#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os, sys, getopt, re, pickle import subprocess class State: SearchTitle = 0 SearchEndTitle = 1 SearchStartAPI = 2 SearchEndAPI = 3 DoneAPI = 4 header_files = {} functions = {} typedefs = {} linenr = 0 typedefFound = 0 multiline_function_def = 0 state = State.SearchStartAPI # if dash is used in api_header, the windmill theme will repeat the same API_TITLE twice in the menu (i.e: APIs/API_TITLE/API_TITLE) # if <h2> is used, this is avoided (i.e: APIs/API_TITLE), but reference {...} is not translated to HTML api_header = """ # API_TITLE API {#sec:API_LABEL_api} """ api_subheader = """ ## API_TITLE API {#sec:API_LABEL_api} """ api_description = """ **FILENAME** DESCRIPTION """ code_ref = """GITHUBFPATH#LLINENR""" def isEndOfComment(line): return re.match('\s*\*/.*', line) def isStartOfComment(line): return re.match('\s*\/\*/.*', line) def isTypedefStart(line): return re.match('.*typedef\s+struct.*', line) def codeReference(fname, githuburl, filepath, linenr): global code_ref ref = code_ref.replace("GITHUB", githuburl) ref = ref.replace("FPATH", filepath) ref = ref.replace("LINENR", str(linenr)) return ref def isTagAPI(line): return re.match('(.*)(-\s*\')(APIs).*',line) def getSecondLevelIdentation(line): indentation = "" parts = re.match('(.*)(-\s*\')(APIs).*',line) if parts: # return double identation for the submenu indentation = parts.group(1) + parts.group(1) + "- " return indentation def filename_stem(filepath): return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filepath))[0] def writeAPI(fout, fin, mk_codeidentation): state = State.SearchStartAPI for line in fin: if state == State.SearchStartAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_START.*',line) if parts: state = State.SearchEndAPI continue if state == State.SearchEndAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_END.*',line) if parts: state = State.DoneAPI continue fout.write(mk_codeidentation + line) continue def createIndex(fin, api_filepath, api_title, api_label, githuburl): global typedefs, functions global linenr, multiline_function_def, typedefFound, state for line in fin: if state == State.DoneAPI: continue linenr = linenr + 1 if state == State.SearchStartAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_START.*',line) if parts: state = State.SearchEndAPI continue if state == State.SearchEndAPI: parts = re.match('.*API_END.*',line) if parts: state = State.DoneAPI continue if multiline_function_def: function_end = re.match('.*;\n', line) if function_end: multiline_function_def = 0 continue param = re.match(".*@brief.*", line) if param: continue param = re.match(".*@param.*", line) if param: continue param = re.match(".*@return.*", line) if param: continue # search typedef struct begin if isTypedefStart(line): typedefFound = 1 # search typedef struct end if typedefFound: typedef = re.match('}\s*(.*);\n', line) if typedef: typedefFound = 0 typedefs[typedef.group(1)] = codeReference(typedef.group(1), githuburl, api_filepath, linenr) continue ref_function = re.match('.*typedef\s+void\s+\(\s*\*\s*(.*?)\)\(.*', line) if ref_function: functions[ref_function.group(1)] = codeReference(ref_function.group(1), githuburl, api_filepath, linenr) continue one_line_function_definition = re.match('(.*?)\s*\(.*\(*.*;\n', line) if one_line_function_definition: parts = one_line_function_definition.group(1).split(" "); name = parts[len(parts)-1] if len(name) == 0: print(parts); sys.exit(10) functions[name] = codeReference( name, githuburl, api_filepath, linenr) continue multi_line_function_definition = re.match('.(.*?)\s*\(.*\(*.*', line) if multi_line_function_definition: parts = multi_line_function_definition.group(1).split(" "); name = parts[len(parts)-1] if len(name) == 0: print(parts); sys.exit(10) multiline_function_def = 1 functions[name] = codeReference(name, githuburl, api_filepath, linenr) def findTitle(fin): title = None desc = "" state = State.SearchTitle for line in fin: if state == State.SearchTitle: if isStartOfComment(line): continue parts = re.match('.*(@title)(.*)', line) if parts: title = parts.group(2).strip() state = State.SearchEndTitle continue if state == State.SearchEndTitle: if (isEndOfComment(line)): state = State.DoneAPI break parts = re.match('(\s*\*\s*)(.