/* * Copyright (C) 2016 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "a2dp_source_demo.c" /* * a2dp_source_demo.c */ // ***************************************************************************** /* EXAMPLE_START(a2dp_multi_source_demo): A2DP Source - Stream Audio * * @text This A2DP Source example demonstrates how to send an audio data stream * to one or more A2DP Sink devices. */ // ***************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include "btstack.h" #include "hxcmod.h" #include "mods/mod.h" // logarithmic volume reduction, samples are divided by 2^x #define VOLUME_REDUCTION 3 // max number of active sink connections #define NUM_SINKS 2 //#define AVRCP_BROWSING_ENABLED #define NUM_CHANNELS 2 #define BYTES_PER_AUDIO_SAMPLE (2*NUM_CHANNELS) #define AUDIO_TIMEOUT_MS 10 #define TABLE_SIZE_441HZ 100 #define SBC_STORAGE_SIZE 1030 typedef enum { STREAM_SINE = 0, STREAM_MOD, STREAM_PTS_TEST } stream_data_source_t; typedef struct { uint32_t time_audio_data_sent; // ms uint32_t acc_num_missed_samples; uint32_t samples_ready; btstack_timer_source_t audio_timer; uint8_t streaming; int max_media_payload_size; uint8_t sbc_storage[SBC_STORAGE_SIZE]; uint16_t sbc_storage_count; uint8_t sbc_ready_to_send; bool playback_active; // id of next sink to send media packet uint8_t next_sink_id; // cid for current request to send uint16_t triggered_a2dp_cid; } a2dp_media_sending_context_t; typedef struct { // a2dp_cid == 0 <==> not connected / empty slot uint16_t a2dp_cid; bd_addr_t addr; uint8_t local_seid; uint8_t remote_seid; bool stream_active; uint16_t avrcp_cid; } a2dp_sink_t; static a2dp_sink_t a2dp_sinks[NUM_SINKS]; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_capabilities[] = { (AVDTP_SBC_44100 << 4) | AVDTP_SBC_STEREO, 0xFF,//(AVDTP_SBC_BLOCK_LENGTH_16 << 4) | (AVDTP_SBC_SUBBANDS_8 << 2) | AVDTP_SBC_ALLOCATION_METHOD_LOUDNESS, 2, 53 }; // input signal: pre-computed int16 sine wave, 44100 Hz at 441 Hz static const int16_t sine_int16_44100[] = { 0, 2057, 4107, 6140, 8149, 10126, 12062, 13952, 15786, 17557, 19260, 20886, 22431, 23886, 25247, 26509, 27666, 28714, 29648, 30466, 31163, 31738, 32187, 32509, 32702, 32767, 32702, 32509, 32187, 31738, 31163, 30466, 29648, 28714, 27666, 26509, 25247, 23886, 22431, 20886, 19260, 17557, 15786, 13952, 12062, 10126, 8149, 6140, 4107, 2057, 0, -2057, -4107, -6140, -8149, -10126, -12062, -13952, -15786, -17557, -19260, -20886, -22431, -23886, -25247, -26509, -27666, -28714, -29648, -30466, -31163, -31738, -32187, -32509, -32702, -32767, -32702, -32509, -32187, -31738, -31163, -30466, -29648, -28714, -27666, -26509, -25247, -23886, -22431, -20886, -19260, -17557, -15786, -13952, -12062, -10126, -8149, -6140, -4107, -2057, }; static const int num_samples_sine_int16_44100 = sizeof(sine_int16_44100) / 2; // input signal: pre-computed int16 sine wave, 48000 Hz at 441 Hz static const int16_t sine_int16_48000[] = { 0, 1905, 3804, 5690, 7557, 9398, 11207, 12978, 14706, 16383, 18006, 19567, 21062, 22486, 23834, 25101, 26283, 27376, 28377, 29282, 30087, 30791, 31390, 31884, 32269, 32545, 32712, 32767, 32712, 32545, 32269, 31884, 31390, 30791, 30087, 29282, 28377, 27376, 26283, 25101, 23834, 22486, 21062, 19567, 18006, 16383, 14706, 12978, 11207, 9398, 7557, 5690, 3804, 1905, 0, -1905, -3804, -5690, -7557, -9398, -11207, -12978, -14706, -16384, -18006, -19567, -21062, -22486, -23834, -25101, -26283, -27376, -28377, -29282, -30087, -30791, -31390, -31884, -32269, -32545, -32712, -32767, -32712, -32545, -32269, -31884, -31390, -30791, -30087, -29282, -28377, -27376, -26283, -25101, -23834, -22486, -21062, -19567, -18006, -16384, -14706, -12978, -11207, -9398, -7557, -5690, -3804, -1905, }; static const int num_samples_sine_int16_48000 = sizeof(sine_int16_48000) / 2; typedef struct { int reconfigure; int num_channels; int sampling_frequency; int block_length; int subbands; int min_bitpool_value; int max_bitpool_value; btstack_sbc_channel_mode_t channel_mode; btstack_sbc_allocation_method_t allocation_method; } media_codec_configuration_sbc_t; static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration; static struct device_info { const char * name; const char * addr_string; } device_infos[] = { { "Jawbone MiniJambox", "00:21:3C:AC:F7:38"}, { "Sony MDX-ZX330BT", "00:18:09:28:50:18"}, { "Philips SHB9100", "00:22:37:05:FD:E8"}, { "Panda (BM6)", "4F:3F:66:52:8B:E0"}, { "BeatsX", "DC:D3:A2:89:57:FB"}, { "Mushroom Green", "41:42:2A:ED:D6:F3"} }; #define NUM_DEVICE_INFOS (sizeof(device_infos) / sizeof( struct