#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Create project files for all BTstack embedded examples in local port/renesas-tb-s1ja-cc256x folder import os import shutil import sys import time import subprocess # use for CC2564B # init_script = 'bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1.8_BT_Spec_4.1.c' # use for CC2564C init_script = 'bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1.4.c' gatt_update_bat_template = '''python.exe BTSTACK_ROOT\\tool\\compile_gatt.py BTSTACK_ROOT\\example\\EXAMPLE.gatt PROJECT_SRC\\EXAMPLE.h ''' gatt_update_sh_template = '''#!/bin/sh DIR=`dirname $0` BTSTACK_ROOT=$DIR/../../../.. echo "Creating EXAMPLE.h from EXAMPLE.gatt" $BTSTACK_ROOT/tool/compile_gatt.py $BTSTACK_ROOT/example/EXAMPLE.gatt $DIR/src/EXAMPLE.h ''' def fetch_init_script(): # print("Fetch CC256x initscript: " + init_script) # subprocess.call("make -f ../../chipset/cc256x/Makefile.inc BTSTACK_ROOT=../.. " + init_script, shell=True) print("Using local CC256x initscript: " + init_script) def create_folder(path): if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) def create_examples(port_folder, suffix): # btstack root btstack_root = os.path.abspath(port_folder + "/../..") # path to examples examples_embedded = btstack_root + "/example/" # path to project template project_template = port_folder + "/template/btstack_example/" # path to example projects example_folder = port_folder + "/example" + suffix + "/" print("Creating example folder") create_folder(example_folder) print("Creating example projects in example folder") # iterate over btstack examples example_files = os.listdir(examples_embedded) example_files.sort() for file in example_files: if not file.endswith(".c"): continue if file in ['panu_demo.c', 'sco_demo_util.c', 'ant_test.c', 'audio_duplex.c', 'mod_player.c']: continue if file in ['a2dp_sink_demo.c', 'a2dp_source_demo.c', 'hfp_hf_demo.c', 'hfp_ag_demo.c', 'hsp_hs_demo.c', 'hsp_ag_demo.c']: continue example = file[:-2] gatt_path = examples_embedded + example + ".gatt" # create project folder project_folder = example_folder + example + "/" create_folder(project_folder) # copy some folders for folder in ['.settings', 'script', 'synergy', 'synergy_cfg']: src = project_template + folder dst = project_folder + folder shutil.copytree(src, dst) # copy some files for file in ['configuration.xml', 'synergy_cfg.txt', 'TB_S1JA.pincfg']: shutil.copy(project_template + file, project_folder) # create src folder src_folder = project_folder + 'src/' create_folder(src_folder) # copy files skipping example.c and gatt_streamer_server.h for file in ['btstack_config.h', 'hal_entry.c', 'hal_flash_bank_synergy.c', 'hal_flash_bank_synergy.h']: shutil.copy(project_template + "src/" + file, src_folder) # copy synergy_gen src = project_template + 'src/synergy_gen' dst = project_folder + 'src/synergy_gen' shutil.copytree(src, dst) # copy example file shutil.copyfile(examples_embedded + example + '.c', src_folder + example + ".c") # copy init script shutil.copy(port_folder + "/" + init_script, src_folder) # add sco_demo_util.c for audio examples # if example in ['hfp_ag_demo','hfp_hf_demo', 'hsp_ag_demo', 'hsp_hs_demo']: # shutil.copy(examples_embedded + 'sco_demo_util.c', src_folder) # shutil.copy(examples_embedded + 'sco_demo_util.h', src_folder) # update project files for file in ['.project', '.cproject','btstack_example.jdebug']: with open(project_template + file, 'r') as fin: template = fin.read() file = file.replace('btstack_example',example) with open(project_folder + file, 'wt') as fout: template = template.replace("btstack_example", example) fout.write(template) # copy jlink and launch files shutil.copy(project_template + 'btstack_example Debug.jlink', project_folder + example + ' Debug.jlink' ) shutil.copy(project_template + 'btstack_example Debug.launch', project_folder + example + ' Debug.launch') # generate .h from .gatt gatt_path = examples_embedded + example + ".gatt" if os.path.exists(gatt_path): update_gatt_script_sh = project_folder + "update_gatt_db.sh" update_gatt_script_bat = project_folder + "update_gatt_db.bat" with open(update_gatt_script_sh, "wt") as fout: fout.write(gatt_update_sh_template.replace("EXAMPLE", example)) os.chmod(update_gatt_script_sh, 0o755) with open(update_gatt_script_bat, "wt") as fout: fout.write(gatt_update_bat_template.replace("EXAMPLE", example).replace("BTSTACK_ROOT", btstack_root).replace("PROJECT_SRC", src_folder)) if os.name == "nt": subprocess.run(["python.exe", port_folder + "/../../tool/compile_gatt.py", gatt_path, src_folder + example + ".h" ], shell=True, capture_output=True) else: subprocess.run(update_gatt_script_sh, shell=True, capture_output=True) print("- %s - converting GATT DB" % example) else: print("- %s" % example) if __name__ == '__main__': # get script path port_folder = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) suffix = '' if len(sys.argv) > 1: suffix = sys.argv[1] fetch_init_script() create_examples(port_folder, suffix)