hfp tested with mac und iphone, without generic indicators

This commit is contained in:
Milanka Ringwald 2015-07-17 14:58:57 +02:00
parent 9e60d66a64
commit 17c0eace3b
4 changed files with 83 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -121,27 +121,22 @@ int send_str_over_rfcomm(uint16_t cid, char * command){
return err;
void join(char * buffer, int buffer_size, int buffer_offset, uint8_t * values, int values_nr, int value_size){
int req_size = values_nr * (value_size + 1);
if (buffer_size - buffer_offset < req_size ) {
log_error("join: buffer too small (size: %u. req: %u)", buffer_size, req_size);
void join(char * buffer, int buffer_size, uint8_t * values, int values_nr){
if (buffer_size < values_nr * 3) return;
int i;
int offset = 0;
for (i = 0; i < values_nr-1; i++) {
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, buffer_size-offset, "%d,", values[i]); // puts string into buffer
int pos = buffer_offset;
int i,j,k;
k = 0;
for (i = 0; i < values_nr-1; i++){
for (j=0; j<value_size; j++){
buffer[pos++] = values[k++];
if (i<values_nr){
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, buffer_size-offset, "%d", values[i]);
buffer[pos++] = ',';
for (j=0; j<value_size; j++){
buffer[pos++] = values[k++];
buffer[pos] = '\0';
offset += snprintf(buffer+offset, buffer_size-offset, "\r\n");
buffer[offset] = 0;
static void hfp_emit_event(hfp_callback_t callback, uint8_t event_subtype, uint8_t value){
if (!callback) return;
uint8_t event[4];
@ -188,7 +183,7 @@ static hfp_connection_t * create_hfp_connection_context(){
context->state = HFP_IDLE;
context->line_size = 0;
context->negotiated_codec = HFP_Codec_CSVD;
context->negotiated_codec = HFP_Codec_CVSD;
context->remote_supported_features = 0;
context->remote_indicators_update_enabled = 0;
context->remote_indicators_nr = 0;

View File

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ linked_list_t * hfp_get_connections();
// TODO: move to utils
int send_str_over_rfcomm(uint16_t cid, char * command);
void join(char * buffer, int buffer_size, int buffer_offset, uint8_t * values, int values_nr, int value_size);
void join(char * buffer, int buffer_size, uint8_t * values, int values_nr);
const char * hfp_hf_feature(int index);
const char * hfp_ag_feature(int index);

