#!/usr/bin/env python3 # BlueKitchen GmbH (c) 2014 # Report SM Pairing Random packets with value zero import re import sys import time import datetime packet_types = [ "CMD =>", "EVT <=", "ACL =>", "ACL <="] def read_net_32(f): a = f.read(1) if a == '': return -1 b = f.read(1) if b == '': return -1 c = f.read(1) if c == '': return -1 d = f.read(1) if d == '': return -1 return ord(a) << 24 | ord(b) << 16 | ord(c) << 8 | ord(d) def as_hex(data): str_list = [] for byte in data: str_list.append("{0:02x} ".format(ord(byte))) return ''.join(str_list) def check_file(infile): with open (infile, 'rb') as fin: pos = 0 warning = True try: while True: len = read_net_32(fin) if len < 0: break ts_sec = read_net_32(fin) ts_usec = read_net_32(fin) type = ord(fin.read(1)) packet_len = len - 9 if (packet_len > 66000): print ("Error parsing pklg at offset %u (%x)." % (pos, pos)) break packet = fin.read(packet_len) pos = pos + 4 + len time = "[%s.%03u]" % (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts_sec).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), ts_usec / 1000) if type not in [0x02, 0x03]: continue packet_boundary_flags = (ord(packet[1]) >> 4) & 3 if packet_boundary_flags not in [0x00, 0x02]: continue channel = ord(packet[6]) | (ord(packet[7]) << 8) if channel != 0x06: continue smp_command = ord(packet[8]) if smp_command != 4: continue random = [ ord(i) for i in packet[9:25] ] num_zeros = random.count(0) if num_zeros != 16: continue if warning: print("%s contains SM Pairing Random command with Zeroes:" % infile) warning = False print (time, packet_types[type], as_hex(packet)) if not warning: print("") except TypeError: print ("Error parsing pklg at offset %u (%x)." % (pos, pos)) if len(sys.argv) == 1: print ('Usage: ' + sys.argv[0] + ' hci_dump.pklg') exit(0) for infile in sys.argv[2:]: check_file(infile) infile = sys.argv[1]