#!/usr/bin/env python # # Create project files for all BTstack embedded examples in WICED/apps/btstack import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys gatt_update_template = '''#!/bin/sh DIR=`dirname $0` PROJECT_LOC=$DIR echo "Creating EXAMPLE.h from EXAMPLE.gatt" $PROJECT_LOC/btstack/tool/compile_gatt.py $PROJECT_LOC/example/EXAMPLE.gatt $PROJECT_LOC/example/EXAMPLE.h ''' ## pick correct init script based on your hardware # - init script for CC2564B cc256x_init_script = 'bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1.6_BT_Spec_4.1.c' # - init script for CC2564C # cc256x_init_script = 'bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1.0.c' # fetch init script print("Creating init script %s" % cc256x_init_script) subprocess.call("make " + cc256x_init_script, shell=True) # get script path script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) + '/' # get btstack root btstack_root = script_path + '../../' # path to examples examples_embedded = btstack_root + "example/" # path to generated example projects projects_path = script_path + "example/" # path to eclipse template eclipse_template = script_path + 'eclipse-template/' print("Creating Eclipse example projects in example:") # iterate over btstack examples example_files = os.listdir(examples_embedded) # single example # example_files = ['spp_and_le_counter.c'] for file in example_files: if not file.endswith(".c"): continue example = file[:-2] # create folder project_folder = projects_path + example + "/" if not os.path.exists(project_folder): os.makedirs(project_folder) # copy folder from template for folder in ['.settings', 'include', 'ldscripts', 'src', 'system']: src_folder = eclipse_template + folder dest_folder = project_folder + folder if os.path.exists(dest_folder): shutil.rmtree(dest_folder) shutil.copytree(src_folder, dest_folder) # create customized example folder example_folder = project_folder + 'example/' if not os.path.exists(example_folder): os.makedirs(example_folder) shutil.copy(examples_embedded + file, example_folder) # add CC2564B init script shutil.copy(script_path + cc256x_init_script, example_folder) # add sco_demo_util.c for audio examples if example in ['hfp_ag_demo','hfp_hf_demo', 'hsp_ag_demo', 'hsp_hf_demo']: shutil.copy(examples_embedded + 'sco_demo_util.c', example_folder) shutil.copy(examples_embedded + 'sco_demo_util.h', example_folder) # copy .cproject shutil.copy(eclipse_template+'.cproject', project_folder) # copy debug configuration and update project name with open(project_folder + example + '-debug.launch', "wt") as fout: with open(eclipse_template + 'stm32f4discovery-template-debug.launch', "rt") as fin: for line in fin: fout.write(line.replace('stm32f4discovery-template', example)) # copy project files and update project name with open(project_folder + '.project', "wt") as fout: with open(eclipse_template + '.project', "rt") as fin: for line in fin: fout.write(line.replace('stm32f4discovery-template', example)) # copy btstack subset btstack_tree = project_folder + 'btstack/' if os.path.exists(btstack_tree): shutil.rmtree(btstack_tree) for subtree in ['3rd-party/bluedroid', '3rd-party/micro-ecc', 'chipset/cc256x', 'platform/embedded', 'port/stm32-f4discovery-cc256x/src', 'src']: shutil.copytree(btstack_root + subtree, btstack_tree + subtree) # create update_gatt.sh if .gatt file is present gatt_path = examples_embedded + example + ".gatt" if os.path.exists(gatt_path): # copy .gatt file shutil.copy(gatt_path, example_folder) # install compile_gatt.py tool_path = btstack_tree + 'tool/' os.makedirs(tool_path) compile_gatt_path = tool_path + 'compile_gatt.py' shutil.copy(btstack_root + 'tool/compile_gatt.py', compile_gatt_path) os.chmod(compile_gatt_path, 0o755) # create example/update_gatt_db.sh update_gatt_script = project_folder + "update_gatt_db.sh" with open(update_gatt_script, "wt") as fout: fout.write(gatt_update_template.replace("EXAMPLE", example)) os.chmod(update_gatt_script, 0o755) # execute script subprocess.call(update_gatt_script + "> /dev/null", shell=True) print("- %s including compiled GATT DB" % example) else: print("- %s" % example) print("Projects are ready for import into Eclipse CDT. See README for details.")