /* Disable TX & RX function. */ usart_disable_tx(BOARD_USART); usart_disable_rx(BOARD_USART); uint32_t res = usart_set_async_baudrate(BOARD_USART, baud, sysclk_get_peripheral_hz()); if (res){ log_error("hal_uart_dma_set_baud library call failed"); } /* Enable TX & RX function. */ usart_enable_tx(BOARD_USART); usart_enable_rx(BOARD_USART); log_info("set baud rate %u", (int) baud); return 0; } int hal_uart_dma_set_flowcontrol(int flowcontrol){ log_info("hal_uart_dma_set_flowcontrol %u", flowcontrol); simulate_flowcontrol = flowcontrol; if (flowcontrol){ /* Set hardware handshaking mode. */ BOARD_USART->US_MR = (BOARD_USART->US_MR & ~US_MR_USART_MODE_Msk) | US_MR_USART_MODE_HW_HANDSHAKING; hal_uart_rts_high(); } else { /* Set nomal mode. */ BOARD_USART->US_MR = (BOARD_USART->US_MR & ~US_MR_USART_MODE_Msk) | US_MR_USART_MODE_NORMAL; // Set RTS = 0 (normal mode) BOARD_USART->US_CR = US_CR_RTSEN; } return 0; } void hal_uart_dma_send_block(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size){ tx_notify = 1; #ifdef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART xdmac_channel_get_interrupt_status( XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX); xdmac_channel_set_source_addr(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, (uint32_t)data); xdmac_channel_set_microblock_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX, size); xdmac_channel_enable(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX); #else if (bytes_to_write){ log_error("send block, bytes to write %u", bytes_to_write); return; } tx_buffer_ptr = (uint8_t *) data; bytes_to_write = size; usart_enable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, US_IER_TXRDY); #endif } void hal_uart_dma_receive_block(uint8_t *data, uint16_t size){ #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_1 ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_1, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH); #endif hal_uart_rts_low(); rx_notify = 1; #ifdef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART xdmac_channel_get_interrupt_status( XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX); xdmac_channel_set_destination_addr(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, (uint32_t)data); xdmac_channel_set_microblock_control(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX, size); xdmac_channel_enable(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX); #else rx_buffer_ptr = data; bytes_to_read = size; usart_enable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, US_IER_RXRDY); #endif } #ifdef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART void XDMAC_Handler(void) { uint32_t dma_status; dma_status = xdmac_channel_get_interrupt_status(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_TX); if (dma_status & XDMAC_CIS_BIS) { if (tx_notify){ tx_notify = 0; tx_done_handler(); } } dma_status = xdmac_channel_get_interrupt_status(XDMAC, XDMA_CH_UART_RX); if (dma_status & XDMAC_CIS_BIS) { hal_uart_rts_high(); if (rx_notify){ rx_notify = 0; rx_done_handler(); } } } #else void USART_Handler(void) { #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_2 // ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_HIGH); #endif /* Read USART status. */ uint32_t ul_status = usart_get_status(BOARD_USART); // handle ready to send if(ul_status & US_IER_TXRDY) { if (bytes_to_write){ // send next byte usart_write(BOARD_USART, *tx_buffer_ptr); tx_buffer_ptr++; bytes_to_write--; } else { // done. disable tx ready interrupt to avoid starvation here usart_disable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, US_IER_TXRDY); if (tx_notify){ tx_notify = 0; tx_done_handler(); } } } // handle byte available for read if (ul_status & US_IER_RXRDY) { if (bytes_to_read){ uint32_t ch; usart_read(BOARD_USART, (uint32_t *)&ch); *rx_buffer_ptr++ = ch; bytes_to_read--; if (bytes_to_read == 0){ #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_1 ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_1, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); #endif // done. disable rx ready interrupt, raise RTS hal_uart_rts_high(); usart_disable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, US_IER_RXRDY); if (rx_notify){ rx_notify = 0; rx_done_handler(); } } } else { // shoult not happen, disable irq anyway usart_disable_interrupt(BOARD_USART, US_IER_RXRDY); } } #ifdef DEBUG_PIN_2 // ioport_set_pin_level(DEBUG_PIN_2, IOPORT_PIN_LEVEL_LOW); #endif } #endif void hal_tick_init() { /* Configure systick for 1 ms */ puts("Configure system tick to get 1ms tick period.\r"); if (SysTick_Config(sysclk_get_cpu_hz() / 1000)) { puts("-F- Systick configuration error\r"); while (1); } } void hal_tick_set_handler(void (*handler)(void)){ if (handler == NULL){ tick_handler = &dummy_handler; return; } tick_handler = handler; } int hal_tick_get_tick_period_in_ms(void){ return 1; } static const btstack_uart_block_t * uart_driver; static void phase2(int status){ if (status){ printf("Download firmware failed\n"); return; } printf("Phase 2: Main app\n"); // init HCI const hci_transport_t * transport = hci_transport_h4_instance(uart_driver); hci_init(transport, (void*) &transport_config); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_atwilc3000_instance()); hci_set_link_key_db(btstack_link_key_db_memory_instance()); // setup app btstack_main(0, NULL); } /** * \brief getting-started Application entry point. * * \return Unused (ANSI-C compatibility). */ // [main] int main(void) { /* Initialize the SAM system */ sysclk_init(); board_init(); /* Initialize the console uart */ configure_console(); /* Output boot info */ printf("BTstack on SAMV71 Xplained Ultra with ATWILC3000\n"); printf("CPU %lu hz, peripheral clock %lu hz\n", sysclk_get_cpu_hz(), sysclk_get_peripheral_hz()); #ifdef USE_XDMAC_FOR_USART printf("Using XDMA for Bluetooth UART\n"); #else printf("Using IRQ driver for Bluetooth UART\n"); #endif printf("--\n"); // start with BTstack init - especially configure HCI Transport btstack_memory_init(); btstack_run_loop_init(btstack_run_loop_embedded_get_instance()); // enable full log output while porting // hci_dump_open(NULL, HCI_DUMP_STDOUT); // setup UART HAL + Run Loop integration uart_driver = btstack_uart_block_embedded_instance(); // extract UART config from transport config, but disable flow control and use default baudrate uart_config.baudrate = HCI_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE; uart_config.flowcontrol = 0; uart_config.device_name = transport_config.device_name; uart_driver->init(&uart_config); // phase #1 download firmware printf("Phase 1: Download firmware\n"); // phase #2 start main app btstack_chipset_atwilc3000_download_firmware(uart_driver, transport_config.baudrate_init, transport_config.flowcontrol, atwilc3000_fw_data, atwilc3000_fw_size, &phase2); // go btstack_run_loop_execute(); // compiler happy while(1); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif