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## Run Loop API
<a name ="appendix:api_run_loop"></a>
* @brief Set timer based on current time in milliseconds.
void run_loop_set_timer(timer_source_t *a, uint32_t timeout_in_ms);
* @brief Set callback that will be executed when timer expires.
void run_loop_set_timer_handler(timer_source_t *ts, void (*process)(timer_source_t *_ts));
* @brief Add/Remove timer source.
void run_loop_add_timer(timer_source_t *timer);
int run_loop_remove_timer(timer_source_t *timer);
* @brief Init must be called before any other run_loop call. Use RUN_LOOP_EMBEDDED for embedded devices.
void run_loop_init(RUN_LOOP_TYPE type);
* @brief Set data source callback.
void run_loop_set_data_source_handler(data_source_t *ds, int (*process)(data_source_t *_ds));
* @brief Add/Remove data source.
void run_loop_add_data_source(data_source_t *dataSource);
int run_loop_remove_data_source(data_source_t *dataSource);
* @brief Execute configured run loop. This function does not return.
void run_loop_execute(void);
// hack to fix HCI timer handling
#ifdef HAVE_TICK
* @brief Sets how many milliseconds has one tick.
uint32_t embedded_ticks_for_ms(uint32_t time_in_ms);
* @brief Queries the current time in ticks.
uint32_t embedded_get_ticks(void);
* @brief Queries the current time in ms
uint32_t embedded_get_time_ms(void);
* @brief Allows to update BTstack system ticks based on another already existing clock.
void embedded_set_ticks(uint32_t ticks);
* @brief Sets an internal flag that is checked in the critical section just before entering sleep mode. Has to be called by the interrupt handler of a data source to signal the run loop that a new data is available.
void embedded_trigger(void);
* @brief Execute run_loop once. It can be used to integrate BTstack's timer and data source processing into a foreign run loop (it is not recommended).
void embedded_execute_once(void);
<a name ="appendix:api_hci"></a>
le_connection_parameter_range_t gap_le_get_connection_parameter_range();
void gap_le_set_connection_parameter_range(le_connection_parameter_range_t range);
/* LE Client Start */
le_command_status_t le_central_start_scan(void);
le_command_status_t le_central_stop_scan(void);
le_command_status_t le_central_connect(bd_addr_t addr, bd_addr_type_t addr_type);
le_command_status_t le_central_connect_cancel(void);
le_command_status_t gap_disconnect(hci_con_handle_t handle);
void le_central_set_scan_parameters(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window);
/* LE Client End */
void hci_connectable_control(uint8_t enable);
void hci_close(void);
* @note New functions replacing: hci_can_send_packet_now[_using_packet_buffer]
int hci_can_send_command_packet_now(void);
* @brief Gets local address.
void hci_local_bd_addr(bd_addr_t address_buffer);
* @brief Set up HCI. Needs to be called before any other function.
void hci_init(hci_transport_t *transport, void *config, bt_control_t *control, remote_device_db_t const* remote_device_db);
* @brief Set class of device that will be set during Bluetooth init.
void hci_set_class_of_device(uint32_t class_of_device);
* @brief Set Public BD ADDR - passed on to Bluetooth chipset if supported in bt_control_h
void hci_set_bd_addr(bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Registers a packet handler. Used if L2CAP is not used (rarely).
void hci_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size));
* @brief Requests the change of BTstack power mode.
int hci_power_control(HCI_POWER_MODE mode);
* @brief Allows to control if device is discoverable. OFF by default.
void hci_discoverable_control(uint8_t enable);
* @brief Creates and sends HCI command packets based on a template and a list of parameters. Will return error if outgoing data buffer is occupied.
int hci_send_cmd(const hci_cmd_t *cmd, ...);
* @brief Deletes link key for remote device with baseband address.
void hci_drop_link_key_for_bd_addr(bd_addr_t addr);
/* Configure Secure Simple Pairing */
* @brief Enable will enable SSP during init.
void hci_ssp_set_enable(int enable);
* @brief If set, BTstack will respond to io capability request using authentication requirement.
void hci_ssp_set_io_capability(int ssp_io_capability);
void hci_ssp_set_authentication_requirement(int authentication_requirement);
* @brief If set, BTstack will confirm a numeric comparison and enter '000000' if requested.
void hci_ssp_set_auto_accept(int auto_accept);
* @brief Get addr type and address used in advertisement packets.
void hci_le_advertisement_address(uint8_t * addr_type, bd_addr_t addr);
<a name ="appendix:api_l2cap"></a>
* @brief Set up L2CAP and register L2CAP with HCI layer.
void l2cap_init(void);
* @brief Registers a packet handler that handles HCI and general BTstack events.
void l2cap_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size));
* @brief Creates L2CAP channel to the PSM of a remote device with baseband address. A new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary.
void l2cap_create_channel_internal(void * connection, btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, bd_addr_t address, uint16_t psm, uint16_t mtu);
* @brief Disconnects L2CAP channel with given identifier.
void l2cap_disconnect_internal(uint16_t local_cid, uint8_t reason);
* @brief Queries the maximal transfer unit (MTU) for L2CAP channel with given identifier.
uint16_t l2cap_get_remote_mtu_for_local_cid(uint16_t local_cid);
* @brief Sends L2CAP data packet to the channel with given identifier.
int l2cap_send_internal(uint16_t local_cid, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
* @brief Registers L2CAP service with given PSM and MTU, and assigns a packet handler. On embedded systems, use NULL for connection parameter.
void l2cap_register_service_internal(void *connection, btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, uint16_t psm, uint16_t mtu, gap_security_level_t security_level);
* @brief Unregisters L2CAP service with given PSM. On embedded systems, use NULL for connection parameter.
void l2cap_unregister_service_internal(void *connection, uint16_t psm);
* @brief Accepts/Deny incoming L2CAP connection.
void l2cap_accept_connection_internal(uint16_t local_cid);
void l2cap_decline_connection_internal(uint16_t local_cid, uint8_t reason);
* @brief Request LE connection parameter update
int l2cap_le_request_connection_parameter_update(uint16_t handle, uint16_t interval_min, uint16_t interval_max, uint16_t slave_latency, uint16_t timeout_multiplier);
* @brief Non-blocking UART write
int l2cap_can_send_packet_now(uint16_t local_cid);
int l2cap_reserve_packet_buffer(void);
void l2cap_release_packet_buffer(void);
* @brief Get outgoing buffer and prepare data.
uint8_t *l2cap_get_outgoing_buffer(void);
int l2cap_send_prepared(uint16_t local_cid, uint16_t len);
int l2cap_send_prepared_connectionless(uint16_t handle, uint16_t cid, uint16_t len);
* @brief Bluetooth 4.0 - allows to register handler for Attribute Protocol and Security Manager Protocol.
void l2cap_register_fixed_channel(btstack_packet_handler_t packet_handler, uint16_t channel_id);
uint16_t l2cap_max_mtu(void);
uint16_t l2cap_max_le_mtu(void);
int l2cap_send_connectionless(uint16_t handle, uint16_t cid, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
<a name ="appendix:api_rfcomm"></a>
* @brief Set up RFCOMM.
void rfcomm_init(void);
* @brief Set security level required for incoming connections, need to be called before registering services.
void rfcomm_set_required_security_level(gap_security_level_t security_level);
* @brief Register packet handler.
void rfcomm_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size));
* @brief Creates RFCOMM connection (channel) to a given server channel on a remote device with baseband address. A new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary. This channel will automatically provide enough credits to the remote side
void rfcomm_create_channel_internal(void * connection, bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t channel);
* @brief Creates RFCOMM connection (channel) to a given server channel on a remote device with baseband address. new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary. This channel will use explicit credit management. During channel establishment, an initial amount of credits is provided.
void rfcomm_create_channel_with_initial_credits_internal(void * connection, bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t server_channel, uint8_t initial_credits);
* @brief Disconnects RFCOMM channel with given identifier.
void rfcomm_disconnect_internal(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
* @brief Registers RFCOMM service for a server channel and a maximum frame size, and assigns a packet handler. On embedded systems, use NULL for connection parameter. This channel provides automatically enough credits to the remote side.
void rfcomm_register_service_internal(void * connection, uint8_t channel, uint16_t max_frame_size);
* @brief Registers RFCOMM service for a server channel and a maximum frame size, and assigns a packet handler. On embedded systems, use NULL for connection parameter. This channel will use explicit credit management. During channel establishment, an initial amount of credits is provided.
void rfcomm_register_service_with_initial_credits_internal(void * connection, uint8_t channel, uint16_t max_frame_size, uint8_t initial_credits);
* @brief Unregister RFCOMM service.
void rfcomm_unregister_service_internal(uint8_t service_channel);
* @brief Accepts/Deny incoming RFCOMM connection.
void rfcomm_accept_connection_internal(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
void rfcomm_decline_connection_internal(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
* @brief Grant more incoming credits to the remote side for the given RFCOMM channel identifier.
void rfcomm_grant_credits(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, uint8_t credits);
* @brief Checks if RFCOMM can send packet. Returns yes if packet can be sent.
int rfcomm_can_send_packet_now(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
* @brief Sends RFCOMM data packet to the RFCOMM channel with given identifier.
int rfcomm_send_internal(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, uint8_t *data, uint16_t len);
* @brief Sends Local Line Status, see LINE_STATUS_..
int rfcomm_send_local_line_status(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, uint8_t line_status);
* @brief Send local modem status. see MODEM_STAUS_..
int rfcomm_send_modem_status(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, uint8_t modem_status);
* @brief Configure remote port
int rfcomm_send_port_configuration(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, rpn_baud_t baud_rate, rpn_data_bits_t data_bits, rpn_stop_bits_t stop_bits, rpn_parity_t parity, rpn_flow_control_t flow_control);
* @brief Query remote port
int rfcomm_query_port_configuration(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
* @brief Allow to create RFCOMM packet in outgoing buffer.
int rfcomm_reserve_packet_buffer(void);
void rfcomm_release_packet_buffer(void);
uint8_t * rfcomm_get_outgoing_buffer(void);
uint16_t rfcomm_get_max_frame_size(uint16_t rfcomm_cid);
int rfcomm_send_prepared(uint16_t rfcomm_cid, uint16_t len);
<a name ="appendix:api_sdp"></a>
* @brief Set up SDP.
void sdp_init(void);
void sdp_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size));
* @brief Register service record internally - this version doesn't copy the record therefore it must be forever accessible. Preconditions:
- AttributeIDs are in ascending order;
- ServiceRecordHandle is first attribute and valid.
* @return ServiceRecordHandle or 0 if registration failed.
uint32_t sdp_register_service_internal(void *connection, service_record_item_t * record_item);
#ifndef EMBEDDED
* @brief Register service record internally - this version creates a copy of the record precondition: AttributeIDs are in ascending order => ServiceRecordHandle is first attribute if present.
* @return ServiceRecordHandle or 0 if registration failed
uint32_t sdp_register_service_internal(void *connection, uint8_t * service_record);
* @brief Unregister service record internally.
void sdp_unregister_service_internal(void *connection, uint32_t service_record_handle);
## SDP Client API
<a name ="appendix:api_sdp_client"></a>
* @brief Queries the SDP service of the remote device given a service search pattern and a list of attribute IDs. The remote data is handled by the SDP parser. The SDP parser delivers attribute values and done event via a registered callback.
void sdp_client_query(bd_addr_t remote, uint8_t * des_serviceSearchPattern, uint8_t * des_attributeIDList);
void sdp_client_service_attribute_search(bd_addr_t remote, uint32_t search_serviceRecordHandle, uint8_t * des_attributeIDList);
void sdp_client_service_search(bd_addr_t remote, uint8_t * des_serviceSearchPattern);
<a name ="appendix:api_sdp_queries"></a>
* @brief SDP Query RFCOMM event to deliver channel number and service name byte by byte.
typedef struct sdp_query_rfcomm_service_event {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t channel_nr;
uint8_t * service_name;
} sdp_query_rfcomm_service_event_t;
* @brief Registers a callback to receive RFCOMM service and query complete event.
void sdp_query_rfcomm_register_callback(void(*sdp_app_callback)(sdp_query_event_t * event, void * context), void * context);
void sdp_query_rfcomm_deregister_callback(void);
* @brief Searches SDP records on a remote device for RFCOMM services with a given UUID.
void sdp_query_rfcomm_channel_and_name_for_uuid(bd_addr_t remote, uint16_t uuid);
* @brief Searches SDP records on a remote device for RFCOMM services with a given service search pattern.
void sdp_query_rfcomm_channel_and_name_for_search_pattern(bd_addr_t remote, uint8_t * des_serviceSearchPattern);
## GATT Client API
<a name ="appendix:api_gatt_client"></a>
typedef struct gatt_complete_event{
uint8_t type;
uint16_t handle;
uint16_t attribute_handle;
uint8_t status;
} gatt_complete_event_t;
typedef struct le_service{
uint16_t start_group_handle;
uint16_t end_group_handle;
uint16_t uuid16;
uint8_t uuid128[16];
} le_service_t;
typedef struct le_service_event{
uint8_t type;
uint16_t handle;
le_service_t service;
} le_service_event_t;
typedef struct le_characteristic{
uint16_t start_handle;
uint16_t value_handle;
uint16_t end_handle;
uint16_t properties;
uint16_t uuid16;
uint8_t uuid128[16];
} le_characteristic_t;
typedef struct le_characteristic_event{
uint8_t type;
uint16_t handle;
le_characteristic_t characteristic;
} le_characteristic_event_t;
typedef struct le_characteristic_value_event{
uint8_t type;
uint16_t handle;
uint16_t value_handle;
uint16_t value_offset;
uint16_t blob_length;
uint8_t * blob;
} le_characteristic_value_event_t;
typedef struct le_characteristic_descriptor{
uint16_t handle;
uint16_t uuid16;
uint8_t uuid128[16];
} le_characteristic_descriptor_t;
typedef struct le_characteristic_descriptor_event{
uint8_t type;
uint16_t handle;
le_characteristic_descriptor_t characteristic_descriptor;
uint16_t value_length;
uint16_t value_offset;
uint8_t * value;
} le_characteristic_descriptor_event_t;
* @brief Set up GATT client.
