/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BLUEKITCHEN * GMBH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "sco_demo_util.c" /* * sco_demo_util.c - send/receive test data via SCO, used by hfp_*_demo and hsp_*_demo */ #include #include "sco_demo_util.h" #include "btstack_audio.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_ring_buffer.h" #include "classic/btstack_cvsd_plc.h" #include "classic/btstack_sbc.h" #include "classic/btstack_sbc_bluedroid.h" #include "classic/hfp.h" #include "classic/hfp_codec.h" #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH #include "btstack_lc3.h" #include "btstack_lc3_google.h" #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER // ignore deprecated warning for fopen #pragma warning(disable : 4996) #endif #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FILE_IO #include "wav_util.h" #endif // test modes #define SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE 0 #define SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE 1 #define SCO_DEMO_MODE_MODPLAYER 2 // SCO demo configuration #define SCO_DEMO_MODE SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE // number of sco packets until 'report' on console #define SCO_REPORT_PERIOD 100 #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_FILE_IO // length and name of wav file on disk #define SCO_WAV_DURATION_IN_SECONDS 15 #define SCO_WAV_FILENAME "sco_input.wav" #endif // constants #define NUM_CHANNELS 1 #define SAMPLE_RATE_8KHZ 8000 #define SAMPLE_RATE_16KHZ 16000 #define SAMPLE_RATE_32KHZ 32000 #define BYTES_PER_FRAME 2 // audio pre-buffer - also defines latency #define SCO_PREBUFFER_MS 50 #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_8KHZ (SCO_PREBUFFER_MS * SAMPLE_RATE_8KHZ/1000 * BYTES_PER_FRAME) #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_16KHZ (SCO_PREBUFFER_MS * SAMPLE_RATE_16KHZ/1000 * BYTES_PER_FRAME) #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_32KHZ (SCO_PREBUFFER_MS * SAMPLE_RATE_32KHZ/1000 * BYTES_PER_FRAME) #if defined(ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH) #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_MAX PREBUFFER_BYTES_32KHZ #define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MAX 240 #elif defined(ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH) #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_MAX PREBUFFER_BYTES_16KHZ #define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MAX 120 #else #define PREBUFFER_BYTES_MAX PREBUFFER_BYTES_8KHZ #define SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MAX 60 #endif static uint16_t audio_prebuffer_bytes; // output static int audio_output_paused = 0; static uint8_t audio_output_ring_buffer_storage[2 * PREBUFFER_BYTES_MAX]; static btstack_ring_buffer_t audio_output_ring_buffer; // input #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE #define USE_AUDIO_INPUT #else #define USE_ADUIO_GENERATOR static void (*sco_demo_audio_generator)(uint16_t num_samples, int16_t * data); #endif static int audio_input_paused = 0; static uint8_t audio_input_ring_buffer_storage[2 * PREBUFFER_BYTES_MAX]; static btstack_ring_buffer_t audio_input_ring_buffer; // mod player #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MODPLAYER #include "hxcmod.h" #include "mods/mod.h" static modcontext mod_context; #endif static int count_sent = 0; static int count_received = 0; static btstack_cvsd_plc_state_t cvsd_plc_state; #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH static const btstack_sbc_decoder_t * sbc_decoder_instance; static btstack_sbc_decoder_bluedroid_t sbc_decoder_context; static const btstack_sbc_encoder_t * sbc_encoder_instance; static btstack_sbc_encoder_bluedroid_t sbc_encoder_context; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH static const btstack_lc3_decoder_t * lc3_decoder; static btstack_lc3_decoder_google_t lc3_decoder_context; static btstack_lc3_encoder_google_t lc3_encoder_context; static hfp_h2_sync_t hfp_h2_sync; #endif int num_samples_to_write; int num_audio_frames; // generic codec support typedef struct { void (*init)(void); void(*receive)(const uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size); void (*fill_payload)(uint8_t * payload_buffer, uint16_t sco_payload_length); void (*close)(void); // uint16_t sample_rate; } codec_support_t; // current configuration static const codec_support_t * codec_current = NULL; // hfp_codec #if