mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 13:20:39 +00:00
tool/btstack_event_generator: support list iterator/type
This commit is contained in:
@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ supported_event_groups = meta_events + [
open_bracket = parser.open_bracket
closing_bracket = parser.closing_bracket
program_info = '''
BTstack Event Getter Generator for BTstack
Copyright 2016, BlueKitchen GmbH
@ -118,6 +121,8 @@ static inline uint8_t hci_event_packet_get_type(const uint8_t * event){
return event[0];
typedef uint8_t* btstack_event_iterator_t;
hfile_header_end = """
@ -137,11 +142,62 @@ c_prototoype_simple_return = '''/**
* @return {result_name}
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline {result_type} {fn_name}(const uint8_t * event){{
static inline {result_type} {event}_get_{field}(const uint8_t * event){{
c_prototype_iterator_return = '''/**
* @brief {description}
* @param event packet
* @return {result_name}
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline {result_type} {event}_get_{scope}_item_{field}(btstack_event_iterator_t * iter){{
c_prototype_iterator_init = '''/**
* @brief Initialize iterator for list {scope} of {event}
* @param iterator
* @param event packet
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline void {event}_{field}_init(btstack_event_iterator_t * iter, const uint8_t * event){{
*iter = (btstack_event_iterator_t)&event[{list_field}];
c_prototype_iterator_has_next = '''/**
* @brief Returns true if iterator of list {scope} of {event} has more elements, false otherwise.
* @param iterator
* @param event packet
* @return
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline bool {event}_{field}_has_next(btstack_event_iterator_t * iter, const uint8_t * event){{
uint8_t length = event[{length_field}];
const uint8_t *begin = &event[{list_field}];
const uint8_t *end = begin+length;
return *iter<end;
c_prototype_iterator_next = '''/**
* @brief Advances the iterator to the next element
* @param event packet
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline void {event}_{scope}_next(btstack_event_iterator_t * iter){{
uint8_t length = {code}
*iter = *iter+length;
c_prototoype_array_getter = '''/**
* @brief {description}
* @param event packet
@ -149,7 +205,7 @@ c_prototoype_array_getter = '''/**
* @return {result_name}
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline {result_type} {fn_name}(const uint8_t * event, uint8_t index){{
static inline {result_type} {event}_get_{field}(const uint8_t * event, uint8_t index){{
@ -160,7 +216,7 @@ c_prototoype_struct_return = '''/**
* @param Pointer to storage for {result_name}
* @note: btstack_type {format}
static inline void {fn_name}(const uint8_t * event, {result_type} {result_name}){{
static inline void {event}_get_{field}(const uint8_t * event, {result_type} {result_name}){{
@ -171,7 +227,7 @@ c_prototoype_unsupported = '''/**
* @return {result_name}
* @note: btstack_type {format}
// static inline {result_type} {fn_name}(const uint8_t * event){{
// static inline {result_type} {event}_get_{field}(const uint8_t * event){{
// not implemented yet
// }}
@ -186,6 +242,7 @@ static inline uint8_t hci_event_{meta_event}_meta_get_subevent_code(const uint8_
# global variables/defines
defines = dict()
defines_used = set()
@ -211,9 +268,34 @@ param_read = {
'Y' : 'gatt_client_deserialize_characteristic(event, {offset}, {result_name});',
'Z' : 'gatt_client_deserialize_characteristic_descriptor(event, {offset}, {result_name});',
'V' : 'return &event[{offset}];',
'C' : 'return little_endian_read_16(event, {offset} + (2 * (int) index));'
'C' : 'return little_endian_read_16(event, {offset} + (2 * (int) index));',
open_bracket : 'dummy',
closing_bracket : 'dummy',
param_iterator_read = {
'1' : 'return (*iter)[{offset}];',
'2' : 'return little_endian_read_16(*iter, {offset});',
