/* * Copyright (C) 2017 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MATTHIAS RINGWALD AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "btstack_tlv.h" #include "btstack_tlv_flash_sector.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_util.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include // Header: // - Magic: 'BTstack' // - Status: // - bits 765432: reserved // - bits 10: epoch // Entries // - Tag: 32 bit // - Len: 32 bit // - Value: Len in bytes #define BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN 8 static const char * btstack_tlv_header_magic = "BTstack"; // TLV Iterator typedef struct { int bank; uint32_t offset; uint32_t tag; uint32_t len; } tlv_iterator_t; static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_fetch_tag_len(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ uint8_t entry[8]; self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, it->bank, it->offset, entry, 8); it->tag = big_endian_read_32(entry, 0); it->len = big_endian_read_32(entry, 4); } static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it, int bank){ memset(it, 0, sizeof(tlv_iterator_t)); it->bank = bank; it->offset = BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_fetch_tag_len(self, it); } static int btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ if (it->tag == 0xffffffff) return 0; return 1; } static void tlv_iterator_fetch_next(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ it->offset += 8 + it->len; if (it->offset >= self->hal_flash_sector_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_sector_context)) { it->tag = 0xffffffff; it->len = 0; return; } btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_fetch_tag_len(self, it); } // // check both banks for headers and pick the one with the higher epoch % 4 // @returns bank or -1 if something is invalid static int btstack_tlv_flash_sector_get_latest_bank(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self){ uint8_t header0[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; uint8_t header1[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, 0, 0, &header0[0], BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, 1, 0, &header1[0], BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); int valid0 = memcmp(header0, btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1) == 0; int valid1 = memcmp(header1, btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1) == 0; if (!valid0 && !valid1) return -1; if ( valid0 && !valid1) return 0; if (!valid0 && valid1) return 1; int epoch0 = header0[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] & 0x03; int epoch1 = header1[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] & 0x03; if (epoch0 == ((epoch1 + 1) & 0x03)) return 0; if (epoch1 == ((epoch0 + 1) & 0x03)) return 1; return -1; // invalid, must not happen } static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_write_header(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, int bank, int epoch){ uint8_t header[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; memcpy(&header[0], btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1); header[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] = epoch; self->hal_flash_sector_impl->write(self->hal_flash_sector_context, bank, 0, header, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); } static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_migrate(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self){ int next_bank = 1 - self->current_bank; // @TODO erase might not be needed - resp. already been performed self->hal_flash_sector_impl->erase(self->hal_flash_sector_context, next_bank); int next_write_pos = 8; tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ // check if already exist in next bank int found = 0; tlv_iterator_t next_it; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(self, &next_it, next_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(self, &next_it)){ if (next_it.tag == it.tag){ found = 1; break; } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &next_it); } log_info("tag %x in next bank %u", it.tag, found); if (found) { tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); continue; } // finde latest value for this one uint32_t tag_index = 0; uint32_t tag_len = 0; tlv_iterator_t scan_it; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(self, &scan_it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(self, &scan_it)){ if (scan_it.tag == it.tag){ tag_index = scan_it.offset; tag_len = scan_it.len; } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &scan_it); } // copy int bytes_to_copy = 8 + tag_len; log_info("migrate %u len %u -> %u", tag_index, bytes_to_copy, next_write_pos); uint8_t copy_buffer[32]; while (bytes_to_copy){ int bytes_this_iteration = btstack_min(bytes_to_copy, sizeof(copy_buffer)); self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, self->current_bank, tag_index, copy_buffer, bytes_this_iteration); self->hal_flash_sector_impl->write(self->hal_flash_sector_context, next_bank, next_write_pos, copy_buffer, bytes_this_iteration); tag_index += bytes_this_iteration; next_write_pos += bytes_this_iteration; bytes_to_copy -= bytes_this_iteration; } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } // prepare new one uint8_t epoch_buffer; self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, self->current_bank, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1, &epoch_buffer, 1); btstack_tlv_flash_sector_write_header(self, next_bank, (epoch_buffer + 1) & 3); self->current_bank = next_bank; self->write_offset = next_write_pos; } /** * Get Value for Tag * @param tag * @param buffer * @param buffer_size * @returns size of value */ static int btstack_tlv_flash_sector_get_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag, uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t buffer_size){ btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self = (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t *) context; uint32_t tag_index = 0; uint32_t tag_len = 0; tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ log_info("Offset %u, tag %x", it.offset, it.tag); if (it.tag == tag){ log_info("Found tag '%x' at position %u", tag, it.offset); tag_index = it.offset; tag_len = it.len; } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } if (tag_index == 0) return 0; if (!buffer) return tag_len; int copy_size = btstack_min(buffer_size, tag_len); self->hal_flash_sector_impl->read(self->hal_flash_sector_context, self->current_bank, tag_index + 8, buffer, copy_size); return copy_size; } /** * Store Tag * @param tag * @param data * @param data_size */ static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_store_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t data_size){ btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self = (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t *) context; if (self->write_offset + 8 + data_size > self->hal_flash_sector_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_sector_context)){ btstack_tlv_flash_sector_migrate(self); } // prepare entry uint8_t entry[8]; big_endian_store_32(entry, 0, tag); big_endian_store_32(entry, 4, data_size); log_info("write '%x', len %u at %u", tag, data_size, self->write_offset); // write value first self->hal_flash_sector_impl->write(self->hal_flash_sector_context, self->current_bank, self->write_offset + 8, data, data_size); // then entry self->hal_flash_sector_impl->write(self->hal_flash_sector_context, self->current_bank, self->write_offset, entry, sizeof(entry)); self->write_offset += sizeof(entry) + data_size; } /** * Delete Tag * @param tag */ static void btstack_tlv_flash_sector_delete_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag){ btstack_tlv_flash_sector_store_tag(context, tag, NULL, 0); } static const btstack_tlv_t btstack_tlv_flash_sector = { /* int (*get_tag)(..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_sector_get_tag, /* void (*store_tag)(..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_sector_store_tag, /* void (*delete_tag)(v..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_sector_delete_tag, }; /** * Init Tag Length Value Store */ const btstack_tlv_t * btstack_tlv_flash_sector_init_instance(btstack_tlv_flash_sector_t * self, const hal_flash_sector_t * hal_flash_sector_impl, void * hal_flash_sector_context){ self->hal_flash_sector_impl = hal_flash_sector_impl; self->hal_flash_sector_context = hal_flash_sector_context; // find current bank and erase both if none found int current_bank = btstack_tlv_flash_sector_get_latest_bank(self); log_info("found bank %d", current_bank); if (current_bank < 0){ log_info("erase both banks"); // erase both to get into stable state hal_flash_sector_impl->erase(hal_flash_sector_context, 0); hal_flash_sector_impl->erase(hal_flash_sector_context, 1); current_bank = 0; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_write_header(self, current_bank, 0); // epoch = 0; } self->current_bank = current_bank; // find write offset tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_sector_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } self->write_offset = it.offset; log_info("write offset %u", self->write_offset); return &btstack_tlv_flash_sector; }