void gatt_client_init(void);
* @brief Register callback (packet handler) for GATT client. Returns GATT client ID.
uint16_t gatt_client_register_packet_handler (gatt_client_callback_t callback);
* @brief Unregister callback (packet handler) for GATT client.
void gatt_client_unregister_packet_handler(uint16_t gatt_client_id);
* @brief MTU is available after the first query has completed. If status is equal to BLE_PERIPHERAL_OK, it returns the real value, otherwise the default value of 23.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_get_mtu(uint16_t handle, uint16_t * mtu);
* @brief Returns if the GATT client is ready to receive a query. It is used with daemon.
int gatt_client_is_ready(uint16_t handle);
* @brief Discovers all primary services. For each found service, an le_service_event_t with type set to GATT_SERVICE_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t, with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_primary_services(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle);
* @brief Discovers a specific primary service given its UUID. This service may exist multiple times. For each found service, an le_service_event_t with type set to GATT_SERVICE_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t, with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_primary_services_by_uuid16(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t uuid16);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_primary_services_by_uuid128(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, const uint8_t * uuid);
* @brief Finds included services within the specified service. For each found included service, an le_service_event_t with type set to GATT_INCLUDED_SERVICE_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery. Information about included service type (primary/secondary) can be retrieved either by sending an ATT find information request for the returned start group handle (returning the handle and the UUID for primary or secondary service) or by comparing the service to the list of all primary services.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_find_included_services_for_service(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_service_t *service);
* @brief Discovers all characteristics within the specified service. For each found characteristic, an le_characteristics_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_service_t *service);
* @brief The following four functions are used to discover all characteristics within the specified service or handle range, and return those that match the given UUID. For each found characteristic, an le_characteristic_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_handle_range_by_uuid16(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle, uint16_t uuid16);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_handle_range_by_uuid128(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t start_handle, uint16_t end_handle, uint8_t * uuid);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service_by_uuid16 (uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_service_t *service, uint16_t uuid16);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristics_for_service_by_uuid128(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_service_t *service, uint8_t * uuid128);
* @brief Discovers attribute handle and UUID of a characteristic descriptor within the specified characteristic. For each found descriptor, an le_characteristic_descriptor_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_DESCRIPTOR_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of discovery.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_discover_characteristic_descriptors(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_t *characteristic);
* @brief Reads the characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle. If the characteristic value is found, an le_characteristic_value_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of read.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_value_of_characteristic(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_t *characteristic);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_value_of_characteristic_using_value_handle(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle);
* @brief Reads the long characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle. The value will be returned in several blobs. For each blob, an le_characteristic_value_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_QUERY_RESULT and updated value offset will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, mark the end of read.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_long_value_of_characteristic(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_t *characteristic);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_long_value_of_characteristic_using_value_handle(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle);
* @brief Writes the characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle without an acknowledgment that the write was successfully performed.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_value_of_characteristic_without_response(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
* @brief Writes the authenticated characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle without an acknowledgment that the write was successfully performed.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_signed_write_without_response(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t handle, uint16_t message_len, uint8_t * message);
* @brief Writes the characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of write. The write is successfully performed, if the event's status field is set to 0.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_value_of_characteristic(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_long_value_of_characteristic(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
* @brief Writes of the long characteristic value using the characteristic's value handle. It uses server response to validate that the write was correctly received. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE marks the end of write. The write is successfully performed, if the event's status field is set to 0.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_reliable_write_long_value_of_characteristic(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t characteristic_value_handle, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
* @brief Reads the characteristic descriptor using its handle. If the characteristic descriptor is found, an le_characteristic_descriptor_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_DESCRIPTOR_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of read.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_characteristic_descriptor(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_descriptor_t * descriptor);
* @brief Reads the long characteristic descriptor using its handle. It will be returned in several blobs. For each blob, an le_characteristic_descriptor_event_t with type set to GATT_CHARACTERISTIC_DESCRIPTOR_QUERY_RESULT will be generated and passed to the registered callback. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of read.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_read_long_characteristic_descriptor(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_descriptor_t * descriptor);
* @brief Writes the characteristic descriptor using its handle. The gatt_complete_event_t with type set to GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE, marks the end of write. The write is successfully performed, if the event's status field is set to 0.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_characteristic_descriptor(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_descriptor_t * descriptor, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_long_characteristic_descriptor(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_descriptor_t * descriptor, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data);
* @brief Writes the client characteristic configuration of the specified characteristic. It is used to subscribe for notifications or indications of the characteristic value. For notifications or indications specify: GATT_CLIENT_CHARACTERISTICS_CONFIGURATION_NOTIFICATION resp. GATT_CLIENT_CHARACTERISTICS_CONFIGURATION_INDICATION as configuration value.
le_command_status_t gatt_client_write_client_characteristic_configuration(uint16_t gatt_client_id, uint16_t con_handle, le_characteristic_t * characteristic, uint16_t configuration);
<a name ="appendix:api_pan"></a>
* @brief Creates SDP record for PANU BNEP service in provided empty buffer.
* @note Make sure the buffer is big enough.
* @param service is an empty buffer to store service record
* @param security_desc
* @param name if NULL, the default service name will be assigned
* @param description if NULL, the default service description will be assigned
void pan_create_panu_service(uint8_t *service, const char *name, const char *description, security_description_t security_desc);
* @brief Creates SDP record for GN BNEP service in provided empty buffer.
* @note Make sure the buffer is big enough.
* @param service is an empty buffer to store service record
* @param security_desc
* @param name if NULL, the default service name will be assigned
* @param description if NULL, the default service description will be assigned
* @param IPv4Subnet is optional subnet definition, e.g. ""
* @param IPv6Subnet is optional subnet definition given in the standard IETF format with the absolute attribute IDs
void pan_create_gn_service(uint8_t *service, const char *name, const char *description, security_description_t security_desc,
const char *IPv4Subnet, const char *IPv6Subnet);
* @brief Creates SDP record for NAP BNEP service in provided empty buffer.
* @note Make sure the buffer is big enough.
* @param service is an empty buffer to store service record
* @param name if NULL, the default service name will be assigned
* @param security_desc
* @param description if NULL, the default service description will be assigned
* @param net_access_type type of available network access
* @param max_net_access_rate based on net_access_type measured in byte/s
* @param IPv4Subnet is optional subnet definition, e.g. ""
* @param IPv6Subnet is optional subnet definition given in the standard IETF format with the absolute attribute IDs
void pan_create_nap_service(uint8_t *service, const char *name, const char *description, security_description_t security_desc,
net_access_type_t net_access_type, uint32_t max_net_access_rate, const char *IPv4Subnet, const char *IPv6Subnet);
<a name ="appendix:api_bnep"></a>
* @brief Set up BNEP.
void bnep_init(void);
* @brief Check if a data packet can be send out.
int bnep_can_send_packet_now(uint16_t bnep_cid);
* @brief Send a data packet.
int bnep_send(uint16_t bnep_cid, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t len);
* @brief Set the network protocol filter.
int bnep_set_net_type_filter(uint16_t bnep_cid, bnep_net_filter_t *filter, uint16_t len);
* @brief Set the multicast address filter.
int bnep_set_multicast_filter(uint16_t bnep_cid, bnep_multi_filter_t *filter, uint16_t len);
* @brief Set security level required for incoming connections, need to be called before registering services.
void bnep_set_required_security_level(gap_security_level_t security_level);
* @brief Register packet handler.
void bnep_register_packet_handler(void (*handler)(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size));
* @brief Creates BNEP connection (channel) to a given server on a remote device with baseband address. A new baseband connection will be initiated if necessary.
int bnep_connect(void * connection, bd_addr_t addr, uint16_t l2cap_psm, uint16_t uuid_dest);
* @brief Disconnects BNEP channel with given identifier.
void bnep_disconnect(bd_addr_t addr);
* @brief Registers BNEP service, set a maximum frame size and assigns a packet handler. On embedded systems, use NULL for connection parameter.
void bnep_register_service(void * connection, uint16_t service_uuid, uint16_t max_frame_size);
* @brief Unregister BNEP service.
void bnep_unregister_service(uint16_t service_uuid);
<a name ="appendix:api_gap"></a>
* @brief Enable/disable bonding. Default is enabled.
* @param enabled
void gap_set_bondable_mode(int enabled);
* @brief Start dedicated bonding with device. Disconnect after bonding.
* @param device
* @param request MITM protection
* @return error, if max num acl connections active
int gap_dedicated_bonding(bd_addr_t device, int mitm_protection_required);
gap_security_level_t gap_security_level_for_link_key_type(link_key_type_t link_key_type);
gap_security_level_t gap_security_level(hci_con_handle_t con_handle);
void gap_request_security_level(hci_con_handle_t con_handle, gap_security_level_t level);
int gap_mitm_protection_required_for_security_level(gap_security_level_t level);
* @brief Sets local name.
* @note has to be done before stack starts up
* @param name is not copied, make sure memory is accessible during stack startup
void gap_set_local_name(const char * local_name);
<a name ="appendix:api_sm"></a>
* @brief Security Manager event
typedef struct sm_event {
uint8_t type; ///< See <btstack/hci_cmds.h> SM_...
uint8_t addr_type;
bd_addr_t address;
uint32_t passkey; ///< only used for SM_PASSKEY_DISPLAY_NUMBER
uint16_t le_device_db_index; ///< only used for SM_IDENTITY_RESOLVING_..
uint8_t authorization_result; ///< only use for SM_AUTHORIZATION_RESULT
} sm_event_t;
* @brief Initializes the Security Manager, connects to L2CAP
void sm_init(void);
* @brief Set secret ER key for key generation as described in Core V4.0, Vol 3, Part G, 5.2.2
* @param er
void sm_set_er(sm_key_t er);
* @brief Set secret IR key for key generation as described in Core V4.0, Vol 3, Part G, 5.2.2
void sm_set_ir(sm_key_t ir);
* @brief Registers OOB Data Callback. The callback should set the oob_data and return 1 if OOB data is availble
* @param get_oob_data_callback
void sm_register_oob_data_callback( int (*get_oob_data_callback)(uint8_t addres_type, bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t * oob_data));
* @brief Registers packet handler. Called by att_server.c
void sm_register_packet_handler(btstack_packet_handler_t handler);
* @brief Limit the STK generation methods. Bonding is stopped if the resulting one isn't in the list
* @param OR combination of SM_STK_GENERATION_METHOD_
void sm_set_accepted_stk_generation_methods(uint8_t accepted_stk_generation_methods);
* @brief Set the accepted encryption key size range. Bonding is stopped if the result isn't within the range
* @param min_size (default 7)
* @param max_size (default 16)
void sm_set_encryption_key_size_range(uint8_t min_size, uint8_t max_size);
* @brief Sets the requested authentication requirements, bonding yes/no, MITM yes/no
* @param OR combination of SM_AUTHREQ_ flags
void sm_set_authentication_requirements(uint8_t auth_req);
* @brief Sets the available IO Capabilities
void sm_set_io_capabilities(io_capability_t io_capability);
* @brief Let Peripheral request an encrypted connection right after connecting
* @note Not used normally. Bonding is triggered by access to protected attributes in ATT Server
void sm_set_request_security(int enable);
* @brief Trigger Security Request
* @note Not used normally. Bonding is triggered by access to protected attributes in ATT Server
void sm_send_security_request(uint16_t handle);
* @brief Decline bonding triggered by event before
* @param addr_type and address
void sm_bonding_decline(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Confirm Just Works bonding
* @param addr_type and address
void sm_just_works_confirm(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Reports passkey input by user
* @param addr_type and address
* @param passkey in [0..999999]
void sm_passkey_input(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address, uint32_t passkey);
* @brief Get encryption key size.
* @param addr_type and address
* @return 0 if not encrypted, 7-16 otherwise
int sm_encryption_key_size(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Get authentication property.
* @param addr_type and address
* @return 1 if bonded with OOB/Passkey (AND MITM protection)
int sm_authenticated(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Queries authorization state.
* @param addr_type and address
* @return authorization_state for the current session
authorization_state_t sm_authorization_state(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Used by att_server.c to request user authorization.
* @param addr_type and address
void sm_request_authorization(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Report user authorization decline.
* @param addr_type and address
void sm_authorization_decline(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Report user authorization grant.
* @param addr_type and address
void sm_authorization_grant(uint8_t addr_type, bd_addr_t address);
* @brief Support for signed writes, used by att_server.
* @note Message and result are in little endian to allows passing in ATT PDU without flipping them first.
int sm_cmac_ready(void);
void sm_cmac_start(sm_key_t k, uint16_t message_len, uint8_t * message, uint32_t sign_counter, void (*done_handler)(uint8_t hash[8]));
* @brief Identify device in LE Device DB.
* @param handle
* @return index from le_device_db or -1 if not found/identified
int sm_le_device_index(uint16_t handle );
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## L2CAP Events
<a name="appendix:events_and_errors"></a>
L2CAP events and data packets are delivered to the packet handler
specified by *l2cap_register_service* resp.
*l2cap_create_channel_internal*. Data packets have the
L2CAP_DATA_PACKET packet type. L2CAP provides the following events:
- L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED - sent if channel establishment is
done. Status not equal zero indicates an error. Possible errors: out
of memory; connection terminated by local host, when the connection
to remote device fails.
- L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED - emitted when channel is closed. No
status information is provided.
- L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION - received when the connection is
requested by remote. Connection accept and decline are performed
with *l2cap_accept_connection_internal* and
*l2cap_decline_connecti-on_internal* respectively.
- L2CAP_EVENT_CREDITS - emitted when there is a chance to send a new
L2CAP packet. BTstack does not buffer packets. Instead, it requires
the application to retry sending if BTstack cannot deliver a packet
to the Bluetooth module. In this case, the l2cap_send_internal
will return an error.
- L2CAP_EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED - Status not equal zero indicates
an error. Possible errors: service is already registered;
MAX_NO_L2CAP_SERVICES (defined in config.h) already registered.