device_info)) static uint8_t sdp_a2dp_source_service_buffer[150]; static uint8_t sdp_avrcp_target_service_buffer[200]; static uint8_t sdp_avrcp_controller_service_buffer[200]; static uint8_t device_id_sdp_service_buffer[100]; static media_codec_configuration_sbc_t sbc_configuration; static btstack_sbc_encoder_state_t sbc_encoder_state; static uint8_t media_sbc_codec_configuration[4]; static a2dp_media_sending_context_t media_tracker; static stream_data_source_t data_source; static int sine_phase; static int current_sample_rate; static int new_sample_rate; static int hxcmod_initialized; static modcontext mod_context; static tracker_buffer_state trkbuf; /* @section Main Application Setup * * @text The Listing MainConfiguration shows how to setup AD2P Source and AVRCP services. * Besides calling init() method for each service, you'll also need to register several packet handlers: * - hci_packet_handler - handles legacy pairing, here by using fixed '0000' pin code. * - a2dp_source_packet_handler - handles events on stream connection status (established, released), the media codec configuration, and, the commands on stream itself (open, pause, stopp). * - avrcp_packet_handler - receives connect/disconnect event. * - avrcp_controller_packet_handler - receives answers for sent AVRCP commands. * - avrcp_target_packet_handler - receives AVRCP commands, and registered notifications. * - stdin_process - used to trigger AVRCP commands to the A2DP Source device, such are get now playing info, start, stop, volume control. Requires HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN. * * @text To announce A2DP Source and AVRCP services, you need to create corresponding * SDP records and register them with the SDP service. */ /* LISTING_START(MainConfiguration): Setup Audio Source and AVRCP Target services */ static void hci_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void a2dp_source_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t * event, uint16_t event_size); static void avrcp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void avrcp_target_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); static void avrcp_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size); #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void stdin_process(char cmd); #endif static void a2dp_demo_hexcmod_configure_sample_rate(int sample_rate); static int a2dp_source_and_avrcp_services_init(void){ // Request role change on reconnecting headset to always use them in slave mode hci_set_master_slave_policy(0); l2cap_init(); // Initialize A2DP Source a2dp_source_init(); a2dp_source_register_packet_handler(&a2dp_source_packet_handler); // Create stream endpoints uint8_t i; for (i=0;i= num_samples_sine_int16_44100){ sine_phase -= num_samples_sine_int16_44100; } break; case 48000: pcm_buffer[count * 2] = sine_int16_48000[sine_phase]; pcm_buffer[count * 2 + 1] = sine_int16_48000[sine_phase]; sine_phase++; if (sine_phase >= num_samples_sine_int16_48000){ sine_phase -= num_samples_sine_int16_48000; } break; default: break; } } } static void produce_mod_audio(int16_t * pcm_buffer, int num_samples_to_write){ hxcmod_fillbuffer(&mod_context, (unsigned short *) &pcm_buffer[0], num_samples_to_write, &trkbuf); } static void produce_audio(int16_t * pcm_buffer, int num_samples){ switch (data_source){ case STREAM_SINE: produce_sine_audio(pcm_buffer, num_samples); break; case STREAM_MOD: produce_mod_audio(pcm_buffer, num_samples); break; default: break; } #ifdef VOLUME_REDUCTION int i; for (i=0;i 0){ pcm_buffer[i] = pcm_buffer[i] >> VOLUME_REDUCTION; } else { pcm_buffer[i] = -((-pcm_buffer[i]) >> VOLUME_REDUCTION); } } #endif } static int a2dp_demo_fill_sbc_audio_buffer(a2dp_media_sending_context_t * context){ // perform sbc encoding int total_num_bytes_read = 0; unsigned int num_audio_samples_per_sbc_buffer = btstack_sbc_encoder_num_audio_frames(); while (context->samples_ready >= num_audio_samples_per_sbc_buffer && (context->max_media_payload_size - context->sbc_storage_count) >= btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer_length()){ int16_t pcm_frame[256*NUM_CHANNELS]; produce_audio(pcm_frame, num_audio_samples_per_sbc_buffer); btstack_sbc_encoder_process_data(pcm_frame); uint16_t sbc_frame_size = btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer_length(); uint8_t * sbc_frame = btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer(); total_num_bytes_read += num_audio_samples_per_sbc_buffer; // first byte in sbc storage contains