From 894362001f471f9cb1aadee4c2930a1e3c994c44 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Ringwald <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 15:07:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added GATT Server with GAP Name Characteristic

 test/pts/Makefile           |   2 +-
 test/pts/ble_central_test.c | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 2 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/pts/Makefile b/test/pts/Makefile
index 3a0200372..078cef020 100644
--- a/test/pts/Makefile
+++ b/test/pts/Makefile
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ all: ${BTSTACK_ROOT}/include/btstack/version.h ${EXAMPLES}
 ble_peripheral_test: profile.h ${CORE_OBJ} ${COMMON_OBJ} ${ATT_OBJ} ${GATT_SERVER_OBJ} ${SM_REAL_OBJ} ble_peripheral_test.o
 	${CC} $(filter-out profile.h,$^) ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@
-ble_central_test: ${CORE_OBJ} ${COMMON_OBJ} ${SM_REAL_OBJ} ${ATT_OBJ}  ${GATT_CLIENT_OBJ}  ble_central_test.c
+ble_central_test: ${CORE_OBJ} ${COMMON_OBJ} ${SM_REAL_OBJ} ${ATT_OBJ} ${GATT_SERVER_OBJ} ${GATT_CLIENT_OBJ} ad_parser.o ble_central_test.c
 	${CC} $^ ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -o $@
 hsp_ag_test: ${CORE_OBJ} ${COMMON_OBJ} ${SDP_CLIENT} hsp_ag.o hsp_ag_test.c 
diff --git a/test/pts/ble_central_test.c b/test/pts/ble_central_test.c
index 47e5c6f25..03f43a641 100644
--- a/test/pts/ble_central_test.c
+++ b/test/pts/ble_central_test.c
@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
 #include "gap_le.h"
 #include "le_device_db.h"
 #include "stdin_support.h"
+#include "ad_parser.h"
+// test profile
+#include "profile.h"
 typedef struct advertising_report {
     uint8_t   type;
@@ -111,12 +115,6 @@ static void printUUID(uint8_t * uuid128, uint16_t uuid16){
-static void dump_advertising_report(advertising_report_t * e){
-    printf("    * adv. event: evt-type %u, addr-type %u, addr %s, rssi %u, length adv %u, data: ", e->event_type,
-           e->address_type, bd_addr_to_str(e->address), e->rssi, e->length);
-    printf_hexdump(e->data, e->length);
 static void dump_characteristic(le_characteristic_t * characteristic){
     printf("    * characteristic: [0x%04x-0x%04x-0x%04x], properties 0x%02x, uuid ",
                             characteristic->start_handle, characteristic->value_handle, characteristic->end_handle, characteristic->properties);
@@ -132,15 +130,52 @@ static void dump_service(le_service_t * service){
 static void fill_advertising_report_from_packet(advertising_report_t * report, uint8_t *packet){
     int pos = 2;
-    report->event_type = packet[pos++];
-    report->address_type = packet[pos++];
-    bt_flip_addr(report->address, &packet[pos]);
-    pos += 6;
-    report->rssi = packet[pos++];
-    report->length = packet[pos++];
-    report->data = &packet[pos];
+    report->event_type = packet[pos++];     // 2
+    report->address_type = packet[pos++];   // 3
+    bt_flip_addr(report->address, &packet[pos]); // 4
+    pos += 6;       
+    report->rssi = packet[pos++];   // 10
+    report->length = packet[pos++]; // 11
+    report->data = &packet[pos];    // 12
     pos += report->length;
-    dump_advertising_report(report);
+const char * ad_event_types[] = {
+    "Connectable undirected advertising",
+    "Connectable directed advertising",
+    "Scannable undirected advertising",
+    "Non connectable undirected advertising",
+    "Scan Response"
+static void handle_advertising_event(uint8_t * packet, int size){
+    // filter PTS
+    bd_addr_t addr;
+    bt_flip_addr(addr, &packet[4]);
+    if (memcmp(addr, tester_address, 6)) return;
+    printf("Advertisement: %s, ", ad_event_types[packet[2]]);
+    int adv_size = packet[11];
+    uint8_t * adv_data = &packet[12];
+    // check flags
+    ad_context_t context;
+    for (ad_iterator_init(&context, adv_size, adv_data) ; ad_iterator_has_more(&context) ; ad_iterator_next(&context)){
+        uint8_t data_type = ad_iterator_get_data_type(&context);
+        uint8_t size      = ad_iterator_get_data_len(&context);
+        uint8_t * data    = ad_iterator_get_data(&context);
+        switch (data_type){
+            case 1: // AD_FLAGS
+                if (*data & 1) printf("LE Limited Discoverable Mode, ");
+                if (*data & 2) printf("LE General Discoverable Mode, ");
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    // dump data
+    printf("Data: ");
