/* * Copyright (C) 2014 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BLUEKITCHEN * GMBH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "main.c" // ***************************************************************************** // // minimal setup for HCI code // // ***************************************************************************** #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "btstack_config.h" #include "ble/le_device_db_tlv.h" #include "bluetooth_company_id.h" #include "btstack_audio.h" #include "btstack_chipset_bcm.h" #include "btstack_chipset_cc256x.h" #include "btstack_chipset_csr.h" #include "btstack_chipset_em9301.h" #include "btstack_chipset_stlc2500d.h" #include "btstack_chipset_tc3566x.h" #include "btstack_chipset_zephyr.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_event.h" #include "btstack_memory.h" #include "btstack_run_loop.h" #include "btstack_run_loop_posix.h" #include "btstack_signal.h" #include "btstack_stdin.h" #include "btstack_tlv_posix.h" #include "btstack_uart.h" #include "classic/btstack_link_key_db_tlv.h" #include "hci.h" #include "hci_dump.h" #include "hci_dump_posix_fs.h" #include "hci_transport.h" #include "hci_transport_h4.h" #define TLV_DB_PATH_PREFIX "/tmp/btstack_" #define TLV_DB_PATH_POSTFIX ".tlv" static char tlv_db_path[100]; static bool tlv_reset; static const btstack_tlv_t * tlv_impl; static btstack_tlv_posix_t tlv_context; static bd_addr_t static_address; // random MAC address for the device, used if nothing else is available static bd_addr_t random_address = { 0xC1, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01 }; static int is_bcm; // shutdown static bool shutdown_triggered; int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]); static void local_version_information_handler(uint8_t * packet); static hci_transport_config_uart_t config = { .type = HCI_TRANSPORT_CONFIG_UART, .baudrate_init = 115200, .baudrate_main = 0, .flowcontrol = 1, }; static btstack_packet_callback_registration_t hci_event_callback_registration; static void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){ UNUSED(channel); static bd_addr_t local_addr; const uint8_t *params; if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return; switch (hci_event_packet_get_type(packet)){ case BTSTACK_EVENT_STATE: switch(btstack_event_state_get_state(packet)){ case HCI_STATE_WORKING: gap_local_bd_addr(local_addr); if( btstack_is_null_bd_addr(local_addr) && !btstack_is_null_bd_addr(static_address) ) { memcpy(local_addr, static_address, sizeof(bd_addr_t)); } else if( btstack_is_null_bd_addr(local_addr) && btstack_is_null_bd_addr(static_address) ) { memcpy(local_addr, random_address, sizeof(bd_addr_t)); gap_random_address_set(local_addr); } printf("BTstack up and running on %s.\n", bd_addr_to_str(local_addr)); btstack_strcpy(tlv_db_path, sizeof(tlv_db_path), TLV_DB_PATH_PREFIX); btstack_strcat(tlv_db_path, sizeof(tlv_db_path), bd_addr_to_str_with_delimiter(local_addr, '-')); btstack_strcat(tlv_db_path, sizeof(tlv_db_path), TLV_DB_PATH_POSTFIX); printf("TLV path: %s", tlv_db_path); if (tlv_reset){ int rc = unlink(tlv_db_path); if (rc == 0) { printf(", reset ok"); } else { printf(", reset failed with result = %d", rc); } } printf("\n"); tlv_impl = btstack_tlv_posix_init_instance(&tlv_context, tlv_db_path); btstack_tlv_set_instance(tlv_impl, &tlv_context); #ifdef ENABLE_CLASSIC hci_set_link_key_db(btstack_link_key_db_tlv_get_instance(tlv_impl, &tlv_context)); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_BLE le_device_db_tlv_configure(tlv_impl, &tlv_context); #endif break; case HCI_STATE_OFF: btstack_tlv_posix_deinit(&tlv_context); if (!shutdown_triggered) break; // reset stdin btstack_stdin_reset(); log_info("Good bye, see you.\n"); exit(0); break; default: break; } break; case HCI_EVENT_COMMAND_COMPLETE: switch (hci_event_command_complete_get_command_opcode(packet)){ case HCI_OPCODE_HCI_READ_LOCAL_VERSION_INFORMATION: local_version_information_handler(packet); break; case HCI_OPCODE_HCI_ZEPHYR_READ_STATIC_ADDRESS: log_info("Zephyr read static address available"); params = hci_event_command_complete_get_return_parameters(packet); if(params[0] != 0) break; if(size < 13) break; reverse_48(¶ms[2], static_address); gap_random_address_set(static_address); break; case HCI_OPCODE_HCI_READ_LOCAL_NAME: params = hci_event_command_complete_get_return_parameters(packet); if(params[0] != 0) break; // terminate, name 248 chars packet[6+248] = 0; printf("Local name: %s\n", &packet[6]); if (is_bcm){ btstack_chipset_bcm_set_device_name((const char *)&packet[6]); } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } static void trigger_shutdown(void){ printf("CTRL-C - SIGINT received, shutting down..\n"); log_info("sigint_handler: shutting down"); shutdown_triggered = true; hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_OFF); btstack_stdin_reset(); } static int led_state = 0; void hal_led_toggle(void){ led_state = 1 - led_state; printf("LED State %u\n", led_state); } static void use_fast_uart(void){ printf("Using 921600 baud.\n"); config.baudrate_main = 921600; } static void local_version_information_handler(uint8_t * packet){ printf("Local version information:\n"); uint16_t hci_version = packet[6]; uint16_t hci_revision = little_endian_read_16(packet, 7); uint16_t lmp_version = packet[9]; uint16_t manufacturer = little_endian_read_16(packet, 10); uint16_t lmp_subversion = little_endian_read_16(packet, 12); printf("- HCI Version 0x%04x\n", hci_version); printf("- HCI Revision 0x%04x\n", hci_revision); printf("- LMP Version 0x%04x\n", lmp_version); printf("- LMP Subversion 0x%04x\n", lmp_subversion); printf("- Manufacturer 0x%04x\n", manufacturer); switch (manufacturer){ case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_CAMBRIDGE_SILICON_RADIO: printf("Cambridge Silicon Radio - CSR chipset, Build ID: %u.