/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define __BTSTACK_FILE__ "hci_transport_h5.c" /* * hci_transport_h5.c * * HCI Transport API implementation for basic H5 protocol * * Created by Matthias Ringw ald on 4/29/09. */ #include #include "hci.h" #include "btstack_slip.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "hci_transport.h" #include "btstack_uart_block.h" typedef enum { LINK_UNINITIALIZED, LINK_INITIALIZED, LINK_ACTIVE } hci_transport_link_state_t; typedef enum { HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC = 1 << 0, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC_RESPONSE = 1 << 1, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG = 1 << 2, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE_EMPTY = 1 << 3, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE = 1 << 4, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SLEEP = 1 << 5, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WOKEN = 1 << 6, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WAKEUP = 1 << 7, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_QUEUED_PACKET = 1 << 8, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET = 1 << 9, HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_ENTER_SLEEP = 1 << 10, } hci_transport_link_actions_t; // Configuration Field. No packet buffers -> sliding window = 1, no OOF flow control, support data integrity check #define LINK_CONFIG_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE 1 #define LINK_CONFIG_OOF_FLOW_CONTROL 0 #define LINK_CONFIG_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK 1 #define LINK_CONFIG_VERSION_NR 0 #define LINK_CONFIG_FIELD (LINK_CONFIG_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE | (LINK_CONFIG_OOF_FLOW_CONTROL << 3) | (LINK_CONFIG_DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK << 4) | (LINK_CONFIG_VERSION_NR << 5)) // periodic sending during link establishment #define LINK_PERIOD_MS 250 // resend wakeup #define LINK_WAKEUP_MS 50 // additional packet types #define LINK_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE 0x00 #define LINK_CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE 0x0f // max size of write requests #define LINK_SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN 64 // --- static const uint8_t link_control_sync[] = { 0x01, 0x7e}; static const uint8_t link_control_sync_response[] = { 0x02, 0x7d}; static const uint8_t link_control_config[] = { 0x03, 0xfc, LINK_CONFIG_FIELD}; static const uint8_t link_control_config_prefix_len = 2; static const uint8_t link_control_config_response_empty[] = { 0x04, 0x7b}; static const uint8_t link_control_config_response[] = { 0x04, 0x7b, LINK_CONFIG_FIELD}; static const uint8_t link_control_config_response_prefix_len = 2; static const uint8_t link_control_wakeup[] = { 0x05, 0xfa}; static const uint8_t link_control_woken[] = { 0x06, 0xf9}; static const uint8_t link_control_sleep[] = { 0x07, 0x78}; // max size of link control messages #define LINK_CONTROL_MAX_LEN 3 // incoming pre-bufffer + 4 bytes H5 header + max(acl header + acl payload, event header + event data) + 2 bytes opt CRC static uint8_t hci_packet_with_pre_buffer[HCI_INCOMING_PRE_BUFFER_SIZE + 6 + HCI_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE]; // outgoing slip encoded buffer. +4 to assert that DIC fits in buffer. +1 to assert that last SOF fits in buffer. static uint8_t slip_outgoing_buffer[LINK_SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN+4+1]; static uint16_t slip_outgoing_dic; static uint16_t slip_outgoing_dic_present; static int slip_write_active; // H5 Link State static hci_transport_link_state_t link_state; static btstack_timer_source_t link_timer; static uint8_t link_seq_nr; static uint8_t link_ack_nr; static uint16_t link_resend_timeout_ms; static uint8_t link_peer_asleep; static uint8_t link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check; // auto sleep-mode static btstack_timer_source_t inactivity_timer; static uint16_t link_inactivity_timeout_ms; // auto-sleep if set // Outgoing packet static uint8_t hci_packet_type; static uint16_t hci_packet_size; static uint8_t * hci_packet; // hci packet handler static void (*packet_handler)(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static int hci_transport_link_actions; // UART Driver + Config static const btstack_uart_block_t * btstack_uart; static btstack_uart_config_t uart_config; static btstack_uart_sleep_mode_t btstack_uart_sleep_mode; static int hci_transport_bcsp_mode; // Prototypes static void hci_transport_h5_process_frame(uint16_t frame_size); static int hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet(void); static void hci_transport_link_send_queued_packet(void); static void hci_transport_link_set_timer(uint16_t timeout_ms); static void hci_transport_link_timeout_handler(btstack_timer_source_t * timer); static void hci_transport_link_run(void); static void hci_transport_slip_init(void); // ----------------------------- // CRC16-CCITT Calculation - compromise: use 32 byte table - 512 byte table would be faster, but that's too large static const uint16_t crc16_ccitt_table[] ={ 0x0000, 0x1081, 0x2102, 0x3183, 0x4204, 0x5285, 0x6306, 0x7387, 0x8408, 0x9489, 0xa50a, 0xb58b, 0xc60c, 0xd68d, 0xe70e, 0xf78f }; static uint16_t crc16_ccitt_update (uint16_t crc, uint8_t ch){ crc = (crc >> 4) ^ crc16_ccitt_table[(crc ^ ch) & 0x000f]; crc = (crc >> 4) ^ crc16_ccitt_table[(crc ^ (ch >> 4)) & 0x000f]; return crc; } static uint16_t btstack_reverse_bits_16(uint16_t value){ int reverse = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { reverse = reverse << 1; reverse |= value & 1; value = value >> 1; } return reverse; } static uint16_t crc16_calc_for_slip_frame(const uint8_t * header, const uint8_t * payload, uint16_t len){ int i; uint16_t crc = 0xffff; for (i=0 ; i < 4 ; i++){ crc = crc16_ccitt_update(crc, header[i]); } for (i=0 ; i < len ; i++){ crc = crc16_ccitt_update(crc, payload[i]); } return btstack_reverse_bits_16(crc); } // ----------------------------- static void hci_transport_inactivity_timeout_handler(btstack_timer_source_t * ts){ log_info("inactivity timeout. link state %d, peer asleep %u, actions 0x%02x, outgoing packet %u", link_state, link_peer_asleep, hci_transport_link_actions, hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet()); if (hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet()) return; if (link_state != LINK_ACTIVE) return; if (hci_transport_link_actions) return; if (link_peer_asleep) return; hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SLEEP; hci_transport_link_run(); } static void hci_transport_inactivity_timer_set(void){ if (!link_inactivity_timeout_ms) return; btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler(&inactivity_timer, &hci_transport_inactivity_timeout_handler); btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&inactivity_timer, link_inactivity_timeout_ms); btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&inactivity_timer); btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&inactivity_timer); } // ----------------------------- // SLIP Outgoing // Fill chunk and write static void hci_transport_slip_encode_chunk_and_send(int pos){ while (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data() & (pos < LINK_SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN)) { slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = btstack_slip_encoder_get_byte(); } if (!btstack_slip_encoder_has_data()){ // Payload encoded, append DIC if present. // note: slip_outgoing_buffer is guaranteed to be big enough to add DIC + SOF after LINK_SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN if (slip_outgoing_dic_present){ uint8_t dic_buffer[2]; big_endian_store_16(dic_buffer, 0, slip_outgoing_dic); btstack_slip_encoder_start(dic_buffer, 2); while (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data()){ slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = btstack_slip_encoder_get_byte(); } } // Start of Frame slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = BTSTACK_SLIP_SOF; } slip_write_active = 1; log_debug("slip: send %d bytes", pos); btstack_uart->send_block(slip_outgoing_buffer, pos); } static inline void hci_transport_slip_send_next_chunk(void){ hci_transport_slip_encode_chunk_and_send(0); } // format: 0xc0 HEADER PACKET [DIC] 0xc0 // @param uint8_t header[4] static void hci_transport_slip_send_frame(const uint8_t * header, const uint8_t * packet, uint16_t packet_size, uint16_t data_integrity_check){ int pos = 0; // store data integrity check info slip_outgoing_dic = data_integrity_check; slip_outgoing_dic_present = header[0] & 0x40; // Start of Frame slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = BTSTACK_SLIP_SOF; // Header btstack_slip_encoder_start(header, 4); while (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data()){ slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = btstack_slip_encoder_get_byte(); } // Packet btstack_slip_encoder_start(packet, packet_size); // Fill rest of chunk from packet and send hci_transport_slip_encode_chunk_and_send(pos); } // SLIP Incoming static void hci_transport_slip_init(void){ btstack_slip_decoder_init(&hci_packet_with_pre_buffer[HCI_INCOMING_PRE_BUFFER_SIZE], 6 + HCI_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE); } // H5 Three-Wire Implementation static void hci_transport_link_calc_header(uint8_t * header, uint8_t sequence_nr, uint8_t acknowledgement_nr, uint8_t data_integrity_check_present, uint8_t reliable_packet, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t payload_length){ header[0] = sequence_nr | (acknowledgement_nr << 3) | (data_integrity_check_present << 6) | (reliable_packet << 7); header[1] = packet_type | ((payload_length & 0x0f) << 4); header[2] = payload_length >> 4; header[3] = 0xff - (header[0] + header[1] + header[2]); } static void hci_transport_link_send_control(const uint8_t * message, int message_len){ uint8_t header[4]; hci_transport_link_calc_header(header, 0, 0, link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check, 0, LINK_CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE, message_len); uint16_t data_integrity_check = 0; if (link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check){ data_integrity_check = crc16_calc_for_slip_frame(header, message, message_len); } log_debug("hci_transport_link_send_control: size %u, append dic %u", message_len, link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check); log_debug_hexdump(message, message_len); hci_transport_slip_send_frame(header, message, message_len, data_integrity_check); } static void hci_transport_link_send_sync(void){ log_debug("link send sync"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_sync, sizeof(link_control_sync)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_sync_response(void){ log_debug("link send sync response"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_sync_response, sizeof(link_control_sync_response)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_config(void){ log_debug("link send config"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_config, sizeof(link_control_config)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_config_response(void){ log_debug("link send config response"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_config_response, sizeof(link_control_config_response)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_config_response_empty(void){ log_debug("link send config response empty"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_config_response_empty, sizeof(link_control_config_response_empty)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_woken(void){ log_debug("link send woken"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_woken, sizeof(link_control_woken)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_wakeup(void){ log_debug("link send wakeup"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_wakeup, sizeof(link_control_wakeup)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_sleep(void){ log_debug("link send sleep"); hci_transport_link_send_control(link_control_sleep, sizeof(link_control_sleep)); } static void hci_transport_link_send_queued_packet(void){ uint8_t header[4]; hci_transport_link_calc_header(header, link_seq_nr, link_ack_nr, link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check, 1, hci_packet_type, hci_packet_size); uint16_t data_integrity_check = 0; if (link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check){ data_integrity_check = crc16_calc_for_slip_frame(header, hci_packet, hci_packet_size); } log_debug("hci_transport_link_send_queued_packet: seq %u, ack %u, size %u. Append dic %u, dic = 0x%04x", link_seq_nr, link_ack_nr, hci_packet_size, link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check, data_integrity_check); log_debug_hexdump(hci_packet, hci_packet_size); hci_transport_slip_send_frame(header, hci_packet, hci_packet_size, data_integrity_check); // reset inactvitiy timer hci_transport_inactivity_timer_set(); } static void hci_transport_link_send_ack_packet(void){ // Pure ACK package is without DIC as there is no payload either log_debug("send ack %u", link_ack_nr); uint8_t header[4]; hci_transport_link_calc_header(header, 0, link_ack_nr, 0, 0, LINK_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE, 0); hci_transport_slip_send_frame(header, NULL, 0, 0); } static void hci_transport_link_run(void){ // exit if outgoing active if (slip_write_active) return; // process queued requests