Event Code |Event / Event Parameters (size in bits)
0x70 | L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED<br/> *event(8), len(8), status(8), address(48), handle(16), psm(16), local_cid(16), remote_cid(16), local_mtu(16), remote_mtu(16)*
0x71 | L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED<br/> *event (8), len(8), channel(16)*
0x72 | L2CAP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION<br/> *event(8), len(8), address(48), handle(16), psm (16), local_cid(16), remote_cid (16)*
0x74 | L2CAP_EVENT_CREDITS<br/> *event(8), len(8), local_cid(16), credits(8)*
0x75 | L2CAP_EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED</br> *event(8), len(8), status(8), psm(16)*
## RFCOMM Events
All RFCOMM events and data packets are currently delivered to the packet
handler specified by *rfcomm_register_packet_handler*. Data packets
have the _DATA_PACKET packet type. Here is the list of events provided
- RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION - received when the connection
is requested by remote. Connection accept and decline are performed
with *rfcomm_accept_connection_internal* and
*rfcomm_decline_con-nection_internal* respectively.
- RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED - emitted when channel is closed. No
status information is provided.
establishment is done. Status not equal zero indicates an error.
Possible errors: an L2CAP error, out of memory.
- RFCOMM_EVENT_CREDITS - The application can resume sending when
this even is received. See Section [section:flowcontrol] for more on
RFCOMM credit-based flow-control.
- RFCOMM_EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED - Status not equal zero indicates
an error. Possible errors: service is already registered;
MAX_NO_RFCOMM_SERVICES (defined in config.h) already registered.
Event Code |Event / Event Parameters (size in bits)
0x80 | RFCOMM_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE<br/> *event(8), len(8), status(8), address(48), handle(16), server_channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max_frame_size(16)*
0x81 | RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED<br/> *event(8), len(8), rfcomm_cid(16)*
0x82 | RFCOMM_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION<br/> *event(8), len(8), address(48), channel (8), rfcomm_cid(16)*
0x84 | RFCOMM_EVENT_CREDITS<br/> *event(8), len(8), rfcomm_cid(16), credits(8)*
0x85 | RFCOMM_EVENT_SERVICE_REGISTERED<br/> *event(8), len(8), status(8), rfcomm server channel_id(8)*
## Errors
Error | Error Code
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As well as any other communication stack, BTstack is a collection of
state machines that interact with each other. There is one or more state
machines for each protocol and service that it implements. The rest of
the architecture follows these fundamental design guidelines:
- *Single threaded design* - BTstack does not use or require
multi-threading to handle data sources and timers. Instead, it uses
a single run loop.
- *No blocking anywhere* - If Bluetooth processing is required, its
result will be delivered as an event via registered packet handlers.
- *No artificially limited buffers/pools* - Incoming and outgoing data
packets are not queued.
- *Statically bounded memory (optionally)* - The number of maximum
connections/channels/services can be configured.
Figure [below](#fig:BTstackArchitecture) shows the general architecture of a
BTstack-based single-threaded application that includes the BTstack run loop.
The Main Application contains the application logic, e.g., reading a sensor value and
providing it via the Communication Logic as a SPP Server. The
Communication Logic is often modeled as a finite state machine with
events and data coming from either the Main Application or from BTstack
via registered packet handlers (PH). BTstack’s Run Loop is responsible
for providing timers and processing incoming data.
<a name="fig:BTstackArchitecture"></a>
Single threaded design
BTstack does not use or require multi-threading. It uses a single run
loop to handle data sources and timers. Data sources represent
communication interfaces like an UART or an USB driver. Timers are used
by BTstack to implement various Bluetooth-related timeouts. For example,
to disconnect a Bluetooth baseband channel without an active L2CAP
channel after 20 seconds. They can also be used to handle periodic
events. During a run loop cycle, the callback functions of all
registered data sources are called. Then, the callback functions of
timers that are ready are executed.
For adapting BTstack to multi-threaded environments check [here](integration/#sec:multithreading).
No blocking anywhere
Bluetooth logic is event-driven. Therefore, all BTstack functions are
non-blocking, i.e., all functions that cannot return immediately
implement an asynchronous pattern. If the arguments of a function are
valid, the necessary commands are sent to the Bluetooth chipset and the
function returns with a success value. The actual result is delivered
later as an asynchronous event via registered packet handlers.
If a Bluetooth event triggers longer processing by the application, the
processing should be split into smaller chunks. The packet handler could
then schedule a timer that manages the sequential execution of the
No artificially limited buffers/pools
Incoming and outgoing data packets are not queued. BTstack delivers an
incoming data packet to the application before it receives the next one
from the Bluetooth chipset. Therefore, it relies on the link layer of
the Bluetooth chipset to slow down the remote sender when needed.
Similarly, the application has to adapt its packet generation to the
remote receiver for outgoing data. L2CAP relies on ACL flow control
between sender and receiver. If there are no free ACL buffers in the
Bluetooth module, the application cannot send. For RFCOMM, the mandatory
credit-based flow-control limits the data sending rate additionally. The
application can only send an RFCOMM packet if it has RFCOMM credits.
Statically bounded memory
BTstack has to keep track of services and active connections on the
various protocol layers. The number of maximum
connections/channels/services can be configured. In addition, the
non-persistent database for remote device names and link keys needs
memory and can be be configured, too. These numbers determine the amount
of static memory allocation.
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Load Diff
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In this section, we will describe a number of examples from the
*example/embedded* folder. To allow code-reuse with different platforms
as well as with new ports, the low-level initialization of BTstack and
the hardware configuration has been extracted to the various
*platforms/PLATFORM/main.c* files. The examples only contain the
platform-independent Bluetooth logic. But let’s have a look at the
common init code.
Listing [below](#lst:btstackInit) shows a minimal platform setup for an
embedded system with a Bluetooth chipset connected via UART.
<a name="lst:btstackInit"></a>
int main(){
// ... hardware init: watchdoch, IOs, timers, etc...
// setup BTstack memory pools
// select embedded run loop
hci_dump_open(NULL, HCI_DUMP_STDOUT);
// init HCI
hci_transport_t * transport = hci_transport_h4_dma_instance();
remote_device_db_t * remote_db = (remote_device_db_t *) &remote_device_db_memory;
hci_init(transport, NULL, NULL, remote_db);
// setup example
btstack_main(argc, argv);
// go
First, BTstack’s memory pools are setup up. Then, the standard run loop
implementation for embedded systems is selected.
The call to *hci_dump_open* configures BTstack to output all Bluetooth
packets and it’s own debug and error message via printf. The Python
script *tools/create_packet_log.py* can be used to convert the console
output into a Bluetooth PacketLogger format that can be opened by the OS
X PacketLogger tool as well as by Wireshark for further inspection. When
asking for help, please always include a log created with HCI dump.
The *hci_init* function sets up HCI to use the HCI H4 Transport
implementation. It doesn’t provide a special transport configuration nor
a special implementation for a particular Bluetooth chipset. It makes
use of the *remote_device_db_memory* implementation that allows for
re-connects without a new pairing but doesn’t persist the bonding
Finally, it calls *btstack_main()* of the actual example before
executing the run loop.
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BTstack implements a set of basic Bluetooth protocols. To make use of
these to connect to other devices or to provide own services, BTstack
has to be properly configured during application startup.
In the following, we provide an overview of the memory management, the
run loop, and services that are necessary to setup BTstack. From the
point when the run loop is executed, the application runs as a finite
state machine, which processes events received from BTstack. BTstack
groups events logically and provides them over packet handlers, of which
an overview is provided here. Finally, we describe the RFCOMM
credit-based flow-control, which may be necessary for
resource-constraint devices.
Memory configuration <a name ="sec:memory_configuration"></a>
The structs for services, active connections and remote devices can be
allocated in two different manners:
- statically from an individual memory pool, whose maximal number of
elements is defined in the config file. To initialize the static
pools, you need to call *btstack_memory_init* function. An example
of memory configuration for a single SPP service with a minimal
L2CAP MTU is shown in Listing [below](#lst:memoryConfigurationSPP).
- dynamically using the *malloc/free* functions, if HAVE_MALLOC is
defined in config file.
<a name "lst:memoryConfigurationSPP"></a>
<!-- -->
If both HAVE_MALLOC and maximal size of a pool are defined in the
config file, the statical allocation will take precedence. In case that
both are omitted, an error will be raised.
The memory is set up by calling *btstack_memory_init* function:
<!-- -->
Run loop <a name"sec:run_loop"></a>
BTstack uses a run loop to handle incoming data and to schedule work.
The run loop handles events from two different types of sources: data
sources and timers. Data sources represent communication interfaces like
an UART or an USB driver. Timers are used by BTstack to implement
various Bluetooth-related timeouts. They can also be used to handle
periodic events.
Data sources and timers are represented by the *data_source_t* and
*timer_source_t* structs respectively. Each of these structs contain a
linked list node and a pointer to a callback function. All active timers
and data sources are kept in link lists. While the list of data sources
is unsorted, the timers are sorted by expiration timeout for efficient
The complete run loop cycle looks like this: first, the callback
function of all registered data sources are called in a round robin way.
Then, the callback functions of timers that are ready are executed.
Finally, it will be checked if another run loop iteration has been
requested by an interrupt handler. If not, the run loop will put the MCU
into sleep mode.
Incoming data over the UART, USB, or timer ticks will generate an
interrupt and wake up the microcontroller. In order to avoid the
situation where a data source becomes ready just before the run loop
enters sleep mode, an interrupt-driven data source has to call the
*embedded_trigger* function. The call to *embedded_trigger* sets an
internal flag that is checked in the critical section just before
entering sleep mode.
Timers are single shot: a timer will be removed from the timer list
before its event handler callback is executed. If you need a periodic
timer, you can re-register the same timer source in the callback
function, as shown in Listing [PeriodicTimerHandler]. Note that BTstack
expects to get called periodically to keep its time, see Section
[section:timeAbstraction] for more on the tick hardware abstraction.
The run loop is set up by calling *run_loop_init* function for
embedded systems:
<!-- -->
The Run loop API is provided in Appendix [appendix:api~r~un~l~oop]. To
enable the use of timers, make sure that you defined HAVE_TICK in the
config file.
In your code, you’ll have to configure the run loop before you start it
as shown in Listing [listing:btstackInit]. The application can register
data sources as well as timers, e.g., periodical sampling of sensors, or
communication over the UART.
BTstack initialization <a nam="sec:btstack_initialization"></a>
To initialize BTstack you need to initialize the memory and the run loop
as explained in Sections [section:memory~c~onfiguration] and
[section:run~l~oop] respectively, then setup HCI and all needed higher
level protocols.
The HCI initialization has to adapt BTstack to the used platform and
requires four arguments. These are:
- *Bluetooth hardware control*: The Bluetooth hardware control API can
provide the HCI layer with a custom initialization script, a
vendor-specific baud rate change command, and system power
notifications. It is also used to control the power mode of the
Bluetooth module, i.e., turning it on/off and putting to sleep. In
addition, it provides an error handler *hw_error* that is called
when a Hardware Error is reported by the Bluetooth module. The
callback allows for persistent logging or signaling of this failure.
Overall, the struct *bt_control_t* encapsulates common
functionality that is not covered by the Bluetooth specification. As
an example, the *bt_con-trol_cc256x_in-stance* function returns a
pointer to a control struct suitable for the CC256x chipset.
<!-- -->
bt_control_t * control = bt_control_cc256x_instance();
- *HCI Transport implementation*: On embedded systems, a Bluetooth
module can be connected via USB or an UART port. BTstack implements
two UART based protocols: HCI UART Transport Layer (H4) and H4 with
eHCILL support, a lightweight low-power variant by Texas
Instruments. These are accessed by linking the appropriate file (
resp. and then getting a pointer to HCI Transport implementation.
For more information on adapting HCI Transport to different
environments, see Section [section:hci~t~ransport].
<!-- -->
hci_transport_t * transport = hci_transport_h4_dma_instance();
- *HCI Transport configuration*: As the configuration of the UART used
in the H4 transport interface are not standardized, it has to be
provided by the main application to BTstack. In addition to the
initial UART baud rate, the main baud rate can be specified. The HCI
layer of BTstack will change the init baud rate to the main one
after the basic setup of the Bluetooth module. A baud rate change
has to be done in a coordinated way at both HCI and hardware level.
First, the HCI command to change the baud rate is sent, then it is
necessary to wait for the confirmation event from the Bluetooth
module. Only now, can the UART baud rate changed. As an example, the
CC256x has to be initialized at 115200 and can then be used at
higher speeds.
<!-- -->
hci_uart_config_t* config = hci_uart_config_cc256x_instance();
- *Persistent storage* - specifies where to persist data like link
keys or remote device names. This commonly requires platform
specific code to access the MCU’s EEPROM of Flash storage. For the
first steps, BTstack provides a (non) persistent store in memory.
For more see [here](#sec:persistent_storage).
<!-- -->
remote_device_db_t * remote_db = &remote_device_db_memory;
After these are ready, HCI is initialized like this:
<!-- -->
hci_init(transport, config, control, remote_db);
The higher layers only rely on BTstack and are initialized by calling
the respective *\*_init* function. These init functions register
themselves with the underlying layer. In addition, the application can
register packet handlers to get events and data as explained in the
following section.
One important construct of BTstack is *service*. A service represents a
server side component that handles incoming connections. So far, BTstack
provides L2CAP and RFCOMM services. An L2CAP service handles incoming
connections for an L2CAP channel and is registered with its protocol
service multiplexer ID (PSM). Similarly, an RFCOMM service handles
incoming RFCOMM connections and is registered with the RFCOMM channel
ID. Outgoing connections require no special registration, they are
created by the application when needed.
Where to get data - packet handlers <a name="sec:packetHandlers"></a>
After the hardware and BTstack are set up, the run loop is entered. From
now on everything is event driven. The application calls BTstack
functions, which in turn may send commands to the Bluetooth module. The
resulting events are delivered back to the application. Instead of
writing a single callback handler for each possible event (as it is done
in some other Bluetooth stacks), BTstack groups events logically and
provides them over a single generic interface. Appendix
[Events and Errors](generated/appendix/#events_and_errors)
summarizes the parameters and event
codes of L2CAP and RFCOMM events, as well as possible errors and the
corresponding error codes.
