a2dp: sbc decoder in python

This commit is contained in:
Milanka Ringwald 2016-04-27 12:20:47 +02:00
parent 18b8d0cbee
commit d86ce1b247
4 changed files with 567 additions and 0 deletions

test/sbc/fanfare-4sb.sbc Normal file

Binary file not shown.

test/sbc/fanfare-8sb.sbc Normal file

Binary file not shown.

test/sbc/fanfare.wav Normal file

Binary file not shown.

test/sbc/sbc_decoder.py Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import wave
import struct
import sys
# channel mode
MONO = 0
# allocation method
SNR = 1
# offset table for 4-subbands
offset4 = np.array([[ -1, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ -2, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ -2, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ -2, 0, 0, 1 ]
# offset tables for 8-subbands
offset8 = np.array([[ -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
[ -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 ],
[ -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 ],
[ -4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 ]
nr_blocks = [4, 8, 12, 16]
nr_subbands = [4, 8]
sampling_frequency =[16000, 32000, 44100, 48000]
ibuffer = None
ibuffer_count = 0
sb_sample = np.ndarray(shape=(16, 2, 8), dtype = np.int32)
V = np.zeros(shape = (2, 10*2*8))
Proto_4_40 = [
0.00000000E+00, 5.36548976E-04, 1.49188357E-03, 2.73370904E-03,
3.83720193E-03, 3.89205149E-03, 1.86581691E-03, -3.06012286E-03,
1.09137620E-02, 2.04385087E-02, 2.88757392E-02, 3.21939290E-02,
2.58767811E-02, 6.13245186E-03, -2.88217274E-02, -7.76463494E-02,
1.35593274E-01, 1.94987841E-01, 2.46636662E-01, 2.81828203E-01,
2.94315332E-01, 2.81828203E-01, 2.46636662E-01, 1.94987841E-01,
-1.35593274E-01, -7.76463494E-02, -2.88217274E-02, 6.13245186E-03,
2.58767811E-02, 3.21939290E-02, 2.88757392E-02, 2.04385087E-02,
-1.09137620E-02, -3.06012286E-03, 1.86581691E-03, 3.89205149E-03,
3.83720193E-03, 2.73370904E-03, 1.49188357E-03, 5.36548976E-04
Proto_8_80 = [
0.00000000E+00, 1.56575398E-04, 3.43256425E-04, 5.54620202E-04,
8.23919506E-04, 1.13992507E-03, 1.47640169E-03, 1.78371725E-03,
2.01182542E-03, 2.10371989E-03, 1.99454554E-03, 1.61656283E-03,
9.02154502E-04, -1.78805361E-04, -1.64973098E-03, -3.49717454E-03,
5.65949473E-03, 8.02941163E-03, 1.04584443E-02, 1.27472335E-02,
1.46525263E-02, 1.59045603E-02, 1.62208471E-02, 1.53184106E-02,
1.29371806E-02, 8.85757540E-03, 2.92408442E-03, -4.91578024E-03,
-1.46404076E-02, -2.61098752E-02, -3.90751381E-02, -5.31873032E-02,
6.79989431E-02, 8.29847578E-02, 9.75753918E-02, 1.11196689E-01,
1.23264548E-01, 1.33264415E-01, 1.40753505E-01, 1.45389847E-01,
1.46955068E-01, 1.45389847E-01, 1.40753505E-01, 1.33264415E-01,
1.23264548E-01, 1.11196689E-01, 9.75753918E-02, 8.29847578E-02,
-6.79989431E-02, -5.31873032E-02, -3.90751381E-02, -2.61098752E-02,
-1.46404076E-02, -4.91578024E-03, 2.92408442E-03, 8.85757540E-03,
1.29371806E-02, 1.53184106E-02, 1.62208471E-02, 1.59045603E-02,
1.46525263E-02, 1.27472335E-02, 1.04584443E-02, 8.02941163E-03,
-5.65949473E-03, -3.49717454E-03, -1.64973098E-03, -1.78805361E-04,
9.02154502E-04, 1.61656283E-03, 1.99454554E-03, 2.10371989E-03,
2.01182542E-03, 1.78371725E-03, 1.47640169E-03, 1.13992507E-03,
8.23919506E-04, 5.54620202E-04, 3.43256425E-04, 1.56575398E-04
class SBCFrame:
syncword = 0
sampling_frequency = 0
nr_blocks = 0
channel_mode = 0
nr_channels = 0
allocation_method = 0
nr_subbands = 0
bitpool = 0
crc_check = 0
# pro subband - 1
join = np.zeros(8, dtype = np.uint8)
scale_factor = np.zeros(shape=(2, 8), dtype = np.int32)
scalefactor = np.zeros(shape=(2, 8), dtype = np.int32)
audio_sample = np.ndarray(shape = (16,2,8), dtype = np.uint16)
X = np.zeros(8, dtype = np.int16)
pcm = np.array([], dtype = np.int16)
def __init__(self):
def __str__(self):
