/* * Copyright (C) 2017 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY MATTHIAS RINGWALD AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MATTHIAS * RINGWALD OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "btstack_tlv_flash_bank.c" #include "btstack_tlv.h" #include "btstack_tlv_flash_bank.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_util.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include <string.h> // Header: // - Magic: 'BTstack' // - Status: // - bits 765432: reserved // - bits 10: epoch // Entries // - Tag: 32 bit // - Len: 32 bit // - Delete: 32 delete field - only used with ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // - Value: Len in bytes // ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // // Most Flash implementations allow to: // - erase sector -> all values are 0xff // - write value (1s -> 0s) // - overwrite value with zero (remaininig 1s -> 0s) // // We use the ability to overwrite a value with zeros to mark deleted enttries (by writing zero into the tag field). // Some targetes, E.g. Kinetix K64F, do enot allow for that. // // With ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD an extra field is reserved to indicate a deleted tag, while keeping main logic #define BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN 8 #ifndef BTSTACK_FLASH_ALIGNMENT_MAX #define BTSTACK_FLASH_ALIGNMENT_MAX 8 #endif static const char * btstack_tlv_header_magic = "BTstack"; // TLV Iterator typedef struct { int bank; uint32_t offset; uint32_t tag; uint32_t len; } tlv_iterator_t; static uint32_t btstack_tlv_flash_bank_align_size(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, uint32_t size){ uint32_t aligment = self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_alignment(self->hal_flash_bank_context); return (size + aligment - 1) & ~(aligment - 1); } // support unaligned flash read/writes // strategy: increase size to meet alignment, perform unaligned read/write of last chunk with helper buffer static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, int bank, uint32_t offset, uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t size){ // read main data uint32_t aligment = self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_alignment(self->hal_flash_bank_context); uint32_t lower_bits = size & (aligment - 1); uint32_t size_aligned = size - lower_bits; if (size_aligned){ self->hal_flash_bank_impl->read(self->hal_flash_bank_context, bank, offset, buffer, size_aligned); buffer += size_aligned; offset += size_aligned; size -= size_aligned; } // read last part if (size == 0) return; uint8_t aligment_block[BTSTACK_FLASH_ALIGNMENT_MAX]; self->hal_flash_bank_impl->read(self->hal_flash_bank_context, bank, offset, aligment_block, aligment); uint32_t bytes_to_copy = btstack_min(aligment - lower_bits, size); memcpy(buffer, aligment_block, bytes_to_copy); } static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, int bank, uint32_t offset, const uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t size){ // write main data uint32_t aligment = self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_alignment(self->hal_flash_bank_context); uint32_t lower_bits = size & (aligment - 1); uint32_t size_aligned = size - lower_bits; if (size_aligned){ self->hal_flash_bank_impl->write(self->hal_flash_bank_context, bank, offset, buffer, size_aligned); buffer += size_aligned; offset += size_aligned; size -= size_aligned; } // write last part if (size == 0) return; uint8_t aligment_block[BTSTACK_FLASH_ALIGNMENT_MAX]; memset(aligment_block, 0xff, aligment); memcpy(aligment_block, buffer, lower_bits); self->hal_flash_bank_impl->write(self->hal_flash_bank_context, bank, offset, aligment_block, aligment); } // iterator static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_fetch_tag_len(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ uint8_t entry[8]; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, it->bank, it->offset, entry, 8); it->tag = big_endian_read_32(entry, 0); it->len = big_endian_read_32(entry, 4); #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // clear tag, if delete field is set uint32_t delete_tag; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, it->bank, it->offset + 8, (uint8_t *) &delete_tag, 4); if (delete_tag == 0){ it->tag = 0; } #endif } static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_init(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it, int bank){ memset(it, 0, sizeof(tlv_iterator_t)); it->bank = bank; it->offset = BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_fetch_tag_len(self, it); } static int btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_has_next(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ if (it->tag == 0xffffffff) return 0; return 1; } static void tlv_iterator_fetch_next(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, tlv_iterator_t * it){ it->offset += 8 + btstack_tlv_flash_bank_align_size(self, it->len); #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // skip delete field it->offset += self->delete_tag_len; #endif if (it->offset >= self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_bank_context)) { it->tag = 0xffffffff; it->len = 0; return; } btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_fetch_tag_len(self, it); } // // check both banks for headers and pick the one with the higher epoch % 4 // @returns bank or -1 if something is invalid static int btstack_tlv_flash_bank_get_latest_bank(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self){ uint8_t header0[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; uint8_t header1[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, 0, 0, &header0[0], BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, 1, 0, &header1[0], BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); int valid0 = memcmp(header0, btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1) == 0; int valid1 = memcmp(header1, btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1) == 0; if (!valid0 && !valid1) return -1; if ( valid0 && !valid1) return 0; if (!valid0 && valid1) return 1; int epoch0 = header0[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] & 0x03; int epoch1 = header1[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] & 0x03; if (epoch0 == ((epoch1 + 1) & 0x03)) return 0; if (epoch1 == ((epoch0 + 1) & 0x03)) return 1; return -1; // invalid, must not happen } static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write_header(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, int bank, int epoch){ uint8_t header[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN]; memcpy(&header[0], btstack_tlv_header_magic, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1); header[BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1] = epoch; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, bank, 0, header, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN); } /** * @brief Check if erased from offset */ static int btstack_tlv_flash_bank_test_erased(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, int bank, uint32_t offset){ log_info("test erased: bank %u, offset %u", bank, (unsigned int) offset); uint32_t size = self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_bank_context); uint8_t buffer[16]; uint8_t empty16[16]; memset(empty16, 0xff, sizeof(empty16)); while (offset < size){ uint32_t copy_size = (offset + sizeof(empty16) < size) ? sizeof(empty16) : (size - offset); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, bank, offset, buffer, copy_size); if (memcmp(buffer, empty16, copy_size)) { log_info("not erased %x - %x", (unsigned int) offset, (unsigned int) (offset + copy_size)); return 0; } offset += copy_size; } return 1; } /** * @brief erase bank (only if not already erased) */ static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_erase_bank(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, int bank){ if (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_test_erased(self, bank, 0)){ log_info("bank %u already erased", bank); } else { log_info("bank %u not empty, erase bank", bank); self->hal_flash_bank_impl->erase(self->hal_flash_bank_context, bank); } } static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_migrate(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self){ int next_bank = 1 - self->current_bank; log_info("migrate bank %u -> bank %u", self->current_bank, next_bank); // erase bank (if needed) btstack_tlv_flash_bank_erase_bank(self, next_bank); int next_write_pos = 8; tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ // skip deleted entries if (it.tag) { uint32_t tag_len = it.len; uint32_t tag_index = it.offset; log_info("migrate pos %u, tag '%x' len %u -> new pos %u", (unsigned int) tag_index, (unsigned int) it.tag, (unsigned int) tag_len, next_write_pos); // copy header uint8_t header_buffer[8]; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, self->current_bank, tag_index, header_buffer, 8); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, next_bank, next_write_pos, header_buffer, 8); tag_index += 8; next_write_pos += 8; #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // skip delete field tag_index += self->delete_tag_len; next_write_pos += self->delete_tag_len; #endif // copy value int bytes_to_copy = tag_len; uint8_t copy_buffer[32]; while (bytes_to_copy){ int bytes_this_iteration = btstack_min(bytes_to_copy, sizeof(copy_buffer)); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, self->current_bank, tag_index, copy_buffer, bytes_this_iteration); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, next_bank, next_write_pos, copy_buffer, bytes_this_iteration); tag_index += bytes_this_iteration; next_write_pos += bytes_this_iteration; bytes_to_copy -= bytes_this_iteration; } } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } // prepare new one uint8_t epoch_buffer; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, self->current_bank, BTSTACK_TLV_HEADER_LEN-1, &epoch_buffer, 1); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write_header(self, next_bank, (epoch_buffer + 1) & 3); self->current_bank = next_bank; self->write_offset = next_write_pos; } static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag_until_offset(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, uint32_t tag, uint32_t offset){ tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_has_next(self, &it) && it.offset < offset){ if (it.tag == tag){ log_info("Erase tag '%x' at position %u", (unsigned int) tag, (unsigned int) it.offset); // mark entry as invalid uint32_t zero_value = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // write delete field at offset 8 btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, self->current_bank, it.offset+8, (uint8_t*) &zero_value, sizeof(zero_value)); #else // overwrite tag with zero value btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, self->current_bank, it.offset, (uint8_t*) &zero_value, sizeof(zero_value)); #endif } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } } /** * Get Value for Tag * @param tag * @param buffer * @param buffer_size * @returns size of value */ static int btstack_tlv_flash_bank_get_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag, uint8_t * buffer, uint32_t buffer_size){ btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self = (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t *) context; uint32_t tag_index = 0; uint32_t tag_len = 0; tlv_iterator_t it; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ if (it.tag == tag){ log_info("Found tag '%x' at position %u", (unsigned int) tag, (unsigned int) it.offset); tag_index = it.offset; tag_len = it.len; break; } tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } if (tag_index == 0) return 0; if (!buffer) return tag_len; int copy_size = btstack_min(buffer_size, tag_len); uint32_t value_offset = tag_index + 8; #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // skip delete field value_offset += self->delete_tag_len; #endif btstack_tlv_flash_bank_read(self, self->current_bank, value_offset, buffer, copy_size); return copy_size; } /** * Store Tag * @param tag * @param data * @param data_size */ static int btstack_tlv_flash_bank_store_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag, const uint8_t * data, uint32_t data_size){ btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self = (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t *) context; // trigger migration if not enough space uint32_t required_space = 8 + self->delete_tag_len + data_size; if (self->write_offset + required_space > self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_bank_context)){ btstack_tlv_flash_bank_migrate(self); } if (self->write_offset + required_space > self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_bank_context)){ log_error("couldn't write entry, not enough space left"); return 2; } // prepare entry uint8_t entry[8]; big_endian_store_32(entry, 0, tag); big_endian_store_32(entry, 4, data_size); log_info("write '%x', len %u at %u", (unsigned int) tag, (unsigned int) data_size, self->write_offset); uint32_t value_offset = self->write_offset + 8; #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // skip delete field value_offset += self->delete_tag_len; #endif // write value first btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, self->current_bank, value_offset, data, data_size); // then entry btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write(self, self->current_bank, self->write_offset, entry, sizeof(entry)); // overwrite old entries (if exists) btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag_until_offset(self, tag, self->write_offset); // done self->write_offset += sizeof(entry) + btstack_tlv_flash_bank_align_size(self, data_size); #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD // skip delete field self->write_offset += self->delete_tag_len; #endif return 0; } /** * Delete Tag * @param tag */ static void btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag(void * context, uint32_t tag){ btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self = (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t *) context; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag_until_offset(self, tag, self->write_offset); } static const btstack_tlv_t btstack_tlv_flash_bank = { /* int (*get_tag)(..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_bank_get_tag, /* int (*store_tag)(..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_bank_store_tag, /* void (*delete_tag)(v..); */ &btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag, }; /** * Init Tag Length Value Store */ const btstack_tlv_t * btstack_tlv_flash_bank_init_instance(btstack_tlv_flash_bank_t * self, const hal_flash_bank_t * hal_flash_bank_impl, void * hal_flash_bank_context){ self->hal_flash_bank_impl = hal_flash_bank_impl; self->hal_flash_bank_context = hal_flash_bank_context; self->delete_tag_len = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD if (hal_flash_bank_impl->get_alignment(hal_flash_bank_context) > 8){ log_error("Flash alignment > 8 with ENABLE_TLV_FLASH_EXPLICIT_DELETE_FIELD not supported"); return NULL; } // set delete tag len uint32_t aligment = self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_alignment(self->hal_flash_bank_context); self->delete_tag_len = (uint8_t) btstack_max(4, aligment); log_info("delete tag len %u", self->delete_tag_len); #endif // try to find current bank self->current_bank = btstack_tlv_flash_bank_get_latest_bank(self); log_info("found bank %d", self->current_bank); if (self->current_bank >= 0){ // find last entry and write offset tlv_iterator_t it; uint32_t last_tag = 0; uint32_t last_offset = 0; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_init(self, &it, self->current_bank); while (btstack_tlv_flash_bank_iterator_has_next(self, &it)){ last_tag = it.tag; last_offset = it.offset; tlv_iterator_fetch_next(self, &it); } self->write_offset = it.offset; if (self->write_offset < self->hal_flash_bank_impl->get_size(self->hal_flash_bank_context)){ // delete older instances of last_tag // this handles the unlikely case where MCU did reset after new value + header was written but before delete did complete if (last_tag){ btstack_tlv_flash_bank_delete_tag_until_offset(self, last_tag, last_offset); } // verify that rest of bank is empty // this handles the unlikely case where MCU did reset after new value was written, but not the tag if (!btstack_tlv_flash_bank_test_erased(self, self->current_bank, self->write_offset)){ log_info("Flash not empty after last found tag -> migrate"); btstack_tlv_flash_bank_migrate(self); } else { log_info("Flash clean after last found tag"); } } else { // failure! self->current_bank = -1; } } if (self->current_bank < 0) { btstack_tlv_flash_bank_erase_bank(self, 0); self->current_bank = 0; btstack_tlv_flash_bank_write_header(self, self->current_bank, 0); // epoch = 0; self->write_offset = 8; } log_info("write offset %u", self->write_offset); return &btstack_tlv_flash_bank; }