if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC; hci_transport_link_send_sync(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC_RESPONSE){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC_RESPONSE; hci_transport_link_send_sync_response(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG; hci_transport_link_send_config(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE; hci_transport_link_send_config_response(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE_EMPTY){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE_EMPTY; hci_transport_link_send_config_response_empty(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WOKEN){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WOKEN; hci_transport_link_send_woken(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WAKEUP){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WAKEUP; hci_transport_link_send_wakeup(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_QUEUED_PACKET){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_QUEUED_PACKET; // packet already contains ack, no need to send addtitional one hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET; hci_transport_link_send_queued_packet(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET; hci_transport_link_send_ack_packet(); return; } if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SLEEP){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SLEEP; hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_ENTER_SLEEP; link_peer_asleep = 1; hci_transport_link_send_sleep(); return; } } static void hci_transport_link_set_timer(uint16_t timeout_ms){ btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler(&link_timer, &hci_transport_link_timeout_handler); btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&link_timer, timeout_ms); btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&link_timer); } static void hci_transport_link_timeout_handler(btstack_timer_source_t * timer){ switch (link_state){ case LINK_UNINITIALIZED: hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_PERIOD_MS); break; case LINK_INITIALIZED: hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_PERIOD_MS); break; case LINK_ACTIVE: if (!hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet()){ log_info("h5 timeout while active, but no outgoing packet"); return; } if (link_peer_asleep){ hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WAKEUP; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_WAKEUP_MS); return; } // resend packet hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_QUEUED_PACKET; hci_transport_link_set_timer(link_resend_timeout_ms); break; default: break; } hci_transport_link_run(); } static void hci_transport_link_init(void){ link_state = LINK_UNINITIALIZED; link_peer_asleep = 0; link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check = 0; // get started hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_PERIOD_MS); hci_transport_link_run(); } static int hci_transport_link_inc_seq_nr(int seq_nr){ return (seq_nr + 1) & 0x07; } static int hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet(void){ return hci_packet != 0; } static void hci_transport_link_clear_queue(void){ btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&link_timer); hci_packet = NULL; } static void hci_transport_h5_queue_packet(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, int size){ hci_packet = packet; hci_packet_type = packet_type; hci_packet_size = size; } static void hci_transport_h5_emit_sleep_state(int sleep_active){ static int last_state = 0; if (sleep_active == last_state) return; last_state = sleep_active; log_info("emit_sleep_state: %u", sleep_active); uint8_t event[3]; event[0] = HCI_EVENT_TRANSPORT_SLEEP_MODE; event[1] = sizeof(event) - 2; event[2] = sleep_active; packet_handler(HCI_EVENT_PACKET, &event[0], sizeof(event)); } static void hci_transport_h5_process_frame(uint16_t frame_size){ if (frame_size < 4) return; uint8_t * slip_header = &hci_packet_with_pre_buffer[HCI_INCOMING_PRE_BUFFER_SIZE]; uint8_t * slip_payload = &hci_packet_with_pre_buffer[HCI_INCOMING_PRE_BUFFER_SIZE + 4]; int frame_size_without_header = frame_size - 4; uint8_t seq_nr = slip_header[0] & 0x07; uint8_t ack_nr = (slip_header[0] >> 3) & 0x07; uint8_t data_integrity_check_present = (slip_header[0] & 0x40) != 0; uint8_t reliable_packet = (slip_header[0] & 0x80) != 0; uint8_t link_packet_type = slip_header[1] & 0x0f; uint16_t link_payload_len = (slip_header[1] >> 4) | (slip_header[2] << 4); log_debug("process_frame, reliable %u, packet type %u, seq_nr %u, ack_nr %u , dic %u, payload 0x%04x bytes", reliable_packet, link_packet_type, seq_nr, ack_nr, data_integrity_check_present, frame_size_without_header); log_debug_hexdump(slip_header, 4); log_debug_hexdump(slip_payload, frame_size_without_header); // CSR 8811 does not seem to auto-detect H5 mode and sends data with even parity. // if this byte sequence is detected, just enable even parity const uint8_t sync_response_bcsp[] = {0x01, 0x7a, 0x06, 0x10}; if (memcmp(sync_response_bcsp, slip_header, 4) == 0){ log_info("detected BSCP SYNC sent with Even Parity -> discard frame and enable Even Parity"); btstack_uart->set_parity(1); return; } // validate header checksum uint8_t header_checksum = slip_header[0] + slip_header[1] + slip_header[2] + slip_header[3]; if (header_checksum != 0xff){ log_info("header checksum 0x%02x (instead of 0xff)", header_checksum); return; } // validate payload length int data_integrity_len = data_integrity_check_present ? 