Here is summarized list of packet handlers that an application might
- HCI packet handler - handles HCI and general BTstack events if L2CAP
is not used (rare case).
- L2CAP packet handler - handles HCI and general BTstack events.
- L2CAP service packet handler - handles incoming L2CAP connections,
i.e., channels initiated by the remote.
- L2CAP channel packet handler - handles outgoing L2CAP connections,
i.e., channels initiated internally.
- RFCOMM packet handler - handles RFCOMM incoming/outgoing events and
------------------------------ --------------------------------------
Packet Handler Registering Function
HCI packet handler *hci_register_packet_handler*
L2CAP packet handler *l2cap_register_packet_handler*
L2CAP service packet handler *l2cap_register_service_internal*
L2CAP channel packet handler *l2cap_create_channel_internal*
RFCOMM packet handler *rfcomm_register_packet_handler*
------------------------------ --------------------------------------
These handlers are registered with the functions listed in Table
HCI and general BTstack events are delivered to the packet handler
specified by *l2cap_register_packet_handler* function, or
*hci_register_packet_handler*, if L2CAP is not used. In L2CAP,
BTstack discriminates incoming and outgoing connections, i.e., event and
data packets are delivered to different packet handlers. Outgoing
connections are used access remote services, incoming connections are
used to provide services. For incoming connections, the packet handler
specified by *l2cap_register_service* is used. For outgoing
connections, the handler provided by *l2cap_create_channel_internal*
is used. Currently, RFCOMM provides only a single packet handler
specified by *rfcomm_register_packet_handler* for all RFCOMM
connections, but this will be fixed in the next API overhaul.
The application can register a single shared packet handler for all
protocols and services, or use separate packet handlers for each
protocol layer and service. A shared packet handler is often used for
stack initialization and connection management.
Separate packet handlers can be used for each L2CAP service and outgoing
connection. For example, to connect with a Bluetooth HID keyboard, your
application could use three packet handlers: one to handle HCI events
during discovery of a keyboard registered by
*l2cap_register_packet_handler*; one that will be registered to an
outgoing L2CAP channel to connect to keyboard and to receive keyboard
data registered by *l2cap_create_channel_internal*; after that
keyboard can reconnect by itself. For this, you need to register L2CAP
services for the HID Control and HID Interrupt PSMs using
*l2cap_register_service_internal*. In this call, you’ll also specify
a packet handler to accept and receive keyboard data.
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Thanks for checking out BTstack! In this manual, we first provide a 'quick starter guide' for common platforms before highlighting BTstack's main design choices and go over all implemented protocols and profiles. A series of examples show how BTstack can be used to implement common
use cases. Finally, we outline the basic steps when integrating BTstack into existing single-threaded or even multi-threaded environments. The changes in the documentation are listed in the [Revision History](revision_history).
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While the run loop provided by BTstack is sufficient for new designs,
BTstack is often used with or added to existing projects. In this case,
the run loop, data sources, and timers may need to be adapted. The
following two sections provides a guideline for single and
multi-threaded environments.
To simplify the discussion, we’ll consider an application split into
“Main ”, “Communication Logic”, and “BTstack”. The Communication Logic
contains the packet handler (PH) that handles all asynchronous events
and data packets from BTstack. The Main Application makes use of the
Communication Logic for its Bluetooth communication.
Adapting BTstack for Single-Threaded Environments
<a name="sec:singlethreading"></a>
In a single-threaded environment, all application components run on the
same (single) thread and use direct function calls as shown in Figure [below](#fig:BTstackSingle).
<a name="fig:BTstackSingle"></a>

BTstack provides a basic run loop that supports the concept of data
sources and timers, which can be registered centrally. This works well
when working with a small MCU and without an operating system. To adapt
to a basic operating system or a different scheduler, BTstack’s run loop
can be implemented based on the functions and mechanism of the existing
Currently, we have two examples for this:
- *run_loop_cocoa.c* is an implementation for the CoreFoundation
Framework used in OS X and iOS. All run loop functions are
implemented in terms of CoreFoundation calls, data sources and
timers are modeled as CFSockets and CFRunLoopTimer respectively.
- *run_loop_posix.c* is an implementation for POSIX compliant
systems. The data sources are modeled as file descriptors and
managed in a linked list. Then, the*select* function is used to wait
for the next file descriptor to become ready or timer to expire.
Adapting BTstack for Multi-Threaded Environments
<a name="sec:multithreading"></a>
The basic execution model of BTstack is a general while loop. Aside from
interrupt-driven UART and timers, everything happens in sequence. When
using BTstack in a multi-threaded environment, this assumption has to
stay valid - at least with respect to BTstack. For this, there are two
common options:
- The Communication Logic is implemented on a dedicated BTstack
thread, and the Main Application communicates with the BTstack
thread via application-specific messages over an Interprocess
Communication (IPC). This option results in less code and quick

- BTstack must be extended to run standalone, i.e, as a Daemon, on a
dedicated thread and the Main Application controls this daemon via
BTstack extended HCI command over IPC - this is used for the
non-embedded version of BTstack e.g., on the iPhone.
This option requires more code but provides more flexibility.

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In this section, we highlight the BTstack components that need to be
adjusted for different hardware platforms.
Time Abstraction Layer
<a name="sec:timeAbstraction"></a>
BTstack requires a way to learn about passing time.
*run_loop_embedded.c* supports two different modes: system ticks or a
system clock with millisecond resolution. BTstack’s timing requirements
are quite low as only Bluetooth timeouts in the second range need to be
### Tick Hardware Abstraction
<a name="sec:tickAbstraction"></a>
If your platform doesn’t require a system clock or if you already have a
system tick (as it is the default with CMSIS on ARM Cortex devices), you
can use that to implement BTstack’s time abstraction in
For this, you need to define *HAVE_TICK* in *btstack-config.h*:
#define HAVE_TICK
Then, you need to implement the functions *hal_tick_init* and
*hal_tick_set_handler*, which will be called during the
initialization of the run loop.
void hal_tick_init(void);
void hal_tick_set_handler(void (*tick_handler)(void));
int hal_tick_get_tick_period_in_ms(void);
After BTstack calls *hal_tick_init()* and
*hal_tick_set_handler(tick_handler)*, it expects that the
*tick_handler* gets called every
*hal_tick_get_tick_period_in_ms()* ms.
### Time MS Hardware Abstraction
<a name="sec:timeMSAbstraction"></a>
If your platform already has a system clock or it is more convenient to
provide such a clock, you can use the Time MS Hardware Abstraction in
For this, you need to define *HAVE_TIME_MS* in *btstack-config.h*:
#define HAVE_TIME_MS
Then, you need to implement the function *hal_time_ms()*, which will
be called from BTstack’s run loop and when setting a timer for the
future. It has to return the time in milliseconds.
uint32_t hal_time_ms(void);
Bluetooth Hardware Control API
<a name="sec:bt_hw_control"></a>
The Bluetooth hardware control API can provide the HCI layer with a
custom initialization script, a vendor-specific baud rate change
command, and system power notifications. It is also used to control the
power mode of the Bluetooth module, i.e., turning it on/off and putting
to sleep. In addition, it provides an error handler *hw_error* that is
called when a Hardware Error is reported by the Bluetooth module. The
callback allows for persistent logging or signaling of this failure.
Overall, the struct *bt_control_t* encapsulates common functionality
that is not covered by the Bluetooth specification. As an example, the
*bt_control_cc256x_in-stance* function returns a pointer to a control
struct suitable for the CC256x chipset.
HCI Transport Implementation
<a name="sec:hci_transport"></a>
On embedded systems, a Bluetooth module can be connected via USB or an
UART port. BTstack implements two UART based protocols for carrying HCI
commands, events and data between a host and a Bluetooth module: HCI
UART Transport Layer (H4) and H4 with eHCILL support, a lightweight
low-power variant by Texas Instruments.
### HCI UART Transport Layer (H4)
<a name="sec:hciUART"></a>
Most embedded UART interfaces operate on the byte level and generate a
processor interrupt when a byte was received. In the interrupt handler,
common UART drivers then place the received data in a ring buffer and
set a flag for further processing or notify the higher-level code, i.e.,
in our case the Bluetooth stack.
Bluetooth communication is packet-based and a single packet may contain
up to 1021 bytes. Calling a data received handler of the Bluetooth stack
for every byte creates an unnecessary overhead. To avoid that, a
Bluetooth packet can be read as multiple blocks where the amount of
bytes to read is known in advance. Even better would be the use of
on-chip DMA modules for these block reads, if available.
The BTstack UART Hardware Abstraction Layer API reflects this design
approach and the underlying UART driver has to implement the following
void hal_uart_dma_init(void);
void hal_uart_dma_set_block_received(void (*block_handler)(void));
void hal_uart_dma_set_block_sent(void (*block_handler)(void));
int hal_uart_dma_set_baud(uint32_t baud);
void hal_uart_dma_send_block(const uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len);
void hal_uart_dma_receive_block(uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t len);
The main HCI H4 implementations for embedded system is
*hci_h4_transport-_dma* function. This function calls the following
sequence: *hal_uart_dma_init*, *hal_uart_dma_set_block_received*
and *hal_uart_dma_set_block_sent* functions. this sequence, the HCI
layer will start packet processing by calling
*hal_uart-_dma_receive_block* function. The HAL implementation is
responsible for reading the requested amount of bytes, stopping incoming
data via the RTS line when the requested amount of data was received and
has to call the handler. By this, the HAL implementation can stay
generic, while requiring only three callbacks per HCI packet.
### H4 with eHCILL support
With the standard H4 protocol interface, it is not possible for either
the host nor the baseband controller to enter a sleep mode. Besides the
official H5 protocol, various chip vendors came up with proprietary
solutions to this. The eHCILL support by Texas Instruments allows both
the host and the baseband controller to independently enter sleep mode
without loosing their synchronization with the HCI H4 Transport Layer.
In addition to the IRQ-driven block-wise RX and TX, eHCILL requires a
callback for CTS interrupts.
void hal_uart_dma_set_cts_irq_handler(void(*cts_irq_handler)(void));
void hal_uart_dma_set_sleep(uint8_t sleep);
Persistent Storage API
<a name="sec:persistent_storage"></a>
On embedded systems there is no generic way to persist data like link
keys or remote device names, as every type of a device has its own
capabilities, particularities and limitations. The persistent storage
API provides an interface to implement concrete drivers for a particular
system. As an example and for testing purposes, BTstack provides the
memory-only implementation *remote_device_db_memory*. An
implementation has to conform to the interface in Listing [below](#lst:persistentDB).
<a name="lst:persistentDB"></a>
typedef struct {
// management
void (*open)();
void (*close)();
// link key
int (*get_link_key)(bd_addr_t bd_addr, link_key_t link_key);
void (*put_link_key)(bd_addr_t bd_addr, link_key_t key);
void (*delete_link_key)(bd_addr_t bd_addr);
// remote name
int (*get_name)(bd_addr_t bd_addr, device_name_t *device_name);
void(*put_name)(bd_addr_t bd_addr, device_name_t *device_name);
void(*delete_name)(bd_addr_t bd_addr);
} remote_device_db_t;
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In the following, we explain how the various Bluetooth profiles are used
in BTstack.
GAP - Generic Access Profile: Classic
The GAP profile defines how devices find each other and establish a
secure connection for other profiles. As mentioned before, the GAP
functionality is split between and . Please check both.
### Become discoverable
A remote unconnected Bluetooth device must be set as “discoverable” in
order to be seen by a device performing the inquiry scan. To become
discoverable, an application can call *hci_discoverable_control* with
input parameter 1. If you want to provide a helpful name for your
device, the application can set its local name by calling
$gap_set_local_name$. To save energy, you may set the device as
undiscoverable again, once a connection is established. See Listing
[below](#lst:Discoverable) for an example.
<a name="lst:Discoverable"></a>
int main(void){
// make discoverable
return 0;
void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
// if connection is successful, make device undiscoverable
### Discover remote devices {#section:DiscoverRemoteDevices}
To scan for remote devices, the *hci_inquiry* command is used. Found
remote devices are reported as a part of HCI_EVENT_INQUIRY_RESULT,
HCI_EVENT_EXTENDED_INQUIRY_RESPONSE events. Each response contains
at least the Bluetooth address, the class of device, the page scan
repetition mode, and the clock offset of found device. The latter events
add information about the received signal strength or provide the
Extended Inquiry Result (EIR). A code snippet is shown in Listing
<a name="lst:DiscoverDevices"></a>
void print_inquiry_results(uint8_t *packet){
int event = packet[0];
int numResponses = packet[2];
uint16_t classOfDevice, clockOffset;
uint8_t rssi, pageScanRepetitionMode;
for (i=0; i<numResponses; i++){
bt_flip_addr(addr, &packet[3+i*6]);
pageScanRepetitionMode = packet [3 + numResponses*6 + i];
classOfDevice = READ_BT_24(packet, 3 + numResponses*(6+1+1+1) + i*3);
clockOffset = READ_BT_16(packet, 3 + numResponses*(6+1+1+1+3) + i*2) & 0x7fff;
rssi = 0;
} else {
classOfDevice = READ_BT_24(packet, 3 + numResponses*(6+1+1) + i*3);
clockOffset = READ_BT_16(packet, 3 + numResponses*(6+1+1+3) + i*2) & 0x7fff;
rssi = packet [3 + numResponses*(6+1+1+3+2) + i*1];
printf("Device found: %s with COD: 0x%06x, pageScan %u, clock offset 0x%04x, rssi 0x%02x\n", bd_addr_to_str(addr), classOfDevice, pageScanRepetitionMode, clockOffset, rssi);
void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
switch (event) {
hci_send_cmd(&hci_write_inquiry_mode, 0x01); // with RSSI
if (COMMAND_COMPLETE_EVENT(packet, hci_write_inquiry_mode) ) {
if (COMMAND_STATUS_EVENT(packet, hci_write_inquiry_mode) ) {
printf("Ignoring error (0x%x) from hci_write_inquiry_mode.\n", packet[2]);
hci_send_cmd(&hci_inquiry, HCI_INQUIRY_LAP, INQUIRY_INTERVAL, 0);
By default, neither RSSI values nor EIR are reported. If the Bluetooth
device implements Bluetooth Specification 2.1 or higher, the
*hci_write_inquiry_mode* command enables reporting of this advanced
features (0 for standard results, 1 for RSSI, 2 for RSSI and EIR).