sbc media header memcpy(&context->sbc_storage[1 + context->sbc_storage_count], sbc_frame, sbc_frame_size); context->sbc_storage_count += sbc_frame_size; context->samples_ready -= num_audio_samples_per_sbc_buffer; } return total_num_bytes_read; } static void a2dp_demo_audio_timeout_handler(btstack_timer_source_t * timer){ a2dp_media_sending_context_t * context = &media_tracker; btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&context->audio_timer, AUDIO_TIMEOUT_MS); btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&context->audio_timer); uint32_t now = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(); uint32_t update_period_ms = AUDIO_TIMEOUT_MS; if (context->time_audio_data_sent > 0){ update_period_ms = now - context->time_audio_data_sent; } uint32_t num_samples = (update_period_ms * current_sample_rate) / 1000; context->acc_num_missed_samples += (update_period_ms * current_sample_rate) % 1000; while (context->acc_num_missed_samples >= 1000){ num_samples++; context->acc_num_missed_samples -= 1000; } context->time_audio_data_sent = now; context->samples_ready += num_samples; if (context->sbc_ready_to_send) return; a2dp_demo_fill_sbc_audio_buffer(context); if ((context->sbc_storage_count + btstack_sbc_encoder_sbc_buffer_length()) > context->max_media_payload_size){ // schedule sending context->sbc_ready_to_send = 1; context->next_sink_id = 0; a2dp_demo_trigger_send(); } } static void a2dp_demo_timer_start(a2dp_media_sending_context_t * context){ // get min max payload uint16_t max_media_payload = SBC_STORAGE_SIZE; uint8_t i; for (i=0;imax_media_payload_size = max_media_payload; if (context->playback_active) return; context->sbc_storage_count = 0; context->sbc_ready_to_send = 0; context->streaming = 1; btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&context->audio_timer); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_handler(&context->audio_timer, a2dp_demo_audio_timeout_handler); btstack_run_loop_set_timer_context(&context->audio_timer, context); btstack_run_loop_set_timer(&context->audio_timer, AUDIO_TIMEOUT_MS); btstack_run_loop_add_timer(&context->audio_timer); } static void a2dp_demo_timer_stop(a2dp_media_sending_context_t * context){ context->playback_active = false; context->time_audio_data_sent = 0; context->acc_num_missed_samples = 0; context->samples_ready = 0; context->streaming = 1; context->sbc_storage_count = 0; context->sbc_ready_to_send = 0; btstack_run_loop_remove_timer(&context->audio_timer); } static void dump_sbc_configuration(media_codec_configuration_sbc_t * configuration){ printf("Received media codec configuration:\n"); printf(" - num_channels: %d\n", configuration->num_channels); printf(" - sampling_frequency: %d\n", configuration->sampling_frequency); printf(" - channel_mode: %d\n", configuration->channel_mode); printf(" - block_length: %d\n", configuration->block_length); printf(" - subbands: %d\n", configuration->subbands); printf(" - allocation_method: %d\n", configuration->allocation_method); printf(" - bitpool_value [%d, %d] \n", configuration->min_bitpool_value, configuration->max_bitpool_value); } static void hci_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; #ifndef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) == BTSTACK_EVENT_STATE){ if (btstack_event_state_get_state(packet) != HCI_STATE_WORKING) return; printf("Create A2DP Source connection to addr %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(device_addr)); uint8_t status = a2dp_source_establish_stream(device_addr, &media_tracker.a2dp_cid); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("Could not perform command, status 0x%2x\n", status); } return; } #endif if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) == HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST) { bd_addr_t address; printf("Pin code request - using '0000'\n"); hci_event_pin_code_request_get_bd_addr(packet, address); gap_pin_code_response(address, "0000"); } } static int a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(uint16_t cid){ uint8_t i; for (i=0;i= 0){ a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid = 0; } break; } if (index < 0){ // get empty slot index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(0); if (index < 0){ printf("A2DP Source: already %u connected sinks\n", NUM_SINKS); break; } } a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid = cid; memcpy(a2dp_sinks[index].addr, address, 6); printf("A2DP Source: Connected to address %s, a2dp cid 0x%02x as sink %u\n", bd_addr_to_str(address), cid, index); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_MEDIA_CODEC_SBC_CONFIGURATION:{ cid = avdtp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_avdtp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; a2dp_sinks[index].remote_seid = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_remote_seid(packet); sbc_configuration.reconfigure = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_reconfigure(packet); sbc_configuration.num_channels = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_num_channels(packet); sbc_configuration.sampling_frequency = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_sampling_frequency(packet); sbc_configuration.block_length = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_block_length(packet); sbc_configuration.subbands = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_subbands(packet); sbc_configuration.min_bitpool_value = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_min_bitpool_value(packet); sbc_configuration.max_bitpool_value = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_max_bitpool_value(packet); channel_mode = (avdtp_channel_mode_t) a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_channel_mode(packet); allocation_method = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_allocation_method(packet); printf("A2DP Source: Received SBC codec configuration, sampling frequency %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x, local seid 0x%02x, remote seid 0x%02x.\n", sbc_configuration.sampling_frequency, cid, a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_local_seid(packet), a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_remote_seid(packet)); // Adapt Bluetooth spec definition to SBC Encoder expected input sbc_configuration.allocation_method = (btstack_sbc_allocation_method_t)(allocation_method - 1); switch (channel_mode){ case AVDTP_CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO: sbc_configuration.channel_mode = SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_JOINT_STEREO; break; case AVDTP_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO: sbc_configuration.channel_mode = SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_STEREO; break; case AVDTP_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL: sbc_configuration.channel_mode = SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_DUAL_CHANNEL; break; case AVDTP_CHANNEL_MODE_MONO: sbc_configuration.channel_mode = SBC_CHANNEL_MODE_MONO; break; default: btstack_assert(false); break; } dump_sbc_configuration(&sbc_configuration); // only configure first active connection if (media_tracker.playback_active) break; btstack_sbc_encoder_init(&sbc_encoder_state, SBC_MODE_STANDARD, sbc_configuration.block_length, sbc_configuration.subbands, sbc_configuration.allocation_method, sbc_configuration.sampling_frequency, sbc_configuration.max_bitpool_value, sbc_configuration.channel_mode); break; } case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_DELAY_REPORTING_CAPABILITY: printf("A2DP Source: remote supports delay report, remote seid %d\n", avdtp_subevent_signaling_delay_reporting_capability_get_remote_seid(packet)); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_CAPABILITIES_DONE: printf("A2DP Source: All capabilities reported, remote seid %d\n", avdtp_subevent_signaling_capabilities_done_get_remote_seid(packet)); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_DELAY_REPORT: printf("A2DP Source: Received delay report of %d.%0d ms, local seid %d\n", avdtp_subevent_signaling_delay_report_get_delay_100us(packet)/10, avdtp_subevent_signaling_delay_report_get_delay_100us(packet)%10, avdtp_subevent_signaling_delay_report_get_local_seid(packet)); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_ESTABLISHED: a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_bd_addr(packet, address); status = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_status(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("A2DP Source: Stream failed, status 0x%02x.