#!/usr/bin/env python # # Create project files for all BTstack embedded examples in WICED/apps/btstack import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys # build all template build_all = ''' SUBDIRS = \\ %s all: \techo Building all examples \tfor dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \\ \t$(MAKE) -C $$dir || exit 1; \\ \tdone clean: \techo Cleaning all ports \tfor dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \\ \t$(MAKE) -C $$dir clean; \\ \tdone ''' # le_examples = [ 'ancs_client_demo.c', 'gap_le_advertisements.c', 'gatt_battery_query.c', 'gatt_browser.c', 'hog_keyboard_demo.c', 'hog_mouse_demo.c', 'le_counter.c', 'le_streamer.c', 'le_streamer_client.c', 'led_counter.c', 'sm_pairing_central.c', 'sm_pairing_peripheral.c', ] # get script path script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/../' # get btstack root btstack_root = script_path + '../../' ## pick correct init script based on your hardware # - init script for ATWILC300 SHIELD subprocess.call("make -C ../../chipset/atwilc3000", shell=True) # path to examples examples_embedded = btstack_root + 'example/' # path to generated example projects projects_path = script_path + "example/" # path to template template_path = script_path + 'example/template/' print("Creating example projects:") # iterate over btstack examples example_files = os.listdir(examples_embedded) examples = [] for file in example_files: if not file.endswith(".c"): continue if not file in le_examples: continue example = file[:-2] examples.append(example) # create folder project_folder = projects_path + example + "/" if not os.path.exists(project_folder): os.makedirs(project_folder) # check if .gatt file is present gatt_path = examples_embedded + example + ".gatt" gatt_h = "" if os.path.exists(gatt_path): gatt_h = example+'.h' # create Makefile shutil.copyfile(template_path + 'Makefile', project_folder + 'Makefile') # create upload.cfg with open(project_folder + 'upload.cfg', 'wt') as fout: with open(template_path + 'upload.cfg', 'rt') as fin: for line in fin: if 'flash write_image erase le_counter_flash.elf' in line: fout.write('flash write_image erase %s_flash.elf\n' % example) continue fout.write(line) # create Makefile with open(project_folder + 'Makefile', 'wt') as fout: with open(template_path + 'Makefile', 'rt') as fin: for line in fin: if 'le_counter.h: ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/example/le_counter.gatt' in line: fout.write('%s.h: ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/example/%s.gatt\n' % (example,example)) continue if 'all: le_counter.h wilc3000_ble_firmware.h' in line: if len(gatt_h): fout.write("all: %s.h wilc3000_ble_firmware.h\n" % example) else: fout.write("all: le_counter.h wilc3000_ble_firmware.h\n") continue fout.write(line) # create config.mk with open(project_folder + 'config.mk', 'wt') as fout: with open(template_path + 'config.mk', 'rt') as fin: for line in fin: if 'TARGET_FLASH=le_counter_flash.elf' in line: fout.write('TARGET_FLASH=%s_flash.elf\n' % example) continue if 'TARGET_SRAM=le_counter_sram.elf' in line: fout.write('TARGET_SRAM=%s_sram.elf\n' % example) continue if 'CSRCS+=${BTSTACK_ROOT_CONFIG}/example/le_counter.c' in line: fout.write('CSRCS+=${BTSTACK_ROOT_CONFIG}/example/%s.c\n' % example) continue if 'INC_PATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT_CONFIG}/port/samv71-xplained-atwilc3000/example/template' in line: fout.write('INC_PATH += ${BTSTACK_ROOT_CONFIG}/port/samv71-xplained-atwilc3000/example/%s\n' % example) continue fout.write(line) print("- %s" % example) with open(projects_path+'Makefile', 'wt') as fout: fout.write(build_all % ' \\\n'.join(examples)) print("Projects are ready for compile in example folder. See README for details.")