A complete GAP inquiry example is provided [here](examples/#gapinquiry).
### Pairing of Devices
By default, Bluetooth communication is not authenticated, and any device
can talk to any other device. A Bluetooth device (for example, cellular
phone) may choose to require authentication to provide a particular
service (for example, a Dial-Up service). The process of establishing
authentication is called pairing. Bluetooth provides two mechanism for
On Bluetooth devices that conform to the Bluetooth v2.0 or older
specification, a PIN code (up to 16 bytes ASCII) has to be entered on
both sides. This isn’t optimal for embedded systems that do not have
full I/O capabilities. To support pairing with older devices using a
PIN, see Listing [below](#lst:PinCodeRequest).
<a name="lst:PinCodeRequest"></a>
void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
switch (event) {
// inform about pin code request
printf("Pin code request - using '0000'\n\r");
bt_flip_addr(bd_addr, &packet[2]);
// baseband address, pin length, PIN: c-string
hci_send_cmd(&hci_pin_code_request_reply, &bd_addr, 4, "0000");
The Bluetooth v2.1 specification introduces Secure Simple Pairing (SSP),
which is a better approach as it both improves security and is better
adapted to embedded systems. With SSP, the devices first exchange their
IO Capabilities and then settle on one of several ways to verify that
the pairing is legitimate. If the Bluetooth device supports SSP, BTstack
enables it by default and even automatically accepts SSP pairing
requests. Depending on the product in which BTstack is used, this may
not be desired and should be replaced with code to interact with the
Regardless of the authentication mechanism (PIN/SSP), on success, both
devices will generate a link key. The link key can be stored either in
the Bluetooth module itself or in a persistent storage, see [here](#examples/#persistent_storage).
The next time the device connects and
requests an authenticated connection, both devices can use the
previously generated link key. Please note that the pairing must be
repeated if the link key is lost by one device.
### Dedicated Bonding
Aside from the regular bonding, Bluetooth also provides the concept of
“dedicated bonding”, where a connection is established for the sole
purpose of bonding the device. After the bonding process is over, the
connection will be automatically terminated. BTstack supports dedicated
bonding via the *gap_dedicated_bonding* function.
SPP - Serial Port Profile
The SPP profile defines how to set up virtual serial ports and connect
two Bluetooth enabled devices.
### Accessing an SPP Server on a remote device
To access a remote SPP server, you first need to query the remote device
for its SPP services. Section [subsection:querysdp] shows how to query
for all RFCOMM channels. For SPP, you can do the same but use the SPP
UUID 0x1101 for the query. After you have identified the correct RFCOMM
channel, you can create an RFCOMM connection as shown in Section
### Providing an SPP Server
To provide an SPP Server, you need to provide an RFCOMM service with a
specific RFCOMM channel number as explained in Section
[section:rfcomm~s~ervice]. Then, you need to create an SDP record for it
and publish it with the SDP server by calling
*sdp_register_service_internal*. BTstack provides the
*sdp_create_spp_service* function in that requires an empty buffer of
approximately 200 bytes, the service channel number, and a service name.
Have a look at the SPP Counter example in Section [example:sppcounter].
PAN - Personal Area Networking Profile {#section:pan_profile}
The PAN profile uses BNEP to provide on-demand networking capabilities
between Bluetooth devices. The PAN profile defines the following roles:
- PAN User (PANU)
- Network Access Point (NAP)
- Group Ad-hoc Network (GN)
PANU is a Bluetooth device that communicates as a client with GN, or
NAP, or with another PANU Bluetooth device, through a point-to-point
connection. Either the PANU or the other Bluetooth device may terminate
the connection at anytime.
NAP is a Bluetooth device that provides the service of routing network
packets between PANU by using BNEP and the IP routing mechanism. A NAP
can also act as a bridge between Bluetooth networks and other network
technologies by using the Ethernet packets.
The GN role enables two or more PANUs to interact with each other
through a wireless network without using additional networking hardware.
The devices are connected in a piconet where the GN acts as a master and
communicates either point-to-point or a point-to-multipoint with a
maximum of seven PANU slaves by using BNEP.
Currently, BTstack supports only PANU.
### Accessing a remote PANU service
To access a remote PANU service, you first need perform an SDP query to
get the L2CAP PSM for the requested PANU UUID. With these two pieces of
information, you can connect BNEP to the remote PANU service with the
*bnep_connect* function. The PANU Demo example in Section
[example:panudemo] shows how this is accomplished.
### Providing a PANU service
To provide a PANU service, you need to provide a BNEP service with the
service UUID, e.g. the PANU UUID, and a a maximal ethernet frame size,
as explained in Section [subsubsection:bnepserver]. Then, you need to
create an SDP record for it and publish it with the SDP server by
calling *sdp_register_service_internal*. BTstack provides the
*pan_create_panu_service* function in *src/pan.c* that requires an
empty buffer of approximately 200 bytes, a description, and a security
GAP LE - Generic Access Profile for Low Energy
As with GAP for Classic, the GAP LE profile defines how to discover and
how to connect to a Bluetooth Low Energy device. There are several GAP
roles that a Bluetooth device can take, but the most important ones are
the Central and the Peripheral role. Peripheral devices are those that
provide information or can be controlled. Central devices are those that
consume information or control the peripherals. Before the connection
can be established, devices are first going through an advertising
### Private addresses.
To better protect privacy, an LE device can choose to use a private i.e.
random Bluetooth address. This address changes at a user-specified rate.
To allow for later reconnection, the central and peripheral devices will
exchange their Identity Resolving Keys (IRKs) during bonding. The IRK is
used to verify if a new address belongs to a previously bonded device.
To toggle privacy mode using private addresses, call the
*gap_random_address_set_mode* function. The update period can be set
with *gap_random_address_set_update_period*.
After a connection is established, the Security Manager will try to
resolve the peer Bluetooth address as explained in Section
### Advertising and Discovery
An LE device is discoverable and connectable, only if it periodically
sends out Advertisements. An advertisement contains up to 31 bytes of
data. To configure and enable advertisement broadcast, the following HCI
commands can be used:
- *hci_le_set_advertising_data*
- *hci_le_set_advertising_parameters*
- *hci_le_set_advertise_enable*
As these are direct HCI commands, please refer to Section
[subsubsection:sendinghci] for details and have a look at the SPP and LE
Counter example in Section [example:sppandlecounter].
In addition to the Advertisement data, a device in the peripheral role
can also provide Scan Response data, which has to be explicitly queried
by the central device. It can be provided with the
The scan parameters can be set with
*le_central_set_scan_parameters*. The scan can be started/stopped
with *le_central_start_scan*/*le_central_stop_scan*.
Finally, if a suitable device is found, a connection can be initiated by
calling *le_central_connect*. In contrast to Bluetooth classic, there
is no timeout for an LE connection establishment. To cancel such an
attempt, *le_central_connect_cancel* has be be called.
By default, a Bluetooth device stops sending Advertisements when it gets
into the Connected state. However, it does not start broadcasting
advertisements on disconnect again. To re-enable it, please send the
*hci_le_set_advertise_enable* again .
GATT - Generic Attribute Profile
The GATT profile uses ATT Attributes to represent a hierarchical
structure of GATT Services and GATT Characteristics. Each Service has
one or more Characteristics. Each Characteristic has meta data attached
like its type or its properties. This hierarchy of Characteristics and
Services are queried and modified via ATT operations.
GATT defines both a server and a client role. A device can implement one
or both GATT roles.
### GATT Client {#section:GATTClient}
The GATT Client is used to discover services, and their characteristics
and descriptors on a peer device. It can also subscribe for
notifications or indications that the characteristic on the GATT server
has changed its value.
To perform GATT queries, provides a rich interface. Before calling
queries, the GATT client must be initialized with *gatt_client_init*
To allow for modular profile implementations, GATT client can be used
independently by multiple entities.
To use it by a GATT client, you register a packet handler with
*gatt_client_register_packet_ handler*. The return value of that is
a GATT client ID which has to be provided in all queries.
After an LE connection was created using the GAP LE API, you can query
for the connection MTU with *gatt_client_get_mtu*.
GATT queries cannot be interleaved. Therefore, you can check if you can
perform a GATT query on a particular connection using
*gatt_client_is_ready*. As a result to a GATT query, zero to many
*le_event*s are returned before a *GATT_QUERY_COMPLETE* event
completes the query.
For more details on the available GATT queries, please consult Appendix
### GATT Server {#section:GATTServer}
The GATT server stores data and accepts GATT client requests, commands
and confirmations. The GATT server sends responses to requests and when
configured, sends indication and notifications asynchronously to the
GATT client.
To save on both code space and memory, BTstack does not provide a GATT
Server implementation. Instead, a textual description of the GATT
profile is directly converted into a compact internal ATT Attribute
database by a GATT profile compiler. The ATT protocol server -
implemented by and - answers incoming ATT requests based on information
provided in the compiled database and provides read- and write-callbacks
for dynamic attributes.
GATT profiles are defined by a simple textual comma separated value
(.csv) representation. While the description is easy to read and edit,
it is compact and can be placed in ROM.
The current format is:
Properties can be a list of READ $|$ WRITE $|$ WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE
Value can either be a string (“this is a string”), or, a sequence of hex
bytes (e.g. 01 02 03).
UUIDs are either 16 bit (1800) or 128 bit
Reads/writes to a Characteristic that is defined with the DYNAMIC flag,
are forwarded to the application via callback. Otherwise, the
Characteristics cannot be written and it will return the specified
constant value.
Adding NOTIFY and/or INDICATE automatically creates an addition Client
Configuration Characteristic.
To require encryption or authentication before a Characteristic can be
accessed, you can add ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE_X - with $X \in [7..16]$ -
BTstack only provides an ATT Server, while the GATT Server logic is
mainly provided by the GATT compiler. While GATT identifies
Characteristics by UUIDs, ATT uses Handles (16 bit values). To allow to
identify a Characteristic without hard-coding the attribute ID, the GATT
compiler creates a list of defines in the generated \*.h file.
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BTstack is a modular dual-mode Bluetooth stack, supporting both
Bluetooth Basic Rate/Enhanced Date Rate (BR/EDR) as well as Bluetooth
Low Energy (LE). The BR/EDR technology, also known as Classic Bluetooth,
provides a robust wireless connection between devices designed for high
data rates. In contrast, the LE technology has a lower throughput but
also lower energy consumption, faster connection setup, and the ability
to connect to more devices in parallel.
Whether Classic or LE, a Bluetooth device implements one or more
Bluetooth profiles. A Bluetooth profile specifies how one or more
Bluetooth protocols are used to achieve its goals. For example, every
Bluetooth device must implement the Generic Access Profile (GAP), which
defines how devices find each other and how they establish a connection.
This profile mainly make use of the Host Controller Interface (HCI)
protocol, the lowest protocol in the stack hierarchy which implements a
command interface to the Bluetooth chipset.
In addition to GAP, a popular Classic Bluetooth example would be a
peripheral devices that can be connected via the Serial Port Profile
(SPP). SPP basically specifies that a compatible device should provide a
Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) record containing an RFCOMM channel
number, which will be used for the actual communication.
Similarly, for every LE device, the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
profile must be implemented in addition to GAP. GATT is built on top of
the Attribute Protocol (ATT), and defines how one device can interact
with GATT Services on a remote device.
So far, the most popular use of BTstack is in peripheral devices that
can be connected via SPP (Android 2.0 or higher) and GATT (Android 4.3
or higher, and iOS 5 or higher). If higher data rates are required
between a peripheral and iOS device, the iAP1 and iAP2 protocols of the
Made for iPhone program can be used instead of GATT. Please contact us
directly for information on BTstack and MFi.
In the following, we first explain how the various Bluetooth protocols
are used in BTstack. In the next chapter, we go over the profiles.
<a name="fig:BTstackProtocolArchitecture"></a>

## HCI - Host Controller Interface
The HCI protocol provides a command interface to the Bluetooth chipset.
In BTstack, the HCI implementation also keeps track of all active
connections and handles the fragmentation and re-assembly of higher
layer (L2CAP) packets.
Please note, that an application rarely has to send HCI commands on its
own. Instead, BTstack provides convenience functions in GAP and higher
level protocols use HCI automatically. E.g. to set the name, you can
call *gap_set_local_name()* before powering up. The main use of HCI
commands in application is during the startup phase to configure special
features that are not available via the GAP API yet.
However, as many features of the GAP Classic can be achieved by sending
a single HCI command, not all GAP convenience functions are listed in .
If there’s no special GAP function, please consider sending the HCI
command directly, as explained in the following.
### Defining custom HCI command templates
Each HCI command is assigned a 2-byte OpCode used to uniquely identify
different types of commands. The OpCode parameter is divided into two
fields, called the OpCode Group Field (OGF) and OpCode Command Field
(OCF), see [Bluetooth Specification](https://www.bluetooth.org/Technical/Specifications/adopted.htm) -
Core Version 4.0, Volume 2, Part E, Chapter 5.4.
Listing [below](#lst:hciOGFs) shows the OGFs provided by BTstack in file:
<a name "lst:hciOGFs"></a>
<!-- -->
#define OGF_LINK_CONTROL 0x01
#define OGF_LINK_POLICY 0x02
#define OGF_LE_CONTROLLER 0x08
#define OGF_BTSTACK 0x3d
#define OGF_VENDOR 0x3f
For all existing Bluetooth
commands and their OCFs see [Bluetooth Specification](https://www.bluetooth.org/Technical/Specifications/adopted.htm) -
Core Version 4.0, Volume 2, Part E, Chapter 7.
In a HCI command packet, the OpCode is followed by parameter total
length, and the actual parameters. The OpCode of a command can be
calculated using the OPCODE macro. BTstack provides the *hci_cmd_t*
struct as a compact format to define HCI command packets, see
Listing [below](#lst:HCIcmdTemplate):
<a name "lst:HCIcmdTemplate"></a>
<!-- -->
// Calculate combined ogf/ocf value.