defined(ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH) || defined(ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH) static hfp_codec_t hfp_codec; #endif // Sine Wave #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE static uint16_t sine_wave_phase; static uint16_t sine_wave_steps_per_sample; #define SINE_WAVE_SAMPLE_RATE SAMPLE_RATE_32KHZ // input signal: pre-computed int16 sine wave, 32000 Hz at 266 Hz static const int16_t sine_int16[] = { 0, 1715, 3425, 5126, 6813, 8481, 10126, 11743, 13328, 14876, 16383, 17846, 19260, 20621, 21925, 23170, 24351, 25465, 26509, 27481, 28377, 29196, 29934, 30591, 31163, 31650, 32051, 32364, 32587, 32722, 32767, 32722, 32587, 32364, 32051, 31650, 31163, 30591, 29934, 29196, 28377, 27481, 26509, 25465, 24351, 23170, 21925, 20621, 19260, 17846, 16383, 14876, 13328, 11743, 10126, 8481, 6813, 5126, 3425, 1715, 0, -1715, -3425, -5126, -6813, -8481, -10126, -11743, -13328, -14876, -16384, -17846, -19260, -20621, -21925, -23170, -24351, -25465, -26509, -27481, -28377, -29196, -29934, -30591, -31163, -31650, -32051, -32364, -32587, -32722, -32767, -32722, -32587, -32364, -32051, -31650, -31163, -30591, -29934, -29196, -28377, -27481, -26509, -25465, -24351, -23170, -21925, -20621, -19260, -17846, -16384, -14876, -13328, -11743, -10126, -8481, -6813, -5126, -3425, -1715, }; static void sco_demo_sine_wave_host_endian(uint16_t num_samples, int16_t * data){ unsigned int i; for (i=0; i < num_samples; i++){ data[i] = sine_int16[sine_wave_phase]; sine_wave_phase += sine_wave_steps_per_sample; if (sine_wave_phase >= (sizeof(sine_int16) / sizeof(int16_t))){ sine_wave_phase = 0; } } } #endif // Mod Player #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MODPLAYER #define NUM_SAMPLES_GENERATOR_BUFFER 30 static void sco_demo_modplayer(uint16_t num_samples, int16_t * data){ // mix down stereo signed short samples[NUM_SAMPLES_GENERATOR_BUFFER * 2]; while (num_samples > 0){ uint16_t next_samples = btstack_min(num_samples, NUM_SAMPLES_GENERATOR_BUFFER); hxcmod_fillbuffer(&mod_context, (unsigned short *) samples, next_samples, NULL); num_samples -= next_samples; uint16_t i; for (i=0;iinit(1, sample_rate, &audio_playback_callback); audio_sink->start_stream(); audio_output_paused = 1; } // -- input -- // // init buffers memset(audio_input_ring_buffer_storage, 0, sizeof(audio_input_ring_buffer_storage)); btstack_ring_buffer_init(&audio_input_ring_buffer, audio_input_ring_buffer_storage, sizeof(audio_input_ring_buffer_storage)); audio_input_paused = 1; #ifdef USE_AUDIO_INPUT // config and setup audio recording const btstack_audio_source_t * audio_source = btstack_audio_source_get_instance(); if (audio_source != NULL){ audio_source->init(1, sample_rate, &audio_recording_callback); audio_source->start_stream(); } #endif return 1; } static void audio_terminate(void){ const btstack_audio_sink_t * audio_sink = btstack_audio_sink_get_instance(); if (!audio_sink) return; audio_sink->close(); #ifdef USE_AUDIO_INPUT const btstack_audio_source_t * audio_source= btstack_audio_source_get_instance(); if (!audio_source) return; audio_source->close(); #endif } // CVSD - 8 kHz static void sco_demo_cvsd_init(void){ printf("SCO Demo: Init CVSD\n"); btstack_cvsd_plc_init(&cvsd_plc_state); } static void sco_demo_cvsd_receive(const uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size){ int16_t audio_frame_out[128]; // if (size > sizeof(audio_frame_out)){ printf("sco_demo_cvsd_receive: SCO packet larger than local output buffer - dropping data.\n"); return; } const int audio_bytes_read = size - 3; const int num_samples = audio_bytes_read / BYTES_PER_FRAME; // convert into host endian int16_t audio_frame_in[128]; int i; for (i=0;i= num_samples){ int16_t sample_buffer[SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MAX]; uint32_t bytes_read; btstack_ring_buffer_read(&audio_input_ring_buffer, (uint8_t*) sample_buffer, num_samples * BYTES_PER_FRAME, &bytes_read); hfp_codec_encode_audio_frame(&hfp_codec, sample_buffer); num_audio_frames++; } } // get data from encoder, fill with 0 if not enough if (audio_input_paused || hfp_codec_num_bytes_available(&hfp_codec) < sco_payload_length){ // just send '0's memset(payload_buffer, 0, sco_payload_length); audio_input_paused = 1; } else { hfp_codec_read_from_stream(&hfp_codec, payload_buffer, sco_payload_length); } } #endif // mSBC - 16 kHz #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH static void handle_pcm_data(int16_t * data, int num_samples, int num_channels, int sample_rate, void * context){ UNUSED(context); UNUSED(sample_rate); UNUSED(data); UNUSED(num_samples); UNUSED(num_channels); // samples in callback in host endianess, ready for playback btstack_ring_buffer_write(&audio_output_ring_buffer, (uint8_t *)data, num_samples*num_channels*2); #ifdef SCO_WAV_FILENAME if (!num_samples_to_write) return; num_samples = btstack_min(num_samples, num_samples_to_write); num_samples_to_write -= num_samples; wav_writer_write_int16(num_samples, data); if (num_samples_to_write == 0){ wav_writer_close(); } #endif /* SCO_WAV_FILENAME */ } static void sco_demo_msbc_init(void){ printf("SCO Demo: Init mSBC\n"); sbc_decoder_instance = btstack_sbc_decoder_bluedroid_init_instance(&sbc_decoder_context); sbc_decoder_instance->configure(&sbc_decoder_context, SBC_MODE_mSBC, &handle_pcm_data, NULL); sbc_encoder_instance = btstack_sbc_encoder_bluedroid_init_instance(&sbc_encoder_context); hfp_codec_init_msbc_with_codec(&hfp_codec, sbc_encoder_instance, &sbc_encoder_context); } static void sco_demo_msbc_receive(const uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size){ sbc_decoder_instance->decode_signed_16(&sbc_decoder_context, (packet[1] >> 4) & 3, packet + 3, size - 3); } static void sco_demo_msbc_close(void){ printf("Used mSBC with PLC, number of processed frames: \n - %d good frames, \n - %d zero frames, \n - %d bad frames.\n", sbc_decoder_context.good_frames_nr, sbc_decoder_context.zero_frames_nr, sbc_decoder_context.bad_frames_nr); } static const codec_support_t codec_msbc = { .init = &sco_demo_msbc_init, .receive = &sco_demo_msbc_receive, .fill_payload = &sco_demo_codec_fill_payload, .close = &sco_demo_msbc_close, .sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_16KHZ }; #endif /* ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH */ #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH #define LC3_SWB_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME 240 #define LC3_SWB_OCTETS_PER_FRAME 58 static bool sco_demo_lc3swb_frame_callback(bool bad_frame, const uint8_t * frame_data, uint16_t frame_len){ UNUSED(frame_len); // skip H2 header for good frames if (bad_frame == false){ btstack_assert(frame_data != NULL); frame_data += 2; } uint8_t tmp_BEC_detect = 0; uint8_t BFI = bad_frame ? 1 : 0; int16_t samples[LC3_SWB_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME]; (void) lc3_decoder->decode_signed_16(&lc3_decoder_context, frame_data, BFI, samples, 1, &tmp_BEC_detect); // samples in callback in host endianess, ready for playback btstack_ring_buffer_write(&audio_output_ring_buffer, (uint8_t *)samples, LC3_SWB_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME*2); #ifdef SCO_WAV_FILENAME if (num_samples_to_write > 0){ uint16_t num_samples = btstack_min(LC3_SWB_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME, num_samples_to_write); num_samples_to_write -= num_samples; wav_writer_write_int16(num_samples, samples); if (num_samples_to_write == 0){ wav_writer_close(); } } #endif /* SCO_WAV_FILENAME */ // frame is good, if it isn't a bad frame and we didn't detect other errors return (bad_frame == false) && (tmp_BEC_detect == 0); } static void sco_demo_lc3swb_init(void){ printf("SCO Demo: Init LC3-SWB\n"); hfp_codec.lc3_encoder_context = &lc3_encoder_context; const btstack_lc3_encoder_t * lc3_encoder = btstack_lc3_encoder_google_init_instance( &lc3_encoder_context); hfp_codec_init_lc3_swb(&hfp_codec, lc3_encoder, &lc3_encoder_context); // init lc3 decoder lc3_decoder = btstack_lc3_decoder_google_init_instance(&lc3_decoder_context); lc3_decoder->configure(&lc3_decoder_context, SAMPLE_RATE_32KHZ, BTSTACK_LC3_FRAME_DURATION_7500US, LC3_SWB_OCTETS_PER_FRAME); // init HPF H2 framing hfp_h2_sync_init(&hfp_h2_sync, &sco_demo_lc3swb_frame_callback); } static void sco_demo_lc3swb_receive(const uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size){ uint8_t packet_status = (packet[1] >> 4) & 3; bool bad_frame = packet_status != 0; hfp_h2_sync_process(&hfp_h2_sync, bad_frame, &packet[3], size-3); } static void sco_demo_lc3swb_close(void){ // TODO: report } static const codec_support_t codec_lc3swb = { .init = &sco_demo_lc3swb_init, .receive = &sco_demo_lc3swb_receive, .fill_payload = &sco_demo_codec_fill_payload, .close = &sco_demo_lc3swb_close, .sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_32KHZ }; #endif void sco_demo_init(void){ #ifdef ENABLE_CLASSIC_LEGACY_CONNECTIONS_FOR_SCO_DEMOS printf("Disable BR/EDR Secure Connctions due to incompatibilities with SCO connections\n"); gap_secure_connections_enable(false); #endif // Set SCO for CVSD (mSBC or other codecs automatically use 8-bit transparent mode) hci_set_sco_voice_setting(0x60); // linear, unsigned, 16-bit, CVSD // status #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MICROPHONE printf("SCO Demo: Sending and receiving audio via btstack_audio.