2 : 0; uint16_t received_payload_len = frame_size_without_header - data_integrity_len; if (link_payload_len != received_payload_len){ log_info("expected payload len %u but got %u", link_payload_len, received_payload_len); return; } // validate data integrity check if (data_integrity_check_present){ uint16_t dic_packet = big_endian_read_16(slip_payload, received_payload_len); uint16_t dic_calculate = crc16_calc_for_slip_frame(slip_header, slip_payload, received_payload_len); if (dic_packet != dic_calculate){ log_info("expected dic value 0x%04x but got 0x%04x", dic_calculate, dic_packet); return; } } switch (link_state){ case LINK_UNINITIALIZED: if (link_packet_type != LINK_CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE) break; if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_sync, sizeof(link_control_sync)) == 0){ log_debug("link received sync"); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC_RESPONSE; break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_sync_response, sizeof(link_control_sync_response)) == 0){ log_debug("link received sync response"); link_state = LINK_INITIALIZED; btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&link_timer); log_info("link initialized"); // hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_PERIOD_MS); break; } break; case LINK_INITIALIZED: if (link_packet_type != LINK_CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE) break; if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_sync, sizeof(link_control_sync)) == 0){ log_debug("link received sync"); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_SYNC_RESPONSE; break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_config, link_control_config_prefix_len) == 0){ if (link_payload_len == link_control_config_prefix_len){ log_debug("link received config, no config field"); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE_EMPTY; } else { log_debug("link received config, 0x%02x", slip_payload[2]); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE; } break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_config_response, link_control_config_response_prefix_len) == 0){ uint8_t config = slip_payload[2]; link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check = (config & 0x10) != 0; log_info("link received config response 0x%02x, data integrity check supported %u", config, link_peer_supports_data_integrity_check); link_state = LINK_ACTIVE; btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&link_timer); log_info("link activated"); // link_seq_nr = 0; link_ack_nr = 0; // notify upper stack that it can start uint8_t event[] = { HCI_EVENT_TRANSPORT_PACKET_SENT, 0}; packet_handler(HCI_EVENT_PACKET, &event[0], sizeof(event)); break; } break; case LINK_ACTIVE: // validate packet sequence nr in reliable packets (check for out of sequence error) if (reliable_packet){ if (seq_nr != link_ack_nr){ log_info("expected seq nr %u, but received %u", link_ack_nr, seq_nr); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET; break; } // ack packet right away link_ack_nr = hci_transport_link_inc_seq_nr(link_ack_nr); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_ACK_PACKET; } // Process ACKs in reliable packet and explicit ack packets if (reliable_packet || link_packet_type == LINK_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_TYPE){ // our packet is good if the remote expects our seq nr + 1 int next_seq_nr = hci_transport_link_inc_seq_nr(link_seq_nr); if (hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet() && next_seq_nr == ack_nr){ log_debug("outoing packet with seq %u ack'ed", link_seq_nr); link_seq_nr = next_seq_nr; hci_transport_link_clear_queue(); // notify upper stack that it can send again uint8_t event[] = { HCI_EVENT_TRANSPORT_PACKET_SENT, 0}; packet_handler(HCI_EVENT_PACKET, &event[0], sizeof(event)); } } switch (link_packet_type){ case LINK_CONTROL_PACKET_TYPE: if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_config, sizeof(link_control_config)) == 0){ if (link_payload_len == link_control_config_prefix_len){ log_debug("link received config, no config field"); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE_EMPTY; } else { log_debug("link received config, 0x%02x", slip_payload[2]); hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_CONFIG_RESPONSE; } break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_sync, sizeof(link_control_sync)) == 0){ log_debug("link received sync in ACTIVE STATE!"); // TODO sync during active indicates peer reset -> full upper layer reset necessary break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_sleep, sizeof(link_control_sleep)) == 0){ if (btstack_uart_sleep_mode){ log_info("link: received sleep message. Enabling UART Sleep."); btstack_uart->set_sleep(btstack_uart_sleep_mode); hci_transport_h5_emit_sleep_state(1); } else { log_info("link: received sleep message. UART Sleep not supported"); } link_peer_asleep = 1; break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_wakeup, sizeof(link_control_wakeup)) == 0){ log_info("link: received wakupe message -> send woken"); link_peer_asleep = 0; hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WOKEN; break; } if (memcmp(slip_payload, link_control_woken, sizeof(link_control_woken)) == 0){ log_info("link: received woken message"); link_peer_asleep = 0; // queued packet will be sent in hci_transport_link_run if needed break; } break; case HCI_EVENT_PACKET: case HCI_ACL_DATA_PACKET: case HCI_SCO_DATA_PACKET: // seems like peer is awake link_peer_asleep = 0; // forward packet to stack packet_handler(link_packet_type, slip_payload, link_payload_len); // reset inactvitiy timer hci_transport_inactivity_timer_set(); break; } break; default: break; } hci_transport_link_run(); } // recommendet time until resend: 3 * time of largest packet static uint16_t hci_transport_link_calc_resend_timeout(uint32_t baudrate){ uint32_t max_packet_size_in_bit = (HCI_PACKET_BUFFER_SIZE + 6) << 3; uint32_t t_max_x3_ms = max_packet_size_in_bit * 3000 / baudrate; // allow for BTstack logging and other delays t_max_x3_ms += 50; log_info("resend timeout for %"PRIu32" baud: %u ms", baudrate, (int) t_max_x3_ms); return t_max_x3_ms; } static void hci_transport_link_update_resend_timeout(uint32_t baudrate){ link_resend_timeout_ms = hci_transport_link_calc_resend_timeout(baudrate); } /// H5 Interface static uint8_t hci_transport_link_read_byte; static void hci_transport_h5_read_next_byte(void){ btstack_uart->receive_block(&hci_transport_link_read_byte, 1); } // track time receiving SLIP frame static uint32_t hci_transport_h5_receive_start; static void hci_transport_h5_block_received(){ // track start time when receiving first byte // a bit hackish if (hci_transport_h5_receive_start == 0 && hci_transport_link_read_byte != BTSTACK_SLIP_SOF){ hci_transport_h5_receive_start = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(); } btstack_slip_decoder_process(hci_transport_link_read_byte); uint16_t frame_size = btstack_slip_decoder_frame_size(); if (frame_size) { // track time uint32_t packet_receive_time = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms() - hci_transport_h5_receive_start; uint32_t nominmal_time = (frame_size + 6) * 10 * 1000 / uart_config.baudrate; log_info("slip frame time %u ms for %u decoded bytes. nomimal time %u ms", (int) packet_receive_time, frame_size, (int) nominmal_time); // reset state hci_transport_h5_receive_start = 0; // hci_transport_h5_process_frame(frame_size); hci_transport_slip_init(); } hci_transport_h5_read_next_byte(); } static void hci_transport_h5_block_sent(void){ // check if more data to send if (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data()){ hci_transport_slip_send_next_chunk(); return; } // done slip_write_active = 0; // enter sleep mode after sending sleep message if (hci_transport_link_actions & HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_ENTER_SLEEP){ hci_transport_link_actions &= ~HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_ENTER_SLEEP; if (btstack_uart_sleep_mode){ log_info("link: sent sleep message. Enabling UART Sleep."); btstack_uart->set_sleep(btstack_uart_sleep_mode); } else { log_info("link: sent sleep message. UART Sleep not supported"); } hci_transport_h5_emit_sleep_state(1); } hci_transport_link_run(); } static void hci_transport_h5_init(const void * transport_config){ // check for hci_transport_config_uart_t if (!transport_config) { log_error("hci_transport_h5: no config!"); return; } if (((hci_transport_config_t*)transport_config)->type != HCI_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_UART) { log_error("hci_transport_h5: config not of type != HCI_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_UART!"); return; } // extract UART config from transport config hci_transport_config_uart_t * hci_transport_config_uart = (hci_transport_config_uart_t*) transport_config; uart_config.baudrate = hci_transport_config_uart->baudrate_init; uart_config.flowcontrol = hci_transport_config_uart->flowcontrol; uart_config.device_name = hci_transport_config_uart->device_name; // setup UART driver btstack_uart->init(&uart_config); btstack_uart->set_block_received(&hci_transport_h5_block_received); btstack_uart->set_block_sent(&hci_transport_h5_block_sent); } static int hci_transport_h5_open(void){ int res = btstack_uart->open(); if (res){ return res; } // if (hci_transport_bcsp_mode){ log_info("enable even parity for BCSP mode"); btstack_uart->set_parity(1); } // check if wake on RX can be used btstack_uart_sleep_mode = BTSTACK_UART_SLEEP_OFF; int supported_sleep_modes = 0; if (btstack_uart->get_supported_sleep_modes){ supported_sleep_modes = btstack_uart->get_supported_sleep_modes(); } if (supported_sleep_modes & BTSTACK_UART_SLEEP_MASK_RTS_LOW_WAKE_ON_RX_EDGE){ log_info("using wake on RX"); btstack_uart_sleep_mode = BTSTACK_UART_SLEEP_RTS_LOW_WAKE_ON_RX_EDGE; } else { log_info("UART driver does not provide compatible sleep mode"); } // setup resend timeout hci_transport_link_update_resend_timeout(uart_config.baudrate); // init slip parser state machine hci_transport_slip_init(); // init link management - already starts syncing hci_transport_link_init(); // start receiving hci_transport_h5_read_next_byte(); return 0; } static int hci_transport_h5_close(void){ return btstack_uart->close(); } static void hci_transport_h5_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size)){ packet_handler = handler; } static int hci_transport_h5_can_send_packet_now(uint8_t packet_type){ int res = !hci_transport_link_have_outgoing_packet() && link_state == LINK_ACTIVE; // log_info("can_send_packet_now: %u", res); return res; } static int hci_transport_h5_send_packet(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, int size){ if (!hci_transport_h5_can_send_packet_now(packet_type)){ log_error("hci_transport_h5_send_packet called but in state %d", link_state); return -1; } // store request hci_transport_h5_queue_packet(packet_type, packet, size); // send wakeup first if (link_peer_asleep){ hci_transport_h5_emit_sleep_state(0); if (btstack_uart_sleep_mode){ log_info("disable UART sleep"); btstack_uart->set_sleep(BTSTACK_UART_SLEEP_OFF); } hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_WAKEUP; hci_transport_link_set_timer(LINK_WAKEUP_MS); } else { hci_transport_link_actions |= HCI_TRANSPORT_LINK_SEND_QUEUED_PACKET; hci_transport_link_set_timer(link_resend_timeout_ms); } hci_transport_link_run(); return 0; } static int hci_transport_h5_set_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate){ log_info("set_baudrate %"PRIu32, baudrate); int res = btstack_uart->set_baudrate(baudrate); if (res) return res; hci_transport_link_update_resend_timeout(baudrate); return 0; } static void hci_transport_h5_reset_link(void){ log_info("reset_link"); // clear outgoing queue hci_transport_link_clear_queue(); // init slip parser state machine hci_transport_slip_init(); // init link management - already starts syncing hci_transport_link_init(); } static const hci_transport_t hci_transport_h5 = { /* const char * name; */ "H5", /* void (*init) (const void *transport_config); */ &hci_transport_h5_init, /* int (*open)(void); */ &hci_transport_h5_open, /* int (*close)(void); */ &hci_transport_h5_close, /* void (*register_packet_handler)(void (*handler)(...); */ &hci_transport_h5_register_packet_handler, /* int (*can_send_packet_now)(uint8_t packet_type); */ &hci_transport_h5_can_send_packet_now, /* int (*send_packet)(...); */ &hci_transport_h5_send_packet, /* int (*set_baudrate)(uint32_t baudrate); */ &hci_transport_h5_set_baudrate, /* void (*reset_link)(void); */ &hci_transport_h5_reset_link, /* void (*set_sco_config)(uint16_t voice_setting, int num_connections); */ NULL, }; // configure and return h5 singleton const hci_transport_t * hci_transport_h5_instance(const btstack_uart_block_t * uart_driver) { btstack_uart = uart_driver; return &hci_transport_h5; } void hci_transport_h5_set_auto_sleep(uint16_t inactivity_timeout_ms){ link_inactivity_timeout_ms = inactivity_timeout_ms; } void hci_transport_h5_enable_bcsp_mode(void){ hci_transport_bcsp_mode = 1; }