#define OPCODE(ogf, ocf) (ocf | ogf << 10)
// Compact HCI Command packet description.
typedef struct {
uint16_t opcode;
const char *format;
} hci_cmd_t;
Listing [below](#lst:HCIcmdExample) illustrates the *hci_write_local_name* HCI
command template from library:
<a name "lst:HCIcmdExample"></a>
<!-- -->
// Sets local Bluetooth name
const hci_cmd_t hci_write_local_name = {
// Local name (UTF-8, Null Terminated, max 248 octets)
0x13 as OCF, and has one parameter with format “N” indicating a null
terminated UTF-8 string. Table [table:hciformat] lists the format
specifiers supported by BTstack. Check for other predefined HCI commands
and info on their parameters.
------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Format Specifier Description
1,2,3,4 one to four byte value
A 31 bytes advertising data
B Bluetooth Baseband Address
D 8 byte data block
E Extended Inquiry Information 240 octets
H HCI connection handle
N Name up to 248 chars, UTF8 string, null terminated
P 16 byte Pairing code, e.g. PIN code or link key
S Service Record (Data Element Sequence)
------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
### Sending HCI command based on a template
<a name ="sec:sendinghci"></a>
You can use the *hci_send_cmd* function to send HCI command based on a
template and a list of parameters. However, it is necessary to check
that the outgoing packet buffer is empty and that the Bluetooth module
is ready to receive the next command - most modern Bluetooth modules
only allow to send a single HCI command. This can be done by calling
*hci_can_send_command_packet_now()* function, which returns true,
if it is ok to send.
Listing [below](#lst:HCIcmdExampleLocalName) illustrates how to manually set the
device name with the HCI Write Local Name command.
<a name "lst:HCIcmdExampleLocalName"></a>
<!-- -->
if (hci_can_send_packet_now(HCI_COMMAND_DATA_PACKET)){
hci_send_cmd(&hci_write_local_name, "BTstack Demo");
Please note, that an application rarely has to send HCI commands on its
own. Instead, BTstack provides convenience functions in GAP and higher
level protocols use HCI automatically.
L2CAP - Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol
The L2CAP protocol supports higher level protocol multiplexing and
packet fragmentation. It provides the base for the RFCOMM and BNEP
protocols. For all profiles that are officially supported by BTstack,
L2CAP does not need to be used directly. For testing or the development
of custom protocols, it’s helpful to be able to access and provide L2CAP
services however.
### Access an L2CAP service on a remote device
L2CAP is based around the concept of channels. A channel is a logical
connection on top of a baseband connection. Each channel is bound to a
single protocol in a many-to-one fashion. Multiple channels can be bound
to the same protocol, but a channel cannot be bound to multiple
protocols. Multiple channels can share the same baseband connection.
To communicate with an L2CAP service on a remote device, the application
on a local Bluetooth device initiates the L2CAP layer using the
*l2cap_init* function, and then creates an outgoing L2CAP channel to
the PSM of a remote device using the *l2cap_create_channel_internal*
function. The *l2cap_-create_channel_internal* function will initiate
a new baseband connection if it does not already exist. The packet
handler that is given as an input parameter of the L2CAP create channel
function will be assigned to the new outgoing L2CAP channel. This
handler receives the L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_OPENED and
L2CAP_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED events and L2CAP data packets, as shown
in Listing [below](#lst:L2CAPremoteService).
<a name "lst:L2CAPremoteService"></a>
<!-- -->
btstack_packet_handler_t l2cap_packet_handler;
void btstack_setup(){
void create_outgoing_l2cap_channel(bd_addr_t address, uint16_t psm, uint16_t mtu){
l2cap_create_channel_internal(NULL, l2cap_packet_handler, remote_bd_addr, psm, mtu);
void l2cap_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (packet_type == HCI_EVENT_PACKET &&
if (packet[2]) {
printf("Connection failed\n\r");
if (packet_type == L2CAP_DATA_PACKET){
// handle L2CAP data packet
### Provide an L2CAP service
To provide an L2CAP service, the application on a local Bluetooth device
must init the L2CAP layer and register the service with
*l2cap_register_service_internal*. From there on, it can wait for
incoming L2CAP connections. The application can accept or deny an
incoming connection by calling the *l2cap_accept_connection_internal*
and *l2cap_deny_connection_internal* functions respectively. If a
connection is accepted and the incoming L2CAP channel gets successfully
opened, the L2CAP service can send L2CAP data packets to the connected
device with *l2cap_send_internal*.
Sending of L2CAP data packets may fail due to a full internal BTstack
outgoing packet buffer, or if the ACL buffers in the Bluetooth module
become full, i.e., if the application is sending faster than the packets
can be transferred over the air. In such case, the application can try
sending again upon reception of DAEMON_EVENT_HCI_PACKET_SENT or
L2CAP_EVENT_CREDITS event. The first event signals that the internal
BTstack outgoing buffer became free again, the second one signals the
same for ACL buffers in the Bluetooth chipset. Listing [below](#lst:L2CAPService)
provides L2CAP service example code.
<a name "lst:L2CAPService"></a>
<!-- -->
void btstack_setup(){
l2cap_register_service_internal(NULL, packet_handler, 0x11,100);
void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (packet_type == L2CAP_DATA_PACKET){
// handle L2CAP data packet
bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]);
handle = READ_BT_16(packet, 8);
psm = READ_BT_16(packet, 10);
local_cid = READ_BT_16(packet, 12);
printf("L2CAP incoming connection requested.");
bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[3]);
psm = READ_BT_16(packet, 11);
local_cid = READ_BT_16(packet, 13);
handle = READ_BT_16(packet, 9);
if (packet[2] == 0) {
printf("Channel successfully opened.");
} else {
printf("L2CAP connection failed. status code.");
### L2CAP LE - L2CAP Low Energy Protocol
In addition to the full L2CAP implementation in the *src* folder,
BTstack provides an optimized *l2cap_le* implementation in the *ble*
folder. This L2CAP LE variant can be used for single-mode devices and
provides the base for the ATT and SMP protocols.
RFCOMM - Radio Frequency Communication Protocol
The Radio frequency communication (RFCOMM) protocol provides emulation
of serial ports over the L2CAP protocol. and reassembly. It is the base
for the Serial Port Profile and other profiles used for
telecommunication like Head-Set Profile, Hands-Free Profile, Object
Exchange (OBEX) etc.
### RFCOMM flow control.
<a name="sec:flowcontrol"></a>
RFCOMM has a mandatory credit-based flow-control. This means that two
devices that established RFCOMM connection, use credits to keep track of
how many more RFCOMM data packets can be sent to each. If a device has
no (outgoing) credits left, it cannot send another RFCOMM packet, the
transmission must be paused. During the connection establishment,
initial credits are provided. BTstack tracks the number of credits in
both directions. If no outgoing credits are available, the RFCOMM send
function will return an error, and you can try later. For incoming data,
BTstack provides channels and services with and without automatic credit
management via different functions to create/register them respectively.
If the management of credits is automatic, the new credits are provided
when needed relying on ACL flow control - this is only useful if there
is not much data transmitted and/or only one physical connection is
used. If the management of credits is manual, credits are provided by
the application such that it can manage its receive buffers explicitly.
### Access an RFCOMM service on a remote device
<a name="sec:rfcommlient"></a>
To communicate with an RFCOMM service on a remote device, the
application on a local Bluetooth device initiates the RFCOMM layer using
the *rfcomm_init* function, and then creates an outgoing RFCOMM channel
to a given server channel on a remote device using the
*rfcomm_create_channel_internal* function. The
*rfcomm_create_channel_intern-al* function will initiate a new L2CAP
connection for the RFCOMM multiplexer, if it does not already exist. The
channel will automatically provide enough credits to the remote side. To
provide credits manually, you have to create the RFCOMM connection by
calling *rfcomm_create_channel_with_initial_credits_internal* -
see Section [on manual credit assignement](#sec:manualCredits).
The packet handler that is given as an input parameter of the RFCOMM
create channel function will be assigned to the new outgoing channel.
This handler receives the RFCOMM_EVENT_OPEN_CHAN-NEL_COMPLETE and
RFCOMM_EVENT_CHANNEL_CLOSED events, and RFCOMM data packets, as shown in
Listing [below](#lst:RFCOMMremoteService).
<a name "lst:RFCOMMremoteService"></a>
<!-- -->
void init_rfcomm(){
void create_rfcomm_channel(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
rfcomm_create_channel_internal(connection, addr, rfcomm_channel);
void rfcomm_packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (packet_type == HCI_EVENT_PACKET && packet[0] == RFCOMM_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE){
if (packet[2]) {
printf("Connection failed\n\r");
if (packet_type == RFCOMM_DATA_PACKET){
// handle RFCOMM data packets
### Provide an RFCOMM service
<a name="sec:rfcomm_service"></a>
To provide an RFCOMM service, the application on a local Bluetooth
device must first init the L2CAP and RFCOMM layers and then register the
service with *rfcomm_register_service_internal*. From there on, it
can wait for incoming RFCOMM connections. The application can accept or
deny an incoming connection by calling the
*rfcomm_accept_connection_internal* and
*rfcomm_deny_connection_internal* functions respectively. If a
connection is accepted and the incoming RFCOMM channel gets successfully
opened, the RFCOMM service can send RFCOMM data packets to the connected
device with *rfcomm_send_internal* and receive data packets by the
packet handler provided by the *rfcomm_register_service_internal*
Sending of RFCOMM data packets may fail due to a full internal BTstack
outgoing packet buffer, or if the ACL buffers in the Bluetooth module
become full, i.e., if the application is sending faster than the packets
can be transferred over the air. In such case, the application can try
sending again upon reception of DAEMON_EVENT_HCI_PACKET_SENT or
RFCOMM_EVENT_CREDITS event. The first event signals that the internal
BTstack outgoing buffer became free again, the second one signals that
the remote side allowed to send another packet. Listing [below](#lst:RFCOMMService)
provides the RFCOMM service example code.
<a name "lst:RFCOMMService"></a>
<!-- -->
void btstack_setup(){
rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, rfcomm_channel_nr, mtu);
void packet_handler(uint8_t packet_type, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (packet_type == RFCOMM_DATA_PACKET){
// handle RFCOMM data packets
switch (event) {
//data: event(8), len(8), address(48), channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16)
bt_flip_addr(event_addr, &packet[2]);
rfcomm_channel_nr = packet[8];
rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 9);
// data: event(8), len(8), status (8), address (48), handle(16), server channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max frame size(16)
if (packet[2]) {
printf("RFCOMM channel open failed.");
// data: event(8), len(8), status (8), address (48), handle (16), server channel(8), rfcomm_cid(16), max frame size(16)
rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 12);
mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 14);
printf("RFCOMM channel open succeeded.");
printf("Channel closed.");
rfcomm_channel_id = 0;
### Living with a single output buffer
<a name="sec:single_buffer"></a>
Outgoing packets, both commands and data, are not queued in BTstack.
This section explains the consequences of this design decision for
sending data and why it is not as bad as it sounds.
Independent from the number of output buffers, packet generation has to
be adapted to the remote receiver and/or maximal link speed. Therefore,
a packet can only be generated when it can get sent. With this
assumption, the single output buffer design does not impose additional
restrictions. In the following, we show how this is used for adapting
the RFCOMM send rate.
BTstack returns BTSTACK_ACL_BUFFERS_FULL, if the outgoing buffer is
full and RFCOMM_NO_OUTGOING_CREDITS, if no outgoing credits are
available. In Listing [below](#lst:SingleOutputBufferTryToSend), we show how to
resend data packets when credits or outgoing buffers become available.
<a name "lst:SingleOutputBufferTryToSend"></a>
<!-- -->
void prepareData(void){
void tryToSend(void){
if (!dataLen) return;
if (!rfcomm_channel_id) return;
int err = rfcomm_send_internal(rfcomm_channel_id, dataBuffer, dataLen);
switch (err){
case 0:
// packet is sent prepare next one
printf("rfcomm_send_internal() -> err %d\n\r", err);
RFCOMM’s mandatory credit-based flow-control imposes an additional
constraint on sending a data packet - at least one new RFCOMM credit
must be available. BTstack signals the availability of a credit by
sending an RFCOMM credit (RFCOMM_EVENT_CREDITS) event.
These two events represent two orthogonal mechanisms that deal with flow
control. Taking these mechanisms in account, the application should try
to send data packets when one of these two events is received. For a RFCOMM example see
Listing [below](#lst:SingleOutputBufferTryPH).
<a name "lst:SingleOutputBufferTryPH"></a>
<!-- -->
void packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (status) {
printf("RFCOMM channel open failed.");
} else {
rfcomm_channel_id = READ_BT_16(packet, 12);
rfcomm_mtu = READ_BT_16(packet, 14);
printf("RFCOMM channel opened, mtu = %u.", rfcomm_mtu);
rfcomm_channel_id = 0;
If the management of credits is manual, credits are provided by the
application such that it can manage its receive buffers explicitly, see
Listing [below].
<a name "lst:explicitFlowControl"></a>
<!-- -->
void btstack_setup(void){
// init RFCOMM
// reserved channel, mtu=100, 1 credit
rfcomm_register_service_with_initial_credits_internal(NULL, rfcomm_channel_nr, 100, 1);
Manual credit management is recommended when received RFCOMM data cannot
be processed immediately. In the [SPP flow control example](examples/#sec:sppflowcontrol),
delayed processing of received data is
simulated with the help of a periodic timer. To provide new credits, you
call the *rfcomm_grant_credits* function with the RFCOMM channel ID
and the number of credits as shown in Listing [below](#lst:NewCredits).
<a name "lst:NewCredits"></a>
<!-- -->
void processing(){
// process incoming data packet
// provide new credit
rfcomm_grant_credits(rfcomm_channel_id, 1);
Please note that providing single credits effectively reduces the credit-based
(sliding window) flow control to a stop-and-wait flow-control that
limits the data throughput substantially. On the plus side, it allows
for a minimal memory footprint. If possible, multiple RFCOMM buffers
should be used to avoid pauses while the sender has to wait for a new
### Slowing down RFCOMM data reception
<a name="sec:manualCredits"></a>
RFCOMM’s credit-based flow-control can be used to adapt, i.e., slow down
the RFCOMM data to your processing speed. For incoming data, BTstack
provides channels and services with and without automatic credit
management. If the management of credits is automatic, new credits
are provided when needed relying on ACL flow control. This is only
useful if there is not much data transmitted and/or only one physical
connection is used. See Listing [below](#lst:automaticFlowControl).