\n", hci_revision); use_fast_uart(); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_csr_instance()); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_TEXAS_INSTRUMENTS_INC: printf("Texas Instruments - CC256x compatible chipset.\n"); if (lmp_subversion != btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion()){ printf("Error: LMP Subversion does not match initscript! "); printf("Your initscripts is for %s chipset\n", btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion() < lmp_subversion ? "an older" : "a newer"); printf("Please update Makefile to include the appropriate bluetooth_init_cc256???.c file\n"); exit(10); } use_fast_uart(); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_cc256x_instance()); #ifdef ENABLE_EHCILL printf("eHCILL enabled.\n"); #else printf("eHCILL disable.\n"); #endif break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_BROADCOM_CORPORATION: printf("Broadcom/Cypress - using BCM driver.\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_bcm_instance()); use_fast_uart(); is_bcm = 1; break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_ST_MICROELECTRONICS: printf("ST Microelectronics - using STLC2500d driver.\n"); use_fast_uart(); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_stlc2500d_instance()); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_EM_MICROELECTRONIC_MARIN_SA: printf("EM Microelectronics - using EM9301 driver.\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_em9301_instance()); use_fast_uart(); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_NORDIC_SEMICONDUCTOR_ASA: printf("Nordic Semiconductor nRF5 chipset.\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_zephyr_instance()); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_THE_LINUX_FOUNDATION: printf("Linux Foundation - assuming Zephyr running on Nordic chipset.\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_zephyr_instance()); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_TOSHIBA_CORP: printf("Toshiba - using TC3566x driver.\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_tc3566x_instance()); use_fast_uart(); break; case BLUETOOTH_COMPANY_ID_PACKETCRAFT_INC: printf("PacketCraft HCI Controller\n"); hci_set_chipset(btstack_chipset_zephyr_instance()); break; default: printf("Unknown manufacturer / manufacturer not supported yet.\n"); break; } } static char short_options[] = "+hu:l:rb:"; static struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"logfile", required_argument, NULL, 'l'}, {"reset-tlv", no_argument, NULL, 'r'}, {"tty", required_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"bd-addr", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; static char *help_options[] = { "print (this) help.", "set file to store debug output and HCI trace.", "reset bonding information stored in TLV.", "set path to Bluetooth Controller.", "set random static Bluetooth address for nRF5340 with PacketCraft Controller.", }; static char *option_arg_name[] = { "", "LOGFILE", "", "TTY", "BD_ADDR", }; static void usage(const char *name){ unsigned int i; printf( "usage:\n\t%s [options]\n", name ); printf("valid options:\n"); for( i=0; long_options[i].name != 0; i++) { printf("--%-10s| -%c %-10s\t\t%s\n", long_options[i].name, long_options[i].val, option_arg_name[i], help_options[i] ); } } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]){ const char * log_file_path = NULL; // set default device path config.device_name = "/dev/tty.usbmodemEF437DF524C51"; int oldopterr = opterr; opterr = 0; // parse command line parameters while(true){ int c = getopt_long( argc, (char* const *)argv, short_options, long_options, NULL ); if (c < 0) { break; } if (c == '?'){ continue; } switch (c) { case 'u': config.device_name = optarg; break; case 'l': log_file_path = optarg; break; case 'r': tlv_reset = true; break; case 'b': sscanf_bd_addr(optarg, random_address); break; case 'h': default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } // reset getopt parsing, so it works as intended from btstack_main optind = 1; opterr = oldopterr; /// GET STARTED with BTstack /// btstack_memory_init(); btstack_run_loop_init(btstack_run_loop_posix_get_instance()); // log into file using HCI_DUMP_PACKETLOGGER format if (log_file_path == NULL){ log_file_path = "/tmp/hci_dump.pklg"; } hci_dump_posix_fs_open(log_file_path, HCI_DUMP_PACKETLOGGER); const hci_dump_t * hci_dump_impl = hci_dump_posix_fs_get_instance(); hci_dump_init(hci_dump_impl); printf("Packet Log: %s\n", log_file_path); printf("H4 device: %s\n", config.device_name); // init HCI const btstack_uart_t * uart_driver = btstack_uart_posix_instance(); const hci_transport_t * transport = hci_transport_h4_instance_for_uart(uart_driver); hci_init(transport, (void*) &config); #ifdef HAVE_PORTAUDIO btstack_audio_sink_set_instance(btstack_audio_portaudio_sink_get_instance()); btstack_audio_source_set_instance(btstack_audio_portaudio_source_get_instance()); #endif // set BD_ADDR for CSR without Flash/unique address // bd_addr_t own_address = { 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66}; // btstack_chipset_csr_set_bd_addr(own_address); // inform about BTstack state hci_event_callback_registration.callback = &packet_handler; hci_add_event_handler(&hci_event_callback_registration); // register callback for CTRL-c btstack_signal_register_callback(SIGINT, &trigger_shutdown); // setup app btstack_main(argc, argv); // go btstack_run_loop_execute(); btstack_stdin_reset(); return 0; }