+    printf_hexdump(adv_data, adv_size);
 static void gap_run(void){
@@ -210,8 +245,9 @@ void app_packet_handler (uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet,
                 case GAP_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT:
-                    fill_advertising_report_from_packet(&report, packet);
-                    dump_advertising_report(&report);
+                    handle_advertising_event(packet, size);
+                    // fill_advertising_report_from_packet(&report, packet);
+                    // dump_advertising_report(&report);
@@ -253,11 +289,13 @@ void show_usage(void){
     printf("SM: %s, MITM protection %u, OOB data %u, key range [%u..16]\n",
         sm_io_capabilities, sm_mitm_protection, sm_have_oob_data, sm_min_key_size);
     printf("Privacy %u\n", gap_privacy);
-    printf("Device name %s\n", gap_device_name);
+    printf("Device name: %s\n", gap_device_name);
     printf("Value Handle: %x\n", value_handle);
     printf("Attribute Size: %u\n", attribute_size);
     printf("s/S - passive/active scanning\n");
+    printf("a   - enable Advertisements\n");
+    printf("n   - query GATT Device Name\n");
 #if 0
     printf("p/P - privacy flag off\n");
     printf("z   - send Connection Parameter Update Request\n");
@@ -282,17 +320,6 @@ void show_usage(void){
-void update_auth_req(void){
-    uint8_t auth_req = 0;
-    if (sm_mitm_protection){
-        auth_req |= SM_AUTHREQ_MITM_PROTECTION;
-    }
-    if (gap_bondable){
-        auth_req |= SM_AUTHREQ_BONDING;
-    }
-    sm_set_authentication_requirements(auth_req);
 int  stdin_process(struct data_source *ds){
     char buffer;
     read(ds->fd, &buffer, 1);
@@ -404,6 +431,10 @@ int  stdin_process(struct data_source *ds){
+        case 'a':
+            hci_send_cmd(&hci_le_set_advertise_enable, 1);
+            break;
         case 's':
             if (scanning_active){
@@ -441,6 +472,31 @@ static int get_oob_data_callback(uint8_t addres_type, bd_addr_t addr, uint8_t *
     return 1;
+// ATT Client Read Callback for Dynamic Data
+// - if buffer == NULL, don't copy data, just return size of value
+// - if buffer != NULL, copy data and return number bytes copied
+// @param offset defines start of attribute value
+static uint16_t att_read_callback(uint16_t con_handle, uint16_t attribute_handle, uint16_t offset, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t buffer_size){
+    printf("READ Callback, handle %04x, offset %u, buffer size %u\n", handle, offset, buffer_size);
+    uint16_t  att_value_len;
+    uint16_t uuid16 = att_uuid_for_handle(handle);
+    switch (uuid16){
+        case 0x2a00:
+            att_value_len = strlen(gap_device_name);
+            if (buffer) {
+                memcpy(buffer, gap_device_name, att_value_len);
+            }
+            return att_value_len;        
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    return 0;
 void setup(void){
@@ -450,34 +506,39 @@ int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){
     printf("BTstack LE Peripheral starting up...\n");
+    strcpy(gap_device_name, "BTstack");
     // set up l2cap_le
-    gatt_client_init();
-    gc_id = gatt_client_register_packet_handler(handle_gatt_client_event);;
-    // setup le device db
-    le_device_db_init();
-    // setup SM: Display only
+    // Setup SM: Display only
-    sm_set_io_capabilities(IO_CAPABILITY_DISPLAY_ONLY);
-    sm_set_authentication_requirements( SM_AUTHREQ_BONDING | SM_AUTHREQ_MITM_PROTECTION); 
-    btstack_stdin_setup(stdin_process);
-    gap_random_address_set_update_period(300000);
-    gap_random_address_set_mode(GAP_RANDOM_ADDRESS_RESOLVABLE);
-    strcpy(gap_device_name, "BTstack");
     sm_io_capabilities =  "IO_CAPABILITY_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT";
     sm_set_encryption_key_size_range(sm_min_key_size, 16);
+    // setup GATT Client
+    gatt_client_init();
+    gc_id = gatt_client_register_packet_handler(handle_gatt_client_event);;
+    // Setup ATT/GATT Server
+    att_server_init(profile_data, att_read_callback, NULL);    
+    att_server_register_packet_handler(app_packet_handler);
+    // Setup LE Device DB
+    le_device_db_init();
+    //
+    // gap_random_address_set_update_period(300000);
+    // gap_random_address_set_mode(GAP_RANDOM_ADDRESS_RESOLVABLE);
+    // allow foor terminal input
+    btstack_stdin_setup(stdin_process);
     // turn on!