<a name "lst:automaticFlowControl"></a>
<!-- -->
void btstack_setup(void){
// init RFCOMM
rfcomm_register_service_internal(NULL, rfcomm_channel_nr, 100);
SDP - Service Discovery Protocol
The SDP protocol allows to announce services and discover services
provided by a remote Bluetooth device.
### Create and announce SDP records
BTstack contains a complete SDP server and allows to register SDP
records. An SDP record is a list of SDP Attribute *{ID, Value}* pairs
that are stored in a Data Element Sequence (DES). The Attribute ID is a
16-bit number, the value can be of other simple types like integers or
strings or can itselff contain other DES.
To create an SDP record for an SPP service, you can call
*sdp_create_spp_service* from with a pointer to a buffer to store the
record, the server channel number, and a record name.
For other types of records, you can use the other functions in , using
the data element *de_* functions. Listing [sdpCreate] shows how an SDP
record containing two SDP attributes can be created. First, a DES is
created and then the Service Record Handle and Service Class ID List
attributes are added to it. The Service Record Handle attribute is added
by calling the *de_add_number* function twice: the first time to add
0x0000 as attribute ID, and the second time to add the actual record
handle (here 0x1000) as attribute value. The Service Class ID List
attribute has ID 0x0001, and it requires a list of UUIDs as attribute
value. To create the list, *de_push_sequence* is called, which “opens”
a sub-DES. The returned pointer is used to add elements to this sub-DES.
After adding all UUIDs, the sub-DES is “closed” with
### Query remote SDP service
<a name="sec:querysdp"></a>
BTstack provides an SDP client to query SDP services of a remote device.
The SDP Client API is shown in Appendix [appendix:api~s~dp~c~lient]. The
*sdp_client_query* function initiates an L2CAP connection to the
remote SDP server. Upon connect, a *Service Search Attribute* request
with a *Service Search Pattern* and a *Attribute ID List* is sent. The
result of the *Service Search Attribute* query contains a list of
*Service Records*, and each of them contains the requested attributes.
These records are handled by the SDP parser. The parser delivers
registered callback. The SDP_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE event delivers
the attribute value byte by byte.
On top of this, you can implement specific SDP queries. For example,
BTstack provides a query for RFCOMM service name and channel number.
This information is needed, e.g., if you want to connect to a remote SPP
service. The query delivers all matching RFCOMM services, including its
name and the channel number, as well as a query complete event via a
registered callback, as shown in Listing [below](#lst:SDPClientRFCOMM).
<a name "lst:SDPClientRFCOMM"></a>
<!-- -->
bd_addr_t remote = {0x04,0x0C,0xCE,0xE4,0x85,0xD3};
void packet_handler (void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
if (packet_type != HCI_EVENT_PACKET) return;
uint8_t event = packet[0];
switch (event) {
// bt stack activated, get started
if (packet[2] == HCI_STATE_WORKING){
sdp_query_rfcomm_channel_and_name_for_uuid(remote, 0x0003);
static void btstack_setup(){
// init L2CAP
void handle_query_rfcomm_event(sdp_query_event_t * event, void * context){
sdp_query_rfcomm_service_event_t * ve;
switch (event->type){
ve = (sdp_query_rfcomm_service_event_t*) event;
printf("Service name: '%s', RFCOMM port %u\n", ve->service_name, ve->channel_nr);
printf("Client query response done with status %d. \n", ce->status);
int main(void){
// register callback to receive matching RFCOMM Services and
// query complete event
sdp_query_rfcomm_register_callback(handle_query_rfcomm_event, NULL);
// turn on!
// go!
return 0;
uint8_t des_buffer[200];
uint8_t* attribute;
// 0x0000 "Service Record Handle"
de_add_number(des_buffer, DE_UINT, DE_SIZE_16, SDP_ServiceRecordHandle);
de_add_number(des_buffer, DE_UINT, DE_SIZE_32, 0x10001);
// 0x0001 "Service Class ID List"
de_add_number(des_buffer, DE_UINT, DE_SIZE_16, SDP_ServiceClassIDList);
attribute = de_push_sequence(des_buffer);
de_add_number(attribute, DE_UUID, DE_SIZE_16, 0x1101 );
de_pop_sequence(des_buffer, attribute);
BNEP - Bluetooth Network Encapsulation Protocol
The BNEP protocol is used to transport control and data packets over
standard network protocols such as TCP, IPv4 or IPv6. It is built on top
of L2CAP, and it specifies a minimum L2CAP MTU of 1691 bytes.
### Receive BNEP events
To receive BNEP events, please register a packet handler with
### Access a BNEP service on a remote device {#subsubsection:bnepclient}
To connect to a remote BNEP service, you need to know its UUID. The set
of available UUIDs can be queried by a SDP query for the PAN profile.
Please see Section [section:pan~p~rofile] for details. With the remote
UUID, you can create a connection using the *bnep_connect* function.
You’ll receive a *BNEP_EVENT_OPEN_CHANNEL_COMPLETE* on success or
After the connection was opened successfully, you can send and receive
Ethernet packets. Before sending an Ethernet frame with *bnep_send*,
*bnep_can_send_packet_now* needs to return true. Ethernet frames
are received via the registered packet handler with packet type
BTstack BNEP implementation supports both network protocol filter and
multicast filters with *bnep_set_net_type_filter* and
*bnep_set_multicast_filter* respectively.
Finally, to close a BNEP connection, you can call *bnep_disconnect*.
### Provide BNEP service {#subsubsection:bnepserver}
To provide a BNEP service, call *bnep_register_service* with the
provided service UUID and a max frame size.
A *BNEP_EVENT_INCOMING_CONNECTION* event will mark that an incoming
connection is established. At this point you can start sending and
receiving Ethernet packets as described in the previous section.
ATT - Attribute Protocol
The ATT protocol is used by an ATT client to read and write attribute
values stored on an ATT server. In addition, the ATT server can notify
the client about attribute value changes. An attribute has a handle, a
type, and a set of properties, see Section [section:GATTServer].
The Generic Attribute (GATT) profile is built upon ATT and provides
higher level organization of the ATT attributes into GATT Services and
GATT Characteristics. In BTstack, the complete ATT client functionality
is included within the GATT Client. On the server side, one ore more
GATT profiles are converted ahead of time into the corresponding ATT
attribute database and provided by the *att_server* implementation. The
constant data are automatically served by the ATT server upon client
request. To receive the dynamic data, such is characteristic value, the
application needs to register read and/or write callback. In addition,
notifications and indications can be sent. Please see Section
[section:GATTClient] for more.
SMP - Security Manager Protocol {#section:smp}
The SMP protocol allows to setup authenticated and encrypted LE
connection. After initialization and configuration, SMP handles security
related functions on it’s own but emits events when feedback from the
main app or the user is required. The two main tasks of the SMP protocol
are: bonding and identity resolving.
### Initialization
To activate the security manager, call *sm_init()*.
If you’re creating a product, you should also call *sm_set_ir()* and
*sm_set_er()* with a fixed random 16 byte number to create the IR and
ER key seeds. If possible use a unique random number per device instead
of deriving it from the product serial number or something similar. The
encryption key generated by the BLE peripheral will be ultimately
derived from the ER key seed. See [Bluetooth Specification](https://www.bluetooth.org/Technical/Specifications/adopted.htm) -
Bluetooth Core V4.0, Vol 3, Part G, 5.2.2 for more details on deriving
the different keys. The IR key is used to identify a device if private,
resolvable Bluetooth addresses are used.
### Configuration
To receive events from the Security Manager, a callback is necessary.
How to register this packet handler depends on your application
When *att_server* is used to provide a GATT/ATT service, *att_server*
registers itself as the Security Manager packet handler. Security
Manager events are then received by the application via the
*att_server* packet handler.
If *att_server* is not used, you can directly register your packet
handler with the security manager by calling
The default SMP configuration in BTstack is to be as open as possible:
- accept all Short Term Key (STK) Generation methods,
- accept encryption key size from 7..16 bytes,
- expect no authentication requirements, and
- IO Capabilities set to *IO_CAPABILITY_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT*.
You can configure these items by calling following functions
- *sm_set_accepted_stk_generation_methods*
- *sm_set_encryption_key_size_range*
- *sm_set_authentication_requirements*
- *sm_set_io_capabilities*
### Identity Resolving
Identity resolving is the process of matching a private, resolvable
Bluetooth address to a previously paired device using its Identity
Resolving (IR) key. After an LE connection gets established, BTstack
automatically tries to resolve the address of this device. During this
lookup, BTstack will emit the following events:
- *SM_IDENTITY_RESOLVING_STARTED* to mark the start of a lookup,
and later:
- *SM_IDENTITY_RESOLVING_SUCCEEDED* on lookup success, or
- *SM_IDENTITY_RESOLVING_FAILED* on lookup failure.
### Bonding process
In Bluetooth LE, there are three main methods of establishing an
encrypted connection. From the most to the least secure, these are:
Out-of-Band (OOB) Data , Passkey, and Just Works.
With OOB data, there needs to be a pre-shared secret 16 byte key. In
most cases, this is not an option, especially since popular OS like iOS
don’t provide a way to specify it. It some applications, where both
sides of a Bluetooth link are developed together, this could provide a
viable option.
To provide OOB data, you can register an OOB data callback with
Depending on the authentication requirements, available OOB data, and
the enabled STK generation methods, BTstack will request feedback from
the app in the form of an event:
- *SM_PASSKEY_INPUT_NUMBER*: request user to input a passkey
- *SM_PASSKEY_DISPLAY_NUMBER*: show a passkey to the user
- *SM_JUST_WORKS_REQUEST*: request a user to accept a Just Works
To stop the bonding process, *sm_bonding_decline* should be called.
Otherwise, *sm_just_works_confirm* or *sm_passkey_input* can be
After the bonding process, *SM_PASSKEY_DISPLAY_CANCEL* is emitted to
update the user interface.
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
General Tools
On Unix-based systems, git, make, and Python are usually installed. If
not, use the system’s packet manager to install them.
On Windows, you need to manually install and configure GNU Make, Python,
and optionally git :
- [GNU Make](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm)
for Windows: Add its bin folder to the Windows Path in Environment
Variables. The bin folder is where make.exe resides, and it’s
usually located in .
- [Python](http://www.python.org/getit/) for
Windows: Add Python installation folder to the Windows Path in
Environment Variables.
Adding paths to the Windows Path variable <a name="sec:windowsPath"></a>:
- Go to: Control Panel->System->Advanced
tab->Environment Variables.
- The top part contains a list of User variables.
- Click on the Path variable and then click edit.
- Go to the end of the line, then append the path to the list., for
example, for GNU Make.
- Ensure that there is a semicolon before and after .
Getting BTstack from GitHub
Use git to clone the latest version:
git clone https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack.git
Alternatively, you can download it as a ZIP archive from
[BTstack’s page](https://github.com/bluekitchen/btstack/archive/master.zip) on
Compiling the examples and loading firmware
This step is platform specific. To compile and run the examples, you
need to download and install the platform specific toolchain and a flash
tool. For TI’s CC256x chipsets, you also need the correct init script,
or “Service Pack” in TI nomenclature. Assuming that these are provided,
go to folder in command prompt and run make. If all the paths are
correct, it will generate several firmware files. These firmware files
can be loaded onto the device using platform specific flash programmer.
For the PIC32-Harmony platform, a project file for the MPLAB X IDE is
provided, too.
Run the Example
As a first test, we recommend the SPP Counter example (see Section
[example:sppcounter]). During the startup, for TI chipsets, the init
script is transferred, and the Bluetooth stack brought up. After that,
the development board is discoverable as “BTstack SPP Counter” and
provides a single virtual serial port. When you connect to it, you’ll
receive a counter value as text every second.
Platform specifics
In the following, we provide more information on specific platform
setups, toolchains, programmers, and init scripts.
### libusb
The quickest way to try BTstack is on a Linux or OS X system with an
additional USB Bluetooth module. The Makefile in requires
and [libusb-1.0](www.libusb.org) or higher to be
On Linux, it’s usually necessary to run the examples as root as the
kernel needs to detach from the USB module.
On OS X, it’s necessary to tell the OS to only use the internal
Bluetooth. For this, execute:
sudo nvram bluetoothHostControllerSwitchBehavior=never
It’s also possible to run the examples on Win32 systems. For this:
- Install [MSYS](www.mingw.org/wiki/msys) and
[MINGW32](www.mingw.org) using the MINGW installer
- Compile and install libusb-1.0.19 to /usr/local/ in msys command
- Setup a USB Bluetooth dongle for use with libusb-1.0:
- Start [Zadig](http://zadig.akeo.ie)
- Select Options -> “List all devices”
- Select USB Bluetooth dongle in the big pull down list
- Select WinUSB (libusb) in the right pull pull down list
- Select “Replace Driver”
Now, you can run the examples from the *msys* shell the same way as on
Linux/OS X.
### Texas Instruments MSP430-based boards
**Compiler Setup.** The MSP430 port of BTstack is developed using the
Long Term Support (LTS) version of mspgcc. General information about it
and installation instructions are provided on the
[MSPGCC Wiki](http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/mspgcc/index.php?title=MSPGCC_Wiki).
