mesh: fix mesh_lower_transport_run logic

This commit is contained in:
Matthias Ringwald 2019-04-04 22:47:11 +02:00
parent ed7fbd43a3
commit 6ed0bd5c68

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@ -614,18 +614,13 @@ static void mesh_lower_transport_tx_ack_timeout(btstack_timer_source_t * ts){
static void mesh_lower_transport_run(void){
int done = 1;
if (!btstack_linked_list_empty(&lower_transport_incoming)){
done = 0;
// peek at next message
mesh_network_pdu_t * network_pdu = (mesh_network_pdu_t *) btstack_linked_list_get_first_item(&lower_transport_incoming);
// get next message
mesh_network_pdu_t * network_pdu = (mesh_network_pdu_t *) btstack_linked_list_pop(&lower_transport_incoming);
// segmented?
if (mesh_network_segmented(network_pdu)){
mesh_transport_pdu_t * transport_pdu = mesh_lower_transport_pdu_for_segmented_message(network_pdu);
if (!transport_pdu) return;
(void) btstack_linked_list_pop(&lower_transport_incoming);
// start acknowledgment timer if inactive
if (transport_pdu->acknowledgement_timer_active == 0){
// - "The acknowledgment timer shall be set to a minimum of 150 + 50 * TTL milliseconds"
@ -642,18 +637,13 @@ static void mesh_lower_transport_run(void){
// control?
if (mesh_network_control(network_pdu)){
// unsegmented control message (not encrypted)
(void) btstack_linked_list_pop(&lower_transport_incoming);
} else {
// unsegmented access message (encrypted)
(void) btstack_linked_list_pop(&lower_transport_incoming);
if (done) return;
uint32_t mesh_lower_transport_next_seq(void){