\n", status); break; } cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_a2dp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_local_seid(packet); a2dp_sinks[index].local_seid = local_seid; printf("A2DP Source: Stream established connection %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x, local_seid 0x%02x, remote_seid 0x%02x\n", index, cid, local_seid, a2dp_subevent_stream_established_get_remote_seid(packet)); a2dp_demo_hexcmod_configure_sample_rate(sbc_configuration.sampling_frequency); data_source = STREAM_MOD; status = a2dp_source_start_stream(a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid, a2dp_sinks[index].local_seid); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_RECONFIGURED: status = a2dp_subevent_stream_reconfigured_get_status(packet); local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_reconfigured_get_local_seid(packet); cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_reconfigured_get_a2dp_cid(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("A2DP Source: Stream reconfiguration failed with status 0x%02x\n", status); break; } index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; printf("A2DP Source: Stream reconfigured a2dp_cid 0x%02x, local_seid 0x%02x\n", cid, local_seid); a2dp_demo_hexcmod_configure_sample_rate(new_sample_rate); status = a2dp_source_start_stream(a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid, a2dp_sinks[index].local_seid); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_STARTED: local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_started_get_local_seid(packet); cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_started_get_a2dp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; a2dp_sinks[index].stream_active = true; a2dp_demo_timer_start(&media_tracker); printf("A2DP Source: Stream started connection %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x, local_seid 0x%02x\n", index, cid, local_seid); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAMING_CAN_SEND_MEDIA_PACKET_NOW: cid = a2dp_subevent_signaling_media_codec_sbc_configuration_get_a2dp_cid(packet); local_seid = a2dp_subevent_streaming_can_send_media_packet_now_get_local_seid(packet); a2dp_demo_send_media_packet(cid, local_seid); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_SUSPENDED: local_seid = a2dp_subevent_stream_suspended_get_local_seid(packet); cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_suspended_get_a2dp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; printf("A2DP Source: Stream paused connection %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x, local_seid 0x%02x\n", index, cid, local_seid); a2dp_source_demo_stream_stopped(index); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_STREAM_RELEASED: cid = a2dp_subevent_stream_released_get_a2dp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; printf("A2DP Source: Stream released connection %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x\n", index, cid); a2dp_source_demo_stream_stopped(index); break; case A2DP_SUBEVENT_SIGNALING_CONNECTION_RELEASED: cid = a2dp_subevent_signaling_connection_released_get_a2dp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(cid); if (index < 0) break; printf("A2DP Source: Signaling released connection %u, a2dp_cid 0x%02x\n", index, cid); a2dp_source_demo_stream_stopped(index); a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid = 0; break; default: break; } } static void avrcp_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); bd_addr_t addr; uint16_t avrcp_cid; uint8_t status = ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS; int8_t index; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META) return; switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED: avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_bd_addr(packet, addr); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_bd_addr(addr); if (index < 0) break; avrcp_cid = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_avrcp_cid(packet); status = avrcp_subevent_connection_established_get_status(packet); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("AVRCP: Connection failed connection %u, local cid 0x%02x, status 0x%02x\n", index, avrcp_cid, status); a2dp_sinks[index].avrcp_cid = 0; break; } a2dp_sinks[index].avrcp_cid = avrcp_cid; avrcp_controller_get_supported_events(avrcp_cid); printf("AVRCP: Channel successfully opened connection %u: avrcp_cid 0x%02x\n", index, avrcp_cid); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_CONNECTION_RELEASED: avrcp_cid = avrcp_subevent_connection_released_get_avrcp_cid(packet); index = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_avrcp_cid(avrcp_cid); if (index < 0) break; printf("AVRCP: Disconnected connection %u, avrcp_cid 0x%02x\n", index, avrcp_subevent_connection_released_get_avrcp_cid(packet)); a2dp_sinks[index].avrcp_cid = 0; break; default: break; } } static void avrcp_target_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); uint8_t status = ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META) return; bool button_pressed; char const * button_state; avrcp_operation_id_t operation_id; uint8_t volume; switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_VOLUME_CHANGED: volume = avrcp_subevent_notification_volume_changed_get_absolute_volume(packet); printf("AVRCP Target: Volume set to %d%% (%d)\n", volume * 127/100, volume); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_OPERATION: operation_id = avrcp_subevent_operation_get_operation_id(packet); button_pressed = avrcp_subevent_operation_get_button_pressed(packet) > 0; button_state = button_pressed ? "PRESS" : "RELEASE"; printf("AVRCP Target: operation %s (%s)\n", avrcp_operation2str(operation_id), button_state); break; default: break; } if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("Responding to event 0x%02x failed with status 0x%02x\n", packet[2], status); } } static void avrcp_controller_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); UNUSED(size); uint8_t status = 0xFF; uint8_t avrcp_cid; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; if (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet) != HCI_EVENT_AVRCP_META) return; status = packet[5]; // ignore INTERIM status if (status == AVRCP_CTYPE_RESPONSE_INTERIM) return; switch (packet[2]){ case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_NOTIFICATION_VOLUME_CHANGED: printf("AVRCP Controller: notification absolute volume changed %d %%\n", avrcp_subevent_notification_volume_changed_get_absolute_volume(packet) * 100 / 127); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_GET_CAPABILITY_EVENT_ID: printf("Remote supports EVENT_ID 0x%02x\n", avrcp_subevent_get_capability_event_id_get_event_id(packet)); break; case AVRCP_SUBEVENT_GET_CAPABILITY_EVENT_ID_DONE: printf("automatically enable notifications\n"); avrcp_cid = avrcp_subevent_get_capability_event_id_done_get_avrcp_cid(packet); avrcp_controller_enable_notification(avrcp_cid, AVRCP_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_VOLUME_CHANGED); break; default: break; } } #ifdef HAVE_BTSTACK_STDIN static void show_usage(void){ bd_addr_t iut_address; uint8_t index; gap_local_bd_addr(iut_address); printf("\n--- Bluetooth A2DP Multi Source Demo on %s ---\n", bd_addr_to_str(iut_address)); for (index=0; index < NUM_SINKS; index++){ if (a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid != 0){ printf("Connection %u - %s, a2dp_cid 0x%04x, active %u\n", index, bd_addr_to_str(a2dp_sinks[index].addr), a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid, (int) a2dp_sinks[index].stream_active); } } for (index=0; index < NUM_DEVICE_INFOS; index++){ printf("%c - A2DP Source connect to %20s - %s\n", '1' + index, device_infos[index].name, device_infos[index].addr_string); } printf("D - delete all link keys\n"); for (index=0; index < NUM_SINKS; index++){ if (a2dp_sinks[index].a2dp_cid != 0){ printf("%c - A2DP Source disconnect connection %u - %s\n", '1' + index, index, bd_addr_to_str(a2dp_sinks[index].addr)); } } printf("---\n"); } static void stdin_process(char cmd){ uint8_t status = ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS; // connect if (cmd >= '1'){ uint8_t device_id = cmd - '1'; if (device_id < NUM_DEVICE_INFOS){ // TODO: check that there isn't already a connection int sink_id = a2dp_source_demo_index_for_a2dp_cid(0); if (sink_id < 0){ printf("Cannot create connection, already %u connections active\n", NUM_SINKS); return; } sscanf_bd_addr(device_infos[device_id].addr_string, a2dp_sinks[sink_id].addr); status = a2dp_source_establish_stream(a2dp_sinks[sink_id].addr, &a2dp_sinks[sink_id].a2dp_cid); printf("%c - Create A2DP Source connection to %s (%s), cid 0x%02x.\n", cmd, device_infos[device_id].name, device_infos[device_id].addr_string, a2dp_sinks[sink_id].a2dp_cid); if (status != ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS){ printf("Connect failed, status 0x%02x\n", status); } return; } } if (cmd >= 'A'){ uint8_t sink_id = cmd - 'A'; if ((sink_id < NUM_SINKS) && (a2dp_sinks[sink_id].a2dp_cid != 0)){ // TODO: disconnect return; } } switch (cmd){ case 'D': printf("Deleting all link keys\n"); gap_delete_all_link_keys(); break; case '\n': case '\r': break; default: show_usage(); return; } } #endif int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ (void)argc; (void)argv; int err = a2dp_source_and_avrcp_services_init(); if (err) return err; // turn on! hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_ON); return 0; } /* EXAMPLE_END */