On Windows, you need to download and extract
to ??. Add folder to the Windows Path in Environment variable as explained
**Loading Firmware.** To load firmware files onto the MSP430 MCU for the
MSP-EXP430F5438 Experimeneter board, you need a programmer like the
MSP430 MSP-FET430UIF debugger or something similar. The eZ430-RF2560 and
MSP430F5529LP contain a basic debugger. Now, you can use one of
following software tools:
- [MSP430Flasher](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/MSP430_Flasher_-_Command_Line_Programmer)
- Use the following command, where you need to replace the with
the name of your application:
<!-- -->
MSP430Flasher.exe -n MSP430F5438A -w "BINARY_FILE_NAME.hex" -v -g -z [VCC]
- [MSPDebug](http://mspdebug.sourceforge.net/):
An example session with the MSP-FET430UIF connected on OS X is given
in following listing:
<!-- -->
mspdebug -j -d /dev/tty.FET430UIFfd130 uif
prog blink.hex
### Texas Instruments CC256x-based chipsets
**CC256x Init Scripts.** In order to use the CC256x chipset on the
PAN13xx modules and others, an initialization script must be obtained.
Due to licensing restrictions, this initialization script must be
obtained separately as follows:
- Download the [BTS file](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_Downloads)
for your CC256x-based module.
- Copy the included .bts file into
- In ??, run the Python script:
<!-- -->
The common code for all CC256x chipsets is provided by
*bt_control_cc256x.c*. During the setup,
*bt_control_cc256x_instance* function is used to get a
*bt_control_t* instance and passed to *hci_init* function.
**Note:** Depending on the CC256x-based module you’re using, you’ll need
to update the reference in the Makefile to match the downloaded file.
**Update:** For the latest revision of the CC256x chipsets, the CC2560B
and CC2564B, TI decided to split the init script into a main part and
the BLE part. The conversion script has been updated to detect
*bluetooth_init_cc256x_1.2.bts* and adds *BLE_init_cc256x_1.2.bts*
if present and merges them into a single .c file.
### MSP-EXP430F5438 + CC256x Platform {#platform:msp430}
**Hardware Setup.** We assume that a PAN1315, PAN1317, or PAN1323 module
is plugged into RF1 and RF2 of the MSP-EXP430F5438 board and the “RF3
Adapter board” is used or at least simulated. See [User
### STM32F103RB Nucleo + CC256x Platform
To try BTstack on this platform, you’ll need a simple adaptor board. For
details, please read the documentation in ??.
### PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit
The PIC32 Bluetooth Audio Development Kit comes with the CSR8811-based
BTM805 Bluetooth module. In the port, the UART on the DAC daughter board
was used for the debug output. Please remove the DAC board and connect a
3.3V USB-2-UART converter to GND and TX to get the debug output.
In ??, a project file for the MPLAB X IDE is provided as well as a regular
Makefile. Both assume that the MPLAB XC32 compiler is installed. The
project is set to use -Os optimization which will cause warnings if you
only have the Free version. It will still compile a working example. For
this platform, we only provide the SPP and LE Counter example directly.
Other examples can be run by replacing the spp_and_le_counter.c file
with one of the other example files.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
Rev | Date | Comments
1.x | April 27, 2015 | Added more platforms. Replaced Recipes with Protocols and Profiles. Added more examples.
1.3 | November 6, 2014 | Introducing GATT client and server. Work in progress.
1.2 | November 1, 2013 | Explained Secure Simple Pairing in "Pairing of devices".
1.1 | August 30, 2013 | Introduced SDP client. Updated Quick Recipe on "Query remote SDP service".
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
site_name: BTstack Manual
- [index.md, Wellcome]
- [quick_start.md, Quick Start]
- [architecture.md, BTstack Architecture]
- [how_to.md, How to use BTstack]
- [protocols.md, Protocols]
- [profiles.md, Profiles]
- [examples/intro.md, Examples]
- [examples/generated.md, List of Examples]
- [porting.md, Porting to Other Platforms]
- [integration.md, Integrating with Existing Systems]
- [appendix/apis.md, APIs]
- [appendix/events_errors.md, Events and Errors]
- [revision_history.md, Revision History]
theme: readthedocs
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
class State:
SearchStartAPI = 0
RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart = 1
SearchEndAPI = 2
DoneAPI = 3
docs_folder = "docs/appendix/"
appendix_file = docs_folder + "apis.md"
btstack_folder = "../../../"
code_identation = " "
api_header = """
<a name ="appendix:API_LABLE"></a>
api_ending = """
# [file_name, api_title, api_lable]
list_of_apis = [
[btstack_folder+"include/btstack/run_loop.h", "Run Loop", "api_run_loop"],
[btstack_folder+"src/hci.h", "HCI", "api_hci"],
[btstack_folder+"src/l2cap.h", "L2CAP", "api_l2cap"],
[btstack_folder+"src/rfcomm.h", "RFCOMM", "api_rfcomm"],
[btstack_folder+"src/sdp.h", "SDP", "api_sdp"],
[btstack_folder+"src/sdp_client.h", "SDP Client", "api_sdp_client"],
[btstack_folder+"src/sdp_query_rfcomm.h", "SDP RFCOMM Query", "api_sdp_queries"],
[btstack_folder+"ble/gatt_client.h", "GATT Client", "api_gatt_client"],
[btstack_folder+"src/pan.h", "PAN", "api_pan"],
[btstack_folder+"src/bnep.h", "BNEP", "api_bnep"],
[btstack_folder+"src/gap.h", "GAP", "api_gap"],
[btstack_folder+"ble/sm.h", "SM", "api_sm"]
def replacePlaceholder(template, title, lable):
api_title = title + " API"
snippet = template.replace("API_TITLE", title).replace("API_LABLE", lable)
return snippet
def writeAPI(fout, infile_name):
global code_identation
state = State.SearchStartAPI
with open(infile_name, 'rb') as fin:
for line in fin:
if state == State.SearchStartAPI:
parts = re.match('\s*(/\*).*API_START.*(\*/)',line)
if parts:
state = State.RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart
if state == State.RemoveEmptyLinesAfterAPIStart:
if line == "" or line == "\n":
state = State.SearchEndAPI
if state == State.SearchEndAPI:
parts = re.match('\s*(/\*).*API_END.*(\*/)',line)
if parts:
state = State.DoneAPI
fout.write(code_identation + line)
def process_and_write_api(fout, api_tuple):
infile_name = api_tuple[0]
if not infile_name:
api_title = api_tuple[1]
api_lable = api_tuple[2]
fout.write(replacePlaceholder(api_header, api_title, api_lable))
writeAPI(fout, infile_name)
with open(appendix_file, 'w') as aout:
for api_tuple in list_of_apis:
infile_name = api_tuple[0]
if not infile_name:
process_and_write_api(aout, api_tuple)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys, getopt
# Defines the names of example groups. Preserves the order in which the example groups will be parsed.
list_of_groups = ["Hello World", "GAP", "SDP Queries", "SPP Server", "BNEP/PAN", "Low Energy", "Dual Mode"]
# Defines which examples belong to a group. Example is defined as [example file, example title].
list_of_examples = {
"Hello World" : [["led_counter"]],
"GAP" : [["gap_inquiry"]],
"SDP Queries" :[["sdp_general_query"],
"SPP Server" : [["spp_counter"],
"BNEP/PAN" : [["panu_demo"]],
"Low Energy" : [["gatt_browser"],
"Dual Mode" : [["spp_and_le_counter"]],
lst_header = """
lst_ending = """
examples_header = """
example_item = """
example_section = """
<a name="section:EXAMPLE_LABEL"></a>
example_subsection = """
listing_start = """
<!-- -->
listing_ending = """
def replacePlaceholder(template, title, lable):
snippet = template.replace("API_TITLE", title).replace("API_LABEL", lable)
return snippet
def latexText(text, ref_prefix):
if not text:
return ""
brief = text.replace(" in the BTstack manual","")
refs = re.match('.*(Listing\s+)(\w+).*',brief)
if refs:
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(1), "[code snippet below]")
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(2), "(#"+ref_prefix+":" + refs.group(2)+")")
refs = re.match('.*(Section\s+)(\w+).*',brief)
if refs:
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(1), "[here]")
brief = brief.replace(refs.group(2), "(#section:"+refs.group(2)+")")
return brief
def isEmptyCommentLine(line):
return re.match('(\s*\*\s*)\n',line)
def isCommentLine(line):
return re.match('(\s*\*\s*).*',line)
def isEndOfComment(line):
return re.match('\s*\*/.*', line)
def isNewItem(line):
return re.match('(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)',line)
def isTextTag(line):
return re.match('.*(@text).*', line)
def isItemizeTag(line):
return re.match("(\s+\*\s+)(-\s)(.*)", line)
def processTextLine(line, ref_prefix):
if isTextTag(line):
text_line_parts = re.match(".*(@text)(.*)", line)
return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
if isItemizeTag(line):
text_line_parts = re.match("(\s*\*\s*\-\s*)(.*)", line)
return "\n- " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
text_line_parts = re.match("(\s+\*\s+)(.*)", line)
if text_line_parts:
return " " + latexText(text_line_parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
return ""
def getExampleTitle(example_path):
example_title = ''
with open(example_path, 'rb') as fin:
for line in fin:
parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line)
if parts:
example_title = parts.group(3).replace("_","\_")
return example_title
class State:
SearchExampleStart = 0
SearchListingStart = 1
SearchListingPause = 2
SearchListingResume = 3
SearchListingEnd = 4
SearchItemizeEnd = 5
ReachedExampleEnd = 6
text_block = ''
itemize_block = ''
def writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted):
global text_block
if text_block and not lstStarted:
text_block = ''
def writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted):
global itemize_block
if itemize_block and not lstStarted:
aout.write(itemize_block + "\n\n")
itemize_block = ''
def writeListings(aout, infile_name, ref_prefix):
global text_block, itemize_block
itemText = None
state = State.SearchExampleStart
code_in_listing = ""
code_identation = " "
skip_code = 0
with open(infile_name, 'rb') as fin:
for line in fin:
if state == State.SearchExampleStart:
parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\*/)?\n',line)
if parts:
lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","")
title = latexText(parts.group(2), ref_prefix)
desc = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix)
aout.write(example_section.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABEL", lable))
state = State.SearchListingStart
# detect @section
section_parts = re.match('.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line)
if section_parts:
aout.write("\n" + example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2)))
# detect @subsection
subsection_parts = re.match('.*(@section)\s*(.*)(:?\s*.?)\*?/?\n',line)
if section_parts:
subsubsection = example_subsection.replace("SECTION_TITLE", section_parts.group(2)).replace('section', 'subsection')
aout.write("\n" + subsubsection)
if isTextTag(line):
text_block = text_block + "\n\n" + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
skip_code = 0
lstStarted = state != State.SearchListingStart
if text_block or itemize_block:
if isEndOfComment(line) or isEmptyCommentLine(line):
skip_code = 1
if itemize_block:
# finish itemize
writeItemizeBlock(aout, lstStarted)
if isEmptyCommentLine(line):
text_block = text_block + "\n\n"
writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted)
if isNewItem(line) and not itemize_block:
skip_code = 1
# finish text, start itemize
writeTextBlock(aout, lstStarted)
itemize_block = "\n " + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
if itemize_block:
skip_code = 1
itemize_block = itemize_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
elif isCommentLine(line):
# append text
skip_code = 1
text_block = text_block + processTextLine(line, ref_prefix)
skip_code = 0
if state == State.SearchListingStart:
parts = re.match('.*(LISTING_START)\((.*)\):\s*(.*)(\s+\*/).*',line)
if parts:
lst_lable = parts.group(2).replace("_","")
lst_caption = latexText(parts.group(3), ref_prefix)
listing = listing_start.replace("LISTING_CAPTION", lst_caption).replace("FILE_NAME", ref_prefix).replace("LISTING_LABEL", lst_lable)
if listing:
aout.write("\n" + listing)
state = State.SearchListingEnd
if state == State.SearchListingEnd:
parts_end = re.match('.*(LISTING_END).*',line)
parts_pause = re.match('.*(LISTING_PAUSE).*',line)
end_comment_parts = re.match('.*(\*/)\s*\n', line);
if parts_end:
code_in_listing = ""
state = State.SearchListingStart
writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0)
writeTextBlock(aout, 0)
elif parts_pause:
code_in_listing = code_in_listing + code_identation + "...\n"
state = State.SearchListingResume
elif not end_comment_parts:
# aout.write(line)
if not skip_code:
code_in_listing = code_in_listing + code_identation + line.replace(" ", " ")
if state == State.SearchListingResume:
parts = re.match('.*(LISTING_RESUME).*',line)
if parts:
state = State.SearchListingEnd
parts = re.match('.*(EXAMPLE_END).*',line)
if parts:
if state != State.SearchListingStart:
print "Formating error detected"
writeItemizeBlock(aout, 0)
writeTextBlock(aout, 0)
state = State.ReachedExampleEnd
print "Reached end of the example"
# write list of examples
def processExamples(examples_folder, examples_ofile):
with open(examples_ofile, 'w') as aout:
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
for example in examples:
example_path = examples_folder + example[0] + ".c"
example_title = getExampleTitle(example_path)
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
group_title = group_title + " example"
if len(examples) > 1:
group_title = group_title + "s"
group_title = group_title + ":"
aout.write("- " + group_title + "\n");
for example in examples:
ref_prefix = example[0].replace("_", "")
title = latexText(example[0], ref_prefix)
desc = latexText(example[1], ref_prefix)
aout.write(example_item.replace("EXAMPLE_TITLE", title).replace("EXAMPLE_DESC", desc).replace("EXAMPLE_LABEL", ref_prefix))
for group_title in list_of_groups:
if not list_of_examples.has_key(group_title): continue
examples = list_of_examples[group_title]
for example in examples:
file_name = examples_folder + example[0] + ".c"
writeListings(aout, file_name, example[0].replace("_",""))
def main(argv):
btstack_folder = "../../../"
docs_folder = "docs/examples/"
inputfolder = btstack_folder + "example/embedded/"
outputfile = docs_folder + "generated.md"
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hiso:",["ifolder=","ofile="])
except getopt.GetoptError:
print 'update_listings.py [-i <inputfolder>] [-o <outputfile>]'
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt == '-h':
print 'update_listings.py [-i <inputfolder>] [-s] [-o <outputfile>]'
elif opt in ("-i", "--ifolder"):
inputfolder = arg
elif opt in ("-o", "--ofile"):
outputfile = arg
print 'Input folder is ', inputfolder
print 'Output file is ', outputfile
processExamples(inputfolder, outputfile)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Reference in New Issue
Block a user