#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys, os, shutil, getopt import re, yaml import subprocess githuburl = "https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/tree/" gitbranchname = "master" # helper to write anchors and references def insert_anchor(mdout, reference): anchor = "\n\n" mdout.write(anchor) def insert_reference(mdout, text, link): mdout.write("") def process_source_file_link(mdin, mdout, githuburl, line): parts = re.match('.*(GITHUB_URL).*\n',line) if parts: line_with_source_file_link = line.replace("GITHUB_URL", githuburl) mdout.write(line_with_source_file_link) line = '' return line # handlers for various elements def process_section(mdin, mdout, line): section = re.match('(#+.*){#(sec:.*)}',line) if section: insert_anchor(mdout, section.group(2)) mdout.write(section.group(1)+"\n") line = '' return line def process_figure(mdin, mdout, line): # detect figure figure = re.match('\s*(\!.*)({#(fig:.*)})',line) if figure: insert_anchor(mdout, figure.group(3)) mdout.write(figure.group(1)+"\n") line = '' return line def process_fig_ref(mdin, mdout, line): # detect figure reference figure_ref = re.match('.*({@(fig:.*)})',line) if figure_ref: md_reference = "[below](#"+figure_ref.group(2)+")" line = line.replace(figure_ref.group(1), md_reference) mdout.write(line) line = '' return line def process_table(mdin, mdout, line): # detect table table = re.match('\s*(Table:.*)({#(tbl:.*)})',line) if table: insert_anchor(mdout, table.group(3)) mdout.write(table.group(1)+"\n") line = '' return line def process_tbl_ref(mdin, mdout, line): table_ref = re.match('.*({@(tbl:.*)})',line) if table_ref: md_reference = "[below](#"+table_ref.group(2)+")" line = line.replace(table_ref.group(1), md_reference) mdout.write(line) line = '' return line def process_listing(mdin, mdout, line): listing_start = re.match('.*{#(lst:.*)\s+.c\s+.*',line) listing_end = re.match('\s*~~~~\s*\n',line) if listing_start: insert_anchor(mdout, listing_start.group(1)) line = '' elif listing_end: mdout.write("\n") line = '' return line def process_file(mk_file, markdownfolder, mkdocsfolder, githuburl): source_file = markdownfolder +"/"+ mk_file dest_file = mkdocsfolder +"/"+ mk_file # print("Processing %s -> %s" % (source_file, dest_file)) with open(dest_file, 'wt') as mdout: with open(source_file, 'rt') as mdin: for line in mdin: line = process_section(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_source_file_link(mdin, mdout, githuburl, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_figure(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_fig_ref(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_table(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_tbl_ref(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue line = process_listing(mdin, mdout, line) if len(line) == 0: continue mdout.write(line) def main(argv): markdownfolder = "docs-markdown/" mkdocsfolder = "docs/" cmd = 'markdown_update_references.py [-i ] [-o ] [-g ]' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"i:o:g:",["ifolder=","ofolder=","github="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print (cmd) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print (cmd) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i", "--ifolder"): markdownfolder = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofolder"): mkdocsfolder = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--github"): githuburl = arg try: output = subprocess.check_output("git symbolic-ref --short HEAD", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=3, shell=True) gitbranchname = output.decode().rstrip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print('GIT branch name: failed to get, use default value \"%s\"" ', gitbranchname, exc.returncode, exc.output) else: print('GIT branch name: %s' % gitbranchname) githuburl = githuburl + gitbranchname print('GITHUB URL: %s\n' % githuburl) yml_file = "mkdocs.yml" with open(yml_file, 'r') as yin: doc = yaml.load(yin, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) # page is either: # - {title: filepath} dictionary for a direcr yml reference (e.g. - 'Welcome': index.md), or # - {navigation_group_title: [{title: filepath}, ...] } dictionary for a navigation group for page in doc["nav"]: # navigation_group_filepath is either: # - filepath string for a direcr yml reference (e.g. - 'Welcome': index.md), or # - list of [{title: filepath}, ...] dictionaries for each item in navigation group navigation_group_filepath = list(page.values())[0] if type(navigation_group_filepath) == str: process_file(navigation_group_filepath, markdownfolder, mkdocsfolder, githuburl) continue if type(navigation_group_filepath) == list: for file_description_dict in navigation_group_filepath: filepath = list(file_description_dict.values())[0] process_file(filepath, markdownfolder, mkdocsfolder, githuburl) continue if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])