% !TEX root = btstack_gettingstarted.tex \subsection{spp\_and\_le\_counter - Dual mode example} \label{subsection:sppandlecounter} $ $ \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client setup., label=code:spp_le_setup] #define RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL 1 static uint16_t rfcomm_channel_id; static uint8_t spp_service_buffer[150]; static int le_notification_enabled; const uint8_t adv_data[] = { // Flags general discoverable 0x02, 0x01, 0x02, // Name 0x0b, 0x09, 'L', 'E', ' ', 'C', 'o', 'u', 'n', 't', 'e', 'r', }; uint8_t adv_data_len = sizeof(adv_data); static uint16_t todos = 0; void setup(void){ ... l2cap_init(); l2cap_register_packet_handler(packet_handler); rfcomm_init(); rfcomm_register_packet_handler(packet_handler); rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, 100); // reserved channel, mtu=100 // init SDP, create record for SPP and register with SDP sdp_init(); memset(spp_service_buffer, 0, sizeof(spp_service_buffer)); sdp_create_spp_service( spp_service_buffer, RFCOMM_SERVER_CHANNEL, "SPP Counter"); printf("SDP service record size: %u\n", de_get_len(spp_service_buffer)); sdp_register_service_internal(NULL, spp_service_buffer); hci_ssp_set_io_capability(SSP_IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_YES_NO); // setup le device db le_device_db_init(); // setup SM: Display only sm_init(); // setup ATT server att_server_init(profile_data, att_read_callback, att_write_callback); att_dump_attributes(); } \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client - heartbeat handler., label=code:spp_le_heartbeat_handler] #define HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS 1000 // The Counter static int counter = 0; static char counter_string[30]; static int counter_string_len; static void heartbeat_handler(struct timer *ts){ counter++; counter_string_len = sprintf(counter_string, "BTstack counter %04u\n", counter); if (rfcomm_channel_id){ if (rfcomm_can_send_packet_now(rfcomm_channel_id)) { int err = rfcomm_send_internal(rfcomm_channel_id, (uint8_t*) counter_string, counter_string_len); if (err) { log_error("rfcomm_send_internal -> error 0X%02x", err); } else { printf("%s", counter_string); } } } if (le_notification_enabled) { att_server_notify(ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE, (uint8_t*) counter_string, counter_string_len); } run_loop_set_timer(ts, HEARTBEAT_PERIOD_MS); run_loop_add_timer(ts); } \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client - ATT Client Read Callback for Dynamic Data., label=code:spp_le_read_callback] // - if buffer == NULL, don't copy data, just return size of value // - if buffer != NULL, copy data and return number bytes copied // @param offset defines start of attribute value static uint16_t att_read_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t offset, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){ if (att_handle == ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_VALUE_HANDLE){ if (buffer){ memcpy(buffer, &counter_string[offset], counter_string_len - offset); } return counter_string_len - offset; } return 0; } \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client - ATT Client Write Callback., label=code:spp_le_write_callback] // write requests static int att_write_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t att_handle, uint16_t transaction_mode, uint16_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){ // printf("WRITE Callback, handle %04x, mode %u, offset %u, data: ", handle, transaction_mode, offset); // printf_hexdump(buffer, buffer_size); if (att_handle != ATT_CHARACTERISTIC_0000FF11_0000_1000_8000_00805F9B34FB_01_CLIENT_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE) return 0; le_notification_enabled = READ_BT_16(buffer, 0) == GATT_CLIENT_CHARACTERISTICS_CONFIGURATION_NOTIFICATION; return 0; } \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client - GAP run., label=code:spp_le_gap_run] enum { SET_ADVERTISEMENT_PARAMS = 1 << 0, SET_ADVERTISEMENT_DATA = 1 << 1, ENABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS = 1 << 2, }; static void gap_run(){ if (!hci_can_send_command_packet_now()) return; if (todos & SET_ADVERTISEMENT_DATA){ printf("GAP_RUN: set advertisement data\n"); todos &= ~SET_ADVERTISEMENT_DATA; hci_send_cmd(&hci_le_set_advertising_data, adv_data_len, adv_data); return; } if (todos & SET_ADVERTISEMENT_PARAMS){ todos &= ~SET_ADVERTISEMENT_PARAMS; uint8_t adv_type = 0; // default bd_addr_t null_addr; memset(null_addr, 0, 6); uint16_t adv_int_min = 0x0030; uint16_t adv_int_max = 0x0030; hci_send_cmd(&hci_le_set_advertising_parameters, adv_int_min, adv_int_max, adv_type, 0, 0, &null_addr, 0x07, 0x00); return; } if (todos & ENABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS){ printf("GAP_RUN: enable advertisements\n"); todos &= ~ENABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS; hci_send_cmd(&hci_le_set_advertise_enable, 1); return; } } \end{lstlisting} \begin{lstlisting}[float, caption= SPP\&LE client - packet handler., label=code:spp_le_gap_run] static void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ switch (packet_type) { case HCI_EVENT_PACKET: switch (packet[0]) { case BTSTACK_EVENT_STATE: // bt stack activated, get started - set local name if (packet[2] == HCI_STATE_WORKING) { todos = SET_ADVERTISEMENT_PARAMS | SET_ADVERTISEMENT_DATA | ENABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS; gap_run(); } break; case HCI_EVENT_PIN_CODE_REQUEST: // inform about pin code request printf("Pin code request - using '0000'\n"); bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]); hci_send_cmd(&hci_pin_code_request_reply, &event_addr, 4, "0000"); break; case HCI_EVENT_USER_CONFIRMATION_REQUEST: // inform about user confirmation request printf("SSP User Confirmation Request with numeric value '%06u'\n", READ_BT_32(packet, 8)); printf("SSP User Confirmation Auto accept\n"); break; case HCI_EVENT_DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE: todos = ENABLE_ADVERTISEMENTS; le_notification_enabled = 0; gap_run(); break; case RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION: // data: event (8), len(8), address(48), channel (8), rfcomm_cid (16) bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]); rfcomm_channel_nr = packet[8]; rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 9); printf("RFCOMM channel %u requested for %s\n", rfcomm_channel_nr, bd_addr_to_str(event_addr)); rfcomm_accept_connection_internal(rfcomm_channel_id); break; case RFCOMM_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE: // data: event(8), len(8), status (8), address (48), server channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max frame size(16) if (packet[2]) { printf("RFCOMM channel open failed, status %u\n", packet[2]); } else { rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 12); mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 14); printf("\nRFCOMM channel open succeeded. New RFCOMM Channel ID %u, max frame size %u\n", rfcomm_channel_id, mtu); } break; case RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED: printf("RFCOMM channel closed\n"); rfcomm_channel_id = 0; break; default: break; } break; case RFCOMM_DATA_PACKET: printf("RCV: '"); for (i=0;i