2015-05-21 19:13:53 +02:00
# Makefile to download and convert .bts files from
# http://processors.wiki.ti.com/index.php/CC256x_Downloads
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
BASE_URL = https :// git . ti . com / ti - bt / service - packs / blobs / raw / a027ae390d8790e56e1c78136c78fe6537470e91
2016-05-20 11:13:49 +02:00
CONVERSION_SCRIPT = $ ( BTSTACK_ROOT ) / chipset / cc256x / convert_bts_init_scripts . py
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
# first generation CC2560 - TIInit_6.2.31.bts part of .zip archive
CC2560_BT_SP_BTS . zip :
curl - O http :// processors . wiki . ti . com / images / d / da / CC2560_BT_SP_BTS . zip
bluetooth_init_cc2560_2 . 44. bts : CC2560_BT_SP_BTS . zip
unzip CC2560_BT_SP_BTS . zip
mv CC2560_BT_SP_BTS / bluetooth_init_cc2560_2 . 44. bts .
rm - rf CC2560_BT_SP_BTS
# second generation CC2560A and CC2564 - TIInit_6.6.15.bts part of .zip archive
CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS . zip :
curl - O http :// processors . wiki . ti . com / images / e / e7 / CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS . zip
CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS . zip :
curl - O http :// processors . wiki . ti . com / images / 1 / 1 e / CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS . zip
bluetooth_init_cc2560A_2 . 14. bts : CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS . zip
unzip CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS . zip
mv CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS / bluetooth_init_cc2560a_2 . 14. bts .
rm - rf CC2560A_BT_SP_BTS
bluetooth_init_cc2564_2 . 14. bts : CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS . zip
unzip CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS . zip
mv CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS / bluetooth_init_cc2564_2 . 14. bts .
rm - rf CC2564_BT_BLE_SP_BTS
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
# third generation CC256xB - TIInit_6.6.16.bts part of .zip archive
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
# versioned files for v1.2 from now unmaintained TI Git Repo
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts :
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts :
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
BLE_init_cc2564B_1 . 2. bts :
2015-05-21 19:13:53 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / BLE_init_cc2564B_1 . 2. bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
# unversioned files for v1.4 from now unmaintained TI Git Repo
2016-05-20 11:13:49 +02:00
TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts :
curl - O https :// git . ti . com / ti - bt / service - packs / blobs / raw / 54 f5c151dacc608b19ab2ce4c30e27a3983048b2 / initscripts / TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts :
2016-05-20 11:13:49 +02:00
curl - O https :// git . ti . com / ti - bt / service - packs / blobs / raw / 89 c8db14929f10d75627b132690432cd71f5f54f / initscripts / TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
# unversioned files for v1.5 from TI Download Center - requires log-in and accepting export restrictions
initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts :
@ echo " Please download the Service Pack for the CC256xB from http://www.ti.com/tool/cc256xb-bt-sp and place 'initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_bt_spec_4.1.bts' in this folder "
@ exit 10
initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts :
@ echo " Please download the Service Pack for the CC256xB from http://www.ti.com/tool/cc256xb-bt-sp and place 'initscripts-TIInit_6.7.16_ble_add-on.bts' in this folder "
@ exit 10
# fourth generation CC256xC - TIInit_6.12.26.bts part of .zip archive
# unversioned files for v1.0 from TI Download Center - requires log-in and accepting export restrictions
initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 . bts :
@ echo " Please download the Service Pack for the CC256xC from http://www.ti.com/tool/cc256xc-bt-sp and place 'initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26.bts' in this folder "
@ exit 10
initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 _ble_add - on . bts :
@ echo " Please download the Service Pack for the CC256xC from http://www.ti.com/tool/cc256xc-bt-sp and place 'initscripts-TIInit_6.12.26_ble_add-on.bts' in this folder "
@ exit 10
2016-05-20 11:13:49 +02:00
# WL chipset
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
TIInit_11 . 8.32 . bts :
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / TIInit_11 . 8.32 . bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
TIInit_12 . 10.28 . bts :
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / TIInit_12 . 10.28 . bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
TIInit_12 . 8.32 . bts :
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
curl - O $ ( BASE_URL ) / TIInit_12 . 8.32 . bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
# convert to .c files
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
bluetooth_init_cc2560_2 . 44. c : bluetooth_init_cc2560_2 . 44. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2560A_2 . 14. c : bluetooth_init_cc2560A_2 . 14. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2564_2 . 14. c : bluetooth_init_cc2564_2 . 14. bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 2_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts BLE_init_cc2564B_1 . 2. bts
2016-05-20 11:13:49 +02:00
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts
cp TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts
cp TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
cp TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts BLE_init_cc2564B_1 . 4. bts
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c : initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _bt_spec_4 . 1. bts bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. bts
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 7.16 _ble_add - on . bts BLE_init_cc2564B_1 . 5. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2560C_1 . 0. c : initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 . bts
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 . bts bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1 . 0. bts
bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1 . 0. c : initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 . bts initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 _ble_add - on . bts
2016-12-13 21:41:47 +01:00
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 . bts bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1 . 0. bts
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
cp initscripts - TIInit_6 . 12.26 _ble_add - on . bts BLE_init_cc2564C_1 . 0. bts
2015-05-02 18:46:20 +02:00
TIInit_11 . 8.32 . c : TIInit_11 . 8.32 . bts
TIInit_12 . 10.28 . c : TIInit_12 . 10.28 . bts
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
TIInit_12 . 8.32 . c : TIInit_12 . 8.32 . bts
2015-05-02 00:38:11 +02:00
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
2016-12-13 15:47:10 +01:00
all - scripts : \
bluetooth_init_cc2560_2 . 44. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2560A_2 . 14. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2564_2 . 14. bts \
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 4_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2560B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2564B_1 . 5_ BT_Spec_4 . 1. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2560C_1 . 0. c \
bluetooth_init_cc2564C_1 . 0. c \
TIInit_11 . 8.32 . c \
TIInit_12 . 10.28 . c \
TIInit_12 . 8.32 . c \
2016-05-20 10:36:17 +02:00
clean - scripts :
rm - fr CC256 *. zip bluetooth_init_cc256 *. bts bluetooth_init_cc256 *. c TIInit_ *. bts TIInit_ *. c BLE_init_cc256 *. bts BLE_init_cc256 *. c