View File

@ -75,16 +75,28 @@ static int get_bit(uint16_t bitmap, int position){
return (bitmap >> position) & 1;
int has_call_waiting_and_3way_calling_feature(hfp_connection_t * connection){
return get_bit(hfp_supported_features,1) && get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,0);
int has_codec_negotiation_feature(hfp_connection_t * connection){
return get_bit(hfp_supported_features,7) && get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,9);
int hf = get_bit(hfp_supported_features,7);
int ag = get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,9);
printf("\ncodec_negotiation_feature: HF %d, AG %d\n", hf, ag);
return hf && ag;
int has_call_waiting_and_3way_calling_feature(hfp_connection_t * connection){
int hf = get_bit(hfp_supported_features,1);
int ag = get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,0);
printf("\n3way_calling_feature: HF %d, AG %d\n", hf, ag);
return hf && ag;
int has_hf_indicators_feature(hfp_connection_t * connection){
return get_bit(hfp_supported_features,8) && get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,10);
int hf = get_bit(hfp_supported_features,8);
int ag = get_bit(connection->remote_supported_features,10);
printf("\nhf_indicators_feature: HF %d, AG %d\n", hf, ag);
return hf && ag;
static void packet_handler(void * connection, uint8_t packet_type, uint16_t channel, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size);
@ -114,8 +126,8 @@ int hfp_hs_exchange_supported_features_cmd(uint16_t cid){
int hfp_hs_retrieve_codec_cmd(uint16_t cid){
char buffer[30];
int buffer_offset = sprintf(buffer, "AT%s=", HFP_Available_Codecs);
join(buffer, sizeof(buffer), buffer_offset, hfp_codecs, hfp_codecs_nr, 1);
int buffer_offset = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "AT%s=", HFP_Available_Codecs);
join(buffer+buffer_offset, sizeof(buffer)-buffer_offset, hfp_codecs, hfp_codecs_nr);
// printf("retrieve_codec %s\n", buffer);
return send_str_over_rfcomm(cid, buffer);
@ -145,7 +157,7 @@ int hfp_hs_toggle_indicator_status_update_cmd(uint16_t cid, uint8_t activate){
int hfp_hs_retrieve_can_hold_call_cmd(uint16_t cid){
char buffer[20];
sprintf(buffer, "AT%s\r\n", HFP_Support_Call_Hold_And_Multiparty_Services);
sprintf(buffer, "AT%s=?\r\n", HFP_Support_Call_Hold_And_Multiparty_Services);
// printf("retrieve_can_hold_call %s\n", buffer);
return send_str_over_rfcomm(cid, buffer);
@ -153,8 +165,8 @@ int hfp_hs_retrieve_can_hold_call_cmd(uint16_t cid){
int hfp_hs_list_supported_generic_status_indicators_cmd(uint16_t cid){
char buffer[30];
int buffer_offset = sprintf(buffer, "AT%s=", HFP_Generic_Status_Indicator);
join(buffer, sizeof(buffer), buffer_offset, hfp_indicators, hfp_indicators_nr, 2);
int buffer_offset = snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "AT%s=", HFP_Generic_Status_Indicator);
join(buffer+buffer_offset, sizeof(buffer)-buffer_offset, hfp_indicators, hfp_indicators_nr);
// printf("list_supported_generic_status_indicators %s\n", buffer);
return send_str_over_rfcomm(cid, buffer);
@ -185,9 +197,13 @@ static void hfp_run_for_context(hfp_connection_t * connection){
if (!err) connection->state = HFP_W4_EXCHANGE_SUPPORTED_FEATURES;
if (has_codec_negotiation_feature(connection)){
err = hfp_hs_retrieve_codec_cmd(connection->rfcomm_cid);
if (!err) connection->state = HFP_W4_NOTIFY_ON_CODECS;
printf("fall through to HFP_RETRIEVE_INDICATORS (no codec feature)\n");
connection->state = HFP_RETRIEVE_INDICATORS;
err = hfp_hs_retrieve_indicators_cmd(connection->rfcomm_cid);
if (!err) connection->state = HFP_W4_RETRIEVE_INDICATORS;
@ -306,10 +322,38 @@ void hfp_parse_indicators_status(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, ui
void hfp_parse_comma_separated_tuple(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
char feature[5];
int i, pos;
int state = 0;
for (pos = 0; pos < size; pos++){
uint8_t byte = packet[pos];
switch (state){
case 0: // pre-feature
if (byte != '(') break;
i = 0;
case 1: // feature
if (byte == ',' || byte == ')'){
feature[i] = 0;
printf("call_hold_and_multiparty value: %s\n", feature);
i = 0;
if (byte == ')') state++;
feature[i++] = byte;
hfp_connection_t * handle_message(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, uint16_t size){
int offset = 0;
printf("Parsed %s, state %u\n", (char *)packet, context->state);
if (context->wait_ok){
if (strncmp((char *)packet, HFP_OK, strlen(HFP_OK)) == 0){
context->wait_ok = 0;
@ -326,7 +370,6 @@ hfp_connection_t * handle_message(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, u
context->state = HFP_ACTIVE;
printf(" state Active! \n");
@ -344,11 +387,7 @@ hfp_connection_t * handle_message(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, u
printf("AG supported feature: %s\n", hfp_ag_feature(i));
if (has_codec_negotiation_feature(context)){
context->state = HFP_NOTIFY_ON_CODECS;
} else {
context->wait_ok = 1;
return context;
@ -374,8 +413,8 @@ hfp_connection_t * handle_message(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, u
if (strncmp((char *)packet, HFP_Support_Call_Hold_And_Multiparty_Services, strlen(HFP_Support_Call_Hold_And_Multiparty_Services)) == 0){
offset = strlen(HFP_Support_Call_Hold_And_Multiparty_Services) + 1; // +1 for =
printf("AT+CHLD %s, offset %u, size %u\n", (char *)&packet[offset], offset, size);
hfp_parse_comma_separated_tuple(context, &packet[offset], size-offset);
context->wait_ok = 1;
return context;
@ -386,23 +425,19 @@ hfp_connection_t * handle_message(hfp_connection_t * context, uint8_t *packet, u
* 0x01 Enhanced Safety, on/off
* 0x02 Battery Level, 0-100
offset = strlen(HFP_Generic_Status_Indicator) + 1; // +1 for =
char * token = strtok((char*)&packet[offset], ",");
int pos = 0;
switch (context->state){
while (token){
printf("%s\n", token);
context->remote_hf_indicators[pos++] = atoi(token);
token = strtok(NULL, ",");
context->remote_hf_indicators_nr = pos;
printf("Supported generic status indicators \n");
hfp_parse_comma_separated_tuple(context, &packet[offset], size-offset);
context->remote_hf_indicators_status = 0;
printf("Supported initial state generic status indicators \n");
char * token = strtok((char*)&packet[offset], ",");
uint16_t indicator = atoi(token);
int status = atoi(strtok(NULL, ","));
if (!status) break;

View File

@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int btstack_main(int argc, const char * argv[]){
// hfp_hf_init(rfcomm_channel_nr, HFP_Default_HF_Supported_Features, codecs, sizeof(codecs), indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(uint16_t), 1);
hfp_hf_init(rfcomm_channel_nr, 0x0009, codecs, sizeof(codecs), indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(uint16_t), 1);
hfp_hf_init(rfcomm_channel_nr, 182, codecs, sizeof(codecs), indicators, sizeof(indicators)/sizeof(uint16_t), 1);