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE printf("SCO Demo: Sending sine wave, audio output via btstack_audio.\n"); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MODPLAYER printf("SCO Demo: Sending modplayer wave, audio output via btstack_audio.\n"); // init mod int hxcmod_initialized = hxcmod_init(&mod_context); btstack_assert(hxcmod_initialized != 0); #endif } void sco_demo_set_codec(uint8_t negotiated_codec){ switch (negotiated_codec){ case HFP_CODEC_CVSD: codec_current = &codec_cvsd; break; #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH case HFP_CODEC_MSBC: codec_current = &codec_msbc; break; #endif #ifdef ENABLE_HFP_SUPER_WIDE_BAND_SPEECH case HFP_CODEC_LC3_SWB: codec_current = &codec_lc3swb; break; #endif default: btstack_assert(false); break; } codec_current->init(); audio_initialize(codec_current->sample_rate); audio_prebuffer_bytes = SCO_PREBUFFER_MS * (codec_current->sample_rate/1000) * BYTES_PER_FRAME; #ifdef SCO_WAV_FILENAME num_samples_to_write = codec_current->sample_rate * SCO_WAV_DURATION_IN_SECONDS; wav_writer_open(SCO_WAV_FILENAME, 1, codec_current->sample_rate); #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_SINE sine_wave_steps_per_sample = SINE_WAVE_SAMPLE_RATE / codec_current->sample_rate; sco_demo_audio_generator = &sco_demo_sine_wave_host_endian; #endif #if SCO_DEMO_MODE == SCO_DEMO_MODE_MODPLAYER // load mod hxcmod_setcfg(&mod_context, codec_current->sample_rate, 16, 1, 1, 1); hxcmod_load(&mod_context, (void *) &mod_data, mod_len); sco_demo_audio_generator = &sco_demo_modplayer; #endif } void sco_demo_receive(uint8_t * packet, uint16_t size){ static uint32_t packets = 0; static uint32_t crc_errors = 0; static uint32_t data_received = 0; static uint32_t byte_errors = 0; count_received++; data_received += size - 3; packets++; if (data_received > 100000){ printf("Summary: data %07u, packets %04u, packet with crc errors %0u, byte errors %04u\n", (unsigned int) data_received, (unsigned int) packets, (unsigned int) crc_errors, (unsigned int) byte_errors); crc_errors = 0; byte_errors = 0; data_received = 0; packets = 0; } codec_current->receive(packet, size); } void sco_demo_send(hci_con_handle_t sco_handle){ if (sco_handle == HCI_CON_HANDLE_INVALID) return; int sco_packet_length = hci_get_sco_packet_length_for_connection(sco_handle); int sco_payload_length = sco_packet_length - 3; hci_reserve_packet_buffer(); uint8_t * sco_packet = hci_get_outgoing_packet_buffer(); #ifdef USE_ADUIO_GENERATOR #define REFILL_SAMPLES 16 // re-fill audio buffer uint16_t samples_free = btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_free(&audio_input_ring_buffer) / 2; while (samples_free > 0){ int16_t samples_buffer[REFILL_SAMPLES]; uint16_t samples_to_add = btstack_min(samples_free, REFILL_SAMPLES); (*sco_demo_audio_generator)(samples_to_add, samples_buffer); btstack_ring_buffer_write(&audio_input_ring_buffer, (uint8_t *)samples_buffer, samples_to_add * 2); samples_free -= samples_to_add; } #endif // resume if pre-buffer is filled if (audio_input_paused){ if (btstack_ring_buffer_bytes_available(&audio_input_ring_buffer) >= audio_prebuffer_bytes){ // resume sending audio_input_paused = 0; } } // fill payload by codec codec_current->fill_payload(&sco_packet[3], sco_payload_length); // set handle + flags little_endian_store_16(sco_packet, 0, sco_handle); // set len sco_packet[2] = sco_payload_length; // finally send packet hci_send_sco_packet_buffer(sco_packet_length); // request another send event hci_request_sco_can_send_now_event(); count_sent++; if ((count_sent % SCO_REPORT_PERIOD) == 0) { printf("SCO: sent %u, received %u\n", count_sent, count_received); } } void sco_demo_close(void){ printf("SCO demo close\n"); printf("SCO demo statistics: "); codec_current->close(); codec_current = NULL; #if defined(SCO_WAV_FILENAME) wav_writer_close(); #endif audio_terminate(); }