res = "SBCFrameHeader:"
res = res + "\n - syncword %d" % self.syncword
res = res + "\n - sample frequency %d" % self.sampling_frequency
res = res + "\n - nr blocks %d" % self.nr_blocks
if self.channel_mode == MONO:
res = res + "\n - channel mode MONO"
elif self.channel_mode == DUAL_CHANNEL:
res = res + "\n - channel mode DUAL CHANNEL"
elif self.channel_mode == STEREO:
res = res + "\n - channel mode STEREO"
elif self.channel_mode == JOINT_STEREO:
res = res + "\n - channel mode JOINT STEREO"
res = res + "\n - channel mode %d" % self.channel_mode
res = res + "\n - nr channels %d" % self.nr_channels
if self.allocation_method == 1:
res = res + "\n - allocation method SNR"
elif self.allocation_method == 0:
res = res + "\n - allocation method LOUNDNESS"
res = res + "\n - allocation method %d" % self.allocation_method
res = res + "\n - nr subbands %d" % self.nr_subbands
res = res + "\n - bitpool %d" % self.bitpool
res = res + "\n - crc check %d" % self.crc_check
return res
def get_bit(fin):
global ibuffer, ibuffer_count
if ibuffer_count == 0:
ibuffer = ord(fin.read(1))
ibuffer_count = 8
# print "new byte ", hex(ibuffer)
bit = (ibuffer >> 7) & 1
ibuffer = ibuffer << 1
ibuffer_count = ibuffer_count - 1
# print "bit: ", bit
return bit
def drop_remaining_bits():
global ibuffer_count
ibuffer_count = 0
def get_bits(fin, bit_count):
bits = 0
for i in range(bit_count):
bits = (bits << 1) | get_bit(fin)
# print "collected bits", hex(bits)
return bits
def get_frame_sample_frequences(fin, bit_count):
for i in range(bit_count):
def sbc_bit_allocation_stereo_joint(fin, frame, ch):
bitneed = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands))
bits = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands))
loudness = 0
if frame.allocation_method == SNR:
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
bitneed[ch][sb] = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb]
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] == 0:
bitneed[ch][sb] = -5
if frame.nr_subbands == 4:
loudness = scale_factor[ch][sb] - offset4[frame.sampling_frequency][sb]
if frame.nr_subbands == 4:
loudness = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] - offset4[frame.sampling_frequency][sb]
loudness = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] - offset8[frame.sampling_frequency][sb]
if loudness > 0:
bitneed[ch][sb] = loudness/2
bitneed[ch][sb] = loudness
# search the maximum bitneed index
max_bitneed = 0
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if bitneed[ch][sb] > max_bitneed:
max_bitneed = bitneed[ch][sb]
# # print "max_bitneed: ", max_bitneed
# calculate how many bitslices fit into the bitpool
bitcount = 0
slicecount = 0
bitslice = max_bitneed + 1 #/* init just above the largest sf */
while True:
bitslice = bitslice - 1
bitcount = bitcount + slicecount
slicecount = 0
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if (bitneed[ch][sb] > bitslice+1) and (bitneed[ch][sb] < bitslice+16):
slicecount = slicecount + 1
elif bitneed[ch][sb] == bitslice + 1:
slicecount = slicecount + 2
if bitcount + slicecount >= frame.bitpool:
# print "bitcount %d, slicecount %d" % (bitcount, slicecount)
if bitcount + slicecount == frame.bitpool:
bitcount = bitcount + slicecount
bitslice = bitslice - 1
# bits are distributed until the last bitslice is reached
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if bitneed[ch][sb] < bitslice+2 :
bits[ch][sb] = min(bitneed[ch][sb]-bitslice,16)
ch = 0
sb = 0
while bitcount < frame.bitpool and sb < frame.nr_subbands:
if bits[ch][sb] >= 2 and bits[ch][sb] < 16:
bits[ch][sb] = bits[ch][sb] + 1
bitcount = bitcount + 1
elif (bitneed[ch][sb] == bitslice+1) and (frame.bitpool > bitcount+1):
bits[ch][sb] = 2
bitcount += 2
if ch == 1:
ch = 0
sb = sb + 1
ch = 1
ch = 0
sb = 0
while bitcount < frame.bitpool and sb < frame.nr_subbands:
if bits[ch][sb] < 16:
bits[ch][sb] = bits[ch][sb] + 1
bitcount = bitcount + 1
if ch == 1:
ch = 0
sb = sb + 1
ch = 1
return bits
def sbc_bit_allocation_mono_dual(fin, frame):
#print "Bit allocation for mono/dual channel"
bitneed = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands), dtype = np.int32)
bits = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands), dtype = np.int32)
loudness = 0
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
# bitneed values are derived from the scale factors
if frame.allocation_method == SNR:
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
bitneed[ch][sb] = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb]
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] == 0:
bitneed[ch][sb] = -5
if frame.nr_subbands == 4:
loudness = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] - offset4[frame.sampling_frequency][sb]
loudness = frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] - offset8[frame.sampling_frequency][sb]
if loudness > 0:
bitneed[ch][sb] = loudness/2
bitneed[ch][sb] = loudness
# search the maximum bitneed index
max_bitneed = 0
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if bitneed[ch][sb] > max_bitneed:
max_bitneed = bitneed[ch][sb]
#print "max_bitneed: ", max_bitneed
# calculate how many bitslices fit into the bitpool
bitcount = 0
slicecount = 0
bitslice = max_bitneed + 1 #/* init just above the largest sf */
while True:
bitslice = bitslice - 1
bitcount = bitcount + slicecount
slicecount = 0
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if (bitneed[ch][sb] > bitslice+1) and (bitneed[ch][sb] < bitslice+16):
slicecount = slicecount + 1
elif bitneed[ch][sb] == bitslice + 1:
slicecount = slicecount + 2
if bitcount + slicecount >= frame.bitpool:
#print "bitcount %d, slicecount %d" % (bitcount, slicecount)
if bitcount + slicecount == frame.bitpool:
bitcount = bitcount + slicecount
bitslice = bitslice - 1
# bits are distributed until the last bitslice is reached
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if bitneed[ch][sb] < bitslice+2 :
bits[ch][sb] = min(bitneed[ch][sb]-bitslice,16)
# The remaining bits are allocated starting at subband 0.
sb = 0
while bitcount < frame.bitpool and sb < frame.nr_subbands:
if bits[ch][sb] >= 2 and bits[ch][sb] < 16:
bits[ch][sb] = bits[ch][sb] + 1
bitcount = bitcount + 1
elif (bitneed[ch][sb] == bitslice+1) and (frame.bitpool > bitcount+1):
bits[ch][sb] = 2
bitcount += 2
sb = sb + 1
sb = 0
while bitcount < frame.bitpool and sb < frame.nr_subbands:
if bits[ch][sb] < 16:
bits[ch][sb] = bits[ch][sb] + 1
bitcount = bitcount + 1
sb = sb + 1
return bits
def sbc_process_frame(fin, frame):
global sb_sample
frame.syncword = get_bits(fin,8)
if frame.syncword != 156:
print "incorrect syncword ", frame.syncword
return -1
frame.sampling_frequency = get_bits(fin,2)
frame.nr_blocks = nr_blocks[get_bits(fin,2)]
frame.channel_mode = get_bits(fin,2)
if frame.channel_mode == MONO:
frame.nr_channels = 1
frame.nr_channels = 2
frame.allocation_method = get_bits(fin,1)
frame.nr_subbands = nr_subbands[get_bits(fin,1)]
frame.bitpool = get_bits(fin,8)
frame.crc_check = get_bits(fin,8)
frame.join = np.zeros(frame.nr_subbands, dtype = np.uint8)
if frame.channel_mode == JOINT_STEREO:
frame.join = np.zeros(frame.nr_subbands-1)
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands-1):
frame.join[sb] = get_bits(fin,1)
get_bits(fin,1) # RFA
# print frame
frame.scale_factor = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands), dtype = np.int32)
frame.audio_sample = np.ndarray(shape=(frame.nr_blocks, frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands), dtype = np.uint16)
