/* * Copyright (C) 2021 BlueKitchen GmbH * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * 4. Any redistribution, use, or modification is done solely for * personal benefit and not for any commercial purpose or for * monetary gain. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY BLUEKITCHEN GMBH AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BLUEKITCHEN * GMBH OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS * OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF * THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * Please inquire about commercial licensing options at * contact@bluekitchen-gmbh.com * */ #define BTSTACK_FILE__ "btstack_uart_slip_wrapper.c" /* * btstack_uart_slip_wrapper.c * * */ #include "btstack_uart_slip_wrapper.h" #include "btstack_run_loop.h" #include "btstack_debug.h" #include "btstack_defines.h" #include "btstack_slip.h" #include "btstack_util.h" // max size of outgoing SLIP chunks #define SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN 128 #define SLIP_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE 128 // wrapped driver static const btstack_uart_t * original_uart; // callbacks static void (*frame_sent)(void); static void (*frame_received)(uint16_t frame_size); // SLIP encoding static uint8_t btstack_uart_slip_outgoing_buffer[SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN+1]; // SLIP decoding static uint8_t btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_byte; static uint32_t btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_start; static uint32_t btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_baudrate; // SLIP ENCODING static void btstack_uart_slip_posix_encode_chunk_and_send(void){ uint16_t pos = 0; while (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data() & (pos < SLIP_TX_CHUNK_LEN)) { btstack_uart_slip_outgoing_buffer[pos++] = btstack_slip_encoder_get_byte(); } // setup async write and start sending original_uart->send_block(btstack_uart_slip_outgoing_buffer, pos); } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_block_sent(void){ // check if more data to send if (btstack_slip_encoder_has_data()){ btstack_uart_slip_posix_encode_chunk_and_send(); return; } // notify done if (frame_sent){ frame_sent(); } } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_send_frame(const uint8_t * frame, uint16_t frame_size){ // Prepare encoding of Header + Packet (+ DIC) btstack_slip_encoder_start(frame, frame_size); // Fill rest of chunk from packet and send btstack_uart_slip_posix_encode_chunk_and_send(); } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_frame_sent( void (*frame_handler)(void)){ frame_sent = frame_handler; original_uart->set_block_sent(&btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_block_sent); } // SLIP DECODING static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_next_byte(void){ original_uart->receive_block(&btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_byte, 1); } // track time receiving SLIP frame static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_block_received(void){ // track start time when receiving first byte // a bit hackish if ((btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_start == 0u) && (btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_byte != BTSTACK_SLIP_SOF)){ btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_start = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms(); } btstack_slip_decoder_process(btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_byte); uint16_t frame_size = btstack_slip_decoder_frame_size(); if (frame_size) { // track time uint32_t packet_receive_time = btstack_run_loop_get_time_ms() - btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_start; uint32_t nominal_time = (frame_size + 6u) * 10u * 1000u / btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_baudrate; UNUSED(nominal_time); UNUSED(packet_receive_time); if (packet_receive_time > btstack_max(2 * nominal_time, 5)){ log_info("slip frame time %u ms for %u decoded bytes. nominal time %u ms", (int) packet_receive_time, frame_size, (int) nominal_time); } // reset state btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_start = 0; // deliver frame frame_received(frame_size); } else { btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_next_byte(); } } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_frame_received( void (*frame_handler)(uint16_t frame_size)){ frame_received = frame_handler; original_uart->set_block_received(&btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_block_received); } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_frame(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len){ btstack_slip_decoder_init(buffer, len); btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_read_next_byte(); } // SLIP End static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_init(const btstack_uart_config_t * config){ btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_baudrate = config->baudrate; return original_uart->init(config); } static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_baudrate(uint32_t baudrate){ if (original_uart->set_baudrate != NULL){ btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_baudrate = baudrate; return original_uart->set_baudrate(baudrate); } return 0; } static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_parity(int parity){ if (original_uart->set_baudrate != NULL) { return original_uart->set_parity(parity); } return 0; } static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_flowcontrol(int flowcontrol){ if (original_uart->set_baudrate != NULL) { return original_uart->set_flowcontrol(flowcontrol); } return 0; } static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_open(void){ return original_uart->open(); } static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_close(void){ return original_uart->close(); } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_block_received( void (*block_handler)(void)){ UNUSED(block_handler); btstack_assert(false); } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_block_sent( void (*block_handler)(void)){ UNUSED(block_handler); btstack_assert(false); } // SLEEP support static int btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_get_supported_sleep_modes(void){ if (original_uart->get_supported_sleep_modes != NULL){ return original_uart->get_supported_sleep_modes(); } return 0; } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_sleep(btstack_uart_sleep_mode_t sleep_mode){ if (original_uart->set_sleep != NULL){ original_uart->set_sleep(sleep_mode); } } static void btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_wakeup_handler(void (*handler)(void)){ if (original_uart->set_wakeup_handler != NULL){ original_uart->set_wakeup_handler(handler); } } const btstack_uart_t * btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_instance(const btstack_uart_t * uart_without_slip){ static const btstack_uart_t btstack_uart_slip_wrapper = { /* int (*init)(hci_transport_config_uart_t * config); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_init, /* int (*open)(void); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_open, /* int (*close)(void); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_close, /* void (*set_block_received)(void (*handler)(void)); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_block_received, /* void (*set_block_sent)(void (*handler)(void)); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_block_sent, /* int (*set_baudrate)(uint32_t baudrate); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_baudrate, /* int (*set_parity)(int parity); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_parity, /* int (*set_flowcontrol)(int flowcontrol); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_flowcontrol, /* void (*receive_block)(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len); */ NULL, /* void (*send_block)(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); */ NULL, /* int (*get_supported_sleep_modes); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_get_supported_sleep_modes, /* void (*set_sleep)(btstack_uart_sleep_mode_t sleep_mode); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_sleep, /* void (*set_wakeup_handler)(void (*handler)(void)); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_wakeup_handler, /* void (*set_frame_received)(void (*cb)(uint16_t frame_size) */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_frame_received, /* void (*set_frame_sent)(void (*block_handler)(void)); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_set_frame_sent, /* void (*receive_frame)(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_receive_frame, /* void (*send_frame)(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t length); */ &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper_send_frame }; original_uart = uart_without_slip; return &btstack_uart_slip_wrapper; }