*\n)',line) if parts: desc = desc + parts.group(2) return [title, desc] def main(argv): global linenr, multiline_function_def, typedefFound, state mk_codeidentation = " " git_branch_name = "master" btstackfolder = "../../" githuburl = "https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/blob/master/" markdownfolder = "docs-markdown/" cmd = 'markdown_create_apis.py [-r <root_btstackfolder>] [-g <githuburl>] [-o <output_markdownfolder>]' try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"r:g:o:",["rfolder=","github=","ofolder="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print (cmd) sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print (cmd) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-r", "--rfolder"): btstackfolder = arg elif opt in ("-g", "--github"): githuburl = arg elif opt in ("-o", "--ofolder"): markdownfolder = arg apifile = markdownfolder + "appendix/apis.md" # indexfile = markdownfolder + "api_index.md" btstack_srcfolder = btstackfolder + "src/" try: output = subprocess.check_output("git symbolic-ref --short HEAD", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, timeout=3, shell=True) git_branch_name = output.decode().rstrip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: print('GIT branch name: failed to get, use default value \"%s\"" ', git_branch_name, exc.returncode, exc.output) else: print ('GIT branch name : %s' % git_branch_name) githuburl = githuburl + git_branch_name print ('BTstack src folder is : ' + btstack_srcfolder) print ('API file is : ' + apifile) print ('Github URL is : ' + githuburl) # create a dictionary of header files {file_path : [title, description]} # title and desctiption are extracted from the file for root, dirs, files in os.walk(btstack_srcfolder, topdown=True): for f in files: if not f.endswith(".h"): continue if not root.endswith("/"): root = root + "/" header_filepath = root + f with open(header_filepath, 'rt') as fin: [header_title, header_desc] = findTitle(fin) if header_title: header_files[header_filepath] = [header_title, header_desc] else: print("No @title flag found. Skip %s" % header_filepath) # create an >md file, for each header file in header_files dictionary for header_filepath in sorted(header_files.keys()): filename = os.path.basename(header_filepath) filename_without_extension = filename_stem(header_filepath) # file name without .h filetitle = header_files[header_filepath][0] description = header_files[header_filepath][1] if len(description) > 1: description = ": " + description header_description = api_description.replace("FILENAME", filename).replace("DESCRIPTION", description) header_title = api_header.replace("API_TITLE", filetitle).replace("API_LABEL", filename_without_extension) markdown_filepath = markdownfolder + "appendix/" + filename_without_extension + ".md" with open(header_filepath, 'rt') as fin: with open(markdown_filepath, 'wt') as fout: fout.write(header_title) fout.write(header_description) writeAPI(fout, fin, mk_codeidentation) with open(header_filepath, 'rt') as fin: linenr = 0 typedefFound = 0 multiline_function_def = 0 state = State.SearchStartAPI createIndex(fin, markdown_filepath, header_title, filename_without_extension, githuburl) # add API list to the navigation menu with open("mkdocs-temp.yml", 'rt') as fin: with open("mkdocs.yml", 'wt') as fout: for line in fin: fout.write(line) if not isTagAPI(line): continue identation = getSecondLevelIdentation(line) for header_filepath in sorted(header_files.keys()): header_title = os.path.basename(header_filepath) markdown_reference = "appendix/" + filename_stem(header_filepath) + ".md" fout.write(identation + "'" + header_title + "': " + markdown_reference + "\n") # create mkdocs-latex.yml with single appendix/apis.md reference for pdf generation with open("mkdocs-temp.yml", 'rt') as fin: with open("mkdocs-latex.yml", 'wt') as fout: for line in fin: if not isTagAPI(line): fout.write(line) continue fout.write(" - 'APIs': appendix/apis.md\n") # create single appendix/apis.md file for pdf generation markdown_filepath = markdownfolder + "appendix/apis.md" with open(markdown_filepath, 'wt') as fout: fout.write("\n# APIs\n\n") for header_filepath in sorted(header_files.keys()): filename = os.path.basename(header_filepath) filename_without_extension = filename_stem(header_filepath) # file name without filetitle = header_files[header_filepath][0] description = header_files[header_filepath][1] if len(description) > 1: description = ": " + description header_description = api_description.replace("FILENAME", filename).replace("DESCRIPTION", description) subheader_title = api_subheader.replace("API_TITLE", filetitle).replace("API_LABEL", filename_without_extension) with open(header_filepath, 'rt') as fin: fout.write(subheader_title) fout.write(header_description) writeAPI(fout, fin, mk_codeidentation) references = functions.copy() references.update(typedefs) # with open(indexfile, 'w') as fout: # for function, reference in references.items(): # fout.write("[" + function + "](" + reference + ")\n") pickle.dump(references, open("references.p", "wb" ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])