SDP for BTstack General: * Protocol: request/response, half-duplex * Endianess = BIG/Network! not little endian as usual * Server maintains a list of service records * service (record) is instance of a service class * a service record = list of service attributes * service attribute = { attribute ID, attribute value } * service record handle: 32 bit number (used internally) * service record handle * 0x00000000 used for SDP server, * 0x00000001-0x0000FFFF reserved * attribute ID: 16 bit (pre-defined), data element * attribute value: var length field, data element * service class: UUID (128 bit) stored as ServiceClassIDList attribute * service classes form an inheritance tree, which each subclass specifying more attributes * Bluetooth Base UUID: 00000000-0000-1000-8000- 00805F9B34FB * 16 bit UUID => Bluetooth Base UUID + 16_bit_value * 2^96 * 32 bit UUID => Bluetooth Base UUID + 32_bit_value * 2^96 * Service Search Pattern: list of UUIDs required in a service record to be present for a match * Browse Group UUID: all top-level services contain browse group UUID in the BrowseGroupList attribute * Service Browsing Hierarchy is possible - not supported by BTstack for now * Data representation: like XML * PDU: PDU ID(1), Transaction ID(2), Param length(2), params* * ServiceSearchRequest/ServiceSearchResponse: list of UUIDs to be matched by service record -> list of service record handles * ServiceAttributeRequest/ServiceAttributeResponse: get list of attributes for a given service record handle * Service SearchAttributeRequest/SearchAtrributeResponse: for all service records that match ServiceSearchPattern: return list of attributes that match AttributeIDList * Transaction ID of response = ID of request * param lengh in bytes * Continuation state parameter: send to client to denote further data (max 16 bytes) * To get RFCOMM channel, we use SDP_ServiceSearchAttributeRequest(RFCOMM service, RFCOMM type) Implementation: * DataElement creation API - no extra memory * helper functions: * attribute ID in AttributeIDList * get attributes specified by AttributeIDList * service record contains UUID * does service search pattern matches record * get attribute value (DE) for attribute ID * create service record handle (incl. ServiceRecordHandle management) * visitor pattern for DES traversal * call handler on every element: int handle_element(uint8_t element, void *context) - done? * Dispatch packets for protocols implemented by BTdaemon * add packet_handler to l2cap_service_t and l2cap_channel_t * pass acl/event handler to l2cap_register_service_internal * copy acl/event handler to l2cap_channel_t * if specified, call custom packet_handler instead of general one * acl -> l2cap -> l2cap_channel -> acl/event handler OR daemon * LinkedList of service records * alloc { linked_list_item_t ; ServiceRecord } * add service record: service record -> service record handle or 0 * remove service record: service record handle (32bit) * SDP as part of stack itself * Register SDP PSM=0x0001 * Accept incoming connections * Define all SDP requests/response PDU-IDs * Handle all three SDP requests by denying * ServiceSearchRequest * ServiceAttributeRequest * ServiceSearchAttributeRequest * Dynamically create denial * Handle ServiceSearchAttributeRequest * Handle ServiceSearchRequest * Handle ServiceAttributeRequest * Extract sdp_create_error_response * call sdp_create_error_response when service record handle is invalid * Define and implement client commands & events for SDP registry * Store client connection in service record item * Unregister service when client disconnects * Send SDP_ErrorResponse for invalid records * Implement Continuation: limited nr of ServiceRecordHandles or AttributeList(s)ByteCount * ServiceSearchRequest: Iterate over all records - use record index as cont. * ServiceAttributeRequest: Iterate over all attributes - use attribute index as cont. * ServiceSearchAttributeRequest: Iterate over all records and attributes. Use {record, attribute} index * Test continuation for all three commands * add 2 records, get all data back with limited result size * sdp_handle_service_search_attribute_request * implement SDP_sequence_traversal -> simplify traversing * keep track of remote incoming MTU during l2cap establishment * segment l2cap packets according to MTU size * Packet for HID is shortened - bluez uses 0x0096 as MTU - segment packets * String Handling in Linux SDP/sdptool probably buggy