'J' : 'return (*iter)[{offset}] + 1;',
'V' : 'return &((*iter)[{offset}]);',
open_bracket : '*iter = &event[{offset}];',
closing_bracket : ''
listScope = list()
def read_template_for_type(type):
if listScope:
return param_iterator_read[type]
return param_read[type]
def description_for_type(type):
if type == 'C':
return 'Get element of array field {0} from event {1}'
if listScope:
return 'Get element of list field {0} from event {1}'
return 'Get field {0} from event {1}'
def c_type_for_btstack_type(type):
param_types = { '1' : 'uint8_t', '2' : 'uint16_t', '3' : 'uint32_t', '4' : 'uint32_t', 'H' : 'hci_con_handle_t', 'B' : 'bd_addr_t',
'D' : 'const uint8_t *', 'E' : 'const uint8_t * ', 'N' : 'const char *' , 'P' : 'const uint8_t *', 'A' : 'const uint8_t *',
@ -221,12 +303,14 @@ def c_type_for_btstack_type(type):
'J' : 'uint8_t', 'L' : 'uint16_t', 'V' : 'const uint8_t *', 'U' : 'BT_UUID',
'Q' : 'uint8_t *', 'K' : 'uint8_t *',
'X' : 'gatt_client_service_t *', 'Y' : 'gatt_client_characteristic_t *', 'Z' : 'gatt_client_characteristic_descriptor_t *',
'T' : 'const char *', 'C' : 'uint16_t' }
'T' : 'const char *', 'C' : 'uint16_t',
open_bracket : 'void', closing_bracket : ''}
return param_types[type]
def size_for_type(type):
param_sizes = { '1' : 1, '2' : 2, '3' : 3, '4' : 4, 'H' : 2, 'B' : 6, 'D' : 8, 'E' : 240, 'N' : 248, 'P' : 16, 'Q':32, 'K':16,
'A' : 31, 'S' : -1, 'V': -1, 'J' : 1, 'L' : 2, 'U' : 16, 'X' : 20, 'Y' : 24, 'Z' : 18, 'T':-1, 'C':-1 }
'A' : 31, 'S' : -1, 'V': -1, 'J' : 1, 'L' : 2, 'U' : 16, 'X' : 20, 'Y' : 24, 'Z' : 18, 'T':-1, 'C':-1,
open_bracket : 0, closing_bracket : 0 }
return param_sizes[type]
def format_function_name(event_name):
@ -241,11 +325,14 @@ def template_for_type(field_type):
global c_prototoype_array_getter
if field_type == 'C':
return c_prototoype_array_getter
# if field_type == open_bracket:
# return c_prototype_iterator_init
types_with_struct_return = "BKQXYZ"
if field_type in types_with_struct_return:
return c_prototoype_struct_return
return c_prototoype_simple_return
if listScope:
return c_prototype_iterator_return;
return c_prototoype_simple_return
def all_fields_supported(format):
global param_read
@ -254,30 +341,70 @@ def all_fields_supported(format):
return False
return True
def create_getter(event_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, supported):
def create_iterator( event_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, last_length_field_offset, supported):
if field_type == open_bracket:
# list field name, list field start, length field of list ( in bytes ), list elemet size if static
listScope.append( (field_name, offset, last_length_field_offset, 0) )
list_name_scope = ''
list_base = 0
if listScope:
list_name_scope = listScope[-1][0]
list_base = listScope[-1][1]
list_length_field_offset = listScope[-1][2]
list_static_size = listScope[-1][3]
generated = ''
if field_type == open_bracket:
generated_init = c_prototype_iterator_init.format( list_field=offset, scope=list_name_scope,
event=event_name, field=field_name, format=field_type)
generated_has_next = c_prototype_iterator_has_next.format( list_field=offset, length_field=last_length_field_offset,
format=field_type, scope=list_name_scope, event=event_name,
field=field_name )
generated = generated_init + generated_has_next;
# the item length is either determiend statically, format "12"
# or dynamically by an list element, format "J"
code = ''
if list_length_field_offset < last_length_field_offset:
#dynamic element size
code = '*iter[{0}] + 1;'.format( last_length_field_offset-list_base )
code = '{0};'.format( list_static_size )
generated = c_prototype_iterator_next.format( event=event_name, scope=list_name_scope, format=field_type, code=code );
if field_type == closing_bracket:
return generated
