fix iPhone initializing - now working

This commit is contained in:
matthias.ringwald 2009-05-25 20:37:12 +00:00
parent d3865d4eec
commit b670f30d2c
2 changed files with 50 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -42,41 +42,31 @@ static const char * iphone_name(void *config){
return get_machine_name();
static int iphone_on (void *config){
// get path to script
static int iphone_write_initscript (void *config, int output){
// construct script path from device name
strcpy(buffer, "/etc/bluetool/");
char *machine = get_machine_name();
strcat(buffer, machine);
strcat(buffer, ".init.script");
// hack
// strcpy(buffer, "iPhone1,2.init.script");
// open script
int input = open(buffer, O_RDONLY);
// open tool
FILE * outputFile = popen("BlueTool", "r+");
int output = fileno(outputFile);
int pos = 0;
int mirror = 0;
int store = 1;
struct timeval noTime;
bzero (&noTime, sizeof(struct timeval));
while (1){
int chars = read(input, &buffer[pos], 1);
// end-of-line
if (chars == 0 || buffer[pos]=='\n' || buffer[pos]== '\r'){
if (store) {
// stored characters
write(output, buffer, pos+chars);
write(fileno(stdout), buffer, pos+chars);
if (mirror) {
write(output, "\n", 1);
write(fileno(stdout), "\n", 1);
pos = 0;
mirror = 0;
@ -91,7 +81,6 @@ static int iphone_on (void *config){
// mirror
if (mirror){
write(output, &buffer[pos], 1);
write(fileno(stdout), &buffer[pos], 1);
// store
@ -104,54 +93,62 @@ static int iphone_on (void *config){
int pskey, value;
store = 0;
if (sscanf(buffer, "csr -p 0x%x=0x%x", &pskey, &value) == 2){
if (pskey == 0x01f9) { // UART MODE
// write(output, buffer, pos);
write(fileno(stdout), "Skipping: ", 10);
write(fileno(stdout), buffer, pos);
mirror = 0;
} else if (pskey == 0x01be) { // UART Baud
// write(output, buffer, pos);
write(fileno(stdout), "Skipping: ", 10);
write(fileno(stdout), buffer, pos);
mirror = 0;
} else {
// dump buffer and start forwarding
write(output, buffer, pos);
write(fileno(stdout), buffer, pos);
mirror = 1;
switch (pskey) {
case 0x01f9: // UART MODE
case 0x01c1: // Configure H5 mode
mirror = 0;
case 0x01be: // UART Baud
// use own settings
sprintf(buffer, "csr -p 0x01be=0x01d8\n"); // 115200 for now
write(output, buffer, pos+1);
mirror = 0;
// anything else: dump buffer and start forwarding
write(output, buffer, pos);
mirror = 1;
} else {
write(output, buffer, pos);
write(fileno(stdout), buffer, pos);
mirror = 1;
// close ports
// close input
return 0;
static int iphone_on (void *config){
#if 0
// use tmp file
int output = open("/tmp/bt.init", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC);
iphone_write_initscript(config, output);
system ("BlueTool < /tmp/bt.init");
// modify original script on the fly
FILE * outputFile = popen("BlueTool", "r+");
setvbuf(outputFile, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
int output = fileno(outputFile);
iphone_write_initscript(config, output);
// log output
int ready;
do {
fd_set fds;
if (ready>0)
if (FD_ISSET(output,&fds)) {
char singlechar = fgetc(outputFile);
printf("%c", singlechar);
} while (ready);
int singlechar;
while (1) {
singlechar = fgetc(outputFile);
if (singlechar == EOF) break;
printf("%c", singlechar);
// pause
// if we sleep for about 3 seconds, we miss a strage packet
// sleep(3);
return 0;

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@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ hci_con_handle_t con_handle= 0;
uint16_t dest_cid;
void event_handler(uint8_t *packet, int size){
bd_addr_t addr = {0x00, 0x03, 0xc9, 0x3d, 0x77, 0x43 };
// bd_addr_t addr = { 0x00, 0x16, 0xcb, 0x09, 0x94, 0xa9};
// bd_addr_t addr = {0x00, 0x03, 0xc9, 0x3d, 0x77, 0x43 }; // Think Outside Keyboard
bd_addr_t addr = { 0x00, 0x16, 0xcb, 0x09, 0x94, 0xa9}; // MacBook Pro
// printf("Event type: %x, opcode: %x, other %x\n", packet[0], packet[3] | packet[4] << 8);