# ## L2CAP Events {#sec:eventsAndErrorsAppendix} L2CAP events and data packets are delivered to the packet handler specified by *l2cap_register_service* resp. *l2cap_create_channel*. Data packets have the L2CAP_DATA_PACKET packet type. L2CAP provides the following events: - L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED - sent if channel establishment is done. Status not equal zero indicates an error. Possible errors: out of memory; connection terminated by local host, when the connection to remote device fails. - L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED - emitted when channel is closed. No status information is provided. - L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION - received when the connection is requested by remote. Connection accept and decline are performed with *l2cap_accept_connection* and *l2cap_decline_connecti-on* respectively. - L2CAP_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW - Indicates that an L2CAP data packet could be sent on the reported l2cap_cid. It is emitted after a call to *l2cap_request_can_send_now*. See [Sending L2CAP Data](../protocols/#sec:l2capSendProtocols) Please note that the guarantee that a packet can be sent is only valid when the event is received. After returning from the packet handler, BTstack might need to send itself. Event | Event Code -----------|---------------------------------------- L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED | 0x70 L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED | 0x71 L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION | 0x72 L2CAP_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW | 0x78 Table: L2CAP Events. {#tbl:l2capEvents} L2CAP event paramaters, with size in bits: - L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED: - *event(8), len(8), status(8), address(48), handle(16), psm(16), local_cid(16), remote_cid(16), local_mtu(16), remote_mtu(16)* - L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED: - *event (8), len(8), channel(16)* - L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION: - *event(8), len(8), address(48), handle(16), psm (16), local_cid(16), remote_cid (16)* - L2CAP_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW: - *event(8), len(8), local_cid(16) ## RFCOMM Events All RFCOMM events and data packets are currently delivered to the packet handler specified by *rfcomm_register_packet_handler*. Data packets have the _DATA_PACKET packet type. Here is the list of events provided by RFCOMM: - RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION - received when the connection is requested by remote. Connection accept and decline are performed with *rfcomm_accept_connection* and *rfcomm_decline_connection* respectively. - RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED - emitted when channel is closed. No status information is provided. - RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED - sent if channel establishment is done. Status not equal zero indicates an error. Possible errors: an L2CAP error, out of memory. - RFCOMM_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW - Indicates that an RFCOMM data packet could be sent on the reported rfcomm_cid. It is emitted after a call to *rfcomm_request_can_send_now*. See [Sending RFCOMM Data](../protocols/#sec:rfcommSendProtocols) Please note that the guarantee that a packet can be sent is only valid when the event is received. After returning from the packet handler, BTstack might need to send itself. Event | Event Code -----------|----------------------------- RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED | 0x80 RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED | 0x81 RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION | 0x82 RFCOMM_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW | 0x89 Table: RFCOMM Events. {#tbl:rfcommEvents} RFCOMM event paramaters, with size in bits: - RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED: - *event(8), len(8), status(8), address(48), handle(16), server_channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max_frame_size(16)* - RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED: - *event(8), len(8), rfcomm_cid(16)* - RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION: - *event(8), len(8), address(48), channel (8), rfcomm_cid(16)* - RFCOMM_EVENT_CAN_SEND_NOW: - *event(8), len(8), rfcomm_cid(16) ## Errors {#sec:errorsAppendix} Error | Error Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------|------------------- BTSTACK_MEMORY_ALLOC_FAILED | 0x56 BTSTACK_ACL_BUFFERS_FULL | 0x57 L2CAP_COMMAND_REJECT_REASON_COMMAND_NOT_UNDERSTOOD | 0x60 L2CAP_COMMAND_REJECT_REASON_SIGNALING_MTU_EXCEEDED | 0x61 L2CAP_COMMAND_REJECT_REASON_INVALID_CID_IN_REQUEST | 0x62 L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL | 0x63 L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_RESULT_PENDING | 0x64 L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_RESULT_REFUSED_PSM | 0x65 L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_RESULT_REFUSED_SECURITY | 0x66 L2CAP_CONNECTION_RESPONSE_RESULT_REFUSED_RESOURCES | 0x65 L2CAP_CONFIG_RESPONSE_RESULT_SUCCESSFUL | 0x66 L2CAP_CONFIG_RESPONSE_RESULT_UNACCEPTABLE_PARAMS | 0x67 L2CAP_CONFIG_RESPONSE_RESULT_REJECTED | 0x68 L2CAP_CONFIG_RESPONSE_RESULT_UNKNOWN_OPTIONS | 0x69 L2CAP_SERVICE_ALREADY_REGISTERED | 0x6a RFCOMM_MULTIPLEXER_STOPPED | 0x70 RFCOMM_NO_OUTGOING_CREDITS | 0x72 SDP_HANDLE_ALREADY_REGISTERED | 0x80 Table: Errors. {#tbl:errors}