# print frame.audio_sample
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] = get_bits(fin, 4)
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
frame.scalefactor[ch][sb] = 1 << (frame.scale_factor[ch][sb] + 1)
bits = sbc_bit_allocation_mono_dual(fin, frame)
# print "bits: ", bits
#print "Nr blocks ", frame.nr_blocks, frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands
for blk in range(frame.nr_blocks):
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
frame.audio_sample[blk][ch][sb] = get_bits(fin, bits[ch][sb])
# print "block %2d - audio sample: %s" % (blk, frame.audio_sample[blk][0])
# add padding
# Reconstruct the Subband Samples
levels = np.zeros(shape=(frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands), dtype = np.int32)
sb_sample = np.ndarray(shape=(frame.nr_blocks, frame.nr_channels, frame.nr_subbands))
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
levels[ch][sb] = pow(2.0, bits[ch][sb]) - 1
# print "Levels: ", levels
for blk in range(frame.nr_blocks):
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if levels[ch][sb] > 0:
sb_sample[blk][ch][sb] = frame.scalefactor[ch][sb] * ((frame.audio_sample[blk][ch][sb]*2.0+1.0) / levels[ch][sb] -1.0 )
# tmpa = (((frame.audio_sample[blk][ch][sb] << 16) | 0x8000) / levels[ch][sb] ) - 0x8000
# tmpb = tmpa >> 3
# sb_sample[blk][ch][sb] = tmpb * frame.scalefactor[ch][sb]
sb_sample[blk][ch][sb] = 0
# sythesis filter
if frame.channel_mode == JOINT_STEREO:
for blk in range(frame.nr_blocks):
for sb in range(frame.nr_subbands):
if frame.join[sb]==1:
sb_sample[blk][0][sb] = sb_sample[blk][0][sb] + sb_sample[blk][1][sb]
sb_sample[blk][1][sb] = sb_sample[blk][0][sb] - 2 * sb_sample[blk][1][sb]
# print "Scale factors ", frame.scale_factor[0]
# print "\nReconstructed subband samples: "
# for blk in range(frame.nr_blocks):
# print "block %2d - recon. sample: %s" % (blk, sb_sample[blk][0])
# print
return 0
def sbc_synthesis(frame, ch, blk, proto_table):
global V, sb_sample
M = frame.nr_subbands
L = 10 * M
M2 = 2*M
L2 = 2*L
S = np.zeros(M)
U = np.zeros(L)
W = np.zeros(L)
frame.X = np.zeros(M)
for i in range(M):
S[i] = sb_sample[blk][ch][i]
for i in range(L2-1, M2-1,-1):
V[ch][i] = V[ch][i-M2]
for k in range(M2):
V[ch][k] = 0
for i in range(M):
N = np.cos((i+0.5)*(k+2)*np.pi/M)
V[ch][k] += N * S[i]
for i in range(5):
for j in range(M):
U[i*M2+j] = V[ch][i*2*M2+j]
U[(i*2+1)*M+j] = V[ch][(i*2+1)*2*M+j]
for i in range(L):
D = proto_table[i] * (-M)
W[i] = U[i]*D
for j in range(M):
for i in range(10):
frame.X[j] += W[j+M*i]
frame.pcm = np.concatenate([frame.pcm, frame.X])
def sbc_decode(frame):
if frame.nr_subbands == 4:
proto_table = Proto_4_40
elif frame.nr_subbands == 8:
proto_table = Proto_8_80
return -1
for ch in range(frame.nr_channels):
for blk in range(frame.nr_blocks):
sbc_synthesis(frame, ch, blk, proto_table)
return frame.nr_blocks * frame.nr_subbands
def write_wav_file(fout, sample):
values = []
for i in range(len(sample)):
packed_value = struct.pack('h', sample[i])
value_str = ''.join(values)
usage = '''
Usage: ./sbc_decoder.py input.sbc
if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
infile = sys.argv[1]
if not infile.endswith('.sbc'):
wavfile = infile.replace('.sbc', '-decoded.wav')
with open (infile, 'rb') as fin:
frame_count = 0
while True:
sbc_frame = SBCFrame()
if frame_count % 200 == 0:
print "== Frame %d ==" % (frame_count)
err = sbc_process_frame(fin, sbc_frame)
if err:
print "error, frame_count: ", frame_count
frame_count += 1
# print sbc_frame.pcm
if frame_count == 1:
fout = wave.open(wavfile, 'w')
fout.setcomptype = 'NONE'
write_wav_file(fout, sbc_frame.pcm)
# if frame_count == 8:
# fout.close()
# break
except TypeError:
print "DONE, SBC file %s decoded into WAV file %s ", (infile, wavfile)
except IOError as e: