/* * Copyright (C) 2014 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define __BTSTACK_FILE__ "main.c" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "btstack_event.h" #include "btstack_run_loop.h" #include "btstack_run_loop_embedded.h" #include "hci.h" #include "bluetooth_company_id.h" #include "btstack_chipset_cc256x.h" #include "btstack_memory.h" #include "classic/btstack_link_key_db.h" // STDOUT_FILENO and STDERR_FILENO are defined by with GCC // (this is a hack for IAR) #ifndef STDOUT_FILENO #define STDERR_FILENO 1 #endif #ifndef STDERR_FILENO #define STDERR_FILENO 2 #endif // Configuration // LED2 on PA5 // Debug: USART2, TX on PA2 // Bluetooth: USART3. TX PB10, RX PB11, CTS PB13 (in), RTS PB14 (out), N_SHUTDOWN PB15 #define GPIO_LED2 GPIO5 #define USART_CONSOLE USART2 #define GPIO_BT_N_SHUTDOWN GPIO15 #define GPIO_DEBUG_0 GPIO1 #define GPIO_DEBUG_1 GPIO2 // btstack code starts there void btstack_main(void); static void bluetooth_power_cycle(void); // hal_tick.h inmplementation #include "hal_tick.h" static void dummy_handler(void); static void (*tick_handler)(void) = &dummy_handler; static int hal_uart_needed_during_sleep = 1; static void dummy_handler(void){}; static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration; void hal_tick_init(void){ systick_set_reload(800000); // 1/4 of clock -> 250 ms tick systick_set_clocksource(STK_CSR_CLKSOURCE_AHB); systick_counter_enable(); systick_interrupt_enable(); } int hal_tick_get_tick_period_in_ms(void){ return 100; } void hal_tick_set_handler(void (*handler)(void)){ if (handler == NULL){ tick_handler = &dummy_handler; return; } tick_handler = handler; } void sys_tick_handler(void){ (*tick_handler)(); } static void msleep(uint32_t delay) { uint32_t wake = btstack_run_loop_embedded_get_ticks() + delay / hal_tick_get_tick_period_in_ms(); while (wake > btstack_run_loop_embedded_get_ticks()); } // hal_led.h implementation #include "hal_led.h" void hal_led_off(void); void hal_led_on(void); void hal_led_off(void){ gpio_clear(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } void hal_led_on(void){ gpio_set(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } void hal_led_toggle(void){ gpio_toggle(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); } // hal_cpu.h implementation #include "hal_cpu.h" void hal_cpu_disable_irqs(void){ __disable_irq(); } void hal_cpu_enable_irqs(void){ __enable_irq(); } void hal_cpu_enable_irqs_and_sleep(void){ hal_led_off(); __enable_irq(); __asm__("wfe"); // go to sleep if event flag isn't set. if set, just clear it. IRQs set event flag // note: hal_uart_needed_during_sleep can be used to disable peripheral clock if it's not needed for a timer hal_led_on(); } // hal_uart_dma.c implementation #include "hal_uart_dma.h" // handlers static void (*rx_done_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; static void (*tx_done_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; static void (*cts_irq_handler)(void) = dummy_handler; static void hal_uart_manual_rts_set(void){ gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO_USART3_RTS); } static void hal_uart_manual_rts_clear(void){ gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO_USART3_RTS); } void hal_uart_dma_set_sleep(uint8_t sleep){ if (sleep){ hal_uart_manual_rts_set(); } else { hal_uart_manual_rts_clear(); } hal_uart_needed_during_sleep = !sleep; } // DMA1_CHANNEL2 UART3_TX void dma1_channel2_isr(void) { if ((DMA1_ISR & DMA_ISR_TCIF2) != 0) { DMA1_IFCR |= DMA_IFCR_CTCIF2; dma_disable_transfer_complete_interrupt(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); usart_disable_tx_dma(USART3); dma_disable_channel(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); (*tx_done_handler)(); } } // DMA1_CHANNEL2 UART3_RX void dma1_channel3_isr(void){ if ((DMA1_ISR & DMA_ISR_TCIF3) != 0) { DMA1_IFCR |= DMA_IFCR_CTCIF3; dma_disable_transfer_complete_interrupt(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); usart_disable_rx_dma(USART3); dma_disable_channel(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); gpio_set(GPIOB, GPIO_DEBUG_1); // hal_uart_manual_rts_set(); (*rx_done_handler)(); } } // CTS RISING ISR void exti15_10_isr(void){ exti_reset_request(EXTI13); (*cts_irq_handler)(); } void hal_uart_dma_init(void){ bluetooth_power_cycle(); } void hal_uart_dma_set_block_received( void (*the_block_handler)(void)){ rx_done_handler = the_block_handler; } void hal_uart_dma_set_block_sent( void (*the_block_handler)(void)){ tx_done_handler = the_block_handler; } void hal_uart_dma_set_csr_irq_handler( void (*the_irq_handler)(void)){ if (the_irq_handler){ /* Configure the EXTI13 interrupt (USART3_CTS is on PB13) */ nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_EXTI15_10_IRQ); exti_select_source(EXTI13, GPIOB); exti_set_trigger(EXTI13, EXTI_TRIGGER_RISING); exti_enable_request(EXTI13); } else { exti_disable_request(EXTI13); nvic_disable_irq(NVIC_EXTI15_10_IRQ); } cts_irq_handler = the_irq_handler; } int hal_uart_dma_set_baud(uint32_t baud){ usart_disable(USART3); usart_set_baudrate(USART3, baud); usart_enable(USART3); return 0; } void hal_uart_dma_send_block(const uint8_t *data, uint16_t size){ // printf("hal_uart_dma_send_block size %u\n", size); /* * USART3_TX Using DMA_CHANNEL2 */ /* Reset DMA channel*/ dma_channel_reset(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); dma_set_peripheral_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, (uint32_t)&USART3_DR); dma_set_memory_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, (uint32_t)data); dma_set_number_of_data(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, size); dma_set_read_from_memory(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); dma_enable_memory_increment_mode(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); dma_set_peripheral_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, DMA_CCR_PSIZE_8BIT); dma_set_memory_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, DMA_CCR_MSIZE_8BIT); dma_set_priority(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2, DMA_CCR_PL_VERY_HIGH); dma_enable_transfer_complete_interrupt(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); dma_enable_channel(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL2); usart_enable_tx_dma(USART3); } void hal_uart_dma_receive_block(uint8_t *data, uint16_t size){ // hal_uart_manual_rts_clear(); gpio_clear(GPIOB, GPIO_DEBUG_1); /* * USART3_RX is on DMA_CHANNEL3 */ // printf("hal_uart_dma_receive_block req size %u\n", size); /* Reset DMA channel*/ dma_channel_reset(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); dma_set_peripheral_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, (uint32_t)&USART3_DR); dma_set_memory_address(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, (uint32_t)data); dma_set_number_of_data(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, size); dma_set_read_from_peripheral(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); dma_enable_memory_increment_mode(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); dma_set_peripheral_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, DMA_CCR_PSIZE_8BIT); dma_set_memory_size(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, DMA_CCR_MSIZE_8BIT); dma_set_priority(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3, DMA_CCR_PL_HIGH); dma_enable_transfer_complete_interrupt(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); dma_enable_channel(DMA1, DMA_CHANNEL3); usart_enable_rx_dma(USART3); } // end of hal_uart /** * Use USART_CONSOLE as a console. * This is a syscall for newlib * @param file * @param ptr * @param len * @return */ int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len); int _write(int file, char *ptr, int len){ int i; if (file == STDOUT_FILENO || file == STDERR_FILENO) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (ptr[i] == '\n') { usart_send_blocking(USART_CONSOLE, '\r'); } usart_send_blocking(USART_CONSOLE, ptr[i]); } return i; } errno = EIO; return -1; } static void clock_setup(void){ /* Enable clocks for GPIO port A (for GPIO_USART1_TX) and USART1 + USART2. */ /* needs to be done before initializing other peripherals */ rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOA); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_GPIOB); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_USART2); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_USART3); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_DMA1); rcc_periph_clock_enable(RCC_AFIO); // needed by EXTI interrupts } static void gpio_setup(void){ /* Set GPIO5 (in GPIO port A) to 'output push-pull'. [LED] */ gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO_LED2); // PB1 and PB2 as debug output gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_2_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL, GPIO_DEBUG_0 | GPIO_DEBUG_1); } static void debug_usart_setup(void){ /* Setup GPIO pin GPIO_USART2_TX/GPIO2 on GPIO port A for transmit. */ gpio_set_mode(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO_USART2_TX); /* Setup UART parameters. */ usart_set_baudrate(USART2, 9600); usart_set_databits(USART2, 8); usart_set_stopbits(USART2, USART_STOPBITS_1); usart_set_mode(USART2, USART_MODE_TX); usart_set_parity(USART2, USART_PARITY_NONE); usart_set_flow_control(USART2, USART_FLOWCONTROL_NONE); /* Finally enable the USART. */ usart_enable(USART2); } static void bluetooth_setup(void){ printf("\nBluetooth starting...\n"); // n_shutdown as output gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_PUSHPULL,GPIO_BT_N_SHUTDOWN); // tx output gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO_USART3_TX); // rts output (default to 1) gpio_set(GPIOB, GPIO_USART3_RTS); gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_50_MHZ, GPIO_CNF_OUTPUT_ALTFN_PUSHPULL, GPIO_USART3_RTS); // rx input gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, GPIO_USART3_RX); // cts as input gpio_set_mode(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_INPUT, GPIO_CNF_INPUT_FLOAT, GPIO_USART3_CTS); /* Setup UART parameters. */ usart_set_baudrate(USART3, 115200); usart_set_databits(USART3, 8); usart_set_stopbits(USART3, USART_STOPBITS_1); usart_set_mode(USART3, USART_MODE_TX_RX); usart_set_parity(USART3, USART_PARITY_NONE); usart_set_flow_control(USART3, USART_FLOWCONTROL_RTS); /* Finally enable the USART. */ usart_enable(USART3); // TX nvic_set_priority(NVIC_DMA1_CHANNEL2_IRQ, 0); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_DMA1_CHANNEL2_IRQ); // RX nvic_set_priority(NVIC_DMA1_CHANNEL3_IRQ, 0); nvic_enable_irq(NVIC_DMA1_CHANNEL3_IRQ); } // reset Bluetooth using n_shutdown static void bluetooth_power_cycle(void){ printf("Bluetooth power cycle\n"); gpio_clear(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); gpio_clear(GPIOB, GPIO_BT_N_SHUTDOWN); msleep(250); gpio_set(GPIOA, GPIO_LED2); gpio_set(GPIOB, GPIO_BT_N_SHUTDOWN); msleep(500); } // after HCI Reset, use 115200. Then increase baud reate to 468000. // (on nucleo board without external crystall, running at 8 Mhz, 1 mbps was not possible) static const hci_transport_config_uart_t config = { HCI_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_UART, 115200, 460800, 1, NULL }; static void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; switch(hci_event_packet_get_type(packet)){ case BTSTACK_EVENT_STATE: if (btstack_event_state_get_state(packet) != HCI_STATE_WORKING) return; printf("BTstack up and running.\n"); break; case HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE: if (HCI_EVENT_IS_COMMAND_COMPLETE(packet, hci_read_local_version_information)){ uint16_t manufacturer = little_endian_read_16(packet, 10); uint16_t lmp_subversion = little_endian_read_16(packet, 12); // assert manufacturer is TI if (manufacturer != BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_INC){ printf("ERROR: Expected Bluetooth Chipset from TI but got manufacturer 0x%04x\n", manufacturer); break; } // assert correct init script is used based on expected lmp_subversion if (lmp_subversion != btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion()){ printf("Error: LMP Subversion does not match initscript! "); printf("Your initscripts is for %s chipset\n", btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion() < lmp_subversion ? "an older" : "a newer"); printf("Please update Makefile to include the appropriate bluetooth_init_cc256???.c file\n"); break; } } break; default: break; } } int main(void) { clock_setup(); gpio_setup(); hal_tick_init(); debug_usart_setup(); bluetooth_setup(); // start with BTstack init - especially configure HCI Transport btstack_memory_init(); btstack_run_loop_init(btstack_run_loop_embedded_get_instance()); // init HCI hci_init(hci_transport_h4_instance(btstack_uart_block_embedded_instance()), (void*) &config); hci_set_link_key_db(btstack_link_key_db_memory_instance()); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_cc256x_instance()); // inform about BTstack state hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &packet_handler; hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); // hand over to btstack embedded code btstack_main(); // go btstack_run_loop_execute(); return 0; }