msp432p401lp-cc256x: create .elf instead of .axf

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Ringwald 2018-06-13 18:45:24 +02:00
parent acf554ec35
commit a37d322430

View File

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ all: ${COMPILER}
all: \
linker_script_gcc.ld \
$(addprefix $(COMPILER)/,$(GATT_FILES:.gatt=.h)) \
$(addprefix $(COMPILER)/,$(EXAMPLES:=.axf)) \
$(addprefix $(COMPILER)/,$(EXAMPLES:=.elf)) \
# The rule to clean out all the build products.
@ -217,23 +217,23 @@ CFLAGSgcc=-DTARGET_IS_MSP432P4XX
# The rule for linking the application.
${COMPILER}${SUFFIX}/%.axf: ${OBJECTS} ${COMPILER}/%.o ${ROOT}/driverlib/MSP432P4xx/${COMPILER}/msp432p4xx_driverlib.a
${COMPILER}${SUFFIX}/%.elf: ${OBJECTS} ${COMPILER}/%.o ${ROOT}/driverlib/MSP432P4xx/${COMPILER}/msp432p4xx_driverlib.a
@ \
ldname="linker_script_gcc.ld"; \
ldname="linker_script_gcc.ld"; \
if [ 'x${VERBOSE}' = x ]; \
then \
echo " LD ${@} ${LNK_SCP}"; \
echo " LD ${@} ${LNK_SCP}"; \
else \
echo ${LD} -T $${ldname} \
${LDFLAGSgcc_${notdir ${@:.axf=}}} \
${LDFLAGSgcc_${notdir ${@:.elf=}}} \
${LDFLAGS} -o ${@} $(filter %.o %.a, ${^}) \
'${LIBM}' '${LIBC}' '${LIBGCC}'; \
fi; \
${LD} -T $${ldname} \
${LDFLAGSgcc_${notdir ${@:.axf=}}} \
${LDFLAGSgcc_${notdir ${@:.elf=}}} \
${LDFLAGS} -o ${@} $(filter %.o %.a, ${^}) \
'${LIBM}' '${LIBC}' '${LIBGCC}'
@${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${@} ${@:.axf=.bin}
@${OBJCOPY} -O binary ${@} ${@:.elf=.bin}
# Include the automatically generated dependency files.