diff --git a/tool/convert_gatt_service.py b/tool/convert_gatt_service.py
index 4a5825d17..66334078c 100755
--- a/tool/convert_gatt_service.py
+++ b/tool/convert_gatt_service.py
@@ -34,36 +34,86 @@ def indent(elem, level=0):
def list_services():
global headers
- url = 'https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/services'
- print("Fetching list of services from %s" % url)
- print('')
+ print ("List of services cached from https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/services/ on 2020-07-22")
+ print()
- page = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ # url = 'http://web.archive.org/web/20200722222310/https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/services/'
+ # print("Fetching list of services from %s" % url)
+ # print('')
+ #
+ # page = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
+ #
+ # tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
+ # # get all
elements in
+ # rows = tree.xpath('//table/tbody/tr')
+ # print("%-55s| %-30s| %s" % ('Specification Type', 'Specification Name', 'UUID'))
+ # print('-'*55 + '+-' + '-' * 30 + '+-' + '-'*10)
+ # maxlen_type = 0
+ # maxlen_name = 0
+ # services = []
+ # for row in rows:
+ # children = row.getchildren()
+ # summary = children[0].text_content()
+ # id = children[1].text_content()
+ # uuid = children[2].text_content()
+ # if (len(id)) and id != "GATT Service UUID":
+ # services.append((id, summary, uuid))
+ # # sort
+ # services.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
- tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
- # get all elements in
- rows = tree.xpath('//table/tbody/tr')
- print("%-55s| %-30s| %s" % ('Specification Type', 'Specification Name', 'UUID'))
- print('-'*55 + '+-' + '-' * 30 + '+-' + '-'*10)
- maxlen_type = 0
- maxlen_name = 0
- services = []
- for row in rows:
- children = row.getchildren()
- summary = children[0].text_content()
- id = children[1].text_content()
- uuid = children[2].text_content()
- if (len(id)):
- services.append((id, summary, uuid))
- # sort
- services.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[1])
+ services = [
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.alert_notification', 'Alert Notification Service', '0x1811' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.automation_io', 'Automation IO', '0x1815' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.battery_service', 'Battery Service', '0x180F' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.blood_pressure', 'Blood Pressure', '0x1810' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.body_composition', 'Body Composition', '0x181B' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.bond_management', 'Bond Management Service', '0x181E' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.continuous_glucose_monitoring', 'Continuous Glucose Monitoring', '0x181F' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.current_time', 'Current Time Service', '0x1805' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.cycling_power', 'Cycling Power', '0x1818' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.cycling_speed_and_cadence', 'Cycling Speed and Cadence', '0x1816' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.device_information', 'Device Information', '0x180A' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.environmental_sensing', 'Environmental Sensing', '0x181A' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.fitness_machine', 'Fitness Machine', '0x1826' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.generic_access', 'Generic Access', '0x1800' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.generic_attribute', 'Generic Attribute', '0x1801' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.glucose', 'Glucose', '0x1808' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.http_proxy', 'HTTP Proxy', '0x1823' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.health_thermometer', 'Health Thermometer', '0x1809' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.heart_rate', 'Heart Rate', '0x180D' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.human_interface_device', 'Human Interface Device', '0x1812' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.immediate_alert', 'Immediate Alert', '0x1802' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.indoor_positioning', 'Indoor Positioning', '0x1821' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.insulin_delivery', 'Insulin Delivery', '0x183A' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.internet_protocol_support', 'Internet Protocol Support Service', '0x1820' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.link_loss', 'Link Loss', '0x1803' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.location_and_navigation', 'Location and Navigation', '0x1819' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.mesh_provisioning', 'Mesh Provisioning Service', '0x1827' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.mesh_proxy', 'Mesh Proxy Service', '0x1828' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.next_dst_change', 'Next DST Change Service', '0x1807' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.object_transfer', 'Object Transfer Service', '0x1825' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.phone_alert_status', 'Phone Alert Status Service', '0x180E' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.pulse_oximeter', 'Pulse Oximeter Service', '0x1822' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.reconnection_configuration', 'Reconnection Configuration', '0x1829' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.reference_time_update', 'Reference Time Update Service', '0x1806' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.running_speed_and_cadence', 'Running Speed and Cadence', '0x1814' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.scan_parameters', 'Scan Parameters', '0x1813' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.transport_discovery', 'Transport Discovery', '0x1824' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.tx_power', 'Tx Power', '0x1804' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.user_data', 'User Data', '0x181C' ),
+ ( 'org.bluetooth.service.weight_scale', 'Weight Scale', '0x181D' ),
+ ]
+ # pretty print
for service in services:
- if (len(id) > maxlen_type):
- maxlen_type = len(id)
- if (len(summary) > maxlen_name):
- maxlen_name = len(summary)
print("%-55s| %-30s| %s" % service)
+ # dump data
+ # print ('services = [')
+ # for service in services:
+ # print(' ( \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\' ),' % service)
+ # print("]")
def parse_properties(element):
properties = element.find('Properties')
property_list_human = []
@@ -97,7 +147,7 @@ def convert_service(fout, specification_type):
page = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
- print(page.content)
+ # print(page.content)
tree = ET.fromstring(page.content)
service_attributes = tree.attrib
except ET.ParseError: