# BTstack Port for the Microchip PIC32 Harmony Platform Status: All examples working, polling UART driver. Tested on Bluetooth Audio Development Kit only. Created with Harmony v1.07, does not compile with new v2.x versions. ## Hardware The PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit comes with the CSR8811-based BTM805 Bluetooth module. In the port, the UART on the DAC daughter board was used for the debug output. Please remove the DAC board and connect a 3.3V USB-2-UART converter to GND and TX to get the debug output. ## Software Microchip MPLAB X IDE and the MPLAB XC32 compiler needs to be installed. ## Setup - Place BTstack tree into harmony/framework folder. - Run port/pic32-harmony/create_examples.py to create examples in harmony/apps/btstack folder. ## Usage The examples can be opened and compiled in Microchip MPLAB X IDE or from the command line using the Makefile generated by it. ### Modifications to the GATT Database After changing the GATT definition in $example.gatt, please run ./update_gatt_db.h to regenerate example.h in the $example folder. ### Compiler Warnings: The project is set to use -Os optimization which will cause warnings if you only have the Free version. It will still compile a working example.