def create_getter(event_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, last_length_field_offset, supported):
global c_prototoype_unsupported
global param_read
if field_type == 'C':
description_template = 'Get element of array field %s from event %s'
description_template = "Get field %s from event %s"
description = description_template % (field_name, event_name.upper())
description_template = description_for_type(field_type)
list_name_scope = ''
if listScope:
list_name_scope = listScope[-1][0]
list_base = listScope[-1][1]
list_length_field_offset = listScope[-1][2]
list_static_size = listScope[-1][3]
if offset_is_number:
offset = offset - list_base;
listScope[-1] = (list_name_scope, list_base, list_length_field_offset, list_static_size+size_for_type(field_type))
description = description_template.format(field_name, event_name.upper())
result_name = field_name
fn_name = "%s_get_%s" % (event_name, field_name)
result_type = c_type_for_btstack_type(field_type)
template = c_prototoype_unsupported
code = ''
if supported and field_type in param_read:
template = template_for_type(field_type)
read_code = param_read[field_type]
read_code = read_template_for_type(field_type)
requires_signed = 'little_endian' in read_code or 'gatt_client_deserialize' in read_code
code = ''
if requires_signed and not offset_is_number:
code += 'uint8_t offset = %s;\n ' % offset
offset = '(int)(int8_t) offset'
code += read_code.format(offset=offset, result_name=result_name)
return template.format(description=description, fn_name=fn_name, result_name=result_name, result_type=result_type, code=code, format=field_type)
return template.format(description=description, scope=list_name_scope, event=event_name, field=field_name, result_name=result_name, result_type=result_type, code=code, format=field_type)
def is_le_event(event_group):
return event_group in ['GATT', 'ANCS', 'SM']
@ -310,6 +437,7 @@ def create_events(events):
offset_unknown = 0
supported = all_fields_supported(format)
last_variable_length_field_pos = ""
last_length_field_offset = 0
if is_le_event(event_group):
fout.write("#ifdef ENABLE_BLE\n")
if len(format) != len(args):
@ -324,13 +452,17 @@ def create_events(events):
if offset_unknown:
print("Param after variable length field without preceding 'J' length field")
field_type = f
text = create_getter(base_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, supported)
field_type = f
if field_type in open_bracket + closing_bracket:
text = create_iterator( base_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, last_length_field_offset, supported )
text = create_getter(base_name, field_name, field_type, offset, offset_is_number, last_length_field_offset, supported)
if field_type in 'RT':
if field_type in 'J':
if offset_is_number:
last_length_field_offset = offset
last_variable_length_field_pos = '%u' % offset
last_variable_length_field_pos = offset
@ -361,7 +493,6 @@ print(program_info)
# parse events
(events, le_events, event_types) = parser.parse_events()
# create event field accesors
create_events(events + le_events)
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ hci_cmds_c_path = 'src/hci_cmd.c'
hci_cmds_h_path = 'src/hci_cmd.h'
hci_h_path = 'src/hci.h'
open_bracket = '['
closing_bracket = ']'
btstack_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) + '/..')
print ("BTstack root %s" % btstack_root)
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ def my_parse_events(path):
format = None
with open (path, 'rt') as fin:
for line in fin:
parts = re.match('.*@format\s*(\w*)\s*', line)
parts = re.match('.*@format\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_' + re.escape(open_bracket) + re.escape(closing_bracket) + ']*)\s*', line)
if parts and len(parts.groups()) == 1:
format = parts.groups()[0]
parts = re.match('.*@param\s*(\w*)\s*', line)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user