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docs: update cc256x info

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Matthias Ringwald 2016-12-14 14:29:27 +01:00
parent 65aee4ee6a
commit 4f537631e3

@ -178,44 +178,39 @@ STMicroelectronics offers the Bluetooth V2.1 + EDR chipset STLC2500D that suppor
## Texas Instruments CC256x series
The Texas Instruments CC256x series is currently in its fourth iteration and provides a Classic-only (CC2560), a Dual-mode (CC2564), and a Classic + ANT model (CC2567). A variant of the Dual-mode chipset is also integrated into TI's WiLink 8 Wifi+Bluetooth combo modules of the WL183x, WL185x, WL187x, and WL189x series.
The Texas Instruments CC256x series is currently in its fourth iteration and provides a Classic-only (CC2560), a Dual-mode (CC2564), and a Classic + ANT (CC2567) model. A variant of the Dual-mode chipset is also integrated into TI's WiLink 8 Wifi+Bluetooth combo modules of the WL183x, WL185x, WL187x, and WL189x series.
The CC256x chipset is connected via an UART connection and supports the H4, H5 (since third iteration), and eHCILL.
The latest generation CC256xC chipsets support multiple LE roles in parallel.
The different CC256x chipset can be identified by the LMP Subversion returned by the *hci_read_local_version_information* command. TI also uses a numeric way (AKA) to identify their chipsets. The table shows the LMP Subversion and AKA number for the main CC256x series.
Chipset | LMP Subversion | AKA
CC2560 | 0x191f | 6.2.31
CC2560A, CC2564 | 0x1B0F | 6.6.15
CC256xB | 0x1B90 | 6.7.16
CC256xC | 0x9a1a | 6.12.26
**SCO data** is routed to the I2S/PCM interface but can be configured with the [HCI_VS_Write_SCO_Configuration](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_VS_HCI_Commands#HCI_VS_Write_SCO_Configuration_.280xFE10.29) command.
**Baud rate** can be set with [HCI_VS_Update_UART_HCI_Baudrate](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_VS_HCI_Commands#HCI_VS_Update_UART_HCI_Baudrate_.280xFF36.29). The chipset confirms the change with a command complete event after which the local UART is set to the new speed. Oddly enough, the CC256x chipsets ignore the incoming CTS line during this particular command complete response. If the MCU gets UART overrun errors in this situation, a work around could be to set a timer for 100 ms and ignore all incoming data (i.e. the command complete event) during that period. Then, after the timeout, the UART can be set to the new speed safely.
**BD Addr** can be set with [HCI_VS_Write_BD_Addr](2.2.1 HCI_VS_Write_BD_Addr (0xFC06)) although all chipsets have an official address stored.
**Init Scripts.** In order to use the CC256x chipset an initialization script must be obtained and converted into a C file for use with BTstack.
**Init Scripts.** In order to use the CC256x chipset an initialization script must be obtained and converted into a C file for use with BTstack. For newer revisions, TI provides a main.bts and a ble_add_on.bts that need to be combined.
The Makefile at *chipset/cc256x/Makefile* is able to automatically download and convert the requested file. It does this by:
The Makefile at *chipset/cc256x/Makefile.inc* is able to automatically download and convert the requested file. It does this by:
- Downloading one or more [BTS files](http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_Downloads) for your chipset.
- Running the Python script:
<!-- -->
./convert_bts_init_scripts.py main.bts [ble_add_on.bts] output_file.c
**Update:** For the latest revision of the CC256x chipsets, the CC2560B
and CC2564B, TI decided to split the init script into a main part and
the BLE part. The conversion script has been updated to detect
*bluetooth_init_cc256x_1.2.bts* and adds *BLE_init_cc256x_1.2.bts*
if present and merges them into a single .c file.
**Update 2:** In May 2015, TI renamed the init scripts to match
the naming scheme previously used on Linux systems. The conversion
script has been updated to also detect *initscripts_TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts*
and integrates *initscripts_TIInit_6.7.16_ble_add-on.bts* if present.
**Update 3:** The latest (v1.5) version of the init scripts for the third generation CC256xB are not availabe for direct download.
Same with v1.0 for then fourth generation CC256xC chipset.
**BTstack integration**: The common code for all CC256x chipsets is provided by *btstack_chipset_cc256x.c*. During the setup, *btstack_chipset_cc256x_instance* function is used to get a *btstack_chiopset_t* instance and passed to *hci_init* function.
**BTstack integration**: The common code for all CC256x chipsets is provided by *btstack_chipset_cc256x.c*. During the setup, *btstack_chipset_cc256x_instance* function is used to get a *btstack_chipset_t* instance and passed to *hci_init* function. *btstack_chipset_cc256x_lmp_subversion* provides the LMP Subversion for the selected init script.
SCO Data can be routed over HCI